GCS 2015 - Grand Final: [H] Infi vs. 120 [U]
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Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 19,673
Rating: 4.7530866 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, WC3, War3, WC 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, eSports, ESL, GameSports, ESL-Radio, ESL TV, RTS, Real Time Strategy, Frozen Throne, TFT, Warcraft TFT, [TURNIER], [JAHR], [RASSE 1], [ABKÜRZUNG RASSE 1], [RASSE 2], [ABKÜRZUNG RASSE 2], [SPIELER 1], [SPIELER 2], [MAP], [ABKÜRZUNG MAP], [CASTER 1], [CASTER 2], 2015, gold, championship, series, gcs, grand, final, infi, human, hu, 120, tara, undead, ud, bo5, china, shanghai, champion
Id: SW9ia1zcAIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 4sec (4084 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2016
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