Gator Rescue

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oh my god timmy fell down a well we have to go rescue him hey guys what's happening we just got the weirdest alligator call so there's an alligator down in a well i don't know how deep this well is or what or what's any of the specifics of it just that there's an alligator down in the well oh my god we're on our way to go find out and save another gator get swamped oh my god when i said timmy fell down the well i wasn't kidding and they told me this is about a 3 4 foot gator the guy just showed me a picture of it he's six to eight feet and he's down 24 25 feet down as well i gotta get down there and get this guy it's gonna be fun they're draining the well i just need a way to support myself so we'll figure out something i hope you guys enjoy this one because i've gotta i'm gonna try to hook them get them over here so we can do something they've got the cream coming and we'll pull them out i'll go down we'll hook them up the crane and pull them out that's about the only way to do this stuff is there any pipes on this side anything over here [Music] [Music] he's going to go on your pipes and stuff okay so inside this this is the wet well yeah right here on this wall this is the wall that separates the two wet wells there's three screens that come off so i can't even drag you a treble hook through there because i'm going to connect to something yeah yeah the only way to do this is drain it and was hoping we'd get him hooked and i could just get his head up new some and then we could use the crane to pull him out but there's no way we'll get the gate down maybe we can [Music] that's about yeah and he's from those pictures you were showing me dude he's every bit of seven eight feet he ain't no three footer [Music] so i don't even have a clear anywhere in here to that corner yeah but once i hook him he's going to go under bikes well we got replacement screens so try it let's see this is gonna be crazy so i can't use the treble hook because there's too many other pipes there if i hook into him he's gonna go under pipes and i'm not gonna be able to pull him so new plan see if we can poke around get him to pop his head up i can get a noose around him get him up we'll see slowly grab the longest pole and a um grammy one of the lassos we'll feed a lasso through it and see if we can reach down in there we're gonna poke around with this long stick hour 45 minutes it's gonna be a long day [Music] [Music] so he's probably hiding in a corner that is so deep it's like the energizer bunny it just keeps going and going and going so so [Music] so back in there that oh my god there's about probably about 10 feet of water still [Music] that's fine but at least we'll be able to see the screams right [Music] hopefully we can see him enough and spook them [Music] oh there's an inlet that he can get in [Music] he's got to come up to breathe though there's no air in the inlet [Music] can he go all the way through on the inlet [Music] out here [Music] he's crazy [Music] i can see the outline of his jaw and he just went back down he saw me he's sitting right in that back corner i just saw the white part it's yellowish on the bottom of his jaw and i see it coming up and then he goes right back down because he sees us [Music] back right there he said it was coming up and then you saw me all right it's been running for about 45 minutes so we still got it about an hour before we get that water down low enough under the pipe so he can't scoot under those pipes and i can get down in there and hopefully new some and then we'll pull myself out and the gator out with the crane this is crazy all right it's draining draining it's going down last thing to do is find that gator and catch them look at this [Music] yeah there's no way we could have thrown hooks in there zoe look at all those uh yeah screens the drums alone now we just gotta find them keep going nope wait wait wait [Music] okay ready to head in the depths now we're going to poke around down there okay let these guys poke around see if we can uh find them [Music] there's really nothing to walk on from here to there okay i'm right [Music] come up yeah but if we bump him we'll see him hit that pole you'll see that whole bend if you bump them you have about six feet of water in there you got six feet let's get it hooked up right here right here in this corner [Applause] he's going to swing his head or tail can you get this corner over here well by the way i mean i pretty much ran it all the way around and back here in this corner the only place where i felt like it's hitting something there you feel free to go ahead take if you like if you bump him he'll buck that he's not real lively there's nothing on the bottom once you get below them fillers it's all it's all open on the bottom of those filters except for around that where that pipe goes down over in the top right corner [Music] [Applause] [Music] all day long 45 minutes after that [Applause] there's no possible way we can drain this anymore huh uh yeah but we'd have to go get a another pump we got a six inch pump in there but we don't have the lines we have to go over there and we'd have to go get a wagon and go because these are 20 foot sections six in the fight you know just throw those up falling about the truck right well you got it all figured out get him dining we're going to have to drain it more you know though yeah right right that'd be easy way huh i don't think the state will like that i don't think they'd like to do it [Music] oh well it's not quite all right we got this well drained but what happened was just like i thought man he's gonna take off you guys see the size of that pipe he went in that pipe down to this lake he's out in the lake so as long as he's out of the well they're gonna have to put a screen on the pipe so he can't get back in i'm not gonna have to remove him he's not harassing anybody he's supposed to be here he's an alligator they live in florida until he becomes a nuisance he can live in that lake as long as he doesn't chase people and become a nuisance or go after dogs let's go take a look at him look at all this distance from here we came all the way through he's coming oh he's coming up to the shore down there on the edge here let's see if we can get a little closer so you guys can i'm gonna name this alligator timmy because he fell in the well we'll technically swam into the well there's an honorary nuisance there he is let's let's go up closer you guys have seen he's a good eight foot so much when you get a call and tell you it's three to four feet this one's every bit of eight feet i don't know if you guys can see him right there in the lake floating right on top see him see him work out there let's see if we can zoom in and see can you see him z dog there he is oh that's beautiful i love seeing gators in the wild it's where they belong you know they're supposed to be here and as long as no one feeds them he could live out his whole entire life here as long as he doesn't chase anyone but hopefully timmy stays being a good boy they're gonna get a screen over that pipe so he can't get back into the well and uh i won't have to come get him but if i do i do that's that's how it is sometimes that's how it goes z-dog you know it but this one at least we have a happy ending for right now look at the size of his head oh he just went under he knows we've been chasing him all morning it's so hard to tell sometimes with with them yeah once you're chasing them they get spooky like that up still a wave there he's going right there you see him yeah i see him he just popped up right there timmy good boy make sure you don't lose your fear of humans and we'll get along just fine you'll be here otherwise i gotta come catch you and take you home buddy i don't know zoe it might even be a tabitha we don't know ooh look at that back see how he's got his back up out of the water he's so tired his breath and oh yeah in that tube holding his breath on over an hour then he found his way back out to the pond coming down the tube and hopefully he stays there otherwise we're back to get him behave yourself oh another amazing day now time to get back to the farm and do some work till next time timmy till next time if
Channel: Get Swamped
Views: 11,158
Rating: 4.976593 out of 5
Keywords: #rescue #gators #well #getswamped #swampbrothers
Id: pIpTPREWj78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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