Generate your own Cisco Viptela Serial Files with Cisco PnP Connect

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hi everyone my name is John Spindler with not layer-3 and today we're going to be diving in to how to generate the Vitelli serial file that's necessary to create your own SD we in lab particularly the one that you're going to be using in the hestian channel so before we get started I just wanted to go over something that's pretty exciting to me now that three has a brand new website a brand new logo and we've rebranded we are trying to take some money and invest in the aesthetics of our website so that you guys are nice and cozy when you come here and watch your training so we absolutely love all the feedback with that we get we absolutely taken into consideration and we're trying to just provide the best learning experience so if you haven't got a chance head over to Nellore 3com check it out pretty cool stuff but let's just dive right in so in order to generate the serial file you're going to have two prerequisites or two things that you need in place one you're gonna have to have a Cisco account and then two you're gonna have to have a smart account and there's plenty of documentation online for you to figure out how to do that today because we want to make this a really quick video specifically on generating the serial file and sort of what's involved with that process we're gonna go ahead and assume that you've taken care of those two things so we're gonna head over to Cisco comm it just so happens that I am already logged in but if I wasn't here would be where you go to create your account and login and just to save time because no one wants to watch me fumble through the Cisco comm website I'm gonna go ahead to a special link called software Cisco comm and this one pretty much brings you right at the front door of where we need to play today so as you can see I am signed in my smart account and here is my smart account here so we are ready to rock and roll if you don't have one you would also come here and request a smart account you have to fill out some information and there will be an email validation process but it's pretty straightforward and if you're motivated enough I'm sure you'll take so now that I'm already logged in I'm gonna go ahead and select plug-and-play connect so as you can see here this says default but you can actually have multiple virtual accounts within your smart account so that would be like in an instance if you were a service provider or you know you were doing su an as a service for someone let's say you could create multiple virtual accounts and then they would each have their tenant sort of sub-account of your smart account that you could operate in and sort of add devices to and manage the licensing for and stuff that's all done in the manage the smart account and if I get enough feedback on that I can do another quick video on that but for today we'll just use the default account the first thing that we're going to need to go ahead and do is add a controller profile and that's sort of gonna link the very very very important organization name that you're going to use throughout your PKI in the lab when we do enterprise root certificates and it's also going to link to the public sort of domain name or that reachable address of your V bond so we'll go ahead and select controller profiles and we don't have any profiles so we'll need to add one here you can see controller type we're going to down select to V bond and hit next and here we'll just give it a name so not layer 3 profile and this is going to have to be the default profile since we don't have another profile multi-tenancy if you select yes here this would basically be sort of back to that same example of if you were doing sta on as a service for someone or if you were a service provider and you wanted to manage multiple tenants through a single pane of glass be managed and you were doing a multi tenant deployment you would select yes here and basically the organization name will be the top of the hierarchy that would be your organization name and that or the service provider organization name would be the top of the hierarchy that would be your organization name and then the organization name below it would that tenant or that customers organization ate for today's purposes we're going to select no from multi-tenancy we're just doing a regular deployment and here we're going to have to type in a unique organization name and what I mean by a unique is it needs to be unique across all of Cisco not just in your specific smart account the reason for that is that Cisco uses their public sort of easy button zero touch provisioning service where they have a burnt in address and all of the devices that are running sd win code that will point to it in the public cloud and it needs to be unique because if you're going to use that service then they need to know a very unique organization name that points to a certain you know subset of devices and stuff for our purposes it doesn't really matter because we're doing on Prem it's going to be a totally sandbox test eewan lab but it still needs to be unique here so these purposes we'll just do an it nl3 test and here we'll go ahead and type in a DNS name that we'll use in the lab so we'll set up a quick DNS entry for something in the lab and maybe we'll call it be bond dollar 3 great we don't have to do anything here for the server root CA so you don't have to browse or upload anything we can leave everything the same and as you can see here you can also do an ipv4 address if you don't feel like doing dns but best practices that you use dns it'll make it a little bit easier for us to sort of scale out our infrastructure later if we use DNS so I suggest doing it the right way we'll go ahead and click Next and you can see we'll just go ahead and review everything the controller type is v bond the profile name we have the primary host name for that publicly reachable B bond address that's the one in the lab that your V edges and C edges are going to be bringing up initial communication to that's also the address that will be burnt into their configuration for that initial bring up sequence and you see the organization is nl3 test so you'll want to make note of this Zach string punctuation included because this is very important and this is actually this specific string that you need to use throughout your entire PKI in your lab so when as you're navigating through the videos in the SD wound channel anytime that we're mentioning the organization name whether it's in the CLI of a configuration of a V edge or whether it's in the Windows server when we're creating the certificate in the first place you'll need to replace that with whatever you do here since it needs to be unique to you so we'll go ahead and click Submit and it was added successfully great so now you see here we have our profile the next step is to head over to devices and since we are typically working with v edges in the sty n channel we'll go ahead and use that as an example today but the CSR 1000 bees will also be considered a software device just for your reference we'll go ahead and click add software and agree to the agreement I don't need to add software devices again add software devices again and for the base PID that we're looking for for the V edge cloud you just go ahead and type in DNA and it just pops up VH cloud DNA now the maximum here is 25 total and Cisco is not currently enforcing licensing so I suggest you go ahead and do this even if you don't plan on setting up a lab today it would be it would be a great idea to go ahead and do this and lock this down get the serial file and have it ready for whenever you think that you want to start you're not only a 3 SP way in channel journey the max here is 25 we don't need that for today we'll go ahead and just select 5 and as you can see here we need to relate it to the controller profile so we'll select the one that we just created and we'll hit save now that we have added that software device you can see there's another opportunity here if you wanted to add a different type of software device at the same time for today we'll just move forward with the V edges and we'll see what happens hopefully you guys will sort of get in a good understanding of how to go about this yourself so we'll hit next and we'll hit submit great add devices request is recorded that is awesome as you can see I just got an email like they said I would once the process is complete we'll hit done and you can see yellow here and a bunch of devices it says pending for publish now you don't need the wait for this to turn green this is for these devices that are associated with my controller profile in my smart account to be pushed to the public Cisco zdp server so we're ready to rock as long as you plan on using this for your sandbox to lab if you plan on using this for some sort of public reasons you would need to wait for this to turn green in order to use the public CTP service so in order to get the serial file the coveted serial file that we've all been waiting for we'll head back over to controller profiles and we will select provisioning file now up here we have an option to select controller versions for any lab that we are doing and not layer three we are using eighteen three and newer so you'll go ahead and select that and you'll select download now I can just save the file and as you can see here now we have the serial file and our downloads that we can use to upload to be managed it's pretty cool I'm pretty excited to dive into maybe even how to generate the smart account or sort of any other videos that you have ideas on or they have feedback on that you think we're missing or that you need to sort of get ready to make your lab please do not hesitate to subscribe to us hop on the chat we're available pretty much 24/7 to answer any questions and we love your feedback it really helps us get better so thank you so much
Channel: Jon Spindler
Views: 1,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k-6vtVyAS68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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