Generalized transduction vs Specialized Transduction

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welcome back friends welcome to another video tutorial from Samos biology and in this video tutorial we'll be talking about the difference between generalized transduction and specialized transduction so let us see transduction in a sense is the process by which two bacteria share the genetic content between themselves in the same generation so this is a called horizontal gene transfer okay this is all lateral gene transfer by this fashion one bacteria let me just change the color here one bacteria with the genetic content transfer that content to another bacteria of the same generation okay with the help of virus that is known as transduction there are several ways that two bacteria share genetic content but when they involve virus particle to involve and transfer the gene or genetic content from one bacteria to the other bacteria it is known as transduction now there are two types of transduction generalized and specialized in a broad way we can tell in generalized transduction it is only the transfer of P or DNA content or genetic content from bacteria to the other one while in specialized transduction the genetic content that is transferred from one bacteria to the other which is not packed as not packed as P or bacterial DNA that is the major difference between generalized and specialized transduction so let us see generalized transaction the transfer and packaging of the P or bacterial DNA into the virus and you remember what kind of viruses infect bacteria bacteriophage so bacteriophage viruses will infect one bacteria and then when the Farge viruses will be generated inside that bacteria it will infect another one that is how they transfer the gene in specialized transduction the transfer and packaging of small percentage of the bacterial DNA with viral genome itself so it's not exactly pure bacterial DNA to be packaged but small part of bacterial DNA remains there that is a special case and also a rare case let us look at the processes in much more details in the mechanism of generalized and specialized transduction let us look at first about the generalized transduction it starts with this bacterial cell which is the target bacteria for the infection by the bacteria foz virus so far virus infect this bacteria and if you look at here the bacteria contains the its own genome that carries two different genes a plus and B plus that means both these genes can be expressed properly and they can produce the products of gene a and B in the bacteria now once Farge affecting this or infecting this bacteria it is injecting its own genetic content inside in this case it is a DNA after that this Farge DNA will start breaking down the bacterial genomic content so we now have everything fragment eyes inside the target bacteria now after this fragmentation is done and fudge particles start to replicate and produce more of their own DNA content inside the host bacteria then it is the time for packaging so fast particles continuously package all those DNA fragments in the fudge head during this packaging most of them receives the bacterial DNA which is transfer mean which is replicated but some of the bacteriophage head receives a portion of bacterial DNA during the packaging because the cell contains bacterial DNA fragments as well so some of them can pick up this bacterial DNA part for example here they pick this a plus gene from the bacterial DNA and now once all these phases will be released this fast particles will be released by killing the bacterial cell open and one of those Farge which carries the a-plus gene that bacteria watch may infect some other bacteria so when that Farge infects another bacteria who who neither have a or b gene present but now as this fast particle infecting that bacteria this a plus gene is presenting Farge head so once they inject their DNA into the host target bacterial cell that a plus gene will be donated to that target cell so now earlier this bacterial cell cannot produce either the product A or B but now as they receive this a plus gene from the Farge they can produce products related to a or transcribe timing products that are coded by a gene so that is how they can share genetic component from one bacteria which is this is one bacteria number one and this is the second bacteria bacteria number two this is how the transduction occurs involving a bacterial file this is known as generalized transduction as you can see we told the packaging of the DNA is almost pure so the DNA that is packed see one of the fudge get almost pure content of bacterial DNA if you look at the second type or specialized transduction it starts with more or less the same type of situation where we have the bacterial cell inside we have two genes a plus and B plus present so they can produce the product a plus and B a and B products inside now what we know a bacteriophage infects this bacteria and in this case the Farge is not lytic type of verse its lysogenic of fast remember there are two types of bacteriophage is possible or virus life cycle possible lytic and lie so genic in the lytic process the lytic fudge process the fast infects the bacteria it will kill the bacteria and particles will be released while in lysogenic process after the infection of Farge into the bacteria they inject their DNA and bacterial genome is integrated with the virus genome because the virus genome which is inserted will be now integrated with the bacterial genome so see here fudge inter let me draw a first particle here first particle here will start entering its own genetic material inside so now the phosgene is integrated with the bacterial DNA here so now we have a lysogenic phase going on in this case lysogeny can remain for some some sort of time some time durations when the environment is not proper for the first particles to release when first particles think that environment is okay to release and come out in those conditions this lysogenic is converted to lytic cycle and then they again destroy the bacteria and release out so now during this whole process occasionally sometimes during this processing of the profiles DNA into the profiles DNA profiles means when the viral particle DNA is inserted into the bacterial DNA that genetic combination is known as the profiles this profiles DNA exists there but sometimes what happens when the first particle decides to take out its own genetic content it sometimes grabs some part of bacterial DNA and leave some part of the viral DNA integrated with the bacterial cell this thing might happen now if this thing happens during this packaging of the fudge particles some part of the bacterial DNA which is incorporated into the viral DNA will be packed into one of the head of bacteriophage and then that bacteriophage if it infects another bacteria which in this case you can see it is going to release the genetic component against inside and here in this case you see the part of the A+ gene is remained while the profiles is separating from the bacterial DNA at that point so this a plus is transferred to the new target bacterial DNA an M plus will be incorporated with the bacterial DNA so earlier again this is the second bacterial recipient bacteria this first one is the donor bacteria so the recipient bacteria was not have any - any of the A or B gene but now they have a plus so now they can produce a gene products easily now the major difference as you can see is the process of packaging of the viral DNA now if the packaging is almost pure some part of them get the complete bacterial genome this is the generalized transduction but sometimes when the pack during the lysogenic phase and when they revert from lysogeny to lytic cycle some part of the bacterial DNA remains along with most part of the viral DNA and that time it's conditioned as specialized transduction so we can tell that generalized transduction occurs based on the process of lytic cycle of a virus while specialized transduction occur based on the lysogenic cycle of a virus and the conversion of lytic lysogeny to lytic plays a vital role and the DNA packaging of Faja head ultimately distinguished between the generalized transduction and the specialized transduction so that in a sense is a major difference between generalized and specialized transduction I hope this video helps you if you like this video please hit the like button subscribe to my channel to get more differents video like that thank you
Channel: Shomu's Biology
Views: 200,071
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Keywords: suman bhattacharjee, shomus biology, generalized vs specialized transduction, generalized transduction, specialized transduction, specialized vs generalized transduction, generalized and specialized transduction, Generalized transduction vs Specialized Transduction
Id: XKm8vCAUvlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2016
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