Genesis Chapter 22 Summary and What God Wants From Us

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welcome back to the Bible says what today I am going to summarize Genesis chapter 22 where God tested Abraham with a great test some time later when Isaac was likely a teenager God called for Abraham Abraham answered God said take your son whom you love Isaac and sacrifice him as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you early the next morning Abraham got up and loaded his donkey with wood and took Isaac and two of his servants then they set out for the mountain God told him about they traveled for many days on the third day Abraham looked and saw the mountain where he was to kill his son he told his servants to stay with the donkey and he would go up the mountain with Isaac Abraham made Isaac carry the wood but he carried the fire in the knife as they walked on Isaac spoke up he was wondering something he asked his dad where the lamb for the sacrifice was Abraham I'm sure cried a little while he told Isaac that God would provide the lamb then they continued on when they reached the place that God told Abraham about he stopped and built an altar there and arranged the wood then he grabbed his son tied him up and put Isaac on top of the wood pile his son looked at him in fear when he raised the knife to the sky suddenly there was a voice from heaven saying stop the Lord yelled for Abraham telling him not to lay a hand on the boy the Lord said now I know you fear me and you have not even held back your only son whom you love Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns in a thicket and substituted it for his son after he killed and burned the RAM Abraham called that place the Lord will provide to this day there is a saying on the mountain of the Lord it will be provided the Lord again called to Abraham and said I swear by myself because you have done this and have not withheld the son you love I will surely bless you and make your descendants great they will take possession of their enemy's cities all nations on earth will be blessed because you obeyed me then Abraham returned to his servants and they went back to Beersheba there's a small off-topic paragraph in the Bible here where Moses listed off Abraham's nephews one of note was Beth Hoole who was Rebecca's father this is important because Rebecca would be Isaac's wife the most important verse in this chapter is genesis 22:8 which states and abraham said my son God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering so they went both of them together God did indeed provide a lamb for Abraham and he provided a lamb for the rest of us as well the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world the thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is the fact that Abraham obeyed God even when he thought it was going to be painful we see in other passages of Scripture what Abraham was thinking he understood and believed that God could do anything he wants at any time he wants and Abraham knew that God told him that through Isaac the promises would be fulfilled so abraham reasoned that god was going to raise isaac from the dead somehow and resurrect him we also see what God was thinking from other passages of Scripture God saw Abraham's faith and obedience and said he credited that to Abraham as righteousness a younger Abraham lied and deceived people because he didn't trust that God would protect him now however Abraham was willing to give it all away and he surrendered it all we would do well to emulate the more mature Abraham have you ever surrendered your life to the Lord repent for your sin and turn to Jesus for salvation today so you don't have to pay the price yourself trust that God provided the lamb to take away your sin God loves you and he wants you to accept his free gift ask the Lord to forgive you and save you he wants to give you his perfection trust that what Jesus did on the cross was to pay for your sin ransom and believe that the father raised Jesus from the dead make the choice to be saved today hey thanks for watching if you enjoyed this episode please give it a thumbs up subscribe share it with somebody see you next time
Channel: The Bible Says What?!?!
Views: 6,924
Rating: 4.9172416 out of 5
Keywords: Genesis chapter 22, chapter, summary, chapter summary, devotion, genesis chapter, gospel, God, what does God want, from me, important, most important, bibie, bible study, Jesus, Christ, Jesus Christ, messiah, jewish messiah, savior, world, salvation, save, fail, sin, original sin, creation, creationism, adam and eve, death, murder, suicide, awesome, nephilim, giants, fallen angel, serpent, satan, satan worship, Jesus crushed Satan
Id: 0OYi1XZNoL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2016
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