GATA | Whiskey Ginger with Andrew Santino 244

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what up whiskey Ginger fans welcome back to the show it's the first time joining the show welcome to the show we got a good one for you today like my man Steve Harvey done say it's Gada my man Gata I love him so much I believe people are trying to sneak him in for a nomination for his performance on Dave he's so funny so dope I love Gata uh one of the greatest people I've ever met in this business and uh I can't wait uh to see what he does next in his career gate is the best please watch Dave all of the seasons are available on Hulu you can go check him out uh he killed it this year so so hard enough rambling from me let's go to the episode in here we pour whisper whisper oh that creature in the ginger beard it's dirty gingers are beautiful you won't be five dollars [Music] gingers oh hell no this was excellent Ginger I like gingers ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Whiskey Ginger my guest today is one of my favorite people on earth I say the problem I guess but I mean once again today it is the return of my guy Gator give it up for Gada hey welcome back to the show Gator I'm so happy uh I haven't seen you in a minute it's been a minute bro well I missed you at the we had the wrap party of Dave uh well not the wrap party but they did the season finale yeah and we could talk about it now actually you know what's so funny I'm wearing Brad Pitt's shirt right now I stole this from Brad Pitt oh wow I swear to God because they fit they fit him and they said uh him and I were the same size shirt and jeans so these are his jeans I think I think these I stole them and this is his shirt so Brad come get me I've talked about it for a couple weeks now I'm wearing his stuff what do you think is better looking gay to me or Brad Pitt be honest don't don't don't don't don't don't lie just because we're friends I don't judge you thank you very much kid I appreciate it for people that don't know uh which I'm sure is almost nobody at this point gator has turned himself from a rapper a writer a producer a mind-melding magician uh into one of the most sought after actors uh now in Hollywood I was in Australia shooting you were in Australia shooting we couldn't connect because you were in you were in Sydney right or north of Sydney yeah I was in Sydney Sydney I was in a Bandai Junction Bandai Bandai good on you get on ya did you like it did you like it that's a good accent Gator good on you good on your mate yeah gaida yeah no big fan of gaida he's a good dude yeah that's how he does yeah you liked it the whole time or what no worries no worries mate no worries I was shooting a movie you were shooting a movie we didn't get to connect because our past didn't cross you were at a different time that I was there and then I came up the city with my parents and Gator was busy busy boy shooting but I saw you out there you Sydney Sweeney you guys were at the beach I saw that just at the beach floating around in the ocean yeah it was dull man it was on a yacht it was pretty dope oh my god did anybody did you meet any Richie riches out there that let you go on their yacht after you were filming like anybody fancy there was people out there like that like my uh one of my cast people on there one of my cast named Darren Barnett he's actor he has someone out there saying yo we got a boat every weekend come party and [ __ ] but yeah every weekend was ready to party but you were taking work serious man I talked to Hertz and he told me you were you were in it to win it yeah I was dialing in man I'm trying to you know show that I can play of the roles and be other people than myself so yeah I'll be taking every role serious man you're doing it big man I'm so happy for you I'm sure you got a bunch of stuff lined up now too huh well even though the writers strike when's the next tell me when's Gator show coming when are we sniffing for a gator show man come on we we are sniffing for it but at the same time it's like we just staying patient right now yeah you guys want to uh develop and be productive during the strike but we just staying patient man and trying to make sure we stay uh thoughtful and mindful of what's going on right now yeah yeah yes nobody you know smart man gotta stand with the writers that's right bro but you know what you could do get in the meantime you can start writing and formulating your own stuff so then when the time comes you can push it out there oh yeah like I got a cartoon in production that I'm working on behind the scenes but what about your life what's it about yeah me being a ghetto Bart Simpson growing up in La you know what I'm saying got some ghetto Samsung yeah it's gonna be some dope stuff like that oh it's called ghetto brothers that's all I got yeah bro I got this to celebrate it because I sold it to Fox 20th century innocent development I'm trying to work on it right now but yeah that's what that's when ghetto Brilliance came about I saw the other chain when I saw you uh not too long ago you got the the flying money flying money chain oh yeah every day we letting it go everything is a bill bro no matter if you're spending money you're paying for a bill money's always coming and going so it's just a symbol of that I love that rock and I got I told I got told to the Grapevine I got to find out all your information through through Hertz uh because you're too busy I but I heard that I heard you got a new house congratulations oh thank you I do got a house my dude got a crib yeah we was just talking about that you always talk about big boy [ __ ] well season one yeah I tell you season one I remember sitting on a on a lunch table and you were like you were like you got a house Santino you got a house and I was like yeah yeah yeah I do and then you were like I'm gonna get me a house I'm gonna get I'm gonna get a house I want to get a house and I told you what I said I said you got to be patient I said don't just grab something just because because you don't want to overpay and get ripped off and yeah you're right man and you were and you gotta and then you got a great crib hurts tell me you found something great yeah it's amazing man I love it man it's spaceful it's uh quiet out there it's pretty cool man I just like the fact that uh finally uh pulled the trigger you know yeah you pulled the trigger yeah it was about time you need it you you deserve that gate of space you moved up I remember you went from the old apartment to that nice that really nice dope spot that brand new on oh yeah high rise yeah and I went to the beach yeah so we read the Delray by the boats yeah you keep you kept it moving but now you're now you now you put some groundwork you got a bunch of people at the house or is it just you you got a bunch of people I'll be having people there sometime like friends and stuff like that but for the most part it's just me when are you gonna throw a party bro uh throw a house party that would be dope shout out to us too we were house party yeah we were yeah we were I had to plug that bro movie together it really was we didn't we weren't even together we let's go we did it together that was our first film even though we weren't in it together we were in it together yeah that's crazy right right man yeah that's dope bro how many days did you shoot a house party what is it would you do twisting one day one day yeah one yeah it was that was a great scene man shout out to lean away to shout out to DC Young Fly Santa my condolences to him and his family and everything I heard about terrible news about DC yeah that's awesome for DC Young Fly man but that's crazy man yeah is a girl's family but yeah man the house party was dope it was dope it was dope yeah I had a good time yeah I had a fun time and when I we went and saw the movie and I was like it was all over the place I was like this was is weird as [ __ ] another project I like that you did that we just spoke about was beef beef beef beef bro you be working bro I'm trying and I saw you with another Kevin Hart thing on Netflix too bro well that's that was Kevin throwing me a bone that was him being nice to me yeah [Laughter] there was a little meat on the bone yeah there's a little bit of meat on the bone I had a good time I had a good time now I'm now me and Bobby are on tour and so uh you know I don't have any you know until the writer strikes over I don't think I'll be doing anything in that world for a while I'm just going to be touring and touring and torn and like you told me um after the season three last episode party you had a concert the next night yeah concert the next night it was sold out it was at Venice West in LA on Lincoln Boulevard on Lincoln I know Venezuela yeah packed house bro it was tight I performed all my new songs and uh I was just preparing myself to just get ready to like you said do something else while the strike is going on so I can go do concerts and I could record or music and what about dropping an album yeah that's that's in the works too man I'm definitely recording songs I got a studio session right after I leave here uh yeah with some good people that worked for definitely always working yeah grinding every day bro I always grind up to the brand bro okay so tell me this though because we've talked about mental health together we talk about it on our show you and I have had personal conversations about it what about taking a what when do you take a break for Gata when do you chill for you like do you are you taking are you trying to make space to take days to just hang out and not do anything and oh yeah definitely man I'd definitely be getting my me time my alone time where I'm just sitting there watching whoever lose to the Denver Nuggets I'll be chilling I'll take taking my time but uh yeah he's calling it now I think you think they're taking a ticket yeah bro The Joker Is No Joke Man he's unbelievable unbelievable he's like Dirk Nowitzki 5.0 he really is he really is unguardable jump shot too yeah it's because the ball's way up here yeah and you can't get that high and he's falling backwards turkey used to do the exact same thing fall backwards and be way up high you can never touch them can't touch it so you've been have you been uh have you been like did they put you on like a workout regimen when you were on the one on the movie like did you have to stay in shape or no you didn't have to do that oh no not for that movie Man uh because I'm gonna say that because you've always been in shape and you've never been well actually it's kind of funny now I gained a little bit of weight man thank God you need it yeah for sure man because I want to be healthy you want to make sure I'm taking care of myself I actually uh trying to get off the Vape too by the way okay we talked about this I told you during the middle of filming Gator was ripping through it I was like we got to get you off of those yeah man for real so who knows what's in it I don't know yeah who knows they say rat poison they say glasses in it they say all types glass yeah vegetable oil vegetable vegetable tea I'm okay with that I feel like that one's okay yeah but in your lungs I guess now I mean but it's better than rat poisoning glass yeah man that's what my buddy said he we were golfing the other day and he you know he'd throw a cigarette and you throw it down on the grass while he was hitting because it'll still stay lit all right one of the dudes was like don't do that there's pesticides all in the grass and you put it back in your mouth that's really bad for it and he said dude I'm smoking a cigarette I think it's gonna be okay oh wow that was a crazy yeah I thought he was like I'm gonna die anyway dude Cancer's gonna get me pesticides we'll just add to the mix maybe it'll level it out a little bit but yeah you got to get off the Vape Gotta Get Off The Vape bro I've been trying to practice healthy lifestyle like this weekend I'm going to um Atlanta to be in this um rap crew league basketball game hosted by Revolt uh did he like post to be today and [ __ ] so that was that was great for them did he gave you some love yeah yeah yeah does he know you do you know him uh I'm pretty sure he knows of me now yeah but I'm saying like you guys have never met I met him in a club with a Dickie one time when he handed him some flowers Dickie handed puffy some flowers at the club at uh Miami and live wait a minute explain okay it was crazy like so we're the club popping bottles me and Dickie he got his section he just takes some flowers from his section that just walks up to did he sectioned heads of like a bouquet of flowers to the club like this is the Full Circle moment man you know because did he supported Dickie early in his career and now you know I'm being a part of something on Revo playing in a basketball game this weekend at State Farm Arena too I'm not playing against Kevin Gates you know Nick Canada this [ __ ] so it's dope damn you're gonna shake Cannon you think you can break him oh no he's pretty good I've seen him oh no he'd be all over the place he got a lot of kids so he might know about that court man he might be thinking about his kids while he's guarding you yes one of his 36 kids while he was thinking about that not the ball he know how to be at a lot of places at one time yeah he does 36 jobs and 36 kids that must be see that must be exhausting working all those hours because he's non-stop he's one of these guys that wakes up at what time do you wake up in the morning honestly probably like six 6 30. every day yeah you never sleep in yeah give or take man because naturally you know my mom you know she always woke up and got up early and when I was younger my mom used to say if I'm up you up if I'm getting to it you get into it okay if you got to be up if you ain't ready for school yet you better get up I'm getting up so you can't stay in the bed so you know my mom's older and stuff she's 72 like in her older late 70s so when she get up and just been having that mentality for a long time it just naturally make me want to get up bro you get up at six every day what if you go to bed at one in the morning you're still getting up at six are you sleep in I'll probably sleeping yeah yeah a little a little bit probably like eight nine ten cause I'm the type I don't like to be in bed all morning because I start feeling lame you know I start feeling like yeah you're bored yeah I'm bored I could be being productive you know and then I don't like the day getting by me I feel okay I want to have advantage of the day gay to the Hustler you might be the most dedicated Hustler I've ever met him you know it's you bro no you're never lazy man I've never seen you ladies either you got the podcast you got the I'm falling apart you got the TV show you got the movie I mean held together behind glue I'm barely here right now I'm mentally my brain is you know what it is though like I said you got to take mental health breaks for yourself like I made sure at the end of the tour now we we jump uh we jump the tour which we had to like move some stuff around and I'm gonna go to Hawaii and take a minute to just chill out yeah you gotta just take it me and my life well because it's just you deserve it though bro yeah well I mean it's it's more that like you need some kind of vacation because in our business in our industry you never take a vacation there is no like hey it's you know the kids are out of school at summer vacation for us it's like you go go go go until you don't go and then there's no time frame for our kind of work people to to just take a break so you have to just make it you have to do it say I'm gonna do it stick to it you know Dave going on vacation he going to Italy oh yes yeah this summer with this girl he deserve that man that's tight you think he's gonna put a ring on it soon who knows man you know if anybody knows yeah for sure you're right but I wouldn't be surprised man you know me neither that's what it's about he's always wanted to be in love and now he's in love you know so it's a beautiful thing it is funny the art imitating life you know the whole show this season was called looking for love and then he found love literally right before we started the show yeah amazing bro yeah I'm so happy for him because I always known him to not have a girl so to see him with a girl is a beautiful thing it is it is dude it is and you know it's for some people some people being a relationship work some people you know don't really that they don't need that or want that to you know to settle down and all that stuff but he wanted it yeah you could tell he really did want it oh you know he definitely wanted it bro give me some give me some stories from Australia you got anything fun that happened down there I want to know what was happening my first night out bro I went out with one of my cast members uh Alexander ship she's in the new Barbie movie yep but uh we went out uh her Sam and uh who was us with her I think it was Glenn Powell with us too but we went to the Korean barbecue spot in the table almost caught on fire it was crazy not the regular like the smoke just come up and they come put the water on I'm talking about it was giant Flames up to the ceiling it was crazy they had to really come and get the more is it a new Chef I don't know what it was no no no it wasn't a new Chef we was cooking it ourselves oh it's Korean barbecue oh [ __ ] yeah I see those Japanese barbecue oh Japanese barbecue shark sorry Japan sorry Japan sorry Japan yeah no the one where you where it's boiling water and you dunk it in you dunk the meat and the vegetables in right that's right not that one oh the fire one yeah who [ __ ] it up who put it on that caught it on fire I think it was me Glenn Powell say it was Glenn Powell Glenn he kind of was not understanding the concept of uh this steak and cook well done at a cabin one day it was so funny we have to keep telling them man put it back on there longer bed like hey bro I like my [ __ ] well done he like man I'm from Texas where we uh kill the cow with it it just says boo it it'll be uh but really I'm like oh my God it's so funny bro that [ __ ] he's like where I come from boy we just eat a cat we'll take a bite out of a cow as it wanders yeah he'll do Glenn Powell you're a great dude too he funny man he is huh is the movie fun was it funny I'm calm it's Untitled shout out to director Will Gluck but it's me Sydney and uh Glenn in there a few other people Michelle Heard Darren Maroney he's one of my favorite OG actors yeah he's tight man but it was a great experience working out there you know just being around the actors and it's just like how even when I was first talking to you I was just always asking you like man how's it going to be bro like what's going on what I tell you yeah everything that you said it was gonna be I said I said you just got to keep keep working on it keep grinding figuring it out I said we're gonna do it together we'll figure it out together we'll be on it together man I appreciate it didn't sink man we could you did you did phenomenal and I hope if Dave does get another season you know who knows we never know about any of this that's the cool part about it bro if it does I I can't wait to come back and see because everybody's kind of grown in their own way from the show yeah for sure it's kind of weird to see everyone's kind of like doing the season was amazing bro yeah you guys did a great job I mean honestly you I think you probably had the strongest season I've seen out of any of the cast members uh this season particularly for you I think was one of the best ones I've seen you do man that's good yeah it was man it was phenomenal people people love Gator man there's something about you got that thing whatever the thing is you got the thing and I said that when I first met you too I said this [ __ ] I said he is so funny man and Dave was like right he's funny and he's just being chill and you were making me laugh dude even you know what's so funny also the first day uh we filmed this season we filmed at a place called Plaza that was like a nightclub it's like a nightclub on La Brea and it was right next to Pink's Hot Dogs oh yeah I've heard of that and you went over there and got a hot dog yeah and I was like this dude is never-endingly beautiful man because I haven't had a Pink's Hot Dogs in years and you had to have a Pink's Hot Dog you were like okay I gotta go get a pink side I don't know I haven't been there in so long and I was like maybe I'll have a [ __ ] Pink's Hot Dogs all because of Gator the influence of the Big G yeah man what's uh what's next for you right now though like now are you taking time to do nothing or are you working I'm definitely working on projects behind the scenes you know just uh with me small private crew uh crew I'm uh trying to put together a book deal right now I got a book agent you're gonna write a book uh I'm trying I'm working on some things man you know what are we talking about some things what are we talking about what would it be about what's up probably just be a memoir about my life you know remember the Gator's life yeah yeah but uh if I could put together a movie I'd definitely be doing that too and I'm taking on a bunch of roads like right now it's just crazy I got an offer to shoot the UK a movie because you know they're not striking over there in the UK all right right the eighth grade we ought to go there Jolly Old chapter load up the jet chapter there we go man they're gonna offer to do a movie over there you're gonna do it uh yeah I'm waiting to see right now let's see how that goes the bag is right yeah yeah I get it all that type of stuff but we got the same agent by the way yeah I need to check in with him ask him John sex yeah that's right yeah shout out John sacks man appreciate you we love them yeah man I'm about to go see him in like 24 hours I'm going just keep sending [ __ ] man please yeah that's right John send us some more stuff so out of all the offers that you've gotten um have you turned down a bunch if you said no have you been saying no are you saying yes to everything uh right now I've been more of a yes man yes man it's a good place to be because you know why I want to be easy to work with you know like Santino or Brad Pitt Bobby Lee I want to be one of those type of people that got longevity in this game and you don't get that by saying no you got to be able to say you know what [ __ ] it if I'm getting 800 in a cup of coffee put some tape on the floor and I'm there it's just about the you know the opportunity and just keep working that's what I just care about yeah it'll always be about the money it's about the opportunity because you never know where it could lead you to you know so could lead you to more money that's what I'm saying money not on the road yeah that's right so I'm just appreciative of every moment in a chance I get bro I I love you get it and also by the way you name me Brad Pitt and Bobby Lee one of these people uh does not uh work hard probably I did a movie with him bro I know sweet dreams I love you Bobby Lee I like what you told me you said Kate it's not about being the biggest or baddest it's just about working man just just work is that what the advice Bobby like yeah he's dude he said he'd been doing this for a long time I said man I said bro I'm trying to be doing this for a long time he said that's what it's about getting he said when I was younger I used to want to be this that the hottest guy and all that but then I just said you know what I'm thankful to just have a job it works what do you put in that perspective I said yeah I see how you last a long time right are you still just going he just won't leave yeah he just won't don't leave Bobby leave me love you bro he's like herpes he keeps coming back somehow I don't know where he came from but somehow he keeps coming back over how old do you think Bobby is by the way well I know his real age but am I am I uh bracket in mouth the way I'm thinking uh man Bobby Lee's ageless bro he is he's kind of a little Timeless nugget huh yeah he's ageless bro he's Timeless he's like one of those personalities that's going to be around forever because you always need somebody like that somebody to walk the Thin Line that's on the edge yeah he is say whatever you know like you need those type of people around you man and you really do well he just we want him to keep brushing his teeth because otherwise when if you lose all your teeth he might die he's lost more than half of his mouth and on tour I see the way he eats and doesn't brush and I get concerned it's all good there's a dentist for that Encino Dental Smile I got a nice fake smile Bobby let me see the top click those there it is if you want to go tap in with Bob Dennis man it's all good but you didn't have bad teeth when you took your teeth out no I didn't but I I teeth were nice I know I did I did kind of but I had a missing tooth bro you had one missing two yeah one missing two I never noticed it was still it was towards the front you know because you learn how to adjust your bite and all that but then I started realizing like man [ __ ] it man I just come brand new [ __ ] it brand new brand new get the new ones [ __ ] it so that when they put those in did they shave down your teeth definitely I got my [ __ ] shaved down I love I love talking about veneers man because I'll be seeing people veneers and then I'll be like okay I understand why yours look like that and why mine look like this and it's just a whole nother World bro but at the end of the day love yourself it don't matter if you got veneers or if you got no teeth in your mouth you got to get ugly and ugly stands for you gotta love yourself so no matter how you come and just come no matter how you come just come it's cicada the best quote no matter how you come just come I don't know I think that might be PornHub that might be the greatest quote of all no matter how you come just come if a girl said that no matter how you come just come all right wrap this up and get it over with immediately I gotta go okay no matter how you come just come oh my God but it's true no for real I wasn't even thinking that way no neither was I man it just floated through floated through the sky that's a double beating no matter how you come just come get up that's like some [ __ ] you tell your [ __ ] when you tired of having sex you just no matter how you come just come yeah I gotta stop I have a meeting in an hour we gotta go okay [Laughter] Dana this season who was your favorite person that you worked with uh a celebrity pop in Wise um I have to say uh uh Rick Ross yeah he was he was right I was a fan of him for a long time still a huge fan man I love everything that he do is hustle mentality entrepreneurship so it was dope Ross the Boss and he came through in a clutch I mean for people that don't know some inside baseball for fans we actually it wasn't supposed to be Rick Ross right I don't know if we have any right to talk about who it was because it was other other stuff going on but Rick Ross wasn't supposed to be in that episode but uh was such a great dude last minute got the phone call yeah crazy and was like I'll be there and did and did a huge solid for the show and it was too easy and he said he kept saying the whole day two weeks it's too easy you could tell you could tell someone like Rick Ross uh has that mentality that we were talking about before that's like yeah we'll do it we'll make it happen and we'll make it work and it'll be good because it was confidence level was through the roof he came in hot did a great job then we shot the next day at the strip club did a great job it was like phenomenal it was it was Flawless yeah because you know we've had guests I'm not going to say but we've had people to come hours late with a crew of people you know we've had that happen right right and it's weird where you're like come on man we're every there's you know there's 150 people here trying to do one job together exactly and with Ross when we shot at the house with Usher I was blown away man they were they they he last minute showed up they were there early they knocked that scene out of the watch yeah it was too easy did we just tell it it was just brought a billion stars they've been famous before we even thought about doing what we do so it's just like it just comes so natural to them you know it does yeah just so natural bro they used to having set life so set life yeah do you do you feel like you're getting recognized a lot more than ever oh yeah people have people yell at you in the streets yeah yeah I live in The Boondocks now far out in the suburbs and I thought I was going to be going to where it's not like people would recognize me and people still recognize me and [ __ ] out in the boonies yeah it's pretty dope man like I just love the fact that uh people acknowledge me for the time that I put in bro so that's all oh you put in good work yeah you put in good work are people asking for like pictures and autographs or they just say Gator what's up uh for the most part it's just Gator what's up but when people see me though like if they get a chance be up on me and close they asked for a picture like if I'm at the grocery store or some [ __ ] like that but I just embrace it man I like the the love that I get bro it's pretty cool man get it you got to tell me the truth the women throwing them other women all over the place oh yeah they there for the yard man they all over the place man they on the floor they everywhere bro everywhere okay you gotta SWAT them away yeah keep them at a distance yeah but I'll be so focused and so locked in on the dream like I know that women and girls come with the entertainment and the money and fame and [ __ ] but I just be more so like yo I just want to accomplish these goals you know because they always gonna be there you know look at Al Pacino he's pregnant with a 29 year old a 30 year old right now you know they always gonna be there look at Al Pacino I'm gonna say that for everything but someone's like is everything okay I'm like look at Al Pacino guys good guys got a kitties how old is he how old is Albertina which there's hope for us bro what is he 70 something 80. 80. yeah 81. Al Pacino 80 83. oh there we go fat check God 80s three and he's got a brand new baby yeah it does born in 1940. that is insane insane 1940 and he's having the kids shortly yeah that's why you ever want to have a little one Gator what do you think I definitely do man because I definitely want to you know keep my legacy going I know it's probably like only a certain amount of people in my family that I actually know so yeah you know what I mean yeah so I think it'll be dope if I had a son or a daughter to keep my [ __ ] going to move it along he had to move it along but that's the only thing I ever be thinking about you know is just if I do have a kid I'll be leaving something behind you know then that's it that's the only thing I'd be worried about but other than that I'm not in a rush to have no kid no Al Pacino look at Al Pacino okay well just look at Al Pacino that is kind of wild to think man crazy wow but think about it like that he's 83. you know his kid 10 years old he'll be 93. I mean I'm saying the kid might not even make it to Junior High before he says bye to that you know that's what I'm saying that's wild that is wild see I think the best I think the funniest thing would be to have a kid like a year before you're gonna go have a kid at like 89 right 90. and then he celebrates his first birthday and then you're out yeah that's crazy nuts it's crazy when I have a kid now that's why I gotta get together you think that was an accident you didn't plan that there's no way but also can you imagine you're eating cereal you're 83 years old you wake up you're in your robe your girl comes down and she's like baby I'm pregnant you're like what oh how she's like it's I it's got to be it's got to be you even you know we've been sleeping together they still work they still work they're still swimming swimming slower that's insane bro maybe they got floaties on but they're supposed to yeah you made me want to get to busting get to Boston yeah he's 83 I gotta have a kid bro I I want you to have I want you to have a kid I hope you let me be uncle Santino we'll be able to come through I'll watch your kid for you man that would be dope bro you trust me to babysit yeah I need a white uncle [Music] did you ever had a white Uncle do you have any if you have any white siblings growing up nah man no but you my brother I am your brother I am your brother were there any white dudes that lived in the hood near you at all uh no no there wasn't even one white dude down there this is white dude I have it was a Latino [Laughter] he was my best friend I had two of them Oscar and my boy Michael Rosales yeah what about in high school no white dudes at your high school oh yeah for sure Westchester High School a Westchester that was my first high school so I went to one of the top basketball schools out here Westchester High School grade school it's on Manchester and after that I went to Crenshaw where it was no white people yeah no no white people at Crenshaw what about teachers running the teachers right yeah yeah we have some white teachers you got to be real boss to be a white teacher in Crenshaw yeah for sure you got to go through the metal detector or the whole die right and putting up with all this [ __ ] you know this [ __ ] on you yeah it's crazy like were you like like when you guys would have like a white substitute or something like that would everybody just dog on them right in front no actually to be honest with you babe we would like be cool with the white teachers and stuff because it's like you don't see them every day you know it's just like kind of like you appreciate it it was like a full moon it was kind of like you appreciate being taught by a white person right like it was pretty cool man like thank you white guy all right in this jet pack later kids it made you feel good too it's like using a real college or something right right well now you know because my lady Works closely with the education system and I hear now especially in you know in South Central L.A they're trying to reform a lot of what's going on in the public schools and now the a lot of the schools are the kids get like iPads and [ __ ] which I think that's crazy amazing that's amazing I mean it's got real funding bro so give me the iPad baby I want an iPad I might enroll in school again just again they don't have [ __ ] like that when I was at school no what the [ __ ] we had a computer class where we had to learn how to type we had typing class and in typing class I'll never forget they had a a typewriter that the teacher would say uh if you want to learn it I can I can show you the type product because it's the same keys but he's like if you want to learn how to actually like go back and edit on a typewriter and a few kids wanted to do it because they taught us on the old Those Old Dell computers or like the big nasty heavy Keys yeah we get caught in them you know I remember that and we had typing class but it was always a key missing oh yeah someone spilled you know Coke on it two keys are sticky and so you push down a t be like yeah and then in our class I don't think I don't remember everybody having a computer I think it was like you had a partner or two or there was a group but now they're all getting iPads yeah they are for real they got like the schools is so much the better now man they are better now these days it's like you don't even need school kids all on Tick Tock learning everything life hacks and all that's what I'm saying yeah I learn all my [ __ ] is on Tick Tock uh I like I learned that uh that song that I love so much that give me one Margarita you know that song No I heard that yet you don't know this song I Gotta play this for you this will make you laugh this girl uh she did a um she did a remix of this beat and uh here you have to hear this is the one margarita song I'm gonna put it in my kitchen oh my God [Laughter] she was great dude look up who did that song duh give me give me no no no her name is uh give me five give me one Margarita I don't know I don't remember her name but she was so good I was so funny man it's like that the angel the truth angel or something like that no the angel the something Angel is her name on the thing give me one Margarita that chick Angel maybe that's what it is yeah shout out to that chick Angel give me one Margarita I love that [ __ ] man she might get that Bud Light you know that's right and they took it away after they lost 4 billion they might need the one Margarita yeah she might be able to bring it back bro isn't that so funny people are all mad about uh that Dylan on the can oh yeah they put the one Margarita girl they might be back she might give them they'll be back Bud Light are you listening Anheuser-Busch you wanna you wanna bring back your brand grab that chick Angel let her do the one Margarita Lima read on that Bud Light Lime Arena give me one La mirita I'ma give you some head laughs we poor whisper this episode of whiskey 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girl she got a kid so I kind of be you know playing step dad father Figaro supposed to be speaking at a school tomorrow so yeah you're going to speak at the school I definitely feel like a dad yeah you know you made me you made me smile and made me happy we're in the backseat of the car and uh I don't know if we were filming or we were going to film and her you know your your girl's boy facetimed and uh you know was saying what's up and then he said he wanted to get braids just like you oh yeah you got him now he did yeah man I thought that was so great it made my heart warm he's like just want to get him like you and I was at the locks now that's great man see how influential you are man you gotta give back bro you know I was one of those kids too that was in need you know I never knew my real mom a real dad so anybody that was a male figure in my life and they was positive and I looked up to him I really gravitated towards you so you know I'm just doing the same role you know you're that to that kid think about that that's kind of wild down down the road you know he's gonna be like this this guy was good to me you know what I mean this guy that doesn't you know same thing I had us you know at my I had a stepfather because my father wasn't there so it was kind of like that guy didn't have to be he didn't have to be a dad to me right he could have just been like you're not my kid I don't give a [ __ ] about you yeah exactly I mean that's cold but I think that does happen a lot yeah it definitely does happen a lot you know but he but but we respect we appreciate we we really hold on to the people that treated us right when we're young in our formidable years so what you're doing is I've told I told you that before man I'm happy for you and I think that's a you're a good man for that because you don't know how much that kid needs that we you'll never know you know what I mean you'll never know for sure even when he's older and he tells you that you just you can't imagine the effect that we have no I noticeable effect because you know when I used to go to my sports games when I was younger interview my mom and sister cheering me on you know look at the other people families the other kids families they got their dad out there so I know how I feel man that's why I'm just trying to be a positive influence that's what I'm saying one day at a time one day at a time baby no matter how you come just come yeah it is yeah wait so this basketball tournament you go to is it for charity is that what it's for uh no it's actually for a prize wound of 250 000 and you split it up with your teammates probably 30 000 a piece but that's not why I'm going though I'm going you know because I want to do it for the culture you know but it would be nice yeah it would be nice man but it would be nice I'm definitely gonna be playing for that though like I recruited some uh European players that play overseas and what high school players they got playing on my team so you're allowed to bring ringers you can bring some rings yeah like somebody has uh Nick Young swag EP a couple years ago on their team oh no I was gonna say now or in a couple years man I wish I could get Atlanta Hawks players since we're gonna be out there I'm really trying to win you want me to call J.R Smith I'm trying to win that bread man turn to pull up bro I should call JR bro go I just met him not too long ago he would go he'd probably play he can golf you know I play golf with him oh yeah yeah he got a special RCM golfer did he's good dude he went back to college he got something on Netflix or prime or something yeah one of the streaming services who knows anymore yeah much out there bro is your movie that you shot in Australia is that gonna be streaming or is it going to be in the theater I was going to theaters and then I gotta fly back out there for the premiere okay it's crazy bro aren't you so excited to be in the theater in the big theater man yeah I love it bro it's the best feeling man the residuals come so fast when we hit that box office bro like I swear I went to go see a movie that I was in caught on the come up and then it's like damn two weeks later I gotta check for the movie I'm like that's crazy wow yeah that's crazy and you go back down to promote the movie again I'll show you you go are you gonna are you gonna just gonna stay down in Sydney or are you gonna try to go around somewhere I'm probably gonna go around man I want to go to Melbourne you know uh Brisbane you didn't go to Melbourne right no no no no no my man when you go out there rocking up I've been before though yeah I just didn't get to go because I was you know working and [ __ ] when you go this time you have to hit me up you know because I was there for two months yeah all the spots I got so many great spots to send you to man we gotta Get It Real Love man cookie her all these great little restaurants it's it's it's great because it's like different kinds of food because it's all Asian fusion because it's people from Japan from Thailand the Philippines oh my God I was going in on that man it was so good right but that Aussie beef is crazy though they McDonald's is wild I was eating that [ __ ] Faithfully bruh really I never had McDonald's when I was down there was it good it was good bro not as good as ours or better than ours not as good as ours but it was good well what was different on the menu that we that they they had a double Big Mac a double fish fillet double big man yeah double big back so double double padded double Patty yeah double Patty double Patty yeah on the fish fillet tools great but not double breath they didn't need double bread double bread that would be crazy but they had the double bed double Big Mac and they say we're the fat ones America's supposed to be the fat country but they got the double Big Mac I think they do that because they Aussie beef is like got less fat than our meat well you know you know what's so funny you see when you go down Australia I saw almost nobody out of shape oh hell no you don't see anybody Big Workout City yeah nobody out of shape it was crazy they always working out out there and if you did see somebody fat and out of shape it was an American on to just a tourist for sure 100 yeah you're right you saw me like that guys from everybody out there looked like they worked out yeah a lot of you just lived on the beach yeah could you could you could you move to a place like that yeah I definitely could bro I ain't even gonna lie man you know R.I.P Tina Turner but I can see myself living in Switzerland next to the Rolex store you know in a nice Penthouse yeah saying hello to people sipping your tea you know what I'm saying I can see myself doing that [ __ ] I definitely could if you if you could leave LA and stay in the United States where would you move or would you never leave La you think you think you always stay here um yeah but I definitely can see myself you know venturing off in the second half of my life you know like trying to do something else man I definitely can see myself where would you go what state do you like enough to move to man I like New York yeah uh I like Chicago oh you can't go there yeah I can't but that downtown Skyline and all that trust me I would live there if we could so dope I just don't want to get shot bro you're right about that too yeah it's so dangerous out there but I like Boston you know Boston's great yeah I like Boston love Boston love Philly like boss I'm gonna say a random place too I like Corpus Christi love Corpus Christi Texas that's where Selena from is it really is Lena from Corpus Christi is she really yeah have you been down there yeah I've been down there I thought it was like just a little ghetto South Beach in Texas ghetto South Beach yeah like a big beach but it was a small Beach it was dope though we just did a Florida run we did Texas and then we did Florida and Florida's interesting man we drove all through Florida and it's one of those places where I couldn't pinpoint but like every little town we went to like St Petersburg and I couldn't tell you what like who lives there but there's a shitload of people that do but a lot of trump supporters oh we did see we saw the Trump we saw the Trump we left to go get coffee and as we were leaving there was a huge a dude with like a walker and like a breathing machine with a big Trump flag standing on the corner he was committed bro no I believe you've been committed dude I know I feel like if as soon as I'm out there I'ma just hear boy where you going where you come from where you come from boy what's your name what's your name you say Gator they love it a gator oh there you go we do love Gators yeah I like Florida though man you know what I'm saying yeah like we had a good time we had a fun time we had fun and we did uh Jacksonville St Petersburg Hollywood Florida which which is Fort Lauderdale and then we went up to Orlando and Orlando is Orlando cool Orlando's cool but it's it's so tour it's tourists all tourist [ __ ] that [ __ ] remind me Arena Reno yeah it does kind of feel like Reno yeah there's a little baby Vegas Vegas little brother I'm going to Vegas and it's like Orlando is like you you want to feel like it's Miami but it's not it's not yes even Miami's not even Miami I don't even know what Miami is anymore I remember going to Miami when I was we went down to Florida when I was in high school Miami was wild it was like this yeah because I had seen remember the bird cage you ever see the movie The Birdcage Robin Williams Nathan Lane oh there's another Birdcage great film I've seen the birds though that movie's crazy the birds is also a great we're attacking you this is very different [Laughter] this one's like the it's this the beautiful nightclub scene in Miami and it's just like I remember seeing that as a kid and it looked amazing yeah Scarface man a lot of people want to go to Miami but that's not the same either yeah you know what it Scarface met a lot of people uh think that they might be able to sell Coke and get away with it Scarface was very influential that movie was crazy bro like I went to high school with this guy he watched Scarface on Loop like on Loop at his house he'd have the DVD like on Loop I just thought it was the greatest movie of all time and he sold Coke that's crazy it was like it was like his it was like his uh hype his hype for the day was watching Scarface or we'd or he'd love belly you remember belly oh that was a good one with Nas and DMS that was a classic movie right what do you think your favorite movie is of all time what could you watch over and over and never get sick of Good Fellas Casino yeah fact yeah those are both great what else uh what's a sneaky movie that I I that you don't that you usually don't tell people that you're like you know There Will Be Blood There Will Be Blood it's a great movie I'm saying what's like a guilty pleasure what's one that's like American Psycho oh that's good yeah I just love the first open to see where they put out all those American Express cards and they're trying to figure out who's going to pay and they just all put the cars down yeah yeah you see everybody watches and [ __ ] like that movie I love that movie bro you like that movie American soccer was crazy have you ever played that what is it like uh roulette credit card roulette yeah that's what they was playing credit card reload yeah I never did yeah you put your hat you put the credit card in the Hat and you everyone for dinner especially you know like business guys will do this because they're all they're on bit I mean I don't know what business accounts are like anymore these days but they'll they're uploaded yeah yeah and they got money so they'll shake it up but also that's a heavy Bill sometimes that Bill's couple thousand dollars and then whoever's [ __ ] dope though I played it twice those type of circles I'm trying to be in bro yeah I don't know I don't like it I got nervous I I want I didn't get picked the two times I did it but it scared me because the bill was so heavy I did it one time in Vegas with a bunch of people and I was so scared because the dinner was it was for 15 people and it was like booze and food and other people came over right and this guy was talking to that girl and was like oh yeah I get a drink I think the bill was three or four thousand dollars and I was like please God don't pick my phone please I don't but that's that I gotta experience that once in life yeah you do let's play that game okay we'll do it we'll go bitty let's do it let's do it man I'm down let's make sure one of their two cards get picked up yeah all right I like to play that game with Bobby Lee too I want to see his excuse for not bad no no he'll pay he doesn't care yeah he'll just throw his card down I know Bobby Lee he'll be spitting that check man I remember what I see the most Set uh I was showing up some shoes I think and I think he had on the Golden Goose or something she loves Golden Gate yeah he let her go to Goose yeah he loves spending a lot of money yeah I see that fly-ass Audi he got dude he he actually we had we both did a shout out to the fan we had a fan that brought us gifts we have a lot of fans that bring us gifts which is really it's so nice yeah and one dude brought him a brand new pair of Golden Goose shoes I've never seen that before in my life crazy and both Bobby and I were like what are you doing I've never like why'd you do this and he was like I love you guys I'm a big fan and and I love you ladies he's like I know you you talk about him all the time yeah that's dope and he gave me uh so he gave me a portable speaker from for the golf cart that had a magnet on it it was really cool very appreciate what have you gotten any fan gifts have you got any gifts from fans like the artwork I love the artwork but like a lot of girls send me some crazy pieces I didn't have somebody buy me some Nikes like some few [ __ ] but I know golden gooses and [ __ ] like that that's I mean trust me I don't get stuff like that yeah that's crazy that's that's another that's another level but if you let me say this I bet you it'll be different if you go back out on tour and you start touring again like do you ever want to do that yeah definitely you do want a tour yeah I'll do it tomorrow matter of fact UTA what's up man you're not supposed to be putting together y'all seen that what's going on it was crazy get it together man yeah it's gonna happen though but for sure if you do a tour and you play La either to start the show start the tour and the tour you got to let me come out and wrap one song bro unless you come out and do a whole state okay no no I want a rap though oh yeah I want you to stand up and meet a rap all right I'm down for that bro so that's where we cross over and transition right in there bro in fact we should have gator come down with us to the to the Riverside show and you should open up the show actually uh what are you doing on Friday you got anything going on this Friday I actually fly out this Friday come on where you going Atlanta for the basketball game oh that's right that's this weekend yeah yeah well win that money for me when you're down there all right man I'm trying to while you're shaking people come on can you still play are you practicing a lot yeah I can still play bro definitely I just uh you got a hoop out there at the house yeah it's nice I've been you did a lot of the little park communities and I've been bawling bro I've been trying to get shots up but I'm just worried about you know conditioning I've been on the treadmill running two three miles every other day so I'm trying to get back into shape bro can you put down the Vape get back into shape yeah I put down the Vape get back into shape that's the place that's the way to do it what position did you play when you did play in high school uh shooting guard that's right yeah small forward so what was your favorite spot on the floor coming off the wing love coming off the wing you know or if they're going through the wing going through the Baseline coming around getting the ball and then driving inside or either shooting could you jump could you Yak no I wasn't that type of earlier no shooter yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but dunking and all that that's cool I can get up there but it's a hard uh hard thing to say what do you think about this kid this uh this young kid when when bobaya whatever his name is what's that young kid's name they just drafted Oh seven footer yeah I can't even think of his name yeah yeah I've seen that I've been seeing a lot of the players man they're pretty dope man they're way basketball has evolved you know these players [ __ ] they play just like the adults now you know I mean they always feel like yeah these kids are 16 years old they look like grown men the way that they play like Monsters their faces are babies you know these kids are huge yeah they are monsters huge bro yeah what's his name well I can't I can't remember his name I'm gonna [ __ ] it up anyway LeBron's selling hard yeah yeah brownie Mikey Williams hard you just got a you know stay focused well Brownie's interesting thing is why Lebron I think is going to stick around for a while is because he really wants to play with this kid what a goal man that's crazy amazing goal to be over his father and son Duo that's beautiful right it's happened in other sports but never in basketball right yeah I think never in the NBA unless I'm wrong look up is urban and father son duo in the NBA that play together in in baseball I remember Ken Griffey Jr when he played with his dad oh wow that was unbelievable it was crazy five times it's happened I can't think of any of them do you know any of the names oh the Hardaway yeah the hardaways play together played against one another no no no no no no no no no yeah that can't be no that can't be that Gap is way too big no this has got to be one this is gonna be the first that played together yeah yeah he's not even good at research I don't even know what he's good at he's my research guy he's not even gonna research he's not a sports guy yeah he doesn't like sports at all yeah yeah bird kid once I do bird cage my my yeah but yeah my research kit is good he loves stuff like bird cage he's locked in on that any movie with two cute gay guys he's really locked in yeah but otherwise if it's sports stuff you know I'm really into stuff like the bird cage not really into basketball that's crazy it's funny that's the feeling of the youth man he makes me feel old he was mocking me the other day he's 24. you remember we were like at 24. yeah I do bro what was going on in your life at 24. [ __ ] girls girls girls it was only girls girls yeah that's what I was worried about all day every day girls and just trying to get into a you know a situation to where I could be with a girl or I didn't have to be around moms or it was crazy bro what's the what's the most expensive thing you ever bought a girl or the dumbest thing you ever bought a girl you ever buy a gift do you ever buy gifts for him yeah probably about like bags and [ __ ] like that purses yeah but I don't think it's stupid gift though you know but I see it but you could you just bought him anything stupid when you buy a bag for a girl you're not with her no more dude that's what I'm saying yeah yeah for sure how did you buy it did you buy the real one or did you get the one on the slide from the street I got the real one bro because I ended up you know being in a position to where I could make some money and then they knew my [ __ ] is real so I gotta you don't have a choice yeah I'll call you out yeah for sure I should end up on [ __ ] Instagram or so okay a fake Gucci bag yeah this isn't leather yeah this is lamb you can't fool me Gainer that's funny I'll try to get at you honestly yeah I couldn't do the Canal Street no that's right yeah we don't have one of those here though well I guess downtown downtown yeah that's right yeah santially but that's not as big as Canal Street is like yeah for La it is big though but it's not the biggest like five blocks of just everything you've ever wanted fake and a lot of it looks so good yeah for people that don't know in in uh in New York Canal Street is uh Vega till you make it that's the fake it till you make it Avenue and it's unbelievable the amount of stuff that you can find on that street like everything you've ever dreamed of they've got a fake version of it yeah no they might have real lungs on Canal Street now I got a couple of ice chests like what do you need a long a spleen a heart oh [ __ ] no they they uh they do have the fakies and I walked by last time I was in New York and I thought what if I buy one of these you think my girl will notice probably yeah she wouldn't care anyway though honestly she's not like that she doesn't she doesn't care about like the uh materialistic personal stuff like that don't mean anything that's good bro that's real good what's good last time I talked to you by the way speaking of stuff buying stuff you had just traded out your car and you bought a brand did you buy a brand new car I got a Jeep yeah still got that Benz though oh you did the first one that you bought you bought a Mercedes yeah yeah I gave it to my mom and my sister so they did it yeah yeah your heart is too big man appreciate you bro you get you gave that and then you bought a Jeep yeah Jeep Gladiator yeah she's still got the 26 is on it it's pretty dope 26s yeah that's huge it is crazy that's so bad yeah that's just crazy do you love that [ __ ] I like your car you got that foreign no no no they're fine they're fun it's fun I just bought a new car Porsche I bought a brand new car of course I'm never gonna I'll tell you later I gotta see it I just bought a new toy but I'm really proud of it yeah I gotta see it but it doesn't come in for a little while but but I like you know what's the no no no no no no I bought it online I've done that bring a trailer bring a trailer bring a trailer yeah I bought one time does that work yeah oh my God yeah for people that don't know we're like plugging it but it's great because um you can find if you if you like really specific rare cars you know that you can't find anymore like and I'm not talking fancy it can be any price range like if you're someone who loved like you're like I loved Saturns and they don't make Saturns anymore and you're like I just love this I loved it it reminds me of you can go find one on there in pretty good condition for a pretty good price and it's surprising that's dope I had a buddy buy uh Pontiac Sunfire on there oh whatever those yeah they were cool they work on a fly I knew a dude that also bought a Dodge Viper on there because they those things are hard to get your hands it was red I think they're remaking them now somebody told me are they remaking remember that white and blue one oh it's delicious there was a remember the game cruising USA the video game yeah yeah yeah but the Viper was always the dopest car to drive they got a new one yeah the rebound yeah Dodge Viper they just redid it well 2021 a couple years ago they started making oh wow wow maybe the Pandy stopped that down just a little bit maybe who knows but no yeah I think uh I think you gotta you know if reward yourself a little bit for the work sometimes so new little toy you think I could get ice and get away with it what if I wore a chain would I get away with it you could have a little one Chuck tucked under on chill yeah tuck for sure I can't have it on time and it's up to you though bro you know whatever float your boat yeah this is floating your boat for sure that actually would sink a boat that's probably heavy as [ __ ] man I love jewelry bro you do huh ever since I met you when I met you the first time and and Dave introduced us uh do you remember the very first time I met you or no when's the very first time you ever met me the world we had a table read we was at the table read that's right it was outside of the table read that's right and I said and I made a comment because you had on bracelets and I was like man that's beaut look at all that ice that's beautiful and the first thing you said you go I'm gonna get more uh you said hey I'm gonna get more and I was like good for you and you were like no I love it I want I want to get more real real bad and I said well do your thing and sure enough as we slowly grew you got more and more and more yeah I definitely did bro just good for you man what you like and that watches so shiny yeah you brought that to set and I thought that was that's wild you also somebody Iced Out a a what's the other one that you got that the black one that I've never seen diamonds on before it's like a sport watch it's like a G-Shock the G-Shock I Scout G-Shock yeah shout out for real man I've never seen that before in my life maker he was the first person I ever seen with it for real and then once I seen him with it I'm like man I want one of those guys I finally got it because G-Shock man it's just the All-American watch you know just to watch the firefighters watch yeah where police officers were just a cool cheap classy nice watch and then I just want to ice it out because it's so sporty and who for relative first I never Pharrell did it first yeah did it yeah then Kid Cudi did it after I believe but yeah I had to do that bro that G-Shock is did you meet Cuddy when we shot house party did you get to see I didn't meet him bro yeah he's a cool dude I bet it before I didn't see him that day but he's one of those guys there's a lot of rapper slash actors that have this crossover that are very talented yeah do this thing too right now I know I saw that I saw a woman can't jump it should have been me and you that would have been crazy should have been me and you should have been gay to Santino and then it could have been called what would have been called white man can jump uh because you know I can you know I can get up baby you know bring the rim down baby one time in high school we got yelled at because we would we'd jump up and hang on the rim and back then those are the rims that weren't like the fancy breakaways today we had one of those ones that was like you know it wasn't a breakaway it would it would bend but you could tell like it wasn't supposed to you know what I mean pop it back yeah you're gonna snap it back in yeah exactly yeah someone had throw a ball and crack it back in and we would hang on it we and the whole time all we want to do we jump up and down with our weight to try to see if we could crack it so the backboard would crack because I always wanted to crack a backboard cracking and backboard Shaq do that when Shaq did it remember that that was bro he would do this in the game at LSU he did it right he did it when he was in college I thought that was the wildest thing I'd ever seen was a guy pull a rim off of a [ __ ] backboard yeah Shaq crazy bruh for real have you met him oh yeah I met him before outside of um this hookah lounge yeah I met him at a hookah lounge uh what was it uh forgot the name of it but we used to always go to it it's on the West Side Westwood a hookah lounge yeah now you're still now you're puffing now what is this elf bar no nicotine though no nicotine so what's in these this one is just a flavor that's it just kiwi pasture fruit guava but I got to get off of it though so wait a minute now I I I'm so dumb I never knew they made those no nicotine yeah I didn't know either but now it's it's easier to put down you know because it's not you feel better without having without the nicotine in there yeah less less tension less you know less jumpy and everything so they make it just the flavor wow did you know this I feel like I never knew that can I see it real fast I'm not gonna hit it but yeah that's the zero nicotine in that one wow this is nuts and these guys are making money on money on money this I wish if I had a time machine you know the whole thing like Back to the Future I was like you'd go back and what would you invest in and a lot of people say like oh you would invest in Vapes yeah I would have seriously because there's no way that cost them any money to make those things how much does that cost to buy uh about like 24 that Vape right there is twenty dollars yeah twenty four dollars I bet you the plastic components itself plus the liquid inside maybe a dollar Max and that's and that's a lot I'm over predicting I bet you could be less but they're making you know twenty dollars though all that even still did I bet you those are cheap pieces you go to China you can get that nothing I don't even think it's over a dollar I I'm telling you dude I bet you it's nothing I can't believe you because you go to China those things are meant such mass production they make millions and millions of those things that's why I gotta stop I know because it's gonna you know it's made fake somewhere in a basement in China little kids putting elf bars together crazy that's when we have our break they're like now now okay it's over crazy I said we uh we went and watched anytime you go see like a production line when you're on tour of people that work in a factory like if you go take a tour of a place you see the factory you're like it's unbelievable yeah it's crazy yeah no no no thanks I'm good no thanks on all that gee um you didn't gain a lot of weight by the way I know you said you gained weight but you don't look like you gained any weight we could still gain a couple more pounds are you saying it's in the belly in the belly man what do you think that is eating bro I just ain't been having no breaks I just been working and just eating bro take a break I need Gator to take a break we need you to stay around because you need to take a little trip in fact you know we should do me you and Dave should go somewhere that would be dope bro we should do it just a little small trip somewhere close not that far maybe in Mexico or something like that thumb down bro you like Mexico yeah as long as they don't kidnap me or shoot me bro I will say you're not you're very kidnappable you're not shootable but I guess Steve wanted to steal you just to hang with you that's what I'm saying bro that's the movie we should write we go to Mexico you get kidnapped but they just want to kick it with you they don't want to hurt you that would be so funny they just love Gator they want you to be just hang around and they're like seeing too many women sing too many women oh that'd be crazy that's the name of the song right too many women I got too many women that's right too many women I got too many women you're swimming in it um but yeah maybe that'll be the movie that I'll write for us come on I'll do a little little Gator Santino special we'll get Dave to fund the whole thing he owes us a little bit of cash a little bit of cash don't you think just a tad um G I appreciate you coming on the show come on bro you my brother I love you so much do you wanna it's good to catch up with you um do you want to plug anything is there anything you want to tell the audience to look out for this will come out a couple of weeks oh yeah man look out for new concerts look out for me and Santino will be in the best right baby you know what I'm saying we're gonna be hanging out but yeah man I appreciate all love and support go watch that season three finale if you haven't watched it go watch the whole season two and one man shout out go back and watch it go back and re-watch it because also okay I remember one time we were sitting in the basement we're finishing up season two and when I was in the you know when they dyed my hair and did all that remember that when they died while you're in the basement when you cut your hand off yeah and I remember you sitting down and I was in my chair and you go uh you go Santino when do we get these residuals when we start getting residuals oh and I said uh well you can you could download the app and you can look on the app oh yeah I'll check it every day and you do have to check it every day and I say get it you can download the app and it'll show you exactly when the money's coming in and you go get the [ __ ] out of here I said I swear to God and you and I took your phone I said just download the app and it'll show you when the residuals are coming in and after that I I saw you so often I see you flicking checking it bro I still check it all the time bro hell yeah that was free game you gave it free game I said they let you know I never really I don't it's so funny I don't even check I don't ever check to see it but now that I gave you that love I thought I can't believe I don't even do it yeah just like y'all need to go tap in and watch cheeseburger if you have it go watch cheeseburger on Netflix you plug me I plug you I love this about you brother look out for concerts for Gator coming up he's gonna be playing more shows and I only hope that that album comes out soon man let's see if you start touring again and if you ever do a tour in La you gotta take me you know that oh yeah uh we end the show the same way uh with one word or one phrase uh you look into that camera right there and you say one word or one phrase whenever you're ready to get a go ahead and do it grinding every day however you come just come there we go in here we pour that creature in the ginger beard it's dirty gingers are beautiful [Music] Ginger I like gingers
Channel: Andrew Santino
Views: 114,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew santino, whiskey ginger, podcast guest, podcast, comedy, comedian, stand up, h3, 2b1c, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, jokes, interviews, andrew santino podcast, gata, gata dave, gata rapper, gata interview, dave fx gata, dave on fx, dave on fxx, gata actor dave, bobby lee andrew santino, andrew santino funny moments
Id: aTDL8K14QfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 22sec (4102 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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