Generation Zero Just Got a MASSIVE Update with Base Building & Angrier Machines - Resistance Update

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oh dude it's so beautiful yeah they updated all the visuals they made it clearer from what i'm aware yeah this is what happened over here [ __ ] gorgeous whoa wait alien crash shot hey wait wait wait wait we gotta figure out dude priorities we'll check this out but we need to figure out what oh yeah so apparently i did base building i have no idea how it works yeah you got to build a base and survive all the zombies remember when it first released and it was a little bit blessed no when it first released it did not look anywhere near as beautiful as this did oh no no no clearly this is updated but i think i feel like when it released you and i both were like in awe about how good the game looked okay okay how do we do the base building i thought you would know i literally told myself i'm going in blind because icy will know everything watch this [ __ ] where's the [ __ ] dude there's hunters over there as well be careful oh oh god oh god no no no no not necessary not necessary don't leave us alone just leave him alone it's not leaving us alone no we will it will oh my god yeah alone johnny murder just run that you're really gonna lead them to the last survivors of the humans no we've completed them i do not care about these characters anymore they are the last human survivors no we are the last human surviving and i'm okay with that you are such an [ __ ] to these people goddamn holy oh [ __ ] we shouldn't be here i remember this we're over by schlatten dude this is the bad place where are we actually over by sutton we're over by shine there's an apocalypse tank all right here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna run straight out we're gonna go see ya they added apocalypse tanks here like it wasn't hard enough last time did you guys spot it oh oh yeah i've been spotted don't worry about it we're just running oh there's apocalypse oh you're poisoned i'm poisoned too dude my skin is gonna start falling off it's gonna it's gonna be bad that's [ __ ] up man dude look at the burnt down trees holy [ __ ] we're worried about this giant robot okay i'm coming i'm coming no i said incoming i'm coming man jeez oh my god dude what was that that was a missile my friend oh oh my god dude we got to go to [ __ ] mordor oh jesus oh [ __ ] [Music] what the hell is that it's not like a missile oh [ __ ] that is a sniper dude oh my god i don't know where the oh there he is it's like sniping [ __ ] missiles at us it's a military variant [Music] did you just shoot no never well we're here we're here we're here yeah yeah yeah this is where we need to be fight them distract them i'll grab the stuff i'll do it oh god oh like that how oh god oh god open the [ __ ] door open that door you all right no no no no one's dead oh my god oh lord and lord alone [Music] oh god i got 80 80 bird shots left this guy really wants to kill me nice there's another one there hold on there you go you're clear shotgun shotgun for the win oh uh he [ __ ] fires missiles yeah it's a phoenix variant nice if once isolated survivor groups are able to get in contact with each other range playgrounds share skills life wouldn't be any only about sabotaging playing anymore retrieve the c4 and lauren clearing what are you doing what i was dancing [ __ ] judging me little [ __ ] all right where are we going where's this phone clearing oh excuse me uh did you hear the horn on that thing you're gonna go we're not fighting it you want to fight it okay i mean i have limited ammo my guy all right look at this up yeah yep yep yep you are no we're not fighting that no no no no no you're so dumb i think we need to clear out all the enemies from here in order to pick it up oh god oh my god harvester is gonna function bad people there's bad people in here yeah yeah all right getting getting gonna get in holy crap there's a lot of dead people i got the c4 okay good i'm taking all their stuff oh my god you okay that was loud that also hurt a lot dude uh okay we gotta make a break for it uh throw it a flare i don't have any bound to it i don't have any boundaries you're [ __ ] dead revive yourself i might die you don't have use your specialization perk i don't have are you the one that was specialized in that oh my god it's over pick me up i can't i'm gonna you have the specialization right but that only works for myself get the [ __ ] out throw it okay don't laugh go oh jesus christ i'm leaving see ya mark where we need to go i'm out i'm i'm out i'm out blair's right no no no no no no no no no no no no that hunter is not done jesus oh he is dumb actually oh [ __ ] this guy's not dumb that was close yeah i felt i felt the clinch on that one what is this it's a phoenix command center yeah we gotta take it over are you for [ __ ] okay enemies get me covered oh god hunters dude oh [ __ ] i'm trying okay dude we are going to need some flares right now nice incoming incoming oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we broke the wall oh my god what is happening yeah yeah i can't hear you brother yeah oh there's a [ __ ] face holy [ __ ] we need to stop breaking these walls homie oh [ __ ] 20 seconds it's just c4 why is it why is the game trying to make it seem like oh god because people make the big [ __ ] off explosion this is a fine this is over oh that was the guy did man give me bullets did it explode oh there it is oh there we go that was weird see that's oh wow what oh my god the entire base is gone yeah but you didn't see how it went no i didn't know what you look like dude okay so you remember ocarina of time right you played it okay do you remember how gannon's castle goes down it just starts into the ground it doesn't crumble yeah that's exactly what happened to every single wall so this is where we get to build our base oh my god here we are truck here now holy [ __ ] okay what's the defense resistance machine gun pill box yeah but we don't actually get a machine gun in it how do you know because it doesn't have a machine gun in it yeah you don't you don't know that yeah we definitely need to get a storage crate up here for one okay we need to figure out how to find wood logs easy we need to find out how to find anything uh here i'll give you some wood yeah whatever i need for walls and [ __ ] there you go all right that should be enough for you to build some malls how far do you want the walls to be built uh we could do like a double layered wall in case one breaks down i think i think we should do so the outer wall should be a big wall so maybe there will be a here holy [ __ ] jesus christ damn oh wait is it more damn to the grid's coming out got it there's a oh there's a gap in this one oh it's automated what what's automated the machine gun pillbox wait are you kidding it's automated well you can see the machine gun waving back and forth oh it's the walter white gun [ __ ] yeah the what oh that's perfect uh okay so i wanna deconstruct this and this oh another gate okay but it only opens for us right yeah yeah yeah wait don't don't isn't there like a wa a watch tower there's literally a large fire's threat yeah hunting tower i got you i got you homie when i deconstruct stuff does it give you the resource that's funny because it might be my resources to begin with okay so where should i put this right by the gate uh oh back here no back here because this is the only area that doesn't have my ridiculous setup yes that's great oh wow yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah shut the [ __ ] up holy [ __ ] [ __ ] you're annoying god damn it's like i'm dealing with a goddamn baby oh shut up oh we got pill box there so should we have a pill box here to cover this side i think it'd be a good idea all right are we just doing medium what do you want to do i want to fight right now uh i think i might actually shoot some of this stuff i feel like shooting over that top kind of uh was hitting the tires of the walls dude our pill box is almost broken now i don't know how to repair it whoa what the [ __ ] right protect resistance command center prepare before the next enemy wave starts 25 seconds how many waves i don't know you selected medium so far the waves have been pretty easy though it was just one wave so far two waves i had to deal with a wave by myself no you did not i've literally [ __ ] had my headphones on i've heard constant enemies did i have to deal with a wave by myself no okay just because it was the s this is the second wave that's starting right now it literally says it in the top left yes uh well i had to deal with halfway through the machine second wave i had to deal with half a week it literally says up top destroy the machine's second wave and you are a piece of [ __ ] it doesn't say that i'm stopped oh [ __ ] i gotta reload yeah there you go see this is why you need me [ __ ] god i hate you sometimes yeah i don't know where you got second wave from because it was a whole new group of enemies that came from a different direction holy [ __ ] i got you brother oh you're you're not dead holy broker wall build one the quick that it broke her wall that easily oh we don't have resources it was a giant missile [Music] okay maybe medium was like questionable there we go see now that oh god no it's over by bridge over by bridge has a rival over by bridge yeah that's so stupid okay okay so that was wave number two how many waves are there i don't know it just says minute 40 to the next one i'm assuming they want us to rebuild we don't have resources we have nothing this is a yeah ride or die i need to go loot these corpses oh i just got a key card for something another one another one [Laughter] like rebuilding the walls i have everything i possibly can right now no have you seen this oh my god you could just walk right through that we can but the bigger enemies that's true yeah they're gonna they're going to send a tank 100 oh yeah they're there [ __ ] them up all right i'm going out i'm going out never mind i can't [ __ ] get out everybody's dead oh [ __ ] oh i was on the other side i'm coming uh yeah okay it works it works they can't get through the lights are you serious [ __ ] genius hold on dead dead jesus christ that hurt dead there we go all right we're good we're good next next about halfway through hunter is dead i'm in tanks sorry oh god oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh i gotta heal i gotta heal eat them eat the meat oh [ __ ] our lights are barely holding them a bit i can't believe that so what oh [ __ ] all right reload reload reload cover me reloading reloading i can't cover you i'm ready oh god oh [ __ ] oh my god ow okay yeah yeah reloading again yeah got it got it back then shotgun oh wait what no what wait is all of our [ __ ] going it broke our recycling box oh we got to do some hacking what is this the virus takes tanks we could have done a hard dude it took all those resources to build those things and they're all gone yeah but we could have we could have done better dude that was way too easy now imagine if we had regular experimental consumables you've acquired a schematic to craft a powerful experimental consumable i didn't get that require a lot of crafting resources but will offer generous improvement to your offensive and defensive oh what did we get where'd you get that from i don't know i guess beating this i didn't get one that's because you [ __ ] super only sent a regular tank should we try hard i don't have i mean i could check my bullets hold on but we have no base we don't have a base i know but i mean they were basically just walking through anyway i got slugs bird and buck i can do it with shoddy i'm gonna go up close and personal only [ __ ] shoddy just something to block us in oh i'm i'm actually placing lights here like here you settle oh [ __ ] here we go yep already oh i just got a ton of ammo never mind [ __ ] over here oh this is hard we're dying off the military this time and boom one dead two dead all right oh [ __ ] nice shot okay cool wave two's coming oh we lost the walls it's not wave two we're still waiting one wave one all right three seconds ah oh my god what the [ __ ] is a shotgun dude they should have stopped me shooting them i don't know i don't know what's happening because i've been sharing their response and every time i i killed one you're like dude this show no because because i'm sure i'm shooting them and the the shotgun shoots like sticky grenades pretty much oh yeah no the the shotgun in this is amazing oh [ __ ] incoming incoming our [ __ ] storage box is damaged dude that's bad it has been yes it is bad all right well don't let it work oh over here we go hunter dead one more hunter over here oh god tank tank tank tank yes i said tank i can't hear you you know i can't hear you holy oh i love the sound of it dying dude look at this gun third wave third wave third wave no no wave two no third wave nope another wave oh what what the [ __ ] take it i thought you were gonna be there damn the pillbox is nice yeah we had an entire base of nothing but pillbox i don't think we'd lose it's infinite ammo to the uh oh perfect timing i'm big west side west side got it oh my god oh holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are they firing oh i got this whatever it is it really [ __ ] hurts there's no tank nice oh then blowing up near the wall destroys the wall okay little shits oh god they're in the beak they're in the bank i could use the hand over here okay i don't think slugs are actually doing anything hold on buddy i got this [ __ ] hunter oh my god i'm dead oh our base is blowing house homie all right hunter's dead oh good our base is less than half health we got it it's regenerating though is it okay good all right i'm gonna leave the pill box to deal with the enemies back there we gotta take care of the ones i've run here i don't know what this is oh giant hunter with a sniper oh my god okay look out for the hunter or the tank wherever it's coming from tank might be under the next subway if it might not be in this wave like this all right this guy should be dead jesus christ how many bullets oh there we go oh god all right how many waves are in hard i don't know maybe five oh my god we might die well i mean our base is regenerating his health yeah but i don't have to ah maybe incoming incoming it wasn't 45 seconds it was we were just clearly not okay let's do this okay whatever gun you have is just destroying them reload oh [ __ ] i told him i shot his gun off [Music] uh oh big tank the dead tank is moving for some reason this is attacked [Music] you're down holy [ __ ] just die [Music] firing i'm just oh my god things oh there we go holy [ __ ] could you imagine if one of our rivals showed up for hard difficulty that would be bold that's what i was expecting oh my god well that was it that was that was the entire new update it was good [ __ ] brother we totally do that with 100 skill and not because we have overpowered experimental weapons to be fair i was kicking ass with this sniper oh yeah dude although my little wave by yourself i'm proud of you
Channel: IGP
Views: 543,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation zero, generation zero resistance, generation zero resistance update, generation zero igp, igp, generation zero gameplay, generation zero update, generation zero resistance update bases, generation zero base building, generation zero best base, generation zero new update, generation zero base building update, generation zero best moments, generation zero funny moments, generation zero multiplayer, generation zero co op, horror games, generation zero game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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