Gelli Plate Printing for Dummies/One-On-One Tutorial With Special Guest!

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welcome to jelly plate printing for dummies i definitely need some one-on-one training to understand my jelly plate better i invite you to join this one-on-one training with my wonderful and very knowledgeable friend louisa heinzel welcome it's barbara and luisa from austria [Music] so if you have seen my recent jelly plate experiments for my autumn junk journal you will know that i definitely need some help if you missed that video you can find it linked below in the description box and also if you speak german or want to learn german you can find a video a video version yes a german version of this video and of this kind of training on louise's channel and of course that video will be linked for you below as well and just so you get the picture of how we're doing this technically so louise and i are connected via our tablets so that louisa can see my desk so she has a view like this so she can see what i'm doing and parallel to that i'm filming my desk right up here which is what you of course see with my mobile and louise is also filming herself so that you can see her while she's speaking and then we edit it all together yeah just so you understand that i cannot actually see louisa while she's talking but obviously i can hear her so welcome louise thank you so much for helping me out hi there yeah thank you so much barbara for inviting me to this a really cool thing i'm really excited and in the beginning i would like to say i'm not an expert you see me as an expert but i'm totally not an expert and i'm really excited what we will figure out together to yeah make your jelly prints look more like you want them i see you have my absolutely favorite colors on your desk yeah the pink that's almost but i i i don't think we'll be using this a lot so my plan is because i'm currently working on a shabby chic journal this is a design team project for the digital collage club i've never ever made a shabby chic junk journal and obviously this needs to have a lot of pink but and and you will see another video of how i put this together but the thing is there's even for me although i love pink there is too much pink in here so these are avocado dyed papers and envelopes and there's just too much i mean obviously i'm going to add some ephemera which will lessen the pink but still it's too much i want to cover some of these pages and if we have time maybe we can also just make a few other prints i have some regular copy paper i have some old very old book pages i have some yeah and i have some um packaging paper two different types so i think we have plenty to work with and just for everybody watching in case you're interested this is the jelly plate that i happen to have it's a five by seven printing plate and i've had this forever you can find these online everywhere or maybe even in your local craft shop so louise let's do this i'm very nervous perhaps perhaps we can mention that there's also a bigger jelly plate available on for example amazon or other shops but i think in the beginning it's good to have such a small plate because the paint is yeah when it's dry it's dry you know and when you have a smaller surface it's much easier for my opinion um to use in the beginning so perhaps that could be um yeah information for the viewers that could be helpful if you want to start jelly printing i would recommend to buy the smaller plate first because it's much easier to work on on this thing and i think it's also easier to make some ephemera on the smaller plate because you have not this big surface that you have to handle there's also round ones i've seen yeah that's also great but i don't have a round one but i think i will buy one in the future that um is really cool to make some of these barbara the sunset sunset so sunset printings and and that stuff with some small leaves and and yeah you know that's that can be really interesting but i think for the beginning it's great to have this small place and louise one request you know i need my gold yeah so i hope that there's a way that we can incorporate that so i think that will go well with these colors actually so let's put in lots of gold yeah i think that's a nice combination with this avocado diet paper and also about black black yeah and what's what's the main color that you would like to use to balance this that's a really good question because i had a really hard time deciding that because what goes with this pink i don't know so that's why i thought like gold black gray maybe some of this like magenta type thing i don't know what else would fit to be white of course i i have some gesso and i have also white acrylic paint i don't know what is better for the jelly plate a white definitely will work the white will work but i would not use gesso because espresso has glue in it and i i don't know um how that will work but white acrylic paint of course works but what do you think about olive green or leaf green and magenta or this pink of the avocado dye paper that would be a great combination okay i have here my my beloved jade green that's not really olive green that's not i have a avocado look this is even called avocado but this is very yellow okay i also have this one maybe we can mix no that's gonna be a pain i do have some olive yeah let me go grab that olive ah so luisa look this is what i found this is actually called olive green and this one here i can't see the name but it's it's a little bit lighter i think that's a really really great combination with this magenta that you have there on the right top frame i think that looks really cool yeah this one and do you have some stencils or other materials that we can use i do i do i do so i have what do i have so let's see if she has made her i have this she told me i should have something yeah this this is from a toothpick thing then i have a bigger circle so just a jar i also thought maybe this shape would be kind of cool with a toilet roll i have some very cool rings here that i cut myself i think this is just watercolor paper and i've obviously used them before i think these can make very cool designs and what else do i have i have some saran wrap so maybe we can do something with this i have bubble wrap we can play with that i have flower petals and i also have doilies which of course would be really great for this journal i think toilets we definitely need to use doilies and i have some other stuff but let's maybe start with these because it's going to be too much everything i think we can maybe i should choose a paper paper first it's always good to have the paper on hand before you start printing because you know paint is trying and then you have a problem oh gosh i'm already stressed let's try to put some of this magenta paint to the plate first in small doses it's really really thin and can you please read the bottle description does it says anything about the opacity of the paint i don't know if that's the right word on the front do you have there some some of these sometimes there are little um drops of paint one two or three that say how opaque no okay so no i mean there's two drops here but i don't think that's what you mean okay so then we have to live with what we get now so we have to experience how the paint is reacting i mean okay so should i just do it yeah i'll do it does this feel a little bit smeary yes totally like like so um watery yeah okay so then it's good paint i think for this first layer because this will be some kind of transparent later and we want to see the other layers that we do next so that's a good pain for this first layer take the bubble wrapping now and then yeah press that put it over the whole thing the whole thing whole thing [Laughter] okay take it off oh this looks so cool already i love it i love it okay so you know what i'm going to chicken out actually i'm going to not use that paper first i'm going to try some other papers first just to get the hang of it what are you doing i don't want to mess up my journal page i don't know i'm just taking don't take this book page we are not ready to print we are making an expert jelly printing video here you know oh okay okay fine fine fine please i'm too impatient please take one of your um these paper rings that you have shown before and then take a piece of your amazon wrapping paper packaging paper oh my goodness these words and now no no no no make a little ball um notch this muzzle busy yeah yeah thank you crumble it up and then yeah leave it crumpled yeah oh and then take it like like a little sponge and now go over these yeah but only in this area of the big circle only the big circle oh my gosh so in between there um but you can also you can also go in between of these smaller things but not outside of the big one hold that a little bit with your fingers the rest yeah that's that's working this is already starting like on a total expert level this is like yeah you have called me yeah true i should have known call someone else the next time [Laughter] okay so so i only did it here in this yeah inside of the smallest one perhaps okay and now we have to press down these circles a little bit okay yeah they're down take the circles off carefully we have to let this dry in this other video that you've made you have tried in this stage to lift the color up but now it's already that dry that you can't lift it up totally you will get a mess on your on your book page so um you can let this dry i don't know if a jelly plate expert is doing that but sometimes i'm drying it really carefully with a cold with a cold setting with a hair dryer that has this cold yeah with a cold setting so that you don't melt your plate of course i don't know if you have something like that at hand but we have to let this dry to put another layer of color on top okay i've now dried this with the cool setting of my hair dryer so we are good to go so this i see already is a big mistake i did with my first session i never let it dry this long yeah and that's something that i made wrong in the very beginning as well i thought i am totally uh too stupid to use this but that's the most important thing that you let every layer totally dry before you go on i think now we can use some of your favorite uh watercolor this golden watercolor yes i wasn't even sure if we can use watercolor on this um i think that will work because this is a different kind maybe this is not your your regular like watercolor i just have to be careful because sometimes there's a lot of oil coming out so i just want to be sure that i take away the oil first see yeah i think i'll do no actually now it's good now the consistency is great okay so again the three drops where the circles are um yeah but make it there where um the naked plate is yeah yeah green rare head there no no brain what what okay and then put a few drops of this there as well and this layer now will be the layer that we use to lift the first pink layer up so this this has to be a little bit thicker than the layer below that seems to be enough okay i'm so nervous and now just yeah make sense now you can mix it as much as you wanted i'm so nervous but you're you're doing it right intuitively i think because um you are lifting the brayer in between and that's a good plan to spread the color if you only brayer and don't lift it it's not so good so now you have a really cool blending now take the paper that you want to use fast i would let this dry oh my gosh oh my gosh you're stressing me okay i'm going to take a book old book page and now yeah what have you learned after we have talked uh after i have watched your video um i guess you don't wait until it gets cold because that's never gonna happen yes that will not happen i said in my video it feels cold now if you place your hand um and you have to yeah rub it until it has the temperature of your hand so that means it gets warmer okay and that's the yeah sign that it is dry and what i also recognize and i see it now as well don't uh press only with your fingers uh but lay your hand flat yeah like that so that you have a bigger surface to yeah to smoothen that out don't know if that's the right word but hey yes yes yes yes and that way you can also um avoid that you have these uh air bubbles below your your page you don't want to have any air below your uh book page okay so if you are not sure if that is enough what you did with your hand then you can take carefully one edge of this book page and lift it up really carefully and if you see the naked ah that's not they're still yeah but this looks already really cool yeah should i just take it off yeah take it off and we will use the rest for the next print yeah oh my goodness look at this what do you think about this look be honest it looks very cool i i think it looks very cool i'm happy that the olive is not so dominant because i didn't want that much of the olive the gold is cool the circles could be a little more visible yeah i think you can hardly see the circles but i love these gold splotches here those are really cool okay so um shall we try to get the circles out a little bit more for the next one let's do it okay so then we will use the rest of this golden paint that we have there it can yeah yeah be there stay there yeah so you want this magenta color in the foreground as well for the next print no no no no actually i want something lighter from my journal let's try it before i put it in in on my avocado diet papers for my journal let's try uh another book page with some lighter colors so that we can see if that will work okay so then yeah choose a color for this first layer that you like i mean that would match with the gold but i think everything would match the gold should we just try the white yeah why not let's try that that could also be interesting because i can see some really tiny leftovers from the pink that could look great yeah and perhaps you can see that this color is not as transparent as this magenta one yes yes i see that very much so even if the packaging of this or this this tube of the color of the paint yeah sorry of the paint doesn't say anything about the transparency you can see it and experience it while you are printing this and that's i think really important so we have to take something yeah i like these circles now to get the white off again because now of course when you put your your page down you would have the gold on top and the white in the background but you want to see something of the the book page do you know what i mean so we have to lift some of the white some of it up okay so should we just do this again or maybe we do it on the other side yeah perhaps we can try that with the circles again and see if we can see more of them and perhaps you can now take the packaging paper and lay it flat to the surface and then rub with your fingers in between of these circles to get the color off just in between not around the big circle yeah however you do it like you want it i don't know what i want i'm always not knowing what i want but uh yeah okay so oh ah that's great that's right can we perhaps [Music] make something like on the very outside of this thing you have three of these little yes yes that thing there can you make something like that on the right side there where the white is so that we have only a little bit yeah take some of the white off there that's great that looks really grungy okay now we take the circles off i think oh no let's make it let's make it really cool take this bubble wrapping please yes and place that on the right of the circles there yeah i think that could look really great and i think now you have to press a little bit harder because i think the white is already right beginning right yeah let me check oh no wow should i also do it here outside yeah i just think that that could look great i mean the more we are lifting up now the more interesting yeah that's the first thing the more of the book page you will see and the more interest you will get to this different layers let's lift the circles up all right okay so now we have to let this dry this dry again okay so i'll take my hair dryer again and we'll be back okay it's dry okay so then we need another layer that we can put on top to lift the other layers up so okay choose a color that you want to have my jade green your favorite green let's try that it's yours too isn't it actually yeah it's i would say on the second place of mine really what's the first place favorite the first place is what you have next to your old leaf green like my waterfalling machine is this lint green lint i have no idea what that is okay it's that color okay okay okay so i put quite a lot maybe too much i don't know that's not the problem let's try that okay if you break it and you realize that you have too much color on your plate you can also take a scrap paper and then get rid of the paint on your sprayer that looks like it is really much but you said the second layer needs to be thicker now right thicker yeah but do you have these little i have ridges in it yes and then then it's too much it's a little bit too much i can hardly see the the my screen is really blurry i can't see the details so i'll just get rid of some yeah this is better it was too much okay so you already see that that's okay stop it please take the paper i have a fly on my head here i am really a little problem sorry by the way i have a rough book page and i have a more smooth book page what do you think i should use the first one was a rough one that worked right should i try the smooth one okay then try the smooth one yeah why not oh it has to be cold so much for my listening skills [Laughter] yeah you can take your brayer as well and and oh brayer over it yeah but it's dirty wait um you have problems yeah i have problems that's exactly the point oh look this is it and now you have some collage for the yep exactly okay using my brayer but then i'll never feel if it gets warm just so you know and yeah you have to decide mess on your hand no no no no mess on my hand please okay so try lifting it the one thing that you could do is dry it again with your hair dryer okay oh but look it's coming off completely almost should i just oh yeah take it off pulling oh now we can see the circle is so much better look at this beauty i love this oh you are yes i i have a live request for you yes shall we make some digital printables out of these oh yes let's do it yes yes yes i love that idea yes let's do that i think this one perhaps we can ask the viewers if if they want it otherwise we can yeah please comment below if we should make some digitals with these and i think what louise i think what you mean is not just scan these but to actually make designs with these is that what you mean yeah of course not only skillets but make make some digital artwork out of this please comment below if you want to see some digital's made out of this oh look there's so much beautiful grunginess here on the plate yeah yeah yeah and i think we can take that um for the next print as well yes and shall we perhaps take this other one and compare that with your avocado dye paper because i think that that is a really great color combination but i can't imagine it exactly this and this that one ah that's actually very nice i love that color combination it just i think that's really great the only thing is you there's hardly any gold it needs more gold yeah but what do you think about trying another color combination like this and then splattering the gold later that i can do i think that's much easier and i think that the watercolor and the acrylic paint are mixing in a way that's not but this is all is cool this is really cool i think for the avocado diet paper this magenta with this straight green and the white is really cool are you ready to take your avocado diet paper now oh yeah you know i was also thinking that we could i could just of course tear the other papers and use them you know like collage over this that's also another possibility but let's i don't know the english word but i'm a scaredy cat i i am no okay fine fine louise let's try it okay so let's try to get the same color combination again ah that's it's it's totally strange that we can't see each other that's so strange but now i have the feeling i watch one of your videos and you are answering that's strange [Laughter] we had some of this golden color from the print before so i'm thinking if we can imitate that so put only one drop of this golden color to the plate and then yay then take your or maybe two no okay if i say one please do only bye now mix it do you have some plastic foil or this aluminium foil or i have this this ceramic okay so take a piece off that it's always the same thing with these packaging i know i know they never tear okay so um crumble it a little bit only a little bit oh okay and then um like this yeah like this and then uh press it down to the gold so that you get some of the gold to this foil thingy and then press that like a stand and yeah and spread it but not too too regular stop it when you start what did we do with the next we had some white we had um white okay so let's take some white i don't let this dry you don't let that dry leave it and okay then not too much fine that's only the first layer what we have what we have there is our first layer now yeah i think it's too much i'll just spread it and then take off the excess yes such thin that you can see the gold a little bit through but i think yeah i see it already okay so shall we take these three rings or take this uh cap from the you're from your how about doily can we do it dorian please okay but only because it's you barbara or the bigger one okay thank you how about this okay so let's make let's make something like a mixed place like this yeah like so and press that and now you need something really thin to take away to take away the middle the middle part i got this packaging paper and try to rub with the tip of your finger in between of these little areas yeah i think that's easier to get this off so then let's lift that up carefully whoo oh no what's that it's gone it took all the paint yeah but we are two dummies at the same place i think because the paper doily is paper a bra that's a normal thing i haven't thought about that i think you have to use a plastic doily so that the paint stays there where it was i've not thought about that before but leave that and let's take this round green thing that you had from your toothpicks this one and now i don't know how to explain that place it to the plate don't no not like that just put it down turn it no not turn it no don't turn it put it down and now grab it with your fingers and move it to the right side about one centimeter and then oh my goodness and then lift it up what yeah are you sure it's taking away everything lift it up okay so now you have the angle of this i mean this has an angle the direction you have moved it place it somewhere else and do the same thing but not so far only not so long yeah like that like that do that in the other white areas as well that's 3d art you can also yeah you can also let these overlap a little bit if you want so cool i think that will look really great in the end how do you come up with these things seriously i'm not sleeping you know i'm not sleeping [Laughter] yeah i think we will leave that but we need something to we need something here yeah what can we do there hmm more of this i think yeah do you want to have these magenta splashes on this print as no no no no magenta then take that thing there yes let's try to make another thin layer so that we can oops use this area do i only put it here or over the whole thing over the whole thing this is very thin yeah that's good that's really good shall we try the bubble wrapping in this area where the doily print failed that could match but i can't do it wrong i'll just i'll just do half of it basically yeah because i can't do a round thing yeah if you would press only there where there's yeah but you can't see it i think this needs to dry again and then we can probably take another color white or something else to lift it up but this has to dry now perfect i will dry this and we'll be back so this is dry this is dry that's perfect so now we put the last layer on top a little bit thicker white green this green light green olive green is always great i will try to put this thicker because this is quite thin paint okay i will do my i'll do my best oh yeah you see so here you can see yeah it's really liquid and this yeah it's this slimy thing yes it's a slimy thing i'm not sure if that will work but we will see oh look now it's taking too much off maybe okay i will just stop now okay yeah okay so i don't know what will happen now but place the paper oh my gosh i'm gonna put it here i'm not sure if if that will work and if we can get the whole thing off now but if that will not work you will have an interesting print now and something left on your plate that can be interesting for the next thing if it's not too dry right faster enough let me try it it's coming off check it out [Laughter] what do you think about this i think it looks very fun very cool i think it's interesting in combination with the dots and then these circles yes they are yeah very very cool i love this design this actually reminds me of like the 60s yeah yeah okay so i have this left here and i can just i don't know i'll just randomly put it here just on the edge here might be too dry already huh ah i don't know it looks like like the paper is not sticking completely to the plate yeah in the middle might be too dry oh well what some of it came off yeah there's some there nice background for some collaging i would say yeah okay this is interesting this is interesting but we have no doily but yeah that's okay what about take the doily and let's see how that would look if you would glue the doily on top of this page do you know what i mean i have a smaller one actually yeah i mean that of course looks great yeah i think so that looks really nice or even on this no actually this side so that you see some of this yeah maybe a half one or something yeah that will look really cool let me recap what did i learn today so the important thing is to have several layers to let the individual layers dry completely and then the top layer should obviously not dry because that's the one that's going to pick up the bottom layers the top layer needs to be the thickest layer and i should rub until it gets as warm as my hands approximately and then i can test that by just by just lifting up a corner and see seeing if it sticks to the paper if not i can keep rubbing and just have fun so that that's my takeaway did i miss anything louise no water spray bottle is needed here and another thing that many people have asked me do you want to clean your plate now or what are you doing with the plate now i am not cleaning my plate because i want this grunginess for the next yeah and that's the thing if you want a clear print for the next time then you can clean it with a baby wipe or some soap and yeah rub this paint off or you can leave that i always leave my plate like it is and use this as you said for the crunchiness of the next prince okay this was so fun thank you so much luisa so i will continue practicing i will try to add some more to my papers off screen and then show you those results in the next actually that video might have been already in the next video for my chevy chic journal so i don't know the sequence maybe you will have seen this the results already anyway thank you so much that was very confusing louise you are awesome thank you so much you are so creative i'm always so astonished of how your brain works i i totally get that your sleepless nights thank you so much and i hope that you as viewers got something out of this and will start playing with your jelly plates again just like i have started now again thank you very much for inviting me to this fun thing that was so much fun um and perhaps some german viewers are here at the moment so um you can hop over to my channel there's a german version of this video and if you probably want to hear barbara speaking german let's play something then you can go to my channel there's another video so we will make some other prints also on the jelly uh plate of course uh if you want to watch that then hop over to the other video and yeah thank you barbara thank you thank you guys so much for hanging out with us love you guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: 49dragonflies
Views: 10,047
Rating: 4.9532347 out of 5
Keywords: junk journal ephemera, junk journal ideas, junk journal beginner, junk journal decorating, junk journal, art journal, junk journaling, vintage junk journals, 49dragonflies, journal inspiration, junk journal 2021, gelli plate printing techniques, gelli plate printing, gelli plate art, gelli plate tutorial, Luise Heinzl
Id: OnZA4tzoLao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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