GDevelop 5 Starter Tutorial | The basics

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hello everyone welcome to another video in this video we're going to be going over the basics of G develop v and how you can use it to make your own games so here I have G develop version 5.0 point 0 beta 61 so we're just going to click on create a new project right here and you'll see that y up front we have 4 different things you can choose from 1 2 platform wants a space shooter one is an isometric game and one is an empty game you can go over here to the examples tab to see specific examples for how to do different things like if you wanted to see platform behavior you could see all of the examples to do with platformers but we're just going to go on to empty game just here so now once you've clicked on that you can go over to here and here you'll see these four dropdowns I'm going to click on game settings and go into properties so now you have the game name this is what the what the game will export as once you've exported it so we're just going to call this tutorial this is the game's width and the game's Heights so this is 800 pixels by 600 pixels we're going to change this to 1280 by 720 that's 720p this is the version number why normally like to do is just put this on zero point zero point one for the first version and then change it's a two and three and four and all that stuff but I'm just gonna leave on 1.0 1.0 point zero just now so that's all we have to do for this go ahead and click apply so global variables and all this stuff we don't need to know much about this at the moment icons this is what will you use icons to be the picture of what you'll see on your desktop or or something and say these are all of the icons and you can get a file and then it will generate all of the because you need from that file for you these are the resources and so every time you every time you import like a picture or something it will come here and you have some options which you can change if you want to do with that so now I answer since this is what you use mainly if we click on the plus button you'll see that it's made a scene we can click on this and we can see edits rename delete Scott copy and cuts paste move up and move down we're just going to rename it and we're just going to call this game all right no just just gonna click on it or we can click on this and then click Edit so click the X to gather now we have this the game and we also have the game events as well so for the game you have the objects tab over here I'm gonna put that back we have the objects tab and the properties if I click on here to add a new object you can see all of the different objects you can make you have a sprites which is what you'll normally do a tiled sprite like if you had a floor which is like like a square and you just wanted it to a repeat over and over again that's a tiled sprite text it's just text particles emitter that is how you get your particles panel sprite or 9-patch this is something which scales differently to normal things so it could be a scaling that would scale up and then reveal other things inside it it's kind of hard to explain shape painter allows you to draw stipple shapes on the screen and text entry which lets you you know type text so it which is going to click on sprites and we can name this whatever we want so we can just name this player we can click here to add a new animation so this is my car I got panel thing we can add a name if you want it so let's just do a person and now we can click this to get a file from our computer or we can click Edit with Pisco and it will bring down a drop down to use Pisco and so we can use fiscal like we would normally up here you can see it's this person that's why I named it you can change that if you want and so we're just gonna you know just draw a circle we're just gonna draw a circle then a circle within a circle okay so I'm just going to fill this in so now we have a circle with a circle within our circle so over here we have frames for our animation and so if you wanted to make an animation directly inside a gee developed without using like an external animation software you can so I'm just going to quickly finish putting in all these pixels over here here we go so we're just gonna click on add new frame and you see here that it's going like on on and off and that's because this second frame doesn't have anything on it if I would then drag and make a circle I'm holding out shifts to make this a perfect circle you can see now it's going fill empty feel empty if I would do that then you just see that they're both empty so now if I were to rub up some of it like this I'm just gonna make this bigger and rub out the top part just just like that you'll see that the top part here is getting rubbed off so now you'll see that there are two frames in our animation and and the longer the frames are the more squares they'll be here and you can go through them and so if we click preview here you'll see this is the this is the animation player we can click on replay to watch it again we can click on the loop if we wanted to loop it and I was going to loop it we can change how long it is in the frames per second or just by using this okay and that's our simple animation these this is the hitboxes this is determining where where things will hit this object through our collisions and we can add a custom collision mask if we wanted points are used so that if you wanted to create an object at a certain point you could then make another points move move it somewhere and that will create the object at that point so just going to click apply and you'll see a little thing here the player now now we can drag it on the scene and now have a ball on our seam so we have this which these scale it up and down so this is on the x-axis this is on the y-axis and this is both of them this is to rotate it so you can rotate it you you're saying that it's varying right now cool so here in the properties you have the object name which you can edit you have the scale of it no this is the position of it on the scene so if I change this to to 200 you'll say that it changes its its position the angle that it's at you can lock it here and so you can't move it anymore the Z order so that is kind of like the layering so if you wanted the background to be behind everything you would have that at zero and then the mid-ground would be at like three maybe and then the foreground would be at five and you know all that you also have these layers as well so we have a layer thing here so we can add a new layer we can call this like GUI or something and that'll be the layer for DUI so we can edit the variables we're not going to do that now there's also animations so if we go ahead and play our scene with this play button here you'll see that there's just the bull or the circle with an animation on it and that's because it's it's just playing this animation here and so if I just make a new one and I duplicate this and I drag it okay no not okay maybe I can't drag it down there but if I just edit with fiscal here and I make a bull just like that and click Save and then drag that below that drag that below that like that and then this will be the enemy and this would just be bull apply and now if we play it there's no there's no animation on it because we haven't told it to change the animation to some something else so you can hold down control and mouse wheel to scroll you know downshift and mouse wheel to go left and right and then just normal mouse wheel to go up and down or you can use these if we go ahead and go over to the game events here you can see that there are no events and it's saying to make an event and we can make one by just clicking on this here this plus with a box this is for other stuff if you wanted to do a comment or a group or a link to another event but we're just going to click on this to make a new empty event and you'll see that this line here comes up so what is this this is a line to determine the the condition so if something happens and then the action so if this happens then this will happen it it's a lot like Cody's way of doing game logic except it's better basically so we're just going to click on the condition and you'll see that there's a bunch of stuff here they'll get too overwhelmed you can search for something so if you wanted to search for collision you could just search for collision and it will say where it is located so I'm just going to go to spot two sprite animations and images and you can see the animations and the images so we're just going to go to keyboard then keep key pressed and we want the left key left key okay so when when the left key is pressed this will happen so we're going to go to sprites animations and images and change the animation we are going to change the animation of the player we're going to set it to 1 and you can see over here if I go to here you'll see that animation number one is this this is 0 this is 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 etc if I go ahead and click apply and so if we play it you'll see that if I press the left button it will now do that so what if you wanted them to switch between them so when you press the right button it will go back to the first animation well if you copy and paste this we can just change this to right by just clicking on this or you can double click on the condition and then we can click on this and change it back to 0 so when the right key is pressed it will do 0 to the number of animation of player and so it will change the animation of the player to number 0 and so now if we press left does that if we first write it goes back to the first one it's now we're changing so that was just a quick events if we go back to the game you can edit the objects and you'll see that there's this bet behaviors thing here we can click on that and add a behavior now what a behavior is is like a it's like a bundled is like a bundled [Music] like a bunch of events put into like a thing which is on the objects so it's certain to that object so you 1 which is platformer character if we click on this then you'll see that we can change a bunch of settings in this and if we click apply and play you'll see that he falls and if we just make a sprite here we can just call this floor add this we can just make it will make it a make it white floor click Save apply enough I just drag it onto here and I just resize it and I Phi edit the object and add a pager to it if I add a platform to it you can see that there's different platforms a platform which you you just like not normally run on a jump through platform so you can jump through it but you can't fall through it so you jump through it and then you land on it and the ladder which is just just just a ladder really and then you can click apply and if I play this you'll see that the ball lands on it and since it's the since the player has the platformer behavior on it left and right go left and right and make it go left and right and space or shift can make it jump and so now you you already have a platformer character ready to go you can just change this rights and bang so what if you wanted to change the sprites so that when you press something it would change it to like a minute and run animation well that's literally just this it's very simple and very easy yeah that's that's all for this tutorial if you liked it make sure to LIKE and subscribe and I'll see you in the next one I'm probably going to be doing something different well while I'm not sure but thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next two tutorial on G develop good bye
Channel: DevScape
Views: 57,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gdevelop 5, tutorial, game, engine, help, easy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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