Gary Gygax on the BBC

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what's the economics of the game world  now I think certainly anybody who are into   Fantasy games into war games role-playing  games are now dominating the marketing when did dunson's dragon start in America 1975 I  believe they are now a 22 million dollar industry really is one of the biggest  growth areas of the Leisure   game very definitely so and there's  a lot of dollars and a lot of pounds   a lot of dollars a lot of pounds a lot of French  francs a lot of Deutsche marks and so forth in a few words you can best  like in fantasy role-playing   to a cross between Let's Pretend cops  and robbers and improvisational theater   in one of these games an individual takes  the role of the game master and Dungeons and   Dragons games for example the dungeon master  would be the generic term is games master   and creates the world that the person or persons  who are going to be playing the game operating   it can be a modern day setting it can be a  fantasy setting a science fiction setting   future whatever thus again in a Dungeons and  Dragons game we might have a dungeon master with   all four or five players one might be a magic user  another a cleric Two fighters and perhaps a thief   beneath the tablets guile full form revealed by  true sight is hit the pool envisaging the three   glooms of might can I ask you how much time  you spend preparing your role in this game   um well I should actually most of the last two  days I've been playing it with a few friends who   aren't here today and uh reading it through  myself and working out some other sheets to   work with it it is important that it be fully  detailed so oftentimes particularly in Fantasy   games the million must consist of um the geology  climatology everything has to be there a complete   social structure cultures religions and so on in  order to to satisfy the players as they experience   more and more of the world because they are in  effect experiencing mentally a a whole a whole   created world of some sort I think winning is  less important than than the overall experience   this is after all some of the challenges  the imagination and exercises the mind and   creativity in in problem solving and so I guess  everyone one feels that they win if they survive
Channel: Bill Allan
Views: 18,771
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Keywords: Bill Allan, D&D, DnD, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, D&D with High School Students, DM tips, GM tips, Dungeon Master, DM, GM, DnDwithHighSchoolStudents, gary gygax, gygax, gary gygax bbc, bbc gygax, bbc archive, bbc dnd, bbc D&D, bbc dungeons and dragons, gary gygax on the bbc, gary gygax bbc interview, gary gygax interview, gygax interview, gary gygax news, gary gygax archive, bbc archive gary gygax, bbc archive d&d
Id: ZPLy8Dz4GTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 2sec (182 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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