Generative AI in Healthcare: Current and Future Applications

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hello good morning everyone this is Dr Eric Bricker and thank you for watching a healthcare Z today's training topic is generative AI in healthcare so so let's spend the rest of this conversation talking about Healthcare applications for AI and I wanted to focus on applications that are literally being done like right now or starting to be done right now I mean you could probably think of all sorts of Pie in the Sky things that you can do so this is not meant to be an exhaustive list but these are things that are being done right now that in my opinion are incredibly helpful uh in healthcare so one is documentation okay so there is gods and gobs of documentation that Healthcare professionals have to do in the doctor's office in the hospital you name it so the doctors says the occupational therapist the respiratory therapist amen it's like you just spent so much time reputation it's like unreal so with that 62 percent of doctors time is spent with the electronic medical record not with the patient Okay so there actually is today a way for the generative AI so like you've got the note right the note has to communicate you know it's a legal record it has to communicate to other Healthcare professionals or other doctors like what's actually transpired during the office visit um it can be shared with the patient so that the patient can see it's used for billing purposes to justify the billing that's performed now today like literally We compare ambient listening devices so like I can just I Dr Bricker can have a a visit with Joe and Jane and that you can have just a microphone sort of like an Amazon Echo in the room and it can just like listen to the conversation and then has voice recognition and natural language processing so it knows that like my voices the doctor's voice and that the patient's voices the patient and then it can use generative AI because that has learned how to create a note in the style and the format that Physicians create notes it has to have like a history has to have a chief complaint it has to have a history it has different sections his chief complaint history of present illness past medical history family history social history Etc and it can just listen to the office visit and it can create the note so you don't have to spend all this all this time writing the note how incredibly helpful is that that is like the coolest thing ever now this is done today deep scribe is a company that literally does this today they're doing it at Stanford and at the Texas Medical Center down in Houston now I have no connection with deep scribe but it literally saves three hours a day day and it only cost 1 6 the cost of a human scribe I mean there are some Physicians that use scribes like literally a person all they do is is come with a laptop and they just sit there and type the note so that the doctor doesn't have to do that and so you can you can save three hours a day for a doctor I mean that is unreal okay next up prior authorizations this is one of the first things that came out um when Chan gbt came out is that a doctor in Florida who's a rheumatologist said huh what if I'd put in a prompt of write a letter to United Healthcare asking them to approve an echocardiogram on a patient with systemic sclerosis which is a aromatic disease that causes your skin and your soft tissues to harden and make reference to supporting scientific literature and list the appropriate articles and guess what it did it in like a second so doctors today have to do this by hand they've got to write a letter dear United Healthcare I would like to have an echocardiogram for John or Jane Doe they've got systemic sclerosis this is why I wanted to be done here's why echocardiograms are clinically Justified here's some references I mean it takes a ton of time and he just said hey could you just do this for me and then of course everything in healthcare has to be done by facts so we take this amazing new technology and then we have to transmit it to the health insurance company via fax machine but the point is is that it can do it in fact doximity has a beta version of this that they are using right now uh and again I have no connection to doximity now it's important to note that there are certain limitations here so like chat GPT is not actively connected to the internet in fact chat GPT was pre-trained on the internet pre-2021 so there's a lot of like standards of care and a lot of things in the medical literature and a lot of things that can be justified for prior authorization where information as of pre-2021 is totally okay but just note that if there are like newer studies that come out or newer articles or what have you if it's from 2021 or later it's not going to show up because chat gbt was not trained on that now um the rheumatologist in Florida also said look when you see those references you also need to double check them as well um so that um there was actually a case of an attorney um that used chat GPT and apparently the um AI actually even made up this made up the sources uh it made up the cases um these cases did not exist so certainly it's not perfect so you're going to want to um but but when he read the clinical justification for like why it should be done he's like oh that's totally right now another thing that AI can be used for is to search and this is a personal favorite of mine is to search and plan Dot so everybody so a lot of people here work in health and and like the planned documents I mean it I mean it's obviously all in PDFs these days but you know back when they used to print them out I mean they're like this thick and then also um and that describes like what your insurance covers and what it doesn't cover and how it covers it like what's your deductible what's your coinsurance like how does it cover durable medical uh equipment and it's got gobs and gobs of fine print in there now there's also medical policy which is even more layers of fine print which is hey your health insurance plan will pay for this medical procedure in this situation but it won't pay for the same medical procedure in a different situation and I've uh I have a whole nother uh training session on medical policy and its source of denials and it's incredibly long and complicated me as a physician I have a super hard time understanding this so like your typical like a lay person or plan member they would have no clue how to read and interpret this plus you'd have to go through these pages and pages and pages that are not easily searchable to find the information that you need but you can have ai you can just ask AI a question about a document and it'll go through the document and it'll answer that question for you and there is a software tool that's called Unriddle AI that reads PDFs and you can just type in queries or you can just ask it to summarize it for you and you can use it for free for a document up to 120 pages and you can do four queries a month for free now if you want to upgrade it you can do up to four thousand page documents and you can do 250 queries a month for fifty dollars a month again I have no connection to under Unriddle AI but if you were working as a let's say an account manager as a brokerage firm and let's say your client is like hey all right you know I've got or even if you work in benefits in HR and you've got an employee that's like hey you know can I do you know my out my health insurance is saying it doesn't cover this or whatever you're like I don't even know if our plan does or does not cover that instead of you having to Rifle through the planned document to the medical policy you could just use Unriddle AI to be like hey for our Blue Cross United policy does it cover you know echocardiograms for 17 year olds who had one episode of palpitations while playing soccer and like it'll shoot out an answer for you um now interestingly um it can also search medical records and so there's actually a partnership between the Mayo Clinic and Google that was just announced on June 7th of this year 2023 where uh Mayo is going to take you know de-identified patient data and they're going to allow Google's um generative AI to then look through those medical records and that would be extremely helpful as well because doctors and you know clinicians we have to do what's we call it um sort of um the slang term for it is a chart biopsy where you know you've got these complex patients that have gobs of gobs of previous visits or their Hospital stay might already be a month long and you're just coming on to be consulted as the cardiologist or what have you and you're like oh man I gotta spend all this time looking through their medical record whereas literally you could just use the AI to be like hey could you summarize their state for me or could you tell me specifically what happened with this particular like I know the guy had had a cardiac calf but can you just find that in there and let me know what happened in the cardiac half so the effectiveness and the accuracy of the chart biopsy of actually looking through those charts could be tremendously better especially in the ER right because in the ER you don't have time to look through all this stuff right so the patients would come into the ER and the ER doctor would look at their medical record that I was already in the system and they're like oh man I can't keep this straight there's no way I can figure all this out it's an emergency whereas they could actually just use the AI to like very quickly answer like what they would need to know from the huge medical record I mean that would be unbelievable
Channel: AHealthcareZ - Healthcare Finance Explained
Views: 16,661
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Id: 3OGpbWLQQbo
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Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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