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folks gary jc home improvements so i'm going to be talking to you about full replacement face office and guttering all the way around the house and we've got everything set up so if we're going to start with is removing all faces soffits and guttering and the tiles so we can see exactly how everything's done you can see everything has now been removed back down to bare rafters i've removed the first row of tiles cut back any corrosion edge off the front here now what we need to do is fit what we call a noggin on all of these rafters with a string line to make sure it's all straight okay go i've installed all noggins to every rafter along there all the way down there i've got a string line at the front so it's all nice and straight and then one at the back because there's no brick work over here so they're more we've left a 10 mil gap so that the soffit will just nice and slide and sit on the brick and clamp down and then we can secretly pin it through the front over here so it's all logging down ready to go okay so there i've gone and i've installed the soffit now all the way across nice and straight all tucked back onto the wall i've now got joined here because the lengths only come in five meters so we'll now put a nice cover cap over this so we can't see any of that that's it all the way on nice solid soffit okay so next bit is the fascia board that goes on the front so you got all the way along what we've done is run the soffit board lengthways from this way and then the fascia lengthways from the other side this will stagger the joints make it look a bit better and this is the lip the lip here is why we pin at the front so that the lip will then cover all the pins for the socket so we'll put all the fascia all the way along there now and then join and trim these you can't see any of the expansion gaps these are on there to cover it up we've gone and removed the tops of these keep a nice flat edge this is um swish fascia boards nice and thick so when i put the tiles back on it's not going to twist and sag over the ears with the sun on it it's a proper full replacement fascia if i swish and it's all that precise grey this job which is nice next is uh these black strips that will sit on top this is your ventilation so vent under here and then go in to the loft space to prevent any condensation build up and allow you to have your very full nice and vented so we should put all them all the way along before the eaves guard so now we're installing the ease protection all the way along this goes underneath the existing boat so that any water digresses down into the gutter line you see it's all plastic as well so this will never corrode guarantees will outstand it okay so all the tiles are now on back in place the vents will breathe under there this usually drips right into your guttering normally this is done before the guts were in uh but we're using aluminium seamless on this house we're still waiting for it to turn up on site so now we're gonna go ahead and give it all a good clean okay so we're going over this with an industrial glass cleaner let's take off all the static all the white bits and that'll fall off i'm going to go over it again with a silicon spray this is uh just the same as a wd porter we use this because we use on other things as well as the fascias this will bring a nice shine and everything so if you've got some old windows that gray or something looking a bit discolored just go over them with and now it's sealed at the back in a clear silicon so that down from the ground it just blends in some trims and upside down on the windows so they have it seamless guttering great amphis facer and soffit okay next stage this is previously done in pvc usually this will be timber we'll remove it the face shot and the soffit taken down this is reveal the rafters these little run sequence all the way down the roof which is why on the faces office we put noggins on whereas on the gables we have to follow what's there no rotten timbers or anything so we're all good to go so we've got the soffit up now on the gable [Music] took nicely into the brickwork kind of jumped ahead a little bit now so you can see the finished as we're doing it [Music] so the soffit board will go on first line tightly i've got pearlings on this one some additional because of the shapes of the house um so unfortunately we have to cap those in uh just to get it looking in sequence i've got archboard and soffit on in this section now what we need to do is try and get a box end onto here so what i need to start off with is creating a box section here and up to the barge there's a little running line this section here has been doused with a wood preservative because it's got a slight bit of rot there but it's not damaged here we have the black box at the soffit all in place there's no pearling on this house because it's a shallow type bungalow the berlin's actually up here which i need to cap in normally we'll go to the back of that which will usually sit you here on this one so we cut a little bit out the back of the lip the fascia so we can slide it nice and tightly up to the back now the trick now will be to get measurements from here down on all the points all around to create the face box end on that now you have to pre-cut your corners on the deck and they'll slide down nicely over that to cover any screws and pins that cut it in round the box then prefer to do my boxings this way some people they'll put the box off then run the barge board down to it but then it creates silicon lines at the back um i'll try to eliminate all of that we've gone and removed all the soffit balls on here because of how deep it is it's going to have to be in time and groove and over here is something that's already been put up you never removed anything on here it was all the structure so that i'm now continue all the way down here because it's over 700 mil wide and this is everything for fascist soffits and guttering so just two types of soffit the cladding and the solid soffit on the higher level every house is different so i may have missed a couple of bits out if anyone needs to know anything just give me a call and i'll be happy to have a chat [Music]
Channel: Gary Cox
Views: 17,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gsRe22wUVgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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