Transposable elements | transposons and is elements

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hello friends welcome back to another video tutorial from Samos biology and in this video tutorial I am going to talk about transpose double elements now I received all this requests from different students and subscribers about response elements that is so much confusing because the idea is easy but there are so many names and so many types of classifications so how to exactly figure out what kind of transpose source we are looking at we have T n elements we have ey elements P elements a ctcs element so what are these things so to answer all these questions in one frame that's why I am making this video I already have video on transposons earlier but this is to summarize everything they guarding transposons so in this video I want to talk about what are transposons especially the classification of transposons and what kind of trans poseable elements that we have actually it's better to say them trans possible elements because trans poseable element means is a broad scale if we divide them down then one part is a transpose and we also talked about the mechanism with which transpose ax villela ments work and their functions and their requirement in the modern research so let's talk about him first of all transpose ax below ament's have the unique capability of duplicating themselves from or transferring themselves duplicating on without duplicating of from one region of the DNA to the other region of the DNA so this is kind of a definition so the idea is they will transfer themselves from one part of the gene one part of the DNA to another part one part of the chromosome to the other part now it can be transferred between the same DNA same chromosome or can be between the different chromosome that's why they are also known as jumping genes because they can take a jump from one part of the gene or DNA to the next part the DNA so let's look at the classification of this transpose of elements to get an idea about that so the most important property for a transpose owns is the ability to be transferred okay general intergenic li now this transfer can be utilizing duplication or non duplication now if I break this transpose Abela means down we can have mainly three different groups out there right three different groups we have we one type of group we have viral viral transposon groups second type we have is non viral transposon proof the third one we have that idea so simply if you divide bacterial group this is mostly found in bacteria but it does not means it's only found in bacteria it's also found in you carriers also but we'll see that but the grouping is based on the type of element and their structures and mechanism of transposition that's why group them okay now they're a different way of grouping and classifying but this is one of the unified way of classifying that so I'm I'm I am interested in that so in bacterial group the elements that we know is known as is elements this is elements are part of bacterial group this is found in bacteria let me write where you find desire elements we find in bacteria okay different bacteria will find that we'll also find that in Drosophila we find that in corn or means whatever you say we find this is elements in own so you see we find in plants in eukaryotic animal as well as in bacteria but the type is a bacterial transposons known as is elements the second type normal and third one viral so the viral type of transposon LT r dot transpose on orality are elements you can see because they contains LPR at the end this is a terminal repeat at the end of the transpose because then your transpose what are this transpose of elements they are a fragment of DNA itself capable of transferring from one part of the DNA to the next one part of the chromosome to the other part of the chromosome between the same chromosome or different crews right so in those DNA they have a flanking repeats and that's a property of Trance possible elements every transpose of elements contains this kind of repeats but the repeat is very for example for is elements there is a specific repeat 4ltr this is the one type of repeat for non wire there is a different type of repeats so these are also known as ltr' elements and these elements are found in a retro they're mostly known as retroviral transpose owns or retrovirus elements but not only they found in viruses but also they are found in Drosophila Drosophila and the example is copia elements intra Sofia and it's also found in East East t-y elements are known as this viral transpose of element family why if you look at the bacterial one is found in bacteria it's only known as is elements it's also found in Drosophila known as P elements as found in means known as a c.d.s element so the name of the elements are listed along with the name of the organism where we find them and the third and last one is a non viral type it is sharing a very similar mechanism with that of a viral transposition but these things are mostly found in eukaryotes and higher eukaryotes in humans will find lot of this non viral type of LTL known LTR element because the non LT are in this non 88i instead of a tear they contain You TIA also divided into two different parts so let us divide it into two part this is mostly found in higher eukaryotic organisms like human being for example and the example for that is lines and signs this is the two different types that we have signs are also known as ALU this is known as a Lu so if they are known as ALU elements very common in human genome now it's time to understand about that mechanism because one thing if you remember you will see that is bacterial transposons non viral and viral transposons but actually they are not quite only for bacteria and viruses it's kind of broadly separated around all these different types of individuals so the actual question is why and with which type of property we are actually separating the different type of transposons and also for that is the mechanism of transposition how the transposons work now the simplest idea about transposon is the job of the transposon is to cut itself out and put it to another region of the genome now they can cut out and paste or they can copy themselves and then gets paste so either this is a replicative transposition or non replicative transposition so based on this way the transpose is replicated and non replicative okay so normally replicated transposition can work like if there is a DNA fragment if I say this is the fragment of the DNA and I said this is the part known as the transposons this is the region that region and it's at a target DNA this is the target DNA this is the region of the target so what it does that Chile this part makes itself a copy and then gets embedded inside there that is a replicative transpose also you can replicate the fragment of the DNA and in attach it to to the other target DNA why a non replicative transpose on simply you can cut this fragment of the DNA and put it there so for an only applicant if transposons the donor will get shorter because the fragment gets cut out and then you see it will be lengthier why for replicated transposons donor remains same as it is of same length while the target receives its a target get lengthier or taller or longer that's true for all now if we look at this simple mechanism of cutting and DNA and then pasting it or copying a DNA pasting it it requires two different tasks one is the endo nucleus activity and second job is like is activity these are the two enzymatic activities required endonuclease lis for a cut paste transfer zones endonuclease may cleave the target DNA like s with Seeley now in this case both these activities are mostly played by a same part of the enzyme known as transpose a is and the gene codes for those proteins known as transpose is gene the simplest form of transpose horns on trans possible elements if you look at here in this picture is this is elements and this is elements contains nothing but one gene only as a transpose once known as France boosie's so the mechanism we saw just now it's a mechanism of IES elements containing only transposons no other RG since I'd simply cut it and paste it that's the job so no other structural genes or antibiotic-resistant see nothing is there there simple that is the is elements now the job of is elements is not very properly understood because it's not giving any benefit to the bacteria but if this is element between two such RF is element it contains fragment of gene that carries antibiotic resistance feature or that helps to produce antibiotic resistance proteins that case bacteria will get the benefit so we will also find those things that such type of transpose of elements also there so this type of elements contains two mean it contains antibiotic resistance in for example a tetracycline resistance gene that kind of modified is elements are very important in perspective of bacteria because once they receive this antibiotic resistance gene using this transpose Abella ments it can transfer this antibiotic resistance gene from one part of the cell to the next and also can transfer it to the other individuals there that can help them to make a huge cassette of antibiotic resistance and we call them eating grounds thus integrins our cassette of this such antibiotic resistance received by and with the help of this jumping genes for transpose of elements in bacteria and as a result those bacteria gathered a lot of such such type of more antibiotic resistance genes and and one after another make a chain of antibiotic resistance gene island is is mostly called superbugs example mr sa methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus those kind of bacteria contains a huge array of antibiotic resistance they get that with the help of this kind of Trance possible elements now this type of transpose ibill elements which contains extra gene apart from transposes gene are known as composite transposons because this transposons flanking with ies elements and also contain extra gene composite transposons while there is another variety of transposon known as non composite transposons who also carry extra gene but the terminal part is not i s the terminal part is inverted terminal repeat of i T the difference between composite transposons and non composite transposons another thing for non composite transposons normally it's bigger lengthier while composite transpose has a little shorter normally come non composite transposons can have like five thousand base pairs of lengths of materials inside him in between so these are the two difference in that perspective composite a non composing but very similar with the part of Dyess elements that we saw earlier example of this kind of is elements as I told you in bacteria is normally known as is elements or composite transpose ohms different composite and non composite transpose for example in Drosophila we have this P elements that is the type of is elements in case of maze we have a CD s element now these are the elements which are also this type of composite and non composite form now the question is normal in case of a CTS element this is a non composite form of transposons now the question is there's another difference you probably heard bonnie is the the self dependent transpose on the one is the self independent you know self dependent transposons are autonomous transposons and non autonomous transposons what are they again same range SCDS element if you take among this ACDs element both of them have the very similar feature with the non composite transposons but this ase elements is known as Auto roamers elements while th element is non autonomous elements why because autonomous elements are known as those type of DNA or transpose ibill elements which can translocate themselves easily without the help of any other gene so simply cut it out and paste it someplace else without the importance and help of any other gene but the normal to Loomis one for example des elements these elements is it normal to the most transpose one so d a section of the DNA to the other region it requires the help of AC element there so it's a non autonomous transpose ohms so if you wonder about what is composite non composite autonomous non autonomous transpose ohms this is the thing and all of this thing placed in the RAS elements in the bacterial strike of transpose ohms well the next type is the same gr elements or viral transposons this is LTR elements the difference with IES element is simply they also continues different genes in the middle but here the terminals L T are these are different types of nucleotide repeats and this repetitive DNA is found in human genome is so much for example in human will also find this LTR type the example is th u 1 th e 1 or D 1 is one type of LTR elements that you find in human and they have a functionality of a retroviral transpose or you know retroviral transpose on so why because these are not generally cut paste these are copy/paste transposons so what they do normally in retrotransposons does a DNA that needs to be transferred so what they make instead of copying the DNA using replication they produce an RNA from the DNA with transcription once they make this RNA then they use this RNA to make a DNA and we can prepare DNA from RNA using read-through what what we can use in this case reverse transcriptase enzyme and once we use reverse transcriptase enzyme here to replicate RNA into DNA that is known as at retrotransposons and this thing is mostly found in retroviruses and it's also found in eukaryotes as i told you for example in human th one element in drosophila Poppaea elements in east t UI elements all of them the carries these extra genes in the middle but they also have this LT ask in both the end that will help them and also they produce reverse transcript resins and that he'll than to replicate make a DNA copy complementary DNA copy then put it there in the target DNA while the third time or non-viral unknown easier time instead of where here the condensed qtr as I told you and this non LT type retrotransposons are very very important features for eukaryotes higher eukaryotic organisms they are not found in bacteria and very less in plans also they are mostly found in high eukaryotic human animals like mammals like humans in humans you'll find a lot of this lines and signs long interspersed nucleotide elements and short interspersed nucleotide elements so signs are shorter lines are lengthier but these are repetitive sequences in stretch this interest first repetitive sequence that we know which act as a marker also we can use them as a marker to find out different properties and differences between individuals in a population I also had a different video about this molecular markers IAS are SSR and all these things you can watch the video but here you know this signs there they are also known as ALU elements they are present almost 10% of all the transposons that we known in human lines represent 20% of all the transpose of elements a repetitive sequence that we know in humans but all these cases you know they contains a specific type of structure which is different from both animals and elements because they can either have utr in both ends and all the all the reading frames in the middle or they also have different ORF reading frame one reading frame - and they also have poly a tail all these lines and sides they have this poly a tails at the end now they have either utr present or not but they have a poly a tail at the end so this is the typical characteristics of this eukaryotic processing of the RNA and this type of structures there is from this ORF they can also produce different components of protein so they make different proteins that can help them to cut from there one place and place it someplace else but the importance of these lines and science in eukaryotes like humans are very much like very important because this fragments can jump from one place to the other and that gives the variation so transposons in perspective of the organism in case of bacteria provides antibiotic resistance in perspective or eukaryotes electro Sofala East or human being it helps us or to give arise different variations modifications even between two individual human being though according to the theory everything is should be same 100% but actually there are slight modifications due to this changes due to this modifications at repetitive elements and jumping genes like lines and signs so you see most of the part of our genome for eukaryotic genome are made up with these lines and science and all these elements earlier known as junk DNA elements which are not the part of exons but the part of introns normally cut out but sometimes they also plays a vital role throughout the evolution if you check them earlier some part of the time they definitely had some role but right now they knew those roles so only few part is involved making proteins but these other parts are also important to make who we are today so that in a sense is about transposons and I hope you understand transposons in a hole remember learning everything as overview is the most important part even going to the details so I hope you know and get the idea about the transpose of elements if you liked this video please hit the like button share this video with your friends and subscribe to the channel to get more and more videos like that thank you
Channel: Shomu's Biology
Views: 321,245
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Keywords: suman bhattacharjee, shomus biology, Transposable elements, transposon, transposons, is elements, insertion sequence, jumping gene, transposons jumping genes, retrotransposon, genetics, issr, ssr, ac ds elements, tn, molecular biology, transposable element, transposons in eukaryotes, transposons in prokaryotes, transposons in bacteria, transposition
Id: PErzQijx0ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2016
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