Generative Fill for Videos | Make Fake Sets With This AI Tool | Aasil Khan

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this studio where I'm sitting is not real I'm actually sitting in my bedroom this scene has multiple generated layers stagged on top of each other to achieve this effect all this is possible because of photoshop's new generative fill Adobe just launched generative fill in Adobe Photoshop 2024 and the possibilities are endless you can get any look that you want maybe a bike on your left a painting on the wall or even a chopper on the right you can use it to get a medium a wide and even an ultra wide shot you can use it to remove unwanted objects convert your vertical videos to horizontal videos convert a boring scene to an exciting Studio it can also be used to merge two images plus it's a money saver as you don't need to buy expensive props or rent a fancy studio all you need is a tripod a camera and good lighting after that open the clip in Premier Pro export a still frame open that still frame in Photoshop select the area you want to generate a new object in write a good prompt and that's it open that image again in Premier Pro and stack it on top of each other using this the possibilities are endless the only limitation is your imagination we are just scratching the surface with this tool and still discovering ways to use it in this video I'll talk you through all the uses and benefit and also the limitation of this tool I'll also show you how people are making money using this tool so starting with Benefits you can add extend or remove content from a image using simple text prompts for example I don't like the curtain at the back I can just go to photoshop select the area and click on generate and it will remove it for me another example is I can have a plant here or maybe a coffee cup or maybe some books but you have to understand that it doesn't always get it right sometimes it can get confused and you have to put a really detailed prompt to get it right and also go through multiple options the results can look really fake and unnatural at times so it's very important that you you have a good lighting and also that the camera is on a tripod so the objects don't move around so now coming to generative fill for videos it does not really work for moving videos as of now to get a good result you would have to keep your camera on a tripod also you should not use it for moving objects and moving body parts yeah there's a simple camera movement in the shot you can use Adobe After Effects to track the fill but yeah again it's not very convenient right now generative fill for videos is not very convenient as you would have to generate it in Photoshop then stack it all together in Premier Pro and also track it in after effect but Adobe is working on generative fill for videos right now and maybe in couple of years it will be integrated inside of Premier Pro which will make it really convenient so in the next couple of years we might see a lot of innovation in this field another thing to really sell this effect in videos I would suggest adding a camera zoom in along with sound effects which will help it look professional so now let's talk about how you can use this tool in your dayto today projects and make money from it first using it to create product images and photo manipulation this tool makes it very easy for you to create beautiful product videos and also manipulate photos in just few clicks people are already selling these services on platforms like Fiverr this Market is fairly new with a lot of opportunities second you can use it to make landscape videos to Vertical videos for your clients and also for yourself so you know sometimes you have this landscape YouTube video which you want to post on Instagram but there is this black are on the top and bottom So to avoid that you scale in on the video but that doesn't look very good so you can extend the top and bottom to make the scene really interesting you're not only filling in a blank space that looks bad but also adding something meaningful and attractive after that you can use it to remove unwanted objects from your videos again if the video has a camera movement you can go to after effects after generating the fill and then 3D track it to make it look natural and the last one this might be really helpful for a lot of people to create a medium wide and an ultra white shot you can cut between all three to hook the attention of your viewers also it makes you stand out and look professional for example you might have sh your video in 1080P you can export a still frame from premium Pro open that in Photoshop then change the canvas size to 8K and then slowly build up the scene once done you can import that in premium Pro and now you can cut between medium wide and Ultra wide shots so yes the uses are endless and as I said we are yet to see the full potential of this tool clients are always looking for people who are upto-date and Innovative so I would really suggest that you learn this tool and use it in your videos and maybe charge some extra money for it this is a really powerful tool and it's already changing how we do things in the industry previously if you had to create a scene like this you would have to hire a mad painter or a professional VFX artist but now anyone with adob Photoshop can do it artificial intelligence is already here and if you don't adapt quickly you will be left behind let me know in the comments if you want me to make a video about other AI tools for video editors make sure you like this video and also subscribe if you found this content helpful and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Aasil Khan
Views: 2,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6683ve0W68U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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