Gary Owen Gets Choked Up Reading Brother's Letter

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mothers they just it's not it's not my favorite holiday I'll put it that way Mays not my favorite month like May 20th is when my brother passed and then Mother's Day comes around I do remember my my other brother just got out of prison when he wrote that Facebook message he wrote it evil it was it was it was pretty ugly it was pretty ugly Facebook message directed towards me about how I was full of [ __ ] how I never heard took care of my brother they you know he he went on and on about he he was sick of people saying what a good brother I am because I was speaking to schools and I was you know trying to just just raise awareness about addiction and childhood trauma when my brother passed away and my brother's like I'm so sick of people send me messages going that's so cool what Gary's doing he goes it makes me sick to my stomach because Dallas couldn't stand Gary and he goes explain to me this if my brother's uh if Gary's a multi-millionaire why did why did Dallas die in a section 8 apartment with not a dime to his name and I was like cuz he was a heroin addict that's why he died in a section 8 apartment cuz that's where he was gonna get the heroin and he was a heroin addict you don't give heroin addict money you don't and he tried to say all this stuff like I wasn't around even though I was I was the one that sent my brother rehab paid for him to go to rehab drove him to rehab you know I I'm I'm secure I know my relationship with my brother Dallas I know we were good and you know I know I loved him I know he loved me and I think his death hit me so hard because he was he was my little brother that really looked up to me he looked up to his older brother he was happy for all my successes there was no animosity there was no jealousy he was just happy you know he was the one that always came to uh he was one that always came to my shows like I think my mom in her life even we was cool has been to two of my stand-up show shows uh you know that that family just never really never really supported me like that but my Dallas did Dallas would any team any chance he could get he'd come see me uh he come see my shows so we were close so I'm just gonna end in this pocket it was a little deep but this is this is the the letter my brother wrote me from rehab I've never shared it before but so he called me January 2014 and he told me that's when he he had a needle in his arm and he was about to uh he's about to shoot up and he said I didn't know my brother's on heroin I didn't know and he just called me and he was just like he was on he was crying he was like Gary I don't think I can make it he goes uh I I don't want to die I got a daughter and we talking about and then he was just like also the phone dropped and his girlfriend picked it up which is the baby mama that had two custody battle she's like he just shot up and I go huh and I could hear I could hear my brother Mona in the background and it's just the noise I'll never forget of him that it was just the noise it was it was a god-awful noise but I immediately I called my mom and I was like we you got to go get Dallas he just shut up I don't know where he's at and I guess he's doing heroin and at that point I ain't I didn't know my mom knew my mom knew already and I didn't know she knew and and we got him into anyways long story longer my mom went picked him up I met her at her her her job and says hey my brother was in the back of her car I hopped in her car we drove down to Bowling Green Kentucky I got him in this rehab facility called the quest house took care of it he was in there for eight weeks and he got out he was clean for a little while and then used to just start using again it was crazy he's like you never know like the week my brother called me January 2014 it was the same week ride-alongs came out so I came off think like a man and then I'm in right along so I'm just at this point I'm like on top of the world professionally I'm like to number one movies and everything's going great and a lot of people don't even realize in the course of ride-alongs being out I'm driving my brother down to rehab and in the middle Kentucky trying to get them better but this is a this is the letter he wrote me from from rehab this the one letter he wrote when he was in rehab he said uh Gary what's up bro hope all is well I'll just make this short I want to thank you for being there for me tough to get through who Jesus Christ well I'm glad know read it he said what's up bro hope all's well I'll just make this short poof I want to thank you for being there for me when I needed you you didn't put me down or turn your back on me crazy um you didn't ask questions however if you if you have any just ask you didn't hesitate or put it off he got on the phone made calls you drove me here at 5:00 a.m. I'm not sure if you understood the seriousness of it but I truly feel you have saved my life I couldn't ask for a better more supportive Big Brother and I'll be here forever grateful for helping me get my life back for me our family and my daughter because I was lost man [ __ ] I was dead and didn't even know it because I'm ready to be happy again oh by the way I talked to everyone in here to go see right along it was our first move movie night he goes LOL crazy Cody huh he's a hot good [ __ ] man he looked huge in that movie I need to start training with you I'm trying to get swole too lol I've gained a minute 15 pounds since I've been in here anyways hope all is well back in Ohio I get out on the 28th it's a Thursday maybe if you're home that weekend we can hang out or go to something hopefully again thank you thank you thank you grateful you're in my life I love you man Dallas cool stuff that was his letter girlfriend rehab I'm losing it here oh Jesus alright um whew that's tough he's owning it gets to me like that like I've had people pass away but my brother was the one just cuz I think I think we'd fought so hard to keep them alive so alright well I'll go see him on the 20th yeah it says I gotta go this is Gary Owen with the get some podcast see you guys next week
Channel: Gary Owen
Views: 184,041
Rating: 4.9680886 out of 5
Keywords: Gary Owen, #GetSome Podcast, #GetSome, comedian, family, drug addiction, overdose, letter, live, podcast
Id: Zw8e295cZ-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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