Gateway Church Live | Apr 10–12

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Happy Easter weekend thank you for choosing to celebrate Jesus resurrection with us today if you're joining us for the very first time but you want to extend a special welcome to you we're so glad you're here if you have kids from births or elementary we encourage you to check out our online kids experience your kids will have fun and learn about God through these experiences designed just for them we also offer simultaneous Spanish interpretation of today's service that you can access through our website as well as a very special online communion service with pastor Robert that you and your family can participate in at home this week in just a moment we're going to enter into worship together and then pastor Robert has an incredible Easter message to share after the message belinda and i will be right back here to pray with you and give you some more information but now let's open our hearts as we worship our risen Lord hey Gateway Church thank you so much for joining us it's Resurrection weekend we're so excited that we get to worship God would you stand up divorced let's sing this job [Applause] it's worship barking come let us bow at his feet he has done great savior's [Music] see how he has done great [Music] Oh [Music] every store you [Music] you [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] and shake [Music] how you've done great meat sing Hari [Music] you conquer the gray you free recapped break every chain [Applause] [Music] what a great God we sing about and celebrate today he is a risen Savior he is living can you say amen to that you know I want to remind you too he can do abundantly above all we could ever ask or imagine so whatever your need is today you need to rely on the fact that he was crucified but he rose again and because of his resurrection you and I have hope you say amen to that because of his precious blood we are renewed and washed and made whiter than snow but we thank you for your redeeming power we thank you for your resurrection today God you have rescued us or do you have delivered us and for that we say thank you and we worship your name Jesus come on let's worship Him today for he alone is worthy her song [Music] you would let me stay a captive you couldn't stand to see my chains and so you came to be my rescue to part the waters in my you are loud [Music] from death to life from dark to light Jesus you show me [Music] you call you broke machine [Music] come always say you would [Music] you too [Music] you stress dolls became my ask you you guys Tommy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] love feeding the enemy sure love defeated now there is victory ahead of me there's no looking back no looking back your love defeated the enemy your love defeated the now there is bigotry ahead of me the snow looking back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you will know Jesus you are my deliverance oh and you will my salvation Jesus the resurrection in the lie for our deliverance Jesus come on the soul lift our voices and sing the chorus again we sing Jesus you are my deliverance from death to life from dark to light oh Jesus you show me what freedom is you call my name and you promise [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] you are the word the beginning one with God [Music] most I'm hidden glory and creation Christ what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name [Music] Jesus Christ what a beautiful name it is nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is the name jeez [Music] Jesus [Music] the truth was [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] could not hold [Music] Oh now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] yes it is [Music] this coral divide up wacom I've been isolating I couldn't get no food or anything go to the grocery store and it hurts me so bad but as I'm hurt Lily in the inside I trust God then he's gonna work this out [Music] it's kind of hard to know where to start honestly we saw a need we saw pressure we saw anxiety we saw here we saw people walking through something that they've never had to face before and we chose some really simple solutions to help hey everyone welcome to Gateway Church online we could have the robber it was he did that they gotta wake you can network with a people either though it did not enjoy keep out that would be enhanced and put the work and that you some back that would get back in contact with you and I just told my story through whoever answered the phone after dead terrence reached out last weekend via text and he's an elderly gentleman who lives alone by himself in an apartment in las vegas his heart for reaching out really was just to connect with somebody so i gave him a phone call you know he just broke down and in tears over the phone I said Gateway Church wants to wants to help you you want to bless you and you know help you get some food on the table picking up groceries prescriptions anything right now we are going to get to where the people are that need help and we have to do something I did thank you from the bottom of my heart I do think everybody did it gave way thank you thank you you [Music] hey Gateway people welcome to Gateway Church online and Happy Easter we're so glad you're joining us on this special weekend Easter doesn't have to stop just because we can't gather in a church building Jesus rose from the dead and we're going to celebrate no matter what a very special welcome to anyone watching us for the first time we hope you feel God's unstoppable love for you today for those of you feeling a little stir-crazy or like you want to do something to help there is still so many ways you can connect with your gateway community for instance you can join your phoebus Facebook group follow us on social media or visit connect gateway we have a lot of encouraging content equip classes ways you can help others worship videos and information available if you need prayer for any reason right now I mean any reason then text connect to 7 10 10 we have prayer teams from every campus waiting to pray for you kids students we haven't forgotten about you we have special online experiences created just for you there's cool videos social media hangs games and encouraging words basically if you want to stay updated submit a prayer request or find ways to serve learn about online community or watching options texts connect to 1710 or visit connect gateway people calm it's all right there and if you want to give today you can still give online at giving that gateway people calm or or a mobile app and here's a reminder just because we can't gather together doesn't mean that you're alone we love you and we're here for you so thanks for having church with us today grab a cup of coffee get cozy and let's continue on to hear the message now [Music] hey everyone welcome to Easter weekend at Gateway Church every Easter for 20 years now I've been beginning the message with three words He is risen and you answer back he has risen indeed so I'd like to ask you to do that again even if you're at home or maybe in your car I don't know where you're watching but I'm gonna say he is risen you say he is risen indeed all right he is risen you say he is risen indeed and it's true the Lord is risen indeed and we celebrate his resurrection this weekend let me give you an update on my health I'm doing much much better pastor Jimmy told you last weekend and I was under the weather I've been in constant communication with the doctor I was running a fever for about two weeks I didn't have any breathing problems or call for anything of the any of the symptoms of covin 19 to get tested but I had some sort of fever that I just couldn't get over but I'm doing much better I don't think I'm completely out of the woods yet so I'd like to ask you to pray and just as Jesus did when he came in the house with Peters wife's mother he prayed for her he rebuked the fever and she arose and ministered to him is what the Bible says so I like just ask you as we're praying for healing of this virus worldwide that whatever this is that I've had for the last couple of weeks that the Lord would heal me as well all right but I'm doing much much better all right so let me remind you that we are part of a worldwide prayer movement or as one brother said a movement of prayer and we are praying all over the world for two things for healing of the Cova night teen virus and all the effects of it that includes the social effects the economic effects the physical the spiritual effects of it but we're also praying for revival people all over the world are praying for revival I've had several zoon calls with pastors in other parts of the world and they've all signed up it's called unite 714 dot-com we're asking you to set an alarm on your phone 7:14 a.m. 7:14 p.m. and pray twice a day and let's pray and ask God to heal us but we're also joining with churches all over the world and praying the same prayer during our weekend services so I'm going to pray that prayer I'm gonna read the prayer but if you would if you would just close your eyes and agree with me in your spirit as I pray this prayer and we join with churches around the world Lord we humbly call upon your name asking you for supernatural peace and strength in Ephesians 6 the Apostle Paul speaks of the spiritual power of prayer as we pray today we are fully engaged and armed for battle against covet night team your Word says that when we pray according to your will our prayers are mighty and powerful you are our rock shield and fortress Lord protect our families churches cities and nations from the effects of covet night T we ask you to put fresh words of faith comfort healing and salvation in the mouths of your people around the world your pastors and their congregations the words they need to fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel we pray that through this prayer of faith today fear and worry will lose its grip over our world we declare Lord we ask you to shield us our families our churches our cities and the nations of the world from the ravages of Cobra at 19 Lord we ask you to shield our doctors nurses first responders and vulnerable people from contracting dacovian 19 Lord we ask you to shield the world from panic and despair as your church boldly proclaims the good news of Jesus Christ in this uncertain time may people find true comfort and peace in their souls as they call upon your name we humbly ask all of these things in the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen and I hope you get to say Amen with me all right so I'm going to share with you are Easter message today let me just let you know our tenants online keeps going up this last weekend over 300,000 and that's a number that God gave me years ago before I ever began gateway church he gave me the number thirty thousand and three hundred thousands so here we are couldn't believe it would happen this way but over three hundred thousand join in our services last week and I also want to say welcome if you belong to another church and they're not able to have services online thank you for joining our service I want to remind you though to tithe to give to support your local church during this time all right so welcome so let me share the message with you I shared a message not this past Christmas but the Christmas before called the seven words of Christmas and I took the seven prophecies around the birth of Jesus right around his birth I'm talking about the the word that God gave Sakurai's the father of John the Baptist Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist Joseph Mary the shepherds and Anna and Simeon at the temple I took those words and I put them down to one word and called the seven words of Christmas I actually put that in a book now and that book will be released this next Christmas season as a gift book so you can get that if you'd like to I put the seven words in three sections each so you could do a 21-day Advent get preparing your heart for Christmas but a few months after that when I was writing the book and getting everything ready I just had this thought come to me and I've been wanting to preach this Easter message and I thought about the seven phrases that Jesus said on the cross and so this is what I'm gonna share with you today the seven truths of Easter so I've already preached the seven words of Christmas now I'm going to talk to you about the seven truths of Easter because there are seven I'm just going to kind of get to the bottom line on each one but you're gonna love all of these truths alright so here's the number one truth of Easter total forgiveness number one total forgiveness this is the first thing jesus said on the cross Luke 23:34 then Jesus said Father forgive them for they do not know what they do first truth from the cross total forgiveness complete forgiveness Jesus totally forgives us this is a prayer Jesus is praying to his father asking his father to forgive us this is the message of the cross now the word forgive in the Greek means to remove the guilt now let me just clarify that for a moment we we many times when we think of guilt we think of the feeling of guilt and there is that connotation of that Jesus can release us from the feeling of guilt I agree but when he's talking about forgiveness he's talking about literally releasing us from the guilt in other words when a person goes to trial they're found innocent or guilty he's talking about removing not the feeling of guilt only but the action of guilt in other words what we have actually done wrong he removes that the Bible says he removes our sins as far as the East is from the West I want to give you another word to help you remember forgiveness and it's a biblical word called justified and I want to put that word up so you can see it just if I justified and what I want to do is break that into the three syllables and just just job additional - eight to three syllables so you can see them just if I'd this is the way you're gonna be able to remember the definition just if I'd now here's the as we look at this here's the what I want you remember this is what it means just if I'd never sinned just if I'd never sinned now I was thinking about that I had the word as in there just as if I'd never sinned I got thinking that's kind of complicated pastor Thomas never told money he's from West Virginia I'm from East Texas and he said I understood it so I got to thinking about that's kind of the way our country background is just I've never seen you know we we don't understand that phrase so just remain you don't have to remember that accent just if I'd never sinned that's what total forgiveness means so here's the second truth from the cross from Easter immediate paradise immediate paradise now these seven phrases we started in Luke and there are three and Luke there are three and John and then one of the phrases in Matthew and Mark so we're still in Luke now but then in a moment we'll go to Matthew Mark then we'll go to John we'll end up with Luke right so this is the second phrase Luke 23:43 and Jesus said to them assuredly I say to you this is when he's talking to the thief on the cross today you will be with me in paradise now let me tell you when I wrote this message at first I thought about the seven words of Easter and I boiled all of these phrases these statements that Jesus made on the cross down to one word and so this word was paradise but as I read that verse I could not get over the word today and I thought this is a truth I don't need to say the seven words but the seven truths and I'm going to add a word to each of them to describe it like forgiveness was the first word and I put total forgiveness and this one I kept thinking about immediate paradise I mean immediately when when we die pastor Jimmy says this way when we close our eyes on this earth we open our eyes in heaven jesus said to this thief on the cross today today this is a truth of the cross immediate paradise Paul said it this way second are these five verse six so we are always confident in others we have this confidence knowing that while we are at home in the body in other words here on this earth we are absent from the Lord and then there's this verse that many of us know for we walk by faith not by sight but that verse is right between these two verses verse a we are confident yes well pleased rather watch to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord so be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord this is where the phrase came from this verse right here or the phrase sudden death sudden glory in other words as soon as we leave this earth we're with Jesus in heaven this past week was the the two-year anniversary April the 8th of when I had the health crisis and did the helicopter ride and many of you prayed for me around the world and I'm so grateful I'm here to deliver this Easter message to you but it's always a joy 'fl time for demi and Ida to celebrate the anniversary so this is two years now but I was reminded that in that helicopter I was dying I remember telling a doctor after when I was in ICU I said I felt like I was dying in the helicopter he said you were dying and I was as many of you know I lost over 50% of my blood but what I sense what I remember about that helicopter ride I didn't die I didn't go to heaven and come back or anything like that I didn't see anything I sensed the presence of the Lord and the presence of the Lord was so powerful so phenomenal that I was joyful I was joyful that I was going to heaven because God's presence was that incredible so I just want to declare this is the second truth of Easter immediate paradise here's the third truth never forsaken never forsaken the third thing Jesus says on the cross is now in Matthew but it's also in mark Matthew 27:46 and about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice saying Eli Eli the loss about the knee that is my God my God why have you forsaken me now this is one of the most difficult verses for people to understand before it's explained - but it's actually one of the easiest verses to explain to understand once it's explained before I do that let me show you a couple other verses one very famous Hebrews 13:5 for he himself has said I will never leave you nor forsake you now where did God say that he said that - mo to tell the children of Israel he also spoke that to Joshua after Moses had passed away I will never leave your forsake you David says it this way psalm 37:25 I've been young and now I'm old yet I've not seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendants begging bread now let me remind you were righteous by grace okay I also want to just make a clarification here that was King David speaking he said I've been young and now I'm okay that wasn't pastor Robert speaking that was David speaking I want to clarify that because one of our elders called me a couple weeks ago to check on me and I was grateful to have talked to him you know and he said to me so I have to confess to you the reason I'm calling you is my son said to me dad you need to call pastor Robert and check on him and he said well why do I don't need to call pastor Robert check on him and he said well he is one of our older members I'm not one of the well maybe I okay here's the point though why did Jesus say my god my god why have you forsaken me because God forsook Jesus on the cross so he would never forsake you he verse 13 5 I will never leave you I will never leave you never forsake you again I have to say this shows that salvation is by grace not works because it was my works then you could do something to get God to reject you but you can't do anything to get God to reject you if you put your faith in Jesus Christ he will never leave you he will never reject you so that's the third truth of Easter here's the fourth constant care constant care now we're gonna jump over to the book of John John 19 26 and 27 when Jesus therefore saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved that's the Apostle John standing by he said to his mother woman behold your son then he said to the Siple behold your mother and from that hour that disciple took her to his own home this one the most amazing amazing verses in the Bible Jesus is dying on the cross and he's concerned about his mother now we need to give a little background of this it is believed and there's lots of evidence to support this that Joseph's Jesus's earthly father had passed away before he began his three and a half year ministry there's no reference at all to Joseph during jesus's ministry there is when there is a reference to his family it says your mother and your brother and sisters are outside never says his father and then we know by church history that Mary did go to live with John for the rest of her life she lived a long fruitful life but she lived with John the rest of her life she wouldn't have done that if her husband had still been alive but that begs the question did God know that Joseph was going to die of course he did so why would he choose Joseph to be the earthly father of Jesus I think it's because he wanted his son to experience every tragedy every loss that a human can experience Jesus when he was on this earth experienced the loss of a loved one watched his mother and his brothers and sisters go through the loss of a husband and a father and he experienced it see Jesus really does know how you feel pastor Jimmy said last week we have a sympathetic high priest we have a throne of mercy we can come to because he understands and here he is on the cross providing constant care this is one of the truths of Easter God is going to constantly care for your physical needs for your mental needs for your spiritual needs for your emotional needs that's something else that I I felt when I was in that helicopter again I felt like I was dying and the doctor said I I was dying but I remember thinking that God would take care of my family and I don't mean just financially I mean that I knew God would take care of my wife my kids my grandkids emotionally as well that he would provide constant care for them so that's the fourth truth of Easter here's the fifth truth fall atonement full atonement John 1928 after this Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished that's what some people don't realize that the scripture might be fulfilled said I thirst now you're probably wondering how I get full atonement out of I thirst those two words if he was thirsty on the cross first of all let me explain the word atonement to you alright so let me put the word atonement up again and again what I want to do is divide it into the three syllables at one mint at one mint and then I want to change that Emme NT that suffix to a preposition with so look at it now at one with this is the definition of atonement so just as justify just if I'd never seen you can remember that definition you can remember atonement just divide the three syllables at one with it means that we can be at one with God let me show you something maybe you you don't know in John 17 Jesus is prayer in the garden verse 21 he actually prayed for this that they all may be one as you Father are in me and I in you that they also may be watch this one in us that the world may believe that you sent me jesus prayed that we would be one in him and in the Father he prayed for that oneness and he removes our sins completely away from us so that we can be one with God we were separated from God by sin he takes care of the sin problem and now we can be one with God so how do I connect I first with this I don't think he was thirsting for a physical cup I think he was thirsting for a spiritual cut I want you to remember a couple of verses Luke 22:42 when he's in the garden saying father if it is your will take this cup away from me nevertheless not my will but yours be done and then in John 18 verse 11 when he's in the garden and he gets arrested Peter remember pulls a sword out cuts the soldier's ear off Jesus healed that year by the way but here's what he says to Peter so jesus said to Peter put your sword into the sheath watch this shall I not drink the cup which my father has given me so in the garden he says if it be thy will let this cup pass from me then he says shall I not drink the cup which my father set before me and then on the cross he says I thirst I don't think he was thirsting for a physical drink they had actually already tried to give him a physical drink and he didn't receive it this time I'm gonna read it just a moment they gave him sour wine and he received it I believe representing sin I think when he said I thirst he was saying I'm ready I'm ready to drink the cup and I think in that cup were the sins of the world and he was saying I'm ready to do everything it takes to become that sin offering so that every person who believes in me could be completely totally forgiven of their sins experience being at one with us an immediate paradise when they die I think he's saying I'm ready father to drink the cup I'm even thirsty for it now so that's the fifth truth of Easter here's the sixth one completely finished completely finished now we stopped at verse 28 a moment ago John 19 where he said I thirst and I just before we get to verse 30 I wanted to show you verse 29 now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there and they filled a sponge with sour wine put it on hyssop and put it to his mouth so when Jesus had received the sour white sea representing the sins of the people he said it is finished and bowing his head he gave up his spirit now we're gonna find out in a moment he said one more phrase when he gave up his spirit but the sixth phrase is it is finished it's completely finished completely finished now I want to show you a truth that that might shock you Hebrews 4 3 says the works were finished from the foundation of the world revelation 13:8 says the lamb slain from the foundation of the world so how can it say that the works were finished from the foundation world and that the lamb was slain from the foundation world it's because God is eternal God exists outside of time he's not inside of time he's outside of time but he came into time he became a human and as a human he suffered and bled and died for our sins and as a human then he says it's finished I've done everything that needs to be done everything that needs to be done for sinful man to be restored to holy God has been done it's all been done it's all been taken care of it is completely finished and that's what happened that day on the cross by the way this word finished is a business term in the Greek it actually means a finalized transaction if you remember the Bible says that he purchased you with his own blood and he uses this word to say the transaction is complete it is done it is complete now if it's complete then what do you need to do in John 6 verse 28 29 they said to him so they said to Jesus what shall we do that we may work the works of God jesus answered and said them this is the work singular of God that you believe in him whom he sent Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you will be saved I have a real strong burden today for people who are watching attending online our Easter services and you really don't know for sure if you died you'd go to heaven and with all the fear and with all the panic in the world today you're probably reaching out for God I want you to understand how simple it is to be saved eternally and that is to simply turn your heart toward God to believe in Jesus Christ and I'm going to take this a step further and the last thing he said to help you understand how important it is to truly commit your life to Jesus Christ but I'm praying that thousands and thousands of people around the world today will be saved will give their lives to Jesus because it's finished it's done Jesus did everything that needs to be done for you to be reunited with God but it's up to you to receive it so that's the sixth word here's the seventh word phrase truth from Easter eternal commitment eternal commitment and you're gonna see in a moment I'm talking about that God is eternally committed to you this is the last thing jesus said on the cross Luke 23 46 and when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice he said father into your hands I just want you to notice into your hands I commit my spirit having said this he breathed his last Jesus commits his spirit into the hands of the Father now I'm gonna go into that a little bit more but I'm talking about that God makes a commitment to you when you make a commitment to him but you have to be all-in you have to make a commitment you have to commit your life to Jesus fully not just say in your mind that you believe Jesus is the Son of God but you have to commit your life to Him let me show you a verse that man many people have never seen two versus a mountain never many people never even seen these verses John 2 verses 23 and 24 it says now when he was at Jerusalem at the Passover now let me just make a little comment for you if you want to know this is the first Passover Jesus attended in his public ministry he attended every Passover in his whole life Luke 241 tells us that he attended every Passover growing up and so this is the first one during his ministry and then he attends all four Passover's he attended were are in the book of John John 2 John 5 John 6 and then John 19 18 and 19 but here's the the the thing you need to know obviously the last Passover he attended is when he was crucified he died on Passover as our Passover lamb but this is the first one he attended alright so let's go back to John 2 John 2:23 now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover during the feast many believed in his name when they saw the signs which he did and what's his first but Jesus did not commit himself to them because he knew all men they believed but they didn't really commit their lives and so Jesus didn't commit himself to them I'm telling you that Jesus is waiting on you to commit your life to Jesus to him and when you commit your life to Him he commits his life to you the father commits to you remember jesus said into your hands I commit my spirit what's this verse about the father's hands John 10:28 and 29 and I give them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand my father who has given them to me watch this is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand see here's what he's saying when you commit your life to me you're in my hand and you're in the father sentence this is remember the sword Jesus committed his spirit and no one is able to pluck you out of my father's hands because my father is greater than all let me tell you what that tells me he's eternally committed to you he is eternally committed think about the seven truths from Easter total forgiveness immediate paradise never forsaken constant care full atonement completely finished and eternal commitment God wants to make an eternal commitment to you forgive you of all of your sins so that when you die you are immediately in paradise constantly care for you never forsake you it's incredible but he's waiting on you to make a commitment of your life to him I grew up going to church I walk down the aisle and join the church I prayed prayers to say I receive Jesus as my savior the problem is I never made a commitment of my life to Jesus until I was 19 years old and that's when I told the Lord Lord if anyone deserves to go to hell I do I'm not gonna play around anymore one foot in the world one foot in church I'm getting serious with you I'm giving you full control of my life and when I did that my life was changed not perfect made a lot of mistakes since then but I know Jesus saved my life I know that what he did on the cross forgives my sins makes me one with God now and I am committed to him therefore he is eternally committed to me and I'm going to experience constant care on this earth never going to be forsaken and one day I'm going to experience immediate paradise when I close my eyes on this earth I'm going to open my eyes and heaven in his presence and I want that for you I want to ask you just to bow your heads and close your eyes wherever you are just just for a moment whether you're alone watching or you're at home with a group a family or friends just close your eyes just everyone in the room just close your eyes for a moment and I have a real burden that many people are watching this week joining us online and you need to truly commit your life to Jesus now just pray a little prayer but truly commit your life to Jesus Christ so I want to lead you in a prayer if you'd like to do that right now we always try to give you an opportunity before the service closes but if you'd like to give your life to Jesus Christ today you can do it right now so just tell him maybe in your own words or maybe just use my words just say Jesus I ask you to forgive me for all of my sin and I receive you it's telling I receive you as my Lord and as my Savior thank you Jesus for saving me today and lord I just want to pray for everyone watching right now god we continue to pray for our world for healing from this pandemic but we also pray for revival to spread throughout the nations and for people who are searching for you to come to know you in Jesus name Amen well thank you so much for joining us for this Easter weekend celebration I love you guys so much I'll see you next week we want to continue along with what pastor Robert just said if you're watching today and you know in your heart you haven't committed your life all the way to Jesus we want to give you that opportunity to do that right now yes and as pastor Robert mentioned earlier the Bible tells us that all we need to do to be saved is believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess with our mouth and declare that Jesus is Lord let's do that together wherever you are I encourage everyone watching to repeat this prayer after me Jesus say it with me Jesus thank you for dying on the cross for my sins for taking the punishment that I fully deserved so that I could become reconciled to God I believe that you are God's Son and that after you died God raised you back to life again I receive your gift of salvation today and confess that you alone are Lord and I'm choosing right now to surrender and commit my life all the way to you thank you Lord for committing yourself to me from this day forward through all of eternity I love you in your name I pray amen amen if you prayed that prayer today and you turned your heart to God we want to say welcome to the family of God we along with all of heaven are rejoicing that you made that decision today as you begin your new life as a follower of Jesus we want to come alongside you and help you if you'e text the word decision to seven ten ten will get you connected to some great resources as well as people who are excited to pray for you and answer any of your questions all you have to do is text the word decision to 7 10 10 and if you're watching today and would like prayer for any reason at all whether it's for a difficult relationship physical healings a financial breakthrough whatever your need may be we want to pray with you so if you would text the word connect to 7 10 10 right now we have a team of people ready to respond and connect with you through prayer thank you so much for joining us this weekend we hope God ministered and spoke to you through the service today and if you know of any friends or family members who need to hear the message from Pastor Robert the 7 truths of Easter please feel free to reach out to them to we want to invite you to join us for our service again next weekend and you can also stay connected with us during the week through our social media channels and our website have a blessed Easter and praying you have a wonderful week
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 101,247
Rating: 4.8525434 out of 5
Id: 9thHFywJUbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 21sec (3441 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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