GEARS TACTICS (Gears Of War) All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K UHD

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[Music] after years of endless war Humanity had finally found peace until emergence day when a monstrous new enemy black hearted and Savage emerged from below and laid Siege to our worlds our losses have been great our resolve is far greater my fellow tyrants today the Coalition of ordered governments Strikes Back these unclean beasts these Locust will advance no further I chairman Prescott have authorized the full planetary strike from our Hammer of dawn weapons are on my order the Cog has placed infantry detachments in key cities the mop up any surviving Locust for those citizens unable to evacuate to Safety in time the Coalition appreciates your sacrifice forgive us this is they chin up private if you can survive Prescott's [ __ ] you can survive anything he's torching the whole world to kill the grubs sergeant am I ever going to see him again I don't know looking for shelter come on join the party you going to want to get that Diaz special ORD Sergeant proceed immediately to General becket's office at cic to retrieve a classified document acknowledge no you've got the wrong gear I just run the motorpool you have your orders control out and let me guess you're coming too well if you insist [Music] looks like we're on foot from here cic is up ahead kick Locust troops inbound drones I see them for the queen get into cover Diaz you forget how to fight in the motorpool something like that I've got a clear line on this drone engaging now Target down got one more in range the hammer strikes aren't going to wait for us finish off these grubs so we can get to the cic won't even break a s you ready for this all right let's move you got a name Soldier Redburn Sid Redburn tell me something Sid Redburn you clearly know where you're going so why am I here I guess someone up there likes you Sergeant got reavers doing a flyby inside go now what are we looking for most classified looking file they [Music] got the hell plenty of time to read that later we're in for a fun ride you and me no I told Prescott I don't do that [ __ ] anymore time to go couldn't hide out in the motorpool forever Diaz move Hammer's closing in fast get back to the [Music] APC [ __ ] Reaver dropped off reinforcements here they come wretches we don't have time for this clear him out with a frag grenade gladly wrong frag you bore for the price of one now let's kill the rest so we can Evac [ __ ] what now there a way around great the goddamn seen it BR what's the play here Bank ball now what you going bad [ __ ] [Music] move holy [ __ ] sh I'll say one thing for Prescott the man's thorough come on let's find a way back [Music] to a godamn crisp better hope our APC isn't torched too or it's going to be a long walk to the bunker this Mission will be good for you Diaz whatever you say don't play Koy you were flying up the ranks then you bust yourself down to the motorpool for what to get the hell away from Prescott's missions [Music] look around Diaz War's not over we need to talk about Prescott's Mission this grub named zukon save it I fix things now that's it [ __ ] the bunker no blast [Music] marks this wasn't the hammer no it wasn't this was Ukon [Music] so this is the grease pit you traded your command for comm's working this dump at least let's hope not [Music] Lieutenant Colonel Diaz it's been too long it's Sergeant now chairman hope this was worth dodging your Hammer strikes for yes well I'm glad to see your time in the motor pool has indul your talents open it you're looking at the only known photos of a locust called Ukon the enemy's resident genetic IST a Monster who makes monsters corpers brots his work we need him eliminated I don't run UPS anymore not after gearid sulking won't undo the past Diaz you want to save lives today stop squandering your Tactical gifts and take ukan down before he creates something even worse I can't offer you much no Personnel no race supply hold up if this grubs as dangerous as you say I need equipment soldiers an army oh you always were resourceful recruit whatever gears you find and figure out the rest as for your incident in gatka try to do better this time [Music] a heartwarming reunion if we do this you work for me not Prescott got it you're the boss motorpool come on let's find some more gears alder's a ghost town now so our recruiting options are thin our best bet for Gears is Echo 5 a mop-up unit stationed nearby let's pay him a [Music] visit going to need to Commander this whole platoon for our little grub hunt that won't go down easy don't you worry been working on my recruiting pitch yeah that's what I'm afraid of up ahead hey over here okay cupcakes listen up everybody in one piece we're looking for Echo 5 that's us sir grubs just ambushed our unit half a click up the road came out of nowhere all right you're with us now let's go find your [Music] people sure as hell hope there's a squad left to recruit damn no one's left let's check out the Ambush site see if there's any sign of those gears threat neutralized and it's it's dead that's all of them now first the bunker happen here now this UK's wiping out the mop-up crews what the Emulsion he didn't kill all of them drag marks you sure they're alive dead bodies don't kick if those gears are lucky tcom should pick them up mhm [Music] and there they are let's [Music] go we've got a fix on the Prisoners the grubs took my bet the sick bastards are processing those gears in torture pods we've got to work fast then once we pull up those grubs are going to start the kill timer [Music] clock's ticking on our people so it's just us two full Squad would only slow us down free those prisoners it's a torture pot all right grubs won't be breaking any gears today promise you that welcome back Soldier now grab a weapon still got a fight ahead of us head it out exterminated time to get to work we might have stumbled onto a fix for our Personnel shortage tacom just picked up a distress call in the industrial district whoever it is we've got to help them and who knows maybe they can help us too find your own ride [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] too damn many of them fall back inside the M civies running's all they're good for she shoots better than you okay protect that truck don't know how long the armor on their rig's going to hold so hustle up there we got to give them a Fighting Chance the way they turn tail think a hiding chance is all they're up for noted Sid now move that's one big ass truck these civvies have it's a mining rig has living quarters a reinforced Hull an Armory so we're taking it is what you're saying if that's what I was saying I would have said it thr frag should be the last of them clear them out anyone else last one bring them down good work solid work location secure now let's make sure everybody's in one pude we're not done here with them no and you know why perfect hey there looks like we came just in time listen fascist your hammer strike took everything from us don't you come here looking for thanks so here's what I see guts but no discipline if we hadn't picked up your distress call you would have been overrun we can help each other join us all right here's what I see a bunch of lost fascists so desperate for Warm Bodies they want to conscript civilians H you're hunting that crazy Locust ukan what do you know about him enough places he goes show me maybe for the right price but a star is busted so unless one of your goons is a mechanic we're not going anywhere I think I know a guy okay mammo fixed so a Deal's a deal let's take a little trip to the packing District place is always swarmed with ukan goons you want to see what he's up to that's the first place to look the warehouse up ahead I saw Ukon lurking there about a week ago some kind of [ __ ] let's knock on his door then and me without a housewarming gift super I think we're clear you fascists can fight I'll give you that thanks it's the first thing we learn in fascist school oh so you think it's funny the [ __ ] the hog does burning the world down no just don't judge us too quickly by the uniform you wear [Music] right oh UK's not going to like that come on no point in sticking around let's head back well we didn't find Ukon but we did put him on notice must have weeks to stop all that emotion got to admit felt good to mess with that [ __ ] instead of running now I got one more place where we might find him Michaela's next lead looks solid we're seeing heavy Locust activity in the city of Clayborn just like she said UK's there be ready for anything [Music] there's a lot of grubs down there well good means he's close one of UK's [Music] pets all right listen up that bridge is our way in no e- holes and they can't flank us what about that well at least we'll hear it coming still no sign of them I think our little friend is getting closer down ukan [Music] we got to isolate him no we don't wait useless human FS summon the Beast crush them you saying dead ey get down Grub's coming breac split up got to surround him Rockets incoming get out of the strike zone in good work Jack dear it's late I just saw Ukon get his head blown off and stand right back up what else aren't you telling me your orders are to kill him not write his biography the [ __ ] put me here before we're we're keeping secrets got good people killed and some Secrets also keep people Alive Now do your job so you're all wondering why we pulled away from the fight frankly we're not ready for it that Broach was just the start our enemy's got a whole grub Zoo [ __ ] no one's even seen yet right now all we have is grit which is why you're on the job training starts today look I don't like it any more than you do but if there's one thing that the Cog is good at it's making soldiers you know that so we learn what we need and then we kick UK's ass back underground I'll be overseeing a group today Major Redburn will take you through your Paces later lucky me now let's go squash some [Music] grubs civilians and Cog rookies and vets our little army has plenty of friction if we're going to take out Ukon we got to learn to work together that starts here [Music] mission's all about teamwork dig in near both crates and load the supplies we need to upgrade our army remember we don't work together we die Supply Target reach solid teamwork people this will buy us some much needed upgrades prepare for Evac listen up DS preaches teamwork but I've got a different gospel sink or swim if you can't pull weight don't expect pity cuz the grubs won't give you any now it's proving time trial by fire it is if we're going to tangle with Ukon we need better armor and weapons grab the gear and watch out for those Nemesis bombs [Music] eyes open feet apart elbow in got to say they're starting to look like gears yeah I think we put a little spine in them what the hell did you do three of my people just deserted maybe a little too much spine a sh we form search parties go after them Michaela they're not just your people [Music] anymore look I don't like doing things the Cog way either but not even SIDS as harsh as a grub torture pod the Locust took our runaways captive nearby let's bring him [Music] home damn just two pods grubs took our third desserter somewhere else kill Tim is on so hustle if we're slow our people die Roger that Target in sight on it I'm listening come on let's get back and hey we'll make this Convoy a home for you trust me now let's hope gab can still save your [Music] friend while we've been hunting runaways UK's been staking us out grubs hiding Emulsion tanks to hit us with another Broach I'd bet we're going to wreck his stash and buy Gabe time to save the last deserter time to put a crimp and UK's Broach plans find his Emulsion tanks and make them go boom move out heads up they're guarding the tanks thr [Music] frag back in your hole sniper reporting in on my way if that Emulsion wasn't for a broer that means you cause B sues [ __ ] for us godamn terrific let's head back we've got a fix on our last runaway and it might pay off bigger than we thought Intel says they're part of a locust cargo shipment break them out and look for anything we can use against Ukon [Music] grubs have two prisoners on site one of ours and one who's about to get lucky crack those torture pods fast and watch for Clues move out go time hit him hard didn't think we'd give up on you did you now shake off the dust we're fighting our way out we've got our people and one hell of a lead with that canister everybody head for the APC guess I should thank you for running if we can find out what's in this canister we might just learn the key to beating Ukon [Music] ukan was huffing this [ __ ] what is it take a snort Diaz and I'll shoot you for research my vcar is Rusty property of nedroma Health Institute nedroma is a hall then let's start hauling Ukon needs these canisters so we need to know why our best bet for answers is to check out the source but stay sharp if this place is on UK's radar it'll be crawling with grubs [Music] going to guess that doesn't say free kittens warning rustlung quarantine Zone rustom why would Ukon care about rustom think we're about to find out sign says the medical arives are up in the atrium let's check it out odds are that's where we'll find our Intel and a whole damn grub convention by the sound of it strong box spotted in the medical archives let's get a closer look [Music] Pay Dirt research files and a fresh canister we can examine it all back at the Convoy move out we got our Intel but UK's raising the stakes with those amped up drones it's time we figured out how to put this so on ice what is it it's an immune system booster experimental crippling side effects and it only works on rustlung huh rustlung so Ukon dying of rustlung how is that even possible okay this is all academic we need to catch him yeah and now we have our bait with UK's healing trick we can't kill him head on we've got to trap him instead our Target's an old UI medical truck once we secure it we'll make Ukon think he's hit the canister [Music] jackpot Intel says our vehicle's up ahead just got to lock it down for the recovery crew let's make it happen affirmative got one rest in peace solid job this truck's just what we need to F now let's move out and let the recovery crew get to [Music] work okay trap set now we've just got to wait and hope that UK's as desperate for those canisters as I think he is okay let's do this control this is Alpha 2 go ahead Alpha 2 found uck full medical cans just north of ITA Health Institute no use to us Alpha 2 leave it and move on control out you're sure Ukon listens in on comms oh I'm positive [Music] hold [Music] [Music] excellent now [Music] sorry [ __ ] Pharmacy's closed Sid redb it's been so long what did it hey I'm taking lukon Stand Down wait you you're what I'm getting in this truck and driving away oh no you're not stop stop I'm taking care of this my way and what way is that the backstabbing lunatic way you want to be stupid go ahead shoot [Music] a shame to Le just as things are getting interesting [Music] huh just like we planned it and that's a corpser buckle up these things are nasty but who's the bigger threat it or sit can't think about that now just Target the corpser keep it up we're making progress and making him mad as hell nobody get cocky now tr's weakening just a few more shots guns going dry all right target eliminated nice goddamn [Music] work would you please explain to me what the [ __ ] that was you ow me an answer I don't owe you [ __ ] I trust you have better news this time Diaz we had Ukon and then your man tried to escape with him and where is Major Redburn now detained unfortunate but you've cornered Ukon once you can do it again as for major Redburn the penalty for tres is death I leave the method to you get any answers from your Tyrant buddy just more questions as godamn usual what did you want with Ukon you want to eat more shovel talk fine rotten there then should have shot you when I had the chance had enough alone time because Ukon still out there and we've only got one lead left your backstabbing ass know what you're no better than Prescott I'm protecting you godamn it really cuz I thought you were protecting your old pal Ukon if I tell you the truth there's no going back long time ago I got posted to a genetics lab they were supposed to be curing Russ lung it went sideways instead of going after a cure the doctors made monsters convinced chairman Monroe that things had military potential but they were feral mindless except one Ukon one chairman caused this mess another covers it up I wanted to parade Ukon through the capital as proof that we need real military leadership to win this war not manicured po itions but for now anyone who knows the truth is at risk including you two so you're saying the Cog created the Locust sounds about right no that's that's insane tell you what I stashed some files at The Outpost in windlock go see for yourself if this is another lie well believe me motorpool I wish it [Music] were Sid wants us to believe the Cog cooked up Its Own Worst Enemy if I'm going to buy that I need hard proof let's see if these files of his are real or if they're one more tall tail well windlock has Sid written all over it old busted and sketchy as hell okay missions are grab and go if Sid wasn't bullshitting his files would be in the storehouse that's one hell of an if that's the lot but the grubs will be back let's get those files yeah if there are files to get [Music] New Hope initiative Chairman's eyes only this is the file all right let's head back so we can get a closer look okay load up gab you need to read this s patient zero it's all interesting reading what are you going to do rattle the skeletons in the closet [Applause] something to reportaz New Hope excuse me New Hope Sid's rambling on about it that name mean anything to you I'm afraid not what are your current coordinates ask you to deal with major Redburn you haven't I'm sending a raven to arrest him and bring you reinforcements well it's about goddamn time coordinates sent dispatching The Raven now and yes this has been a difficult mission for all of [Music] why the hell did you tell him where we are he's going to send some kill Squad Prescott can send whoever he wants by the time they land on that Mountaintop we'll be gone oh you're sneakier than you look no more Cog [ __ ] get everyone ready to head don't say I didn't warn you well Prescott thinks we're dead good one less distraction while we get back to the mission killing Ukon oh really and how are we going to do that his healing I can turn it off you're telling us this now well yeah wasn't trying to kill him before spill it UK's turbocharging is healing right well at New Hope the docs had a dirty trick called cytostatic gas completely jams up the healing process I know how to make it and you can weaponize it you trust this mustache with legs after what he pulled you got a better plan Ukon dies full stop you want to throw a truth parade in Aira do it on your own time you know we're never going back back to Aira pull any [ __ ] no more warning shots okay let's get to work [Music] if we're going to brew up this gas we need ingredients Intel says we'll find him at an old UI chemical weapons Depot Gabe's busy cleaning up the Prescott mess so it's on us to make sure Sid behaves [Music] takes two chemicals to make cytostatic gas florisil something called rz50 we'll need plenty of both so get cozy by those crates no slack assing oh we'll do the job you're the one who's got to prove his worth okayy go we can carry is it all [Music] right whatever you now nobody spill the [ __ ] on yourself it's like touching the godamn son Ukon isn't going to sit politely while we dosing with this cytostatic stuff so we need a delivery mechanism gas grenades will do the trick secure the parts we need to build them Intel says we'll find grenade casings up at the old missile silo let's step to it Gade leaving Sid alone mixing a bunch of chemicals you really trust him no but if he steps out of line we've got plenty of pissed off soldiers there who love to set him straight [Music] nice got our grenade cases time to head home so these gas grenades you think you can make him do what we need are you I have two engineering doctores you think I'm going to have trouble making a little gas P out Michaela is making our grenades but she needs one last piece Detonator pins Intel says we'll find some at a was station out in the Badlands we've got to collect that cargo before the grub Wrecking Crew arrives our Detonator pins should be in one of these equipment cases search them till you strike gold keep ahead of those bombs don't want to be scraping anyone off the dirt today Bring It On [Music] grubs here we go ready not a bad little Mission how's that lump on your head feeling now better I mean an old man like you can't hit that hard just wanted to ring your bell if I were out to hurt you you know it these super grubs are bad news if Ukon builds thousands of them Marches On Aira easy to fix Diaz want to stop an army of [ __ ] just blow up the [ __ ] Factory it's done you're welcome all that's left now is to find out where UK's hiding listen what I did before well it was a it was a bad call I just wanted payback for all the [ __ ] the cogs made me do I put you all in [Music] danger I'm just trying to make that right careful stare at that any harder you'll set it on fire don't bother hasn't moved in 2 hours think I got it these are all the places Ukon attacked what's the pattern we've covered this it's random where he's hit is random what about where he hasn't zenic Province we've been through it pristine medical facilities they should have what ukan wants but he isn't touching them it's the one place he doesn't want to leave Footprints zenix big it'll take some looking he's there I know it so much for Ukon keeping a low profile in zenic Intel just came in on a hidden torture Camp we're going to free his prisoners and see if we can't sniff out his base okay get to those prisoners but keep your eyes sharp for Clues canisters tracks anything don't get excited now grubs have torture camps all over doesn't mean UK's base is down the street call it intuition you're back in the fold Soldier come on we're fighting our way out now let's get you both out of here head for the APC good all friendlies accounted for hey the grubs who took you did they have a base nearby it's important they look can we just leave of course we've got food and beds for you both back at our Convoy [Music] girl knows something she's about as chatty as a brick wall help me to talk to her mind if I join you it's your Camp can't imagine what you've been through save the pity for someone who wants it look you want to leave no one's Stopping You H if not talk talk to us what happened to you we were living in some old lab my father's a scientist or was a few weeks ago I went out for supplies when I came back that thing was there setting up shop UK G I don't know why he didn't just kill me but what he did to my father that'll stay with me until the day I die I'm sorry that information isn't a gift you're going to help me kill ukan help you kill him what's your name my name is you're going to help me kill lukan I think I can make that happen awfully long name though there anything I can call you for short [Music] Raina guess she likes you motorpool she knows where he is it's time we ended this Raina gave us a fix on UK's lab but the Brute Force approach isn't going to cut it to plan our attack we need to scout his defenses clear out any grubs and get to a vantage point there's a view of UK's base past this wall the checkpoint used to be UNM or unrubbed but UK's a Vigilant one no way we're sneaking we've got to open the gate and clear a path to that Overlook move out outgoing frag Target down maximum efficiency this lab UK's using you know it well sort of we weren't there long my father and I were always moving always hiding hiding from what honestly you the Cog I mean I was Tau never to trust them yeah well wish I'd learned that lesson sooner myself okay they're down for a city you know your way around a gun where'd you learn to shoot what's so hard you just point and pulled the trigger guess I've wasted a lot of time on the firing range then let's uh open that gate yep oh I'm [Music] ready we're through head toward the lookout but stay sharp for more grubs all right let's see what we're up against [Music] there through the Rocks done some renovating huh it's an [ __ ] Factory all right in full production that's a lot of emulsion okay what do you guys want first the bad news or the really bad news Gabe has a plan to break into UK's base but it's well don't anybody cancel their life insurance if we're going to survive this we need to armor our HQ vehicle up way up [Music] you need metal plating you raid an armored vehicle Depot settle in by the crates and pack up that steel I've been scrapping my whole life I don't need the tutorial hey we're friends now remember I yeah sorry yep okay that's it and uh good work everyone L an AR raid of people she'll be giving the orders before long now let's get back fuel economy is going to take a hit but our HQ Vehicles about to become an armored Beast I told you once that we weren't ready for this fight said all we had was well we got a hell of a lot more than that now but this won't be easy because it's not enough just to kill Ukon if we let the Locust keep churning out these Juiced up grubs everyone's at risk not just us that means we've got to crush Ukon and his whole nasty ass operation the plan's simple first we knock down UK's front door knock knock that will unleash down and give us time to make a special delivery got you [ __ ] head while we chase ukan down you'll buy us time now let's get this done all right this is what we've been working for either Ukon goes down or we do Gear Up you thought you were clever did you come see what my newest creation thinks of your little plan God disable those pumps whatever UK's hiding in there we've got to cut off its emotion Supply okay then what then Ukon unveils his magnum opus moving up down one left guards slow the human fils down reporting good huh talk to [Music] sure damn it got it third pump down well he looks friendly bear witness to my masterpiece UK's got us split up he wants to weaken us that jacked up Reaver has Rockets too [Music] move we've got to expose the Emulsion in that thing's head Target the a mask my goddamn pleasure Target's launching its rockets and changing position I have made your kind obsolete this H my zots and disciples we are Sarah's future I'm I need ammo fire in the hole no no big guys [Music] down and out stay alert don't trust anything until you see Ukon dead back get back [Music] this rub will not take a damn h [Music] [Music] pop away got a whole box of these cytostatic gas a drunk of torturers you're all out of moves New Hope never left you did it sin I missed you too [ __ ] you think you've won but your suffering is only beginning humanity is weak soft my creatures my perfect Creations will I'll give you on they'll outlive your ass that's for sure that's that then so what's next mustache man you headed off off to spill some Cog dirt been thinking on that maybe some secrets are better left buried I say we leave Prescott to his world and get busy building our own [Music] right off into the sunset then not quite UK's monsters are still out there I've got some new Mission plans we can go over tonight see Raina this is how fast you celebrate planning [ __ ] something of yours my mother's I never never knew her thank you can we burn this place down already it's almost my nap time coming [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 12,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, full, gameplay, no commentary, full gameplay, GEARS TACTICS (Gears Of War) All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K UHD, gears tactics, gears of war, gears tactics game movie, gears tactics cutscenes, gears of war full movie, gears of war movie, gears of war 2024 full movie, gears of war all cinematics, gears tactics all cutscenes movie, gears tactics ending, gears tactics movie, gears 2, gears 3, gears 5, xbox one x gears 5, gears of war tactics, gears tactics story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 38sec (4718 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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