Gemini Example, How to use Google’s AI, Gemini? | Hands on experience | AI with AI

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let me start with uploading image this is one of the image of the rear species of the bird let's see what Gemini has to say about this let me use the microphone tell me what I'm looking at let's see what Google Gemini response here behind the scenes Google multimodel AI is taking care of this image it is using image detection not only processing it understanding the image looking at the image it is using object detection and finding the information related to the image just the way human understands and the response that received is really amazing the image you sent me shows a mail 12 beir bird of paradise pursed on the branch it is mediumsized brightly colored bird that is found in the low light Forest of new guine which is a island in Australia the male has black head chest and the upper parts we get all the details of this rearrest bird just by uploading a one single image isn't it so cool hey everyone and welcome to the future of AI today we are diving deep into Google's Gemini the game changer that understands not just your words but the word around you forget text only a assistant now Gemini is here Gemini can see can hear and understand the whole picture in this video I'm going to show you how to use Gemini for images for videos for research for math equations and importantly Gemini also helps us write understand and even find bucks in the code whenever we are in trouble writing the code and finding the Bucks g I will rescue us so stay tuned and make sure to watch this video till the end and let's get started hey guys welcome to AI with AI this side Asif [Music] iMat imagine a brain on steroids that's Gemini in a nutshell it's a multimodel AI meaning it not only understand text but images audio and even can code like a pro think of it as your superpowered research assistant and creative partner and not to forget problem solving Guru everything rolled into one Gemini comes in three sizes it has three flavors cing to different needs Gemini Ultra Gemini Pro and Gemini Nano Gemini Ultra is the most powerful AI engine particularly used for data centers which will be launched soon then we have Pro the allrounder ideal for a broad range of task across different devices and we are going to see examples on the same Gemini Pro and then comes the Gemini Nano small on device offline AI for mobile applications such as pixel 8 and above we already discussed Gemini's capabilities and how it is different than chat GPT in the last video so I'm not going to spend much time here if you haven't watched that video please have a look at it I'll keep the link in the eye button above and in the description below okay before we proceed and discuss in detail if you're new here don't forget to hit that subscribe button and the bell icon so that you won't miss our latest videos on AI we see you are watching our videos but 90% are not yet subscribed we put lot of efforts creating these videos for you free keep us motivated by liking and subscribing so YouTube algorithm will also help us reach more audience so did you subscribe and like thank you so without wasting our time let's jump into the examples and how to use Gemini so we're going to use Gemini Pro to use Gemini Pro all I'm going to do is open bar. now Gemini is embedded into Google's part which is Google's answer to chat GPT so if you're coming here for the first time you just need to sign in a simple Google login is required that is it and let's start with asking Google bard itself are you uh Gemini let's see what it responds and it gives humorous response see I'm able to engage in meaningful conversations and generate text thanks to Google AI jini Pro language model trained on massive throw of text and code I have been available in English across most of the world since December 6th 2023 amazing yes so we are using Google Gemini so this is not something new to us these AI assistants can respond us better with the text now let me start with the image let's see how it works with the image so I'm going to upload image of a rear species as we have seen in the start of this video I'm going to upload a image of the bird and uh this time I'm not going to provide a prompt I will use a microphone to ask the question tell me what I am looking at let me hit submit and let's see what it responds this is a really rare spey and beautiful image of a bird which you can see and the response ISS the image you sent me shows a male 12 weird bird is the name of the bird because it has very beautiful 12 neonik feathers and you can see the complete detail of this bird even if you don't know what this pce is about it's not only about the bird you can provide any image which you don't understand maybe it can be a weird tree it can be a animal it can be a mammal I don't know you just provide a image and just ask what I'm looking at or what it is please explain so it will give you the bunch of different responses and Gemini will give you the amazing responses the response can be modified as you can see here in the drop- down I have a three different drafts see this is the draft one if I click on draft two then I have different response the image you sent is 12 weird bird of paradise I see the response is modified and it is rephrased I also have a draft three let's see how it looks like and you can see the image explained in a different way so you can have a look and you can use whichever you like amazing isn't it this Gemini also comes with a really amazing features as you see I can modify the response I can see this response um more shorter I can see the response in a longer version I can see the formal version I have have a bunch of different options here shorter longer simple more casual more professional let's see how casual looks like don't you think this is really super cool look at the Casual response wo that's a seriously fancy bird it's a male 12 weird bird of paradise and it's like a rock star of the rainforest with its bright yellow feathers and crazy tail wires and this is how you can modify the responses as per your research and as per your needs amazing right let's see how Gemini works with different images I'm going to upload a image of a data which is basically a sneakers data and I want to get the stats out of it and also understand what this image all about so I'm going to ask the question again using microphone what is the data about hit submit and let's see what it responds this is the image that we have uploaded basically if you see the image it shows the footware celles across the word and it also says Nike is the leader in the sneaker word let's see what Gemini responded us the image you sent me is a bar graph showing the worldwide footware sales of selected sports brand from 2016 to 2019 the data shows Nike is leading brand so you can see it has summarized understood the data it is not only understanding the simple images but also the graphs the stats and uh helping you write down the complete details of the image and you see you can simply say what is the data about provide me in bullet points and you will get the response in the bullets something like this you can also change the responses you can also use the different responses draft one draft two or draft three so draft three here you can see response look more organized and detailed interesting isn't it at the end you can also see it is concluding and providing us the summary it's interesting to note that Nike has maintained its position at the top selling brand throughout the period shown in the graph wo this is beautiful amazing amazing isn't it not only this I'm going one step ahead to use this data for my personal use let's say I want to do some study do some research I'm going to upload the same image and this time I'm going to ask a different question and let's see how it responds so this is the sneaker image I'm uploading again now this time I want the stats so I'm going to ask a question show me the stats to export in the Excel let's see what do we get so I want the data not in the word format but I want the table so that I can export the data in the Excel sheet let's see what is the response that I get oh ho wow this is really cool I see the data in the table I see data is displayed data is not onedimensional it is multi-dimensional so it is possible for us to export it in the Google sheet I can also copy and paste this data into Excel sheet here let me open the Excel sheet and paste it here I copied it let me paste it here amazing isn't it I got the data in the Excel sheet offline now I can work on the data I can summarize I can present I can do whatever I want with the data furthermore I came across some more features to export to Sheets you need to work with the extensions right because Google Sheets will get open for that I need to turn on the extensions which I can find here so click on the extensions and make sure you have turned these extensions on these extensions will help you find summarize and get quick answers from your email from documents to find the hotels to find the directions to summarize the YouTube video so on and so forth and these are really amazing features let's use some of these extensions but before that let me show you some more features here I can also share and Export the responses I have option to share the responses I can share these responses this prompt and the response you know by creating a public link so others can use this response and also learn about this more not only that I also have a option to draft this response in the Gmail I just need to click on open Gmail and you will see a mail will be drafted for you automatically and trust me these features are going to save my 10-fold of time for sure now this is the era of AI and this is the era of smart work so more early you start using these features you'll get used to it and you'll be ahead of others for sure as I've said let me show you some of the extensions let's try to use map here I'm going to ask Gemini again tell me how do I reach Goa from my current location let's see what it responds and how different the response is basically Google gini is connecting to Google Map and Gemini is going to provide me complete detailed directions to the destination it says the driving distance from Pune to Goa is 461 it takes about 9 hours and 50 minutes you can see the direction provided here from A to B and you also see some tip here isn't it amazing so I have already started using these features for planning out my next holiday itary now let me find some hotels in the Goa for New Year's Eve show me some hotels in Goa for New Year's Eve let's see what is the response that we get Gemini has a really up hand because it is Google's product they already have bunch of different applications so Gemini is connecting to these different applications not only maps to hotels to documents to YouTube to Gmail and it's giving you the responses so from the Google Hotel this is the response that we got it says Hotel Viner which is near kangot and it will cost you 2796 per night and I can see some more hotels and do you see some images of the hotels isn't it amazing and trust me I have already used this feature to plan my next itary probably in the future video I'm going to show you how I have planned my itary and I have saved thousands of rupees by using Google Gemini so Gemini come up with many different extension let me show you one more quickly so I have copied the link and now I'm going to ask what is this video about and I have pasted the link let's see what is the response that I get amazing as well as I have provided YouTube link in the back and AI started connecting to YouTube and uh now I see I don't want to watch the complete video I'm working in the late night I don't want to listen I just need the summary of this video and you see how beautifully Gemini has summarized this video for us so I have created a video couple of months back to know the path to become the data scientist what are the steps that we need to follow to become a data scientist so it has summarized that in the points so you need to learn the fundamentals like mathematics programming statistics data manipulation data visualization machine learning so a 10minute video is summarized into short text which will take only 2 minutes to read and for sure I can regenerate this draft to get the different response isn't it amazing while playing with Google J and I I have come across some more options here I can use dark theme I really liked this one because generally I like working in the nighttime so I use dark theme and you also have your public link so you can create your own public link and these public links can be shared with your friends your family and with your followers isn't it useful I think for sure all right now I'm going to ask some really tricky question I'm going to upload an image of equation which is really famous equation by Einstein e equal to mc² and I'm going to ask what is this image about please explain so this image explains how e is equal to mc² explain what is e what is MC what is MC squ I really don't know so let's see what is the response that I get and here we go we got the response saying that unable to understand the image directly but here is the breakdown of the key terms and the concepts I see explanation of some of the concepts relativistic kinetic energy this is the energy an object possess due to its motion and measured in reference frame where the object is moving so and and so blah blah blah MC square this term represents the rest of an object which is energy it has even when it is at rest e is equal to mc² this is a famous equation from Albert Einstein's theory of spatial relativity amazing right so I haven't mentioned name of the Albert Einstein I haven't mentioned is it the equation about relativity but the complete explanation I have got just by uploading this equation so Google Gemini will surprise you not only for generic images but also in learning for mathematical equation let me upload one more mathematical equation image here and let's see how it responds so this is the image of all the world famous equations because of which the world around around us is changed and these are some of the most popular mathematical equations but I really don't know what do they mean and how do we use this and what is the meaning of these equations let me show you what these equations looks like you see this wave equation fer transform there is no explanation to these mathematical terms and the meaning of these different theories and the equations so let's see will Gemini explain me this so I'm going to ask explain these equations hit submit for sure you can provide different prompts here you you don't really need to say equations you can just say explain this image whatever you want and you see the response is here we have wave equation was the first equation in the image but no description of this wave image what this equation really means but I can see the description also here describes the propagation of waves such as sound wave light wave forer transform a mathematical tool that decomposes a function into its constitute frequencies Nar Strokes equation Maxwell equation second law of Thermodynamics so on and so forth forth I have got the information about all the world famous equations in Just 2 minutes and I can easily understand by looking at this simple explanation and the response here if you really don't like this response you can regenerate it as per your need right you see response is in more details wave equation navor Strokes equation some bullet points so on and so forth now let me show you one of the most important capability of Google's Gemini where I really got stunned I'm going to show you how Google Gemini will help you understand the code the python code the programming language not only understand but also provide you the output and if there are any mistakes in the code if there are any bugs in the code will it help me understand that so I'm just going to copy and paste a simple code and you probably aware about this code which is a very famous code in any interviews or in any internship programs or in the aptitudes which asks to print the pyramid star pattern this is the python code basically so I just copy pasted this code here in the prompt and let's see what is the response that I get get I'll just hit submit amazing do you see this here is the pyramid star pattern generated by the python code that we provided right no need of interpreter no need of code no need of IDE I can also see the explanation of the code setting the number of rows how many rows you want five rows pyramid of stars outer loop inner loop why this Loop is important so on and so forth let's see if I make any changes here intentionally to get the bad results let's say I use ius1 let me hit update I don't know what is the response I'm going to get will it help me write better code let's see that I really didn't know this is the response I'm going to get I can also see the code here beautiful let me make one more change I want to get I need some problem in the code I need a bug in the code let's see if it helped me improvise the code let me make the changes and ask us different question here probably I'll just make a small mistake here maybe I'll just put it row minus I and let's say I put this as J again and I ask what's wrong with this code beautiful I also got what is the problem with the code okay so indentation issue that I got indentation is not properly used for the loops and also the correct code is given here for you what do you think isn't it super cool I can really show you tons of examples like this but because of time limitations I have to stop here people don't really prefer watching longer videos otherwise I can just keep recording this video for hours and hours anyways whatever I have shown is just a start in the AI word and we know that this is first version of Google's AI gini which is answered to chat gb4 and I think yes it is better than chat jpt 4 in terms of certain aspects when it comes to images videos and audio and there are tons of different options that we have I can draft the response in the Gmail I can share the response publicly I can have formal shorter longer different responses so on and so forth and I'm really surprised by looking at the responses from Google Gemini all right that's how we come to an end of this video if you have any questions regarding the same let us know in the comment below if you think that you need more advanced examples for research for coding I don't know whatever purpose you want just comment down below I'll try to create a video for you if you found this video helpful please subscribe to my channel and hit that like button and don't forget to share this video with your friends and the colleagues thanks for watching see you again next time till then take care and bye-bye
Channel: AI with AI
Views: 3,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machine learning, AI, artificial intelligence, ML, Asif Immanad, AI with AI, data science, data scientist, what is machine learning?, Google Gemini, Gemini, OpenAI chatgpt, What is google Gemini?, AI prompt, prompt engineering, Gemini multimodel, multimodel, generative AI, Text generation, Information retrieval, Reasoning and problem-solving, Multimodality, python, supervised learning, neural network, natural language processing, techtalk, technology news, trending, new technology
Id: jTdouaDuUOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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