Gateway Church Live | 20-Year Celebration | October 3

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[Music] hey everybody welcome to gateway church come on praise the lord we're so glad that you're here today whether you're here in person or you're watching online we are so excited to celebrate 20 years at gateway church come on can we give the lord a clap of praise again thank you lord 20 years is something to celebrate and we have got a great service in store for you so whether you're at home or whether you're here stand to your feet and turn your hearts to the lord as we sing some of the most beloved gateway songs of the past 20 years [Music] [Applause] come on you remember this come on sing it out the lord the thought raised the lord raised the lord reigns yeah [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] when darkness tries to roll over my bones when sorrow tries to steal the joy when brokenness and pain is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] he says he says he says [Music] [Applause] streams mercy never ceasing call for songs [Music] dreaming job [Music] peace empty [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] mountains [Music] it has the most beautiful [Music] hello [Music] we are [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh this [Music] holy [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] more [Music] faces down to the ground in [Music] with our tears we wash your feet we balloons [Music] of kittens [Music] the more i see [Music] the more i find you [Music] the more i find you [Music] the more i love you [Music] this love so [Music] [Music] no greater love you're how can it be [Applause] me [Music] jesus [Music] is [Applause] time [Applause] [Applause] who is [Music] it is my victory thank you you save me [Music] and i will be you made me free to be forever [Music] my is jesus you are my deliverance i'm [Music] jesus you show me what freedom is [Music] you are my delivery [Music] you are my delivery of life speak your words [Music] is [Music] me [Music] lives [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is is we love you [Applause] filled with wonders [Music] [Music] mrs [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on everybody [Music] is with all creationism [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's none like you god can you just picture it right now in this auditorium online wherever you may be our voices gathered with the saints the angels as the and the elders as they're bowing before the throne but for before god himself declaring holy holy holy is the lord god almighty come on he's worthy of our praise he's worthy of he's worthy of so much more come on let's lift another shout of praise to our king bless you lord faithful god good god you're a great god lord we love you we praise you lord and this week and we do celebrate what you've done over these past 20 years at gateway church god we can say that great is your faithfulness you've been a faithful god and that proves to us that you'll be faithful forever lord we declare that you're worthy of all praise glory honor majesty power dominion it's all yours forever lord we love you we praise you in jesus name and all god's children say amen welcome to gateway church why don't you turn around give somebody a high five in the air don't touch them wave it everybody bless you [Music] well i want to welcome everyone who's joining us from all of our campuses as we continue our celebration of 20 years uh this is what i call a nostalgic celebration uh i don't know if you've maybe you've just been here in the last four weeks or maybe you've been at gateway for 20 years my wife and i came 18 years ago blind and i did at the time we had a two-year-old daughter now that daughter is about to turn 20 and we got two other teenagers in high school and so when i reflect back at what god has done i just reflect on his faithfulness and i want to encourage you throughout this service it's a unique day it's a unique celebration for us i encourage you to reflect back on what god has done in your life his faithfulness in your life through good times through bad times he's there with you and we're going to watch a video now really celebrating the 20 years here at gateway church watching what god has done in his faithfulness to us over the last 20 years take a look [Music] can i say something to us as a church the things that we do for the kingdom it's not because we're big it's not because we're talented it's by his spirit we pray and we obey now when we started we had 30 people in our hearts i want you to think about your relationship with god god's dream for you is even better than your dream this is a principle that's all through scripture it's called the principle of first is god first in your life we just want people to know god know he loves them we weren't really meant to do life alone we've truly just said we're going to love people and we're going to love god and we're going to pull that together that's all we're after is looking for a way to make room for people people who need a friend for the journey you know the the slogan at the very beginning of the churches we're all about people it wasn't a catchphrase i think it in the beginning was kind of viewed as a catchphrase because it was catchy i can remember a phone conversation with pastor robert early on and he said do you think i ought to say we're all about people because god is all about people and i said no i think that's a given i remember hearing him in the early days talking about i want every type of person every every stage of life uh every socio-economic background i want every person who will ever come to the doors of gateway church to be able to find a ministry in the message it was it was easter service in 2000 180 people there i kind of vaguely remember walking into the auditorium and kind of looking around and saying man we're here at the beginning of a church there wasn't much there but you always felt like it was something significant there was just this residential excitement in us we didn't know what was going to happen we felt like we were all in it together as a family you know maybe cleaning the toilets we didn't enjoy from the very beginning gateway's been a supernatural church the lord said to me you're going to plant a church in dallas and so when robert came to me and told me that he wanted to start a church i started crying this is the church a church that's influencing the world pastor jimmy would come in and speak on a weekend and he would say gateway is going to be a church that's going to go around the world and their worship and ministry and you know and i turn around i'm thinking like who are you talking to there's only 90 of us here there's grace on this house and it was going to be an influential church one of the questions i get asked all the time about why has god bless why do you think god has blessed gateway the way that he has i remember the first year of the church we were running not even 100 people and pastor robert came in and said i know we don't have a building i know we don't have land i know we're in a tough situation building wise but a messianic jewish congregation is building a building and i want to sew 25 000 into what they're doing so this pastor asked me i get asked to speak at pastors conferences all the time he said i want you to speak on why gateway is so blessed so i sat down and i wrote a message that took about three hours and when i was finishing the message i felt like the lord was looking over my shoulder you know at my notes and i felt like he went um that's not right and i was like you know you could have come three hours ago and so i said well um why is gateway so blessed and so lord gave me a parable he said there was an orphanage and the head of the orphanage was a very cruel man and down the road lived a very benevolent father and he wanted to adopt all the children in the orphanage all of them and so he came up with a plan and it worked and the rest of the children then began to choose to be adopted by this benevolent father but his original children that he adopted got jealous and they left they all follow in the parable and then the lord said to me and then one day robert specifically said my name he said you came to me and you said dad thank you for adopting me and i love to live here but i'd like to go see if i could get your original kids to come back home and he said i reached in my pocket and i pulled out my wallet and said how much do you eat and he said that's why gateway church is so blessed when you don't understand giving you don't understand the motivation behind it and when somebody gets a revelation that everything belongs to god and everything they have has been given by god you look at everything you have and none of it is yours i kept hearing from these major pastors all over america they kept saying you gotta know robert moore's day you gotta know this guy you can read this book so i pick it up start reading it he's trying to teach people the power of generosity in their own lives and and the byproduct of that has been this corporate movement that gave way the blessed life message has transformed churches all over the world many churches know whenever they show that series or half past robert and to speak their giving goes up dramatically because people catch the gift and the in the heart of giving not just the message the biblical message or the truth but the heart of it you know most people have the idea that i have to hoard so that i have enough and the lord says why don't you trust me for enough i want you to be generous and in being generous you become like me because god so loved the world that he gave giving away so many cars houses all of these things the goal isn't how many it's have we been obedient if god only wants to give 20 cars and we give away 50 cars we're being disobedient but on the other hand if god wants to give 100 cars let's not limit him to 50 cars it takes away from the numbers every step of the way i did what god told me when you want to hear god speak uh he wants to speak to us so he will speak to us everything pastor robert teaches and preaches is to lead us to listen to the voice of the lord every one of his messages ends with what is the holy spirit saying to you so every week we ask the lord lord what are you saying to me i want you to bow your heads in closer i want you to bow your heads and close your eyes i want you to take a moment like we do every week take a moment like we always do take a moment and just ask the holy spirit holy spirit what are you saying to me through this message i remember robert and he was a baptist background he had become hungry learning to open up to the gifts of the spirit and how that was done he said that's that's right that's right and that's the way that i want it to be at our church we um really give the people tools to hear god on their own to teach people how to get a prophetic word from the lord and to hear from god we don't want him to walk out with just head knowledge we really wanted him to get it in here i came from a um predominantly african-american upbringing expression classical pentecostalism a lot of people are like oh man was it culture shock when you got to gateway because you come from like this very classic pentecostal background and upbringing and now you're at gateway and it's conservative and it's this and it's white and this is this was black and i'm like y'all looking at the wrong movie it wasn't about black and white and denominational lines and expressions it was literally just about heart first time i led worship here it was a new church so there was not a lot of like open expression of worship like there is today i looked down during worship and i saw pastor robert on his knees with his hands up high just worshiping the lord and i thought to myself then if that's his heart i know that we can see god do a great thing at gateway where truly people are experiencing god's presence in the greatest way possible there's really a move of god where people's lives are being changed healed transformed the marriages are getting healed their jobs everything's getting better because they're putting god first in their life we're doing prison ministry they're not just a project they're part of our family and i get emotional because i just think about all the lives that are being changed behind the bars we're in over 80 nations over 150 ministries that we're working with what happened over the past 20 years happened because people were willing to sacrifice and say i believe and i'm going to prepare for the people that will come how do you accomplish something so major just one obedient step after another and then you look back and you say look what god's time look at all this this is incredible let's keep going [Music] well i want to welcome you this is the first service of gateway church and i was just wondering how many of you this is your first service at gateway church can i see your hand look at that we this is more gifts than we've ever had before this is great i'm glad that you're here i'm glad that you took the time to come you know uh 10 20 years from now you'll be the ones saying to me i was there that first sunday i'm so grateful genesis chapter 28 i'm going to be reading out of the new living translation and this is the same god it's um [Music] overwhelming to look back and see what god's done it's god's grace it's not our performance it's about a [Music] relationship [Music] makes your heart want to say praise god doesn't it and thank you for for your faithfulness lord over these years well we've had uh some friends who have sent congratulation letters and we just thought we would we would show you a few of those uh the mayors around every one of our uh campus communities uh send their congratulations to us and and then we received congratulation letter from senator ted cruz and from governor greg abbott and from president donald trump and the white house obviously when he sent this letter he'd have no idea that this day and this time would be such a critical time we're our nation has been uh fighting a pandemic but now our president is on the front lines along with his wife of that fight and we certainly do want to lift them up pray for everyone who has been impacted by the covet virus but especially our president and his wife at this time and so would you just join me real quick and let's pray uh for our nation against this pandemic and for the president lord we lift up our president and uh first lady to you we lift up all those in in high positions all the first responders who are on the front lines lord we're asking you to break the power of this pandemic in jesus name that lord it would be left aside and that god we would be free free from the effect of this pandemic in jesus name amen we have some ministry friends who have also sent their congratulations watch this hey what's up gateway it's crowder i cannot believe it 20 years happy 20th anniversary happy 20th anniversary gateway church i'm so happy to be a part of what god has done and is doing with this church you have been so kind and gracious to us and to a21 we thank god for you and we know that your greatest 20 years are still ahead it's amazing how god has used all of you and influenced the church across the world you have huge respect around the world and we would like to honor you honor the church this is just the beginning and i'm grateful we're all apart sitting in the front row watching god be god that is simply astonishing what the lord jesus christ has done in you and what he's going to continue to do through you we are so proud of you guys you are rock stars in the kingdom well done listen my heart is with you guys uh what's going on in the church there what god's breathing through you has affected me and my family i love your church so much i love your ministry so much i always feel just like at home every time i'm at gateway your 20th anniversary what an incredible testament to the faithfulness of god to the goodness of god and to the scripture that everything starts as a seed this church started as a small seed it started and look what it has done it's been germinated blossomed and it has grown into this beautiful uh tree that has given fruit to millions upon millions of people i know you all know that you're a part of something that's world changing altering history so continue to fight and continue to reach and to continue to go because those of us who are looking on we are just blessed by the example and your faithfulness so god bless you all you've been faithful you've been faithful to the word and that's all he asks of us isn't it congratulations and i join all the voices from all over to thank god for your heart for your life and for your ministry happy 20th from embrace grace happy anniversary love you so much happy 20th anniversary i love you guys congratulations congratulations happy anniversary declaring the best is yet to come bendiciones everybody knew i would be the one to cry so i'll try not to uh i i get asked every once in a while like a lot of us do what did robert morris teach you in regards to building a great church that he didn't mention in the book and i love to watch pastors faces when i answer their question i tell them robert morris never taught me how to build a church that thousands of people would want to attend he taught me how to build a church that god would never want to leave and inevitably they all ask the same question that's exactly what i'm talking about tell me what did he tell you now tell him that's just it he never told me with his words he always showed us with his life not the answer they wanted to hear because it's the most expensive answer and i know pastor robert and his beloved bride debbie wouldn't want to make the 20th celebration all about them but i heard pastor jack say it really really well years ago he said when god begins a move he always chooses a man he picks his person to work through this next video is not about the church named gateway this next video is about god's man named robert preston morris let's watch and celebrate his life [Music] acts 16 25 and after he brought him out he said paul silas what must i do to be saved live at the phone the silence but that was exactly what he asked me he said what was going to do to be something that prevented him believe in the name of the lord jesus and he shall be saved i can remember specifically we still have the old old little tape of robert actually preaching to a row of dummies and things but he was actually preaching to him with a little microphone recorder he was just a happy little fellow things kind of changed to a certain extent when he became a teenager and a little rebellious stage but it made us understand that if you if you don't kill them you live through it she came from a loving home and people that went to church see she was a good influencer there were others but she was a good influence on your life [Music] that is so beautiful look at that that is beautiful wow on the other hand however let me holler about this collar what is going on staying alive this is beautiful too mr robert had a twin sister i never met her before he's crazy she's beautiful too so in case you haven't caught on yet we are actually in pastor robert's childhood home look at this place look at the couch even the couch has bail bottles wow who's doing okay this is [Applause] i beautiful i know what this is [Music] jake's motive wow i don't even know if they can call this a motel or a hotel it's really probably more like a no-till but there is no telling what happened here and i wouldn't tell either i am happy about one thing that took place though [Music] oh wait i'm going back to 2020 i'll get this mask on so he got actually under conviction by his own message it's kind of a long story but he was preaching before he got saved and he preached a message about wheat and tears and he told debbie he said if i believed everything i just preached that i've not saved and she looked at him and said then you're not saved i was 19 years old in a motel room and i kept saying what i was saying when i was eight i was safe when i was eight but what i realized in the motel room was that i had not given control of my life to god and so i literally straightened my life up as best i could because i loved debbie but as i got to know her and then we got [Music] married that's when i saw someone that really knew jesus [Music] and that's when i realized i don't know jesus she knows jesus but i want to [Music] and that's why i got saved [Music] i think pastor robert and i were 19 20 around that time when when a man we both admired greatly had a radical change in his life and that man was james robinson i have a special guest with me today robert morris robert is a young evangelist and i say y'all of course i'm i always feel like i'm young robert how old are you now 24. i found out that he was quite a communicator he would go to as many of the high schools and junior highs as i could and talk to the young people about basic moral issues i i think when i really began to see supernatural unique greatness of robert was after i had experienced a a remarkable freedom and i found myself really a tormented person who had the gift of the spirit but not the fruit of the spirit well robert happened to see that and robert experienced that same freedom god kind of turned robert's heart to wanting to be more at home and more connected to a specific local body and something opened up at shady pro church [Music] if you do you have a cell phone hello lady what what what was the lady's name that prophesied about robert was that ms talley miss tally i wanted to be able to say that that's been several years ago could you tell me about just right now yeah um it was in a sunday morning service and so pastor robert had come he and his wife and and son first son and they joined the church and um and this lady just stood up and said may i say something i said yes go ahead and say it ms talley said i see pastor robert standing on a platform with lines of microphones and that he was preaching all over the united states and all over the world in every house in the united states and so i knew it was going to be me something i didn't realize that it was going to be this big although i should have because the a prophecy was spoken in our church service about the three thousand the thirty thousand three hundred thousand and three million three million that was some some fellow in the congregation that said hey i've got a word that was a word to him and the holy spirit spoke to his art when i was young i didn't understand how hard it really was to plant a church how much weight you carry and the burden that you carry it sometimes doesn't leave very much for your family i see now that you have to really you have to guard you have to protect the time that you have with your family watching my dad plan to church and watching the way that he walks through difficulties when i think back of my dad and of the beginnings of gateway how intentional he was with spending time with us that's the way i remember the beginning of gateway not really paying attention to what my dad did as a pastor paying a lot of attention to what my dad did as a father [Music] there are years in gateway's history that i don't remember we were going so fast [Music] we have video of gateway church founder robert morris being wheeled into emergency surgery monday night morris was flown to a hospital on sunday pastor morris's wife shot this video as a helicopter took morris to the hospital and simply asked the more than 30 000 church members to pray in the helicopter i had an encounter with the lord [Music] the lord's presence filled the helicopter just filled the helicopter and i felt like i was about to go to heaven [Music] i mean i knew i was leaving my family and my church family but when i thought about my family and and you i just knew well god will take care of him god will take care of him but as i thought about my family and the church and the ministry that god's given me i said lord i'm excited i am so excited about coming home i'm excited but i would like to be there for my family i want to grow old with debbie of course some of you young people are thinking y'all already grown old i want to watch my children step into and fulfill the destiny god has for them and i want to see my grandchildren grow up and when i thought about the ministry god's given me i said and i just don't think you're finished with me yet on earth when i said i don't think you're finished with me he said i'm not and i knew i wasn't dying that day it is not smoke i know for someone like me i've seen what very few get to see and it is so much better the man's not perfect but it is so much better behind closed doors than it will ever be up on stage which is crazy so that's why we don't see gay way really as a church it is our family [Applause] [Music] today but i wanted this my first public appearance but i've i would like to say a couple of personal things first of all i'd like to apologize for not praying for every woman that's ever had a c-section [Music] [Applause] because i had two of them in 24 hours where they removed a seven pound mass of blood which most of you know and i didn't get a bikini cut either so but i'm doing better um i'll be back at the church in a couple weeks sharing and then take the normal summer break i have never felt more a part of a family i hope for the rest of that man's life god blesses him in a way he's never blessed anyone else because he is the real deal he is the real stinking deal he's a great leader i'm so grateful that 20 years ago [Music] he asked me to be a part i think it's very important that that we as a congregation stop in this 20th year and just recognize the special person that god put in the special couple that god put here that had been so diligent for the last 20 years i'm telling you we need this we need this time and we need to honor our pastors i watched how he treated people when we walked into the building i watched how he prepared i watched how he would turn noise out i watched how he would greet people on tv and he just hasn't allowed that to be his identity i just loved him enough i've studied him i want to be like him [Music] really who my dad was in our home with those 30 people is the same person he is now with the 30 000 he's allowed himself to stay steadfast in god all along the way i kept thinking this is too much and this is too big i'm a very imperfect man but god just kept reassuring me it's not about you son it's about me [Applause] i don't know about you but i'm not just celebrating the last 20 years i'm celebrating the next 20 years at every campus and every service and all over the world would you join me in celebrating and honoring our senior pastor pastor robert morris thank you thank you thank you thank you very much please be seated thank you i'm glad to be back uh i'll let you know we've been on sabbatical for four months and the next next weekend i'm going to share with you what i did on my summer vacation so i'll update you on all the things the lord did in my heart and what god's going to do over the next 20 years but this obviously just overwhelming you know to look back and to see what god's done and uh he's just done it there's just no way that any of us could have done what god's done in 20 years you know touched all the people's lives that he's touched and all the people have been saved i heard a man say years ago that uh we are who we are because of god and others so obviously i want to thank the lord but i want to thank some others too and that's all of you as members of the church you are so loving so kind so gracious so generous so giving people have asked me how could you take a sabbatical you know in the in the middle of a global pandemic and the answer is actually really simple uh because we got great members and did god know that we were going to have a pandemic yes he did when we planned the sabbatical he knew and we've got great members great staff great volunteers great leaders so i was able to pull aside and rest and again we'll share with you next weekend about that but i want to thank um you know all of you our staff but i also want to thank some some men who don't get a lot of accolades they get no salary for serving as elders of the church they get no recognition they just love god and they love you and i don't know how many of our elders are in the service in this service obviously because we're all spread out but i just like the ones that are here to stand and like for us to thank the elders of gateway church so all the elders that are here would you guys stand please there's something right here thank you guys we are an elder governed church and these are great great men of god we begin every meeting with worship and prayer and sometimes we worship 30 minutes but most time it's about an hour and the rest of the meeting goes great if you start with worship and prayer so you might try that at your office but i thank the lord for everyone that's served with me and helped me and done what god's called them do the person obviously i'd like to thank the most is the one who showed me jesus even though i'd grown up in church i'd never met anyone that really knew jesus like she did and that's why i got saved almost 40 years ago so i know you don't like to stand up but we stand up my beautiful wife of 40 years that led me to christ uh preston alluded to it it is the next 20 years now and um i i can't wait uh to download next weekend some things that god has shown me about the next 20 years but i was thinking this afternoon about it and praying about it and i was reminded i was in a restaurant one time and i have all sorts of ways to talk to people and start conversations to to share with them about christ and witness to him i was paying for my meal i was at the cash register the guy was taking my money behind the cash register i found out later he was the owner of the restaurant but i didn't know that at the time but i just had a phrase come to me and i felt like i should say it and so i said to him would you like for someone to tell you how to be saved just like that no introduction no small talk just said would you like for someone to tell you how to be saved and i'll never forget he was doing the change in the cast jordan he looked up and he said yes he said i've been reading the bible trying to find out how to get saved and this afternoon when i was praying about this service this weekend i just felt like the lord reminded me about that that that's the season that we're going into we're going into a season because god spoke to me on sabbatical we've been sowing seeds for 20 years and we're about to reap the harvest this isn't the harvest yet the harvest is so much greater than this so we're going we're going into a season where people are going we're gonna they're gonna be saying to us yes we'd love to have a campus in our city yes we've been praying for a gateway church in our nation and we're going to just keep on building the kingdom of god and seeing people get saved and fall in love with the lord jesus christ so past 20 years have been phenomenal but the next 20 years you ain't seen nothing yet because god is on the move in our nation so thank you thank you so much we're just so honored to be your pastors debbie and i and we're so grateful and we love you god bless you [Music] can we all stand together thank you god thank you god for what you've done here thank you god for the fruit just the countless fruit that has come out of this house out of the obedience and faithfulness we just celebrate you and we sing this song into the next 20 years your blessing your fruit what you're going to do even greater than anything we've seen before we celebrate you we thank you for your blessing god thank you for who you are come on let's sing together the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon the lord [Music] is [Music] um [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] be gracious [Applause] we receive it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] their children your children is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is i just want to invite you to stay in that place of praise why don't you close your eyes for just a moment and lift your hands to the lord if you're comfortable to do that here today i know as we've celebrated 20 years we've seen the faithfulness of god we celebrated that and i know today there's some celebrating you want to do but there may be some some healing you need there may be some ministry that you need today and i want to invite you to just as we're all lifting our hands to the lord you just you tell the lord right now you tell them god here's here's where i need you in my life today god i need you to take this worry i need you to take this concern i need you to i need you to take this burden that i've been carrying i can't carry it anymore lord i leave it at your feet as i look to the future god i look to you as my hope you are faithful god he is a faithful god he is for you and he knows your need today so you lift it up you just tell them private you say god here's what i need today come on you just begin to tell them and i'm going to pray over you i'm going to pray for your need today but i just want you to know god is here in this place to meet your needs god i thank you that you have gone before us lord you have watched us from behind god i thank you that you walk with us when we're walking through the valley of the shadow of death you are there with us you're walking with us you are a faithful faithful guy lord and i know that you know every need being lifted up right now and i pray that you would meet us you're such a personal god meet us today meet the need lord for the family today that's praying for their child to come back to you lord pray lord meet the need of the family today lord who's saying i've run out of provision on my own god i need you today lord be provision lord i pray for healing today lord i pray for restoration of relationships lord jesus thank you for your move in our lives god i thank you that we can look to the future because you are our hope you are our salvation and we praise your name for it come on let's lift up praise again so i'm saying thank you jesus amen lord we praise your name we praise your name today i want to invite you to if you if you have any prayer need maybe you're watching online today and you want someone to pray with you you can just send that prayer in to the number 7 10 10. you just make that prayer request we have people ready to pray for you you let us know what your prayer need is today okay i have a couple of announcements before we leave if you see that i'm holding this beautiful book here this book has been made to celebrate gateway's 20 years there's so many beautiful pages in it chronicling chronicling all the 20 years they said i couldn't do it and hold the book but i'm showing i can it's a beautiful book and um you are there's two ways to get this if you're watching online you can go to store text text the word store to seven ten ten or we have them in the lobby at the tables they are 20 and it is worth every penny they are beautiful also i want to tell you aren't we so thankful that children's ministry is back up running so we do need you to register for those services and registration is at kids currently we are five and under is all we're registering for and registration will open monday at 9 00 a.m i want to before we close i just want to say what was on my heart as i was watching and just thanking god for everything that he has done in this 20 years that all of you and everyone watching you've become part of the gateway story at some point everybody has a different point that they entered the story but there's no way that gateway would be what it is without you and we take this moment to honor you we thank you for your service we thank you for every yes you've ever given the lord to serve here at gateway church and we know that it cannot happen the next 20 years without you we believe that god is on the move and the best days are ahead for gateway church and we're so thankful that you're going to join us let's celebrate that together come on thank you lord i want to pray for you as we go god thank you for this great service of celebration and remembering what you've you've done in our lives in each one of our lives god i thank you lord for the future that's ahead god we pray your blessing on your people here today lord as we go let us go with your peace as we celebrate you and your faithfulness in jesus name come on everyone celebrate and say amen amen thank you lord you are dismissed [Music] blessings [Music] [Music] you
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 21,323
Rating: 4.8636365 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 48sec (4368 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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