GEARS OF WAR: JUDGMENT All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD

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you and your squad might have killed a lot of locust today lieutenant but this war is only just behind our survival depends on one fan ears follow orders but I look at you and I don't see a gear I see something more dance I see a hero well congratulations hero millions of citizens you've sworn to protect might die because of what you did today I hereby charge kilo squad with desertion cowardice and press passing the theft of experimental military technology and treason does that sound about right to you lieutenant Baird just give me ten minutes to go back there and make sure the bastard is dead move lieutenant Baird there goes a record what I want to lieutenant the war criminal unless they are weak as you were [Music] the accused are denied any right to an attorney and may not question the authority of this Tribunal so we can't ask why you're doing this now at the conclusion of this Tribunal I will issue a fair and swift verdict right of course you colonel are we being charged with doing our job the charges will be defined as I hear your testimony now lieutenant Baird begin with the last time we saw each other our mission was to rendezvous with a supply convoy but then things started how exactly did things go wrong lieutenant gradually sir whatever it was right for but he didn't say not yet since this war began our cities have been falling one by one and command is no idea who are what's responsible well Colonel I think I might know this meeting is over we went as fast as we could sir there was no saving that convoy I heard other units talk about the glowing wretches but I thought that was just soldiers telling stories turns out it's not our old convoy had been wiped out in minutes never seen anything like it Oh when those wretches died they exploded like they've been drinking out of a fuel tank I hoped we wouldn't be seeing them again anytime soon Colonel Loomis this is lieutenant bear big problem sir our convoy just got destroyed then move on to the Museum of Military Glory it's under attack sir whatever destroyed our convoy is still out there noted lieutenant yes sir come on kilo you heard the man I heard this minute Michael the museum was on the other side of the river beside the cob no longer controlled I thought maybe we could slip through unnoticed yeah nice how do reminds me mouthwash so what you have the wine cellar Hey look man gotta split his money on something so this is the UI our sniper rifle this isn't a gun it's a comrade wretches we're not done yet you know it's almost like they don't want us to get to the museum it was faster to go through the empty buildings than around them they were also abandoned no one here had been Eve that where was everyone i classed up campus these gloves seem awfully interesting is that all of them man I never seen so many grubs in one place before I know let's just get inside looma sent us where should we go you're not honest I'm honest no you're not great we're the first line of defense for the Onyx guard let's show what regular soldiers could do kylo [ __ ] these things yeah any and all reinforcements proceed to the East Wing Black Forest getting hammered over here if we don't hurry they're not going to make it black horse said they were losing the east wind he didn't mention they lost everything on the way there we haven't heard anything else from black four so we're going to find either bodies or a battle or an ambush looks like that doors gonna give what it does start shooting ah hate that feeling what's that that's the end of house there's only one way out of here two latches one involves the die follow me onyx felt like the right idea it definitely wasn't [Music] patek if you have any Intel um that grub upstairs I do have Intel stay away from it any sign of those onyx guards they probably double-timed it through here wait did you hear that get behind it they look vulnerable back there man I said the girls walked around with two legs like normal people can we go now please there's another hallway through that hole literally in an of eggs I prefer to shoot at something that walks better to see for a while what have they done to my marcsa a sniper rifle we don't scope those groves of real geniuses Radio check I got nothing I can hear voices again on our comm nothing too distinct if we could make it back topside we'd be online again oh Claire to be out of there what's next well we call in and make sure control knows what's going on helo to control I need Loomis colonel some drop writing a monster just wiped out every rifle at them you see him request guidance kill DeGraw hold the museum colonel father kia this grub borås Nia they called him Khan this isn't Karass nia my art through all we had at him colonel what about the light mass missile cleave strategy to bed with bars I don't want to hear a word from any of you and Joe panik's [Music] how's that muscle work it's classified but there's one here inhale Bo the inventor teaches at the academy yeah professor Elliot I worked in his lab at Lacroix before he went military the missile draws power from refined emulsion the more emulsion the bigger the poem courtesy of your big pool how close were you to have that point close enough that thing would burn up this entire city this one's low yield after the hammer of dawn Elliot stopped working on it how low yield Baird lieutenant to fire that thing you have to get a targeting beacon the launch codes personally activate the missile on site and get this all approved by command [Music] control kilo here so we're gonna get the light mass missile online and use it to kill general cop in the objections works for me all right come on cadet going back to the Academy that's an order [Music] cadet Hendrik I'm curious to hear what it takes to convince an Onix guard cadet to steal one of the cogs most powerful weapons I was against it sir that's right run to Daddy maybe you could show me and the army you volunteered for a little respect I tried that and look what he's got colonel I'm an Academy cadet I had to see if my friends were all right we took the sewers from the museum to the Academy the whole way there I couldn't stop thinking about my fellow cadets I hope they held out they hadn't the Academy was overrun but that beacon inside professor Eliot's lab would allow us to land the light mass missile right on car and head whatever happened here I know my fellow cadets fought hard there's no shame in losing a bad one trust me I know [Music] time to go with Sam right yeah find the light mass missile beacon and then get the hell out of here my fellow cadets we're the smartest the toughest the best the cog had to offer the next generation of officers Karn rode them down like daisies [Music] what if the lab is busted up - it can't be we need that beacon and that's that now where cadet the Institute for Science and Technology it's just through that door these guys a clean shot to the head to calm them down come on there's a lab entrance just in time before entering the lab I needed to clear security I was still in the system one ah chill man the lab looks different from the last time I was here you worked here I helped test some prototype weapons and professor Elliot had a crush on me oh okay it's not moving it's restraints are still in place there should be a button around here you're kidding right that's now beeping these durable woman yo brother mother I thought he could cloak not on Academy grounds anti cloaking field will have to protect it on the way out but can you take us out of here from there we had to follow the bots off campus and make sure no one damaged him [Music] I have never fought so hard for something that beeps so much for now I think [Music] following a strange bot across what was left of the Academy campus was not how I imagined my day was gonna unfold [Music] we hear your little guy hunker down and shields up kela protected by we pass through this courtyard on the way in we're almost out of here that's the Raven we saw yeah let's scavenge whatever equipment we can that's all we can do now [Music] look what I found I think that means we're in trouble yep that's what it means there's some gear near the wreckage at least area clear after you little flying guy someone's got a name this thing I followed Baird to the Academy to find out what happened to my fellow cadets I found out they were all gone the monster that killed them had to pay so paddock are you here as major paddock in the uir or private panic in a cog whichever one you like lists the open arms program may have given you our uniform but you and I remain enemies fine let's settle this like enemies day stand down you garage needs weren't known for treating prisoners very well I'm sure you know nothing about it well I wouldn't say that you don't seem like a man who takes orders why even follow Baird you might say I had an ulterior motive growing up in the uir of course I'd heard of the fabled mansions of halwa Bay but I never imagined I'd see them like this the grubs tore this neighborhood apart your professor lives up here are we sure he's still alive no we are not we need to keep moving we have a long way to go to Elliot's house I got a statue like that in my room you have an atrium [Music] like Dawn's dry we had the but but we still needed the launch codes for the light mass missile Baird and Sofia's friend professor Elliot was the only one who had them [Music] lords with me thoroughly son what's your status young man you're fighting animals push them into the sea do you understand do you understand I'll come out there and shoot through myself we were getting close to Elliot's mansion I was beginning to have my doubts that he survived we're not yet we found the truck it made a nice bridge we'd almost reached the professor's mansion barriers down this professors mansion it's fighting back there's no elegant so we came all this way for nothing friends and family so you must know this professor really well martyrs the gloves are gonna flatten that house if we don't stop them we couldn't get into the professor's house until we eliminated those mortar squads every mortar squad [Music] cadets can you take us in to Elliot's house now of course sir it's through that gate the truth is none of us cared how well Sofia knew this professor but I think we all knew by then that we weren't going to like what we found inside his mansion I don't think Elliott's alive he might be to death come on you don't believe that no they don't you all right it was quiet in the progressive management quietest again all day then we saw Elliot this is a gut but we still need the launch codes try to hack into Elliot's computer so that's that I'm sorry cadet he was my teacher lieutenant whatever else happened happened so what did happen he was married with kids I moved on please wait the power's out the bots probably fried the circuits to break into the system power outage outside defenses rebooting please wait sir I think we're about to have visitors many visitors kylo they're coming in and we need to hold them off but keep hacking into that vein frame we can't leave until we have those launch codes that didn't take long but who's that doing that's cause the mainframe the pod had to get those doors open hack directly into the system I like my job better good because I need you to do it keep them off the box cuz we completely exposed the pots done here and so are we let's roll we had the launch codes and we left I was surprised I kind of liked a few of the mansions I saw today maybe when this is all over I'll take one for myself who's left to say no private Augustus Cole you've been a typically quiet until now listen up all we gotta do it I assume you actually listen to your crash ball coach from time to time fresh ball you're not a fan pretend war no how are you finding the real thing I've been more comfortable then unburden your mind next we hear to fly on its point that facility's location is classified private tour table is back water your generals was a big fan took me over cool I think that's all of them let's hope the missiles close by we went on inside we'll shoot the trespasser Colonel I already have plenty of reasons to shoot you private well they don't see any signs mark like maths Mitchell you know they really should do that couldn't tell which way led to the right man's missile can open up their house looking doors eventually we picked the right one I suppose we'll know this missile when we see it oh I think I'll take that the place was huge I knew fighting that missile it won't be easy guess that's the point of hard two dead [Music] [Music] Karnes taking the port I had friend stationed there we all did okay I definitely been here before let's head towards the elevator mark drops on the Reg take them out we don't have to tell her I could convict you Radha Colonel I think you might want to send a battalion out to honors point when we're done here the grubs seem to like that place [Music] all units move a Military Glory will take back this city block by lieutenant you have to tell them what we're doing all right all right Colonel Loomis lieutenant Baird here lieutenant what is your position on exploit we've just activated the lightness and we're about to add another goddamn word lieutenant that missile is sitting in that silo for a reason Colonel you have no idea what you're up against exactly what I'm up against the grub you killed a bunch of worthless Indies I'd shake the faster ten if I could then you and your men die lieutenant a rest private panic and remain on that rock from the museum we need an evac we're mobilizing sergeant we can have a raven to you in an hour we don't have an hour we could beat it hold on soon I'm gonna rescue a mega that's a coincidence so am I it's done where to Damon back to the mainland years need our help [Music] that missiles useless if the grubs can get to it we can use the bots to seal the door from the other side way back to the missile ad and now we're shut tight it was time to give that to the beach how did you get off that Island private oh that was the fun part I'm getting real tired of that sound hey buck knock it off the beach is clear stay alert he loved we can take one of those boat back that's the plan let's go finish this kilo you people astound me [Music] you might want to consider getting back out there and fighting captain then it'll be a short walk [Music] this is crazy I'm waiting on you finish up the light mass missile was ready to launch we needed to find carne get the beating close to him and fire and where was carne well Omega knocked out his Cedars at the Museum I figured he want to deal with that personally how do we know the big bad brothers gonna be at the Museum Lumis just announced he's sending every gear in the city to that Museum gotta be a trap hey well this girl just waiting for us or is it just me we were told the grubs remind 'less monsters but what I saw today they're not mindless they're methodical they know what they're doing and Carnes probably smarter than half our top brass we're heading back outside kilo Nanak I hope this victory stuff doesn't you know don't worry once these wars over we can go back to trying to kill each other like normal people [Music] helos trolls coming in let's set up a little surprise okay split up two left side to right side throwing flag Hey [Applause] that was fun but we need to get away from these patrols I bet we can reach the rooftops if we head up there earlier in the day old town seems deserted even though it hadn't been properly Eve act where did everyone there go now we knew the rooftops they thought they'd be safe they thought wrong bodies on the floor killer let's hope they died quickly I have a strange feeling we're being haunted currents probably put some locust bounty on our heads stay dead tell me we found again both the same carne was sending in his best clothes I was starting to wonder if maybe he was afraid of us no we're yeah we're almost there we're not done yet sure that's it come on kilo the museum's closed I'm buying the museum was just ahead I knew killing carne meant sacrificing but sir I gotten pretty attached little guy I guess there's other bonds out there we can't hold about forever control we need that evac we're working on it sergeant we've got wounded control we're almost there kilo I can't wait to drop my bliss on that big-ass drug [Music] come on people the end is in sight bye-bye you this is omega2 I know that so that's God's personal guard we don't have much time I thought if we killed Karn the grubs would just stop fighting I guess this war is gonna make a pessimist out of me yet look Karn needed to die if that was the wrong call colonel you can go ahead and shoot me you I told you to stay on that island lieutenant this Court has reached a final verdict any last words men like you or why I fought the COG we saved a lot of people today yeah including us no final words from you lieutenant maybe you have a point sir we saved what a thousand people the light mass missile was designed to save millions I know that but a Kearney taken Hal phone we might have lost a chance to save anyone hey where the hell did Loomis house who the [ __ ] cares we need to find our way out of here [Music] you should have been out there fighting tonight right [Music] [Music] that's the reason we came in on it we'll be leaving in it too ouch Lombardo mine maybe it's a done sir Colonel Loomis just abandoned us permission to call him an [ __ ] sir permission to call him whatever you want cadet come on Kela through the door that Ravens not sitting out there because it likes us oh great just play fine now amazing their leaders dead and they're still relentless [ __ ] okay those goals ain't gonna hold Panthers [Music] getting close I can almost mount everything baby come home all that's left of Loomis's grand strategy [Music] babies over to the left and coño what did you focus [Music] all right colonel are we getting on that Ravens you can actually shoot us somewhere else or cookie man doesn't look so tough your eyes [Music] what do we do with a god die there's a difference between war and cruelty war is cruelty and this one's not over a word lieutenant that's the last time anyone's going to address you as lieutenant I'm dropping the charges but you'll never be an officer again yeah why should all these brains be wasted on an officer sir private desert [Music] no wonder I was supposed to keep an eye on you on me or what I guess they thought you might try to steal our military technology what you did illegally access military technology that's deferens pardon me lieutenant there it's private Baird now Loomis just demoted my congratulations it done it without you I think that means I might be in charge perfect call do we have this much tension between us
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 786,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, gears of war judgment all cutscenes, gears of war judgement movie, gears of war judgment game movie, gears of war judgment cutscenes movie, Gears Of War: Judgment (Video Game), gears of war judgment walkthrough, gears of war judgment cinematics, gears of war judgment story, gamerslittleplayground, GEARS OF WAR: JUDGE All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD, gamer's little playground, GEARS OF WAR: JUDGMENT All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD
Id: MkkouFQqR1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 17sec (4877 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2015
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