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[Music] you'll find a gang of knobs and switches in the front office and you spent a lot of time learning which does what it'll be less confusing if you relax and remember the trawls of habitat works each control has its own time and place for example take the attack radar when you first start setting up a radar practice bomb run with an instructor pilot the initial concern is CRT intensity video and IFK standby gives you 40 seconds or eating up the filament with the antenna stove after this go to all the antenna drops out of stove and starts to sector but it won't be ready to transmit until five minutes from turn-on worth CRT video and I have gained during this delay while you're still in the Chuck see our team to whatever hot or cool setting you like video armful then bank had I have gave up till you see noise on the scope since you're not transmitting this has to be system noise back this off till it just disappeared and you've established a signal to noise threshold anything above this threshold has to be signaled and pertinent during the mission any radar troubles at this time you call for a fix but assuming a good radar you and the IP will press on you call ground control for tacky impression at which time you'll get an altimeter reading the IP will set this in and you'll do the same on the right side ground safety pin make sure you're in great circle or above Magadan is exact at 6:00 to record their an trick everything has been tired the second your etiquette at me okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] next up is the army here you take the usual precaution before the army who starts the safety checks everything checks out so you're ready to launch modified their particular diner assuming the five-minute delay is over now's the time to go to transmit when there is no one in close proximity [Music] at 60 knots and rats disengaged coming up 100 knots now 30 jet [Music] after join up they give each other a safety inspection both ships also perform TFR checks and altitude since they'll be running most of the mission at a thousand feet TFR if you take a look at the scope now you won't see anything like the pretty pictures they showed you in class but if you've done your homework you'll remember that the AP q1 13 was designed for optimum presentation at 40,000 feet anywhere below that you're going to get excessive ground return the lower the hotter this is where you go to sensitivity time control STC's biases the closer and more energetic return blending them with a weaker distant return so that you end up with a better balance and even painting on the scope it's your tool music depending on what you want to see on what day at what altitude with what target when you drop down for your entry you'll have to adjust SPC again of course since you'll be holding at a thousand feet TFR as you approach the target you will face a psychic problem because of the difference between true out necessary for bombing accuracy and pressure altitude which is raw input to the nav computing unit the difference between the two is DV this varies from altitude wealth day to day and at times of extreme weather changes from hour to hour it affects bombing and navigation geometry in other words your score the whole point of the mission the nav computer unit in solving for RS slant range furnishes one known factor RG or ground raid if the NC you were fed throughout feud it could easily derive Hg absolute altitude above turning point or target but it's fed pressure altitude which varies from true altitude with time and place that variance is D and it's value must be determined and fed to the MCU there are several ways to do this after first making sure that both the radar and NC you are in computing mode take a flat area such as a valley or a dry lake where the elevation will remain constant long enough for you to work the problem set in terrain elevation to refine the computations based on pressure altitude refinement of Hg or height above aiming point is accomplished with the altitude test knob in calibrate if you're at low altitude the pilot gives you absolute altitude from the radar altimeter turn the altitude JAL knob until the mixi counters match the reading he gave then return altitude test knob to normal high altitude pal is the same as low altitude except it uses the attack radar instead of the radar altimeter to derive absolute Alateen placing the altitude test knob to cow causes an altitude hole to appear on the scope run the range cursor out till it reaches the leading edge of the first ground return that range value will run up on the Nixie calories do a little simple math and you have true out view tell the IP so we can then correct his tape reading and you're all set what you've done has established the value of D and feed it to the MCU enabling it to derive Hg having solved the sighting problem your crosshairs will remain on the aiming point [Music] right mouths out for your third point okay near New Guinea is three six zero immediately great 1612 five [Applause] okay your command our subject the command bars may be looking good but if your checkpoint is a complex one say a water tower or a bridge in the middle of a town your scope won't be looking good you will see a large hot blob much too gross for precise crosshair placement the reason is that the energy pulse is going out especially at long range are too large for individual elements within the target complex the returns overlap each other it's as though you were trying to paint delicate figures with a big Brush situation like this switch on fast time constant this causes the receiver to shape the pulses so that they're trailing edges are attenuated where the leading edge is emphasized only the front of objects within a complex target show off the scope the picture you get an FTC still seems a little silly listing but you know from your target study and your pointer system is just about where in town the tower or the bridge is and you can crosshair it more easily with that TC on and then with it all I got to do not reject and the growling there I'm sitting in a pixelization pasture and make sure to sign in the fastest leave every radar antenna okay [Applause] with the four keys okay you're clean bars are good tries I'm going to color 8 bottom plate approaching the IP range 3-4 anyone working 3-4 come up on channel 10 since there's no aircraft working the range you continue on in within 80 miles you'll be using the big picture ground auto FBI Peter Rabbit your new heading the span age head in again Ken Turner better you'd have your crosshairs at least on the lakebed and if you use your controls right you might even be breaking out the target you know where you are now and where you're hitting so go to narrow sector this pairs down the video to the subject at hand for target and its immediate vicinity in ground auto the target should be marching down the azimuth cursor play around with your set now's the time to get the best picture you can because you're going to be pretty busy switch to ground velocity make sure you have target and crosshair synchronized make sure that your cursors aren't so hot that they blank out the target also as you move in your geometry keeps changing with a chance of minor inaccuracies creeping in for instance you might be nicely crosshair than happy as a clam but stay alert to change if there seems to be slightly hotter painting either beyond the target or short of it that means antenna tilt or beta error is present adjusting beta with the tilt control puts maximum radar energy right on the target giving you the best picture as range to target shorten you'll want to take a better look keep the picture good by using STC video and maybe a little eye F gain on different missions in tune for hard or soft return hard in this case since radar reflectors are your target from here on in say the last 30 miles is what it's all about submission putting the bombs on the target and until you get good here's the kind of mistakes that are common ones you'll study later on from scope photography STC to hot near the target as you close in targets going to disappear and brown returned here it's better here it's real good [Music] FTC what's wrong with this crosshairs right on the button what's wrong for discrimination use FTC right and that amorphous single flaw breaks up into what it really is individual reflectors cursor intensity here they're too high they'll swallow up the target turn them down you will get a better picture beta angle this one's looking short this one's looking long this man's looking right on [Music] couple ethics now [Music] just register [Music] that's it I'm down to tread them Sabbath you've gotta get it there after it got the package but of course that's never happened and to the right [Music] and I attended the first aircraft goes through all six flower trail rain emergency and so on while the second ship observes and scores and the second aircraft makes its ones for the first experiment autumn can take the lead Roger taking the lead that's number one right right have you a sighting you have a lead if you should run into some weather on the way back say a Thunderhead build up over mountains you might work out a bit with circular polarization seeing its effect on video it goes without saying however that you do not carry the experiment through to the point of actually flying into the weather as you near the base you apply the usual attack an approach actual landing will be a combination of GCA and airborne instrument low approach GCA has control priority which will actually be flying a ILH with GC a reacting to a ila input ensure that announced to calibration is complete and this will give the pilot the correct steering commands to hack the approach pick up the runway in brown daughter and line up the crosshairs with it holding a glide angle of 2.5 go to ground bail with the approach end of the runway is the target since the runway itself is a no-show tune for the area around it so that you can recognize buildings taxiways and other landmarks [Applause] [Music] you break off Aila to go visual and why a list was just a clear day rehearsal you can see how useful it would have been in weather a little bit later you'll be going through the dubious pleasure of seeing how you did but this is where it's at a good score doesn't necessarily mean you did everything right or does a poor score mean you've done everything wrong the point is look for your mistakes correct them and improve [Music]
Channel: PeriscopeFilm
Views: 22,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Periscope Film, Stock Footage, 4K, HD, 2K
Id: xzmf0skrAkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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