Gears making made simple... 4 actual examples, of dividing principles...

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[Music] hi again welcome to the garage ampere this time around we're making at least trying to demystify a little bit how to cut gears make it simpler as simple as possible because this can be pretty you know pretty complicated sometimes but we'll try a new approach and see see what we can do about it it's neither metric neither Imperial counting teat and holes into a dividing wheel mean there's a no standard in that just the plain numbers so I let's go no let's get on with it in order to at least have the basic basics about it you need some a couple of gauges preferably you know you got big big teeth like this is a to pitch down to four and a half pitch you got intermediate intermediate sized gauges you got down to pretty pretty small teeth like 60 70 oh sorry 72 72 teeth and you know just a way to measure them there's a you know a pressure angle let's see let's see if you can see pretty well on this you got the two standards are 20 and 14 and a half I'll show you close-ups of these like you can see the 20 on top and the 14 and 5 in the bottom you see the difference in the angle you need to measure the wheels let's say that this will here that's already done it's a 12 by 12 pitch the angle is let's try this here this is a 20 angle and this is a 14 degree pressure angle see how it meshes better it matches better there you know just there's a big difference so you have to get the right pressure angle otherwise it's not gonna make a pretty good pretty good meshing a pretty good match so what a few gauges and the dividing plates the indexing wheels or whatever however you call them and rotary rotary head so let's get on with it and try to see what how it's being done another quick tool for this is a Bruce with him he's going for he's got the it's got a channel in Australia get her out and he made some kind of a small gauge like that that you can get from from his channel you can measure pretty well the the pitch there you go this is a fourteen sorry 12 pitch and see how it meshes this is a let's say a 20 degree pressure angle gauge I think he has just check on his channel I think he has different pressure angles so uh practical tool for a you know from a fellow a fellow youtuber something you most likely will need to achieve this job is a rotary head and also the plates the corresponding plates to go away you know on this head some have pretty much pretty much lots of holes in there so the if you get multiples I'll show you how multiple works and most of the type you got the you know the number of holes in each row written on the air straight straight line they're more or less summer double-sided because this one is double-sided the it doesn't go across the thickness of the plate also you got some which got less less holes in there so you have to find a common denominator to be seen never in a few minutes there you go I see you this one is a going right to so next step is to get into the dividing part front Philip from Phil's projects he just came to me and say I need a cut wheels to make I don't know what kind of a tread on his ass Graziano late and he said oh it's going to be easy I need a cut gears 12 pitch 14 and 1/2 degree pressure angle 21 to TT Tori 47 50 864 you said it's gonna be very easy because I got a in my indexing wheels or plates I got 31 and I got 47 at least he taught that these two were gonna be super easy so I said okay explain to me how you're gonna do it so he said no problem I put the 31 the 31 hole indexing plate advents 31 holes in there I put the 47 in advance 47 holes in there that wasn't good so I had to it mean he's a friend so I wasn't I wasn't that I'm letting him try that and they'd be sorry about the spending a few hours not succeeding so I just got to his place and you'll be seeing a few men in a few minutes like after this you'll be seeing how how he cuts the gears and the how he manages the actual part of making them so let's get back on this first things first a rotary head most of the I didn't say all of them just read my read my lips most of them are having a ratio of 40 to 1 so if you crank one time you make nine degrees advance on the on the 360 degrees first full circumference so it means that 40 turns that the the hand crank will bring you a full full rotation so you want to make let's in this one in this case 31 spaces let's say you got a full rotation they're clocking there you want to make 31 31 spaces on there so it's going to be different than the 40 will than the 40 because if you go with the crank one full turn what what whichever indexing plate you put on the on the on the on the rotor heads all right it's gonna make you a 40 a 4tt gear every time whichever one you go there and you go a full rotation so you need to act a little bit differently about this so Philip was pretty much right about using the 31 indexing plate but with a bit of nuance so if you got a 31 hole indexing plate you're going to be needing to go a little bit above one turn to make it full you know you know full you know a fully a full full you know let's say a full circumference gear if you get 40 teeth you go one turn but if you make let's say less than 40 let's say that say you make that 31 it's going to be one turn plus a few holes let's say because the spacing between the teeth and the 31 the spacing will be plus spacing that's it a tee here let's make them just like you stir it like that 31 is gonna be this much and 40 it's gonna be this much so you need to go no further in the rotation to make a larger spacing there I think you can follow this pretty good okay next now how much further you need to go this is the the key for the all little process let's say you got 40 you're gonna make a ratio there divided by 31 it's gonna give you one time 31 you'd subtract 31 from 40 leaves you 9 here very important you do not go decimal you go fractional and 931 what does this mean this means that you're going to have to go one full turn plus nine holes this is the let's say this row would be that the 31 there 31 spots there so you go 31 plus I don't count them it's not right but the nine holes this is going to give you after you did the whole circumference or around the table at 360 degrees this is gonna give you exactly a gear with 31 T oh this is moving this is not very stable but from there you always get a perfect perfect gear the only thing that matters you have to go to get the right circumference in there and you need to be able to get a very stable platform to or axle to achieve this with the gear cutter that's what that's what that's that's what about the 31 teeth okay now let's go about let's say if you want to make a 40 40 teeth that's very simple we take any of the wheels always come back to the same place there one rotation stop there one rotation stop there cut the gear 1 rotation stop there cut the gear simple now you got 47 how do we make the process that's let's get at it ok now how about we got a bigger number than the ratio or the table 47 so it's gonna be the ratio of the table 40 over 47 we you want to make 47 teeth and you got 47 holes in the plate so your plate here let's say we start that [Music] 0:47 but you know that spacing in there sorry about the not being very good this is a 40 tooth and this is a 47 see the spacing there this is not exactly proportional but spacing there 447 it's smaller than the spacing for 40 so it means that you're not going to go a full circumference on this and it's gonna be exactly 40 holes let's say you go get your crank 40 holes there and then you repeat that for 47 times and you get a gear with 40 70 pretty simple for that because we got these are you know these here now he comes with 58 and 64 and in this set of our indexing plates those numbers are nowhere to be found but believe me we can make the widow's we can make the gears with that now we're making a 58 so because I'm using your ear I'm using the B examples from Phillips yeah I think that that could demonstrate the principle of how it's all going to be going now we're going to be making the 58 it's still our number the ratio here 40 over 50 eight okay it divide 40 by 48 you always stay fractional do not go there Simha 40 divided by 2 20 divided by 2 here again because if you divide if you divide the top by 2 you gotta divide the bottom by 2 you'll stay in the same ratio so 58 divided by 2 is 29 now this cannot be divided any more let's see let's see if 29 here means something in the indexing plates we got we got in the deck in the indexing plate with 29 holes in it we're all set so it's going to be the indexing plate zero there we've got twenty nine holes in there and we're going to be going for 20 holes we're gonna be counting 20 holes and so on and so on that's gonna make care that's gonna make her oh dear let's say that the plate is a 20 sorry did the plate is a 29 get out area 29 and we're counting 20 their spacing there okay this goes for the 58 so we're all set we're making a 58 doing 58 times this this move now okay let's go for the next example this time we still get our number 40 here 40 we need a 60 40 gear while we're doing well dividing by 2 we could be dividing by a little bit more but anyway dividing by 2 dividing by 2 if you want to take a shortcut you do I hereby for you cannot divide a about four but that's a that's divided by a divided by two offers we're gonna get twenty on 32 do we get a 30 to 32 hole indexing plate we do not have one so this is still divisible by a by two so it's gonna give you 10 over 16 let's try and see if we get a 16 whole plate we get a 16 whole plate this is exactly what we're going to be using to make the 64 64 teeth gear so once again I'm sorry if I repeat but this is the 16 hole indexing plate and we go once again 10 holes past the zero there we make 10 10 holes we're all set let's take one of the examples there and we'll go in the rotary head to see how we fix the sectors in there just a rotation if it just will get you started then you go see Phillip how he makes is a his own gears using these exact calculations this is a dividing head and when the indication you're going to be looking for on your dividing head is this here it says that the full turn of the hand the cranking handle will give you 9 degrees so it means that the ratio is 40 to 1 if you divide that that's a 360 degrees for 40 turns that's going to give you the 90 degrees so that way that's that's where it comes from here we'll be using the indexing plate with the 47 holes row extinct we'll be installing is this is the sector arm this is a adjustable this is going to be used to get you know get your spacing and keep up with the spacing you got let's just clip this on there there we go it's going good next thing you have to install on this is your cranking handle come on you there there you go now this here will have to be adjusted into the 47 holes row let's just make this solid there we go this there's the sliding area there where you can have this button looks like this take it easy you punched this into the 47 haha anyway believe me it's right in the 47 row of holes you tighten this up now like we just mentioned before this is the forty seven holes plate we're going to be putting the arm there with the pointer right into the 47 okay now that the pointer isn't to the first row they're sector arm is right on there we're gonna give us yourself some space so we're gonna start counting like we just previously seen on the board you know 40 holes not counting where the the pointer is sitting in now so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 39 and 40 exactly what we needed to be so with the sector armed first hole there that we didn't move last hole there 40 we're making this tight because this needs to stay this spacing here really needs to stay at the at the same place so putting the pointer to the first hole in principle you would have a gear blank here you would start making your blank first tooth second time around you go in there you advance 40 holes make sure your sector is advanced you're gonna lean this first edge there right on the pointer and again this is gonna be a 40 whole space in between again there we go you go leave the let it go always release in one direction if you go past it's gonna you know you got to catch up on the backlash so you come back a little bit more come back again drop it in make your gear never forget to advance your sector there you go this is another the third gear - and this is another advance of 40 T sorry 40 40 40 spaces and again go cut your tooth there you go another 40 make sure you always make it right never forget to advance your sector arms there we go and so on and so on and so and that's the way that it should be done now you're cutting gears when cutting gears like that and needing some specific amount of holes or whatever you need to divide and until you get to the right amount of holes or if you don't have right let's say that the right indexing gear plate you may have to make one or get one or whatever because there are times that sometimes you don't you get stuck okay now you can wake up that's it for the action you go see Phil's projects my friends philip is going to be making the actual gears the blanks everything install lining up on the truck and everything the easy part now is is we're doing all the work again monkey number two monkey see monkey do so oops that's gonna be a job for the orthodontist straighten teeth you
Channel: Pierre's Garage
Views: 110,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Indexing plate, gear cutting made simple, dividing head, dividing head how it works, cutting gears with a dividing head, ratio of an indexing head or table, how to cut gears easy, how to make gears
Id: 8UvAkg0iZMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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