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just go to top right extensions who the hell is L that's yummy how's it going there bu profile picture really matches that name too hey guys guess what it's been 4 months but guess who fixed her smoke alarm let's go this is big this is big he's lying it's not him no I I fixed it it was his neighbor his neighbor okay I have to write a sentence uh um all of a sudden I can't form a sentence hurry up no just right to where garlic not is that a s it's not one word garlic what am I wait be sure to not hit uh it'll the timer will start when majority hits done so let's just hold on till everybody's ready these are some big stairs dude you don't want to know what I'm drawing I this somebody whoever wrote this sentence is this makes no sense brother do not say that what is what am I doing wait no I shouldn't do that hold on hold on hold on so bad how does somebody do this move no this is good my [ __ ] looks so ugly wa how do youy I promise it don't this is next level you know what sure wait gri you're done I locked mine in I locked it in oh my God I didn't use the same colors bro are you able to join in late put the ice down I'm hungry you so you're eating ice okay yeah would you rather me eat a whole cake oh my God what in the hell is this Matt I think I got your is it I don't know wait don't hit done don't hit done no I already hit done I already [ __ ] just type type real quick yeah just type it type sentence it's not that bad how do you spell his name what the [ __ ] that oh my God okay we need to discuss you need to make just make the timer longer dude how do I draw this now yeah I don't know either guys you know I just this has nothing to do with my drawing but what is a lobster look like mine looks more like a riddle than a like a scene I'm drawing a riddle here oh my I'm actually not even wait this is amazing actually I love this I'm being sent Straight to Hell tomorrow 400 p.m. so I have to insinuate the gender of this thing like this entire audio is just going to be I am almost done this is this is big seven more seconds go that [ __ ] up Tak oh [ __ ] I didn't have a chase him what in the [ __ ] is this uh okay I'm going to guess that I I don't know what I'm looking at here this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen this is this the big display mode choose how the drawings and will be shown to the players I just leave it on auto no no you can do auto show yourself yeah Manel manual you show mine Walmart pickle throwing a baseball and McNasty responds to with I feel like actually I was I was actually pretty close yeah that was a weird sentence pickle guy basball I'm glad you got the Walmart yummy respon with a riddle sounds like a Japanese yeah this riddle confused me and then guest Gail Lewis got hit with the baseball Le did you get G from Sig yeah she got does that Pi have like ay I just noticed that too has the Peter chin Matt's promp lobsters doing fortnite dance yeah I don't know how to draw fortnite dance dan why is that lowy it look like a lobster Pringle guy I tried to do an L dance I knew this I mcnasty's prompt Greg Lobster I knew that was yours like a fancy Lobster so Greg Lobster and lobster competitor you guys both gave him mustaches that's kind of cool wait did we oh I just noticed that yeah yeah Greg y me a buff Cowboy lost her name Greg you know close enough that's what was yours mcness SpongeBob eating Walter White s yeah I didn't like that no yeah that was the thing that was the thing you really made him draw wait I did the other way around on accident man when the hell did Walter get a B you flip it wait wait I didn't do did puffer flip it cuz I feel I flip it I I drew it the other way around when I hading it works either way way either way SpongeBob riming Heisenberg yeah got got the opposite that's what I got that definitely has to be censor the timer kicked in yeah that one's got to get censored that definitely has to beboy Spong booty Spong there was nothing that says that's Heisenberg on that last one I didn't have time to finish him looks like his tongue is so long I had to put a lot of work into SpongeBob's bungus buffers L ass falling down the stairs oh my God oh my God no this is insane and I drew this one no this is insane it looks like I'm doing like a push-up on the stair impressive what an impressive L ass falling down the stairs wow hold on hold on then come on [Laughter] I love that he gave me that one and falling down the St my God it was perfect 100 points for that one that's crazy dog doing a greedy dude how I didn't know how to draw this this is that's what you jacket yeah how do I not make that [ __ ] racist this is what you drew what the [ __ ] and then I ran out of time to type [ __ ] so I said Freddy f Hey look it's pretty F be yeah iell youw 1 o Mouse but Brown oh [ __ ] whoa put the timer on Dynamic say when you're done don't hit the dumb button say when you done don't hit the Dum button say when you done don't hit the dumb button all right hello hello hey what up damn oh my God oh my God M nasty where is your brain this is 100% yours does anybody know what color or what number LeBron James is3 23 the go baby the [ __ ] go BR be like I'm thinking about streaming what platform should I stream on see yeah LeBron be like that that's his legacy really LeBron's Legacy is a Kick account what he said I just realized I don't know how to draw horses you and me both buddy that a crispy ass laugh laugh is deep Fri hey whoever made this prompt [ __ ] you by the way that's [ __ ] up man no I mean it it's probably gy I know which one he got dud this was starting off so promising in the beginning and it's just gone downhill okay all [ __ ] that took a long time I'm done are we's going yep all right I'm done I locked it in I lock it in I'm good yeah we spent too much what the [ __ ] I think I got Vio what is this all right this is good this is good wait this one's really nice I like the color pal that shows for this particular person okay how am I supposed to draw this do oh no way [ __ ] draw this [ __ ] no I got it I love how we all just started like misspelling their names on purpose oh my God I got low frames out of nowhere and I made a really big leg how the [ __ ] you got low frames on a Google Chrome tab dude a new ad popped up and it messed up my whole computer bro you ain't got no ad block oh hell whoops whoopsie that was bad did you have penis on accident accidental penis accident accidental penis moments penis Griffin I'll explain later okay I'm hitting done okay I am also hitting done yeah I just added so much unnecessary [ __ ] I am doing unnecessary stuff I'm like B good boys this one's good I'm happy with this one we we crazy on this okay excuse why does his head look like that this one kind of cooked up is this um who hasn't done it who hasn't done it who hasn't done it did it I did it oh there you go okay why am what oh this is ass this is AIDS this is ass dude they somebody didn't even try on this one probably got mine man it's just like Dave it ends it ends in l o shot yeah but I got I got a good descriptor in there you know oh you didn't it's not that bad why doesn't even make sense shut up I think I'm about to drop a Funko popud this is way too long did you say a word there every time a new ad pops up I drop frames and I lose my nobody [ __ ] cares yummy I can't even draw straight man I'm actually lagging this isn't even fair yummy I'm lagging this lagging in gartic you don't understand I think I actually have the world's worst computer of all time don't play on your iPhone buddy literally like you could literally join to your phone and it be bitter that worm session was my 911 I saw a guy bowl a perfect 300 on 911 and I was like dude he probably loves that day like everybody else gets upset he's probably oh yeah 9 11 300 pretty sleet not to overshadow the events of 911 but I once roll the perfect game all right yeah whoever gave me this prompt [ __ ] you I don't want hear that's literally every prompt in this [ __ ] game swear whoever gave you this off it's a is that a dog pug is a dog a dog pug that one good luck getting this dude cuz that doesn't make any sense at all I think this should be the last I forgot an important part oh whatever it's over oh I just finished oh my God I just finished the last bit of detail I'm so excited all right let's see I'm so excited all right okay started with that yummy how do we get where we got yummy why did you draw yourself like a ball I see it I see it that is not how you look you are not black first of all that's not beus what [ __ ] on your head I okay how am I supposed to draw myself that's white his Skin's white dude I don't you could have drawn your strawberry your brown brain exposed yeah like you my hair I bra looks like my [Laughter] balls spell dude what the I think you me Butthead dummy it look like nasty so good that's so good that's actually good okay this is where I [ __ ] up and or but head I don't I don't know about to blow the [ __ ] up why is he you're welcome that's Johnny Bravo all right what was Matt's prom [ __ ] pregnant Matt what was your prompt it was a dog getting a DUI like I was about to say this is you what no this is good this is good it's been a rough KN like a dinosaur very good I couldn't draw a dog I don't know dog P know how to how did you mess it up I can't dra dog you could have just added a tail tried so many times what did you do dude why you put the beer on his back I don't know dude I get what's up with the what is up with the Springs dude how do we get there I gave a perfect I gave a perfect drawing for that one how thought it was pretty good look at my dog make nasty's prompt Donald Trump kicking a I knew this was how we get here that I knew this was you okay so I miss I missed the I missed the PRN part face the Face Donald Trump kicking a it's there yeah a USA map in his stomach USA USA USA us the flag this is this is USA propaganda this is going to be donkey China I thought it said chica oh my God SP that whole 10 minutes drawing that dou asked how to draw a tie and Drew an ice cream cone on his chest I misre all what was yours buffer LeBron streaming on yeah look at that yummy look at that one we talked about it this is this is a crazy drawing oh [ __ ] I missed the twitch logo he looks like fire in my laser you look like a bowling ball dude I missed the twitch logo bron James live on K oh Mano wants a deal so bad I missed the logo I missed it what that mean I'm diving on bro why does that look like uh what was that old like the cartoon Lil Bill or some [ __ ] like that like old peanut guy it looks like yeah is he drooling it looks like he's drooling no it's just a Mr Potato LeBron head skin walker man don't know how to shr Holy fck and here it goes what the I would given up is he a spider hey on the bright side he went back to Twitch I would have given up I wouldn't have I would have done see a spider you call I'd say that one's completeing drowning very simple very simp was simple having more fun like the sky got eyebrows Matt got Griffin drowning put him in a little pool that's so sad put a turet in there don't worry I saw the [ __ ] he's panicking from drowning in a shark pool and he where are the sharks don't worry Matt I got the Sharks don't worry about it chin looks like an open pair of scissors also it's lore that he drowns with water wings on I hope you guys know that I did not I did not know that Mr excited I'm so excited for this okay this wait did I even get there's no hint of this prompt I can't wait to see it just go off the rails start here that is pretty good and then McNasty throws it way off B's house is on fire on Sunday yeah that's the perfect Mr it looks like goes Sunday that looks likeo y British gangster eating meatballs on a Sunday it's funny you get the British part right I'm not going to lot I like I did not comprehend this prompt at all I feel like I speed readit and threw it off the rails with this [ __ ] what in the [ __ ] is that that look like a like a living meatball eating meatball God now like it or not that is a meatball monster Cien oh that's when I filled it in I was like f that look like a black kid from Hey Arnold oh my God it does I'm going to [ __ ] head d That's What I realized I was like wait I made him the wrong skin color uh you guys want to play story write a narrative using only the previous sentence as a reference oh man hold on what are the so is that like no pictures I don't know oh knockoff might be kind of funny keep yourself focused try to replicate the drawings while the clock gets faster so you have to like speed them oh [ __ ] all right we'll do that one okay might be what I'm already stressed [ __ ] I I didn't change the time settings hey it's time to draw you got to draw something fast speed run Speed Run Speed Run oh we have a lot of time pen stop talking we have a lot of time what do I draw this is just what anything anything anything and then the next picture that pops up you're going to have to try and draw it from memory and the clock's going to get faster as the rounds go on I generally don't know what to draw I'm being honest with you mine's going to be really simple yeah this might be the worst strong I've done all day kind of harder to work with no prompt and you got to start the drawing I'm just trying to add so much [ __ ] so you guys can't remember what was there yeah I am adding a lot all right hot beef sandwich this beef I'll give you my meat this sick as hell this is crazy oh my God no I can't my God okay you know what blue yellow purple and green blue and yellow and I think we're this easy oh [ __ ] oh what completely gone that's crazy all right screens kidding I'm just kidding dude you could have said I have hacks on CSO and nobody would have cared you you scar cheat in the drawing game and everyone freaked the [ __ ] out no what am I supposed to what am I supposed to I'm all of a sudden panicking I'm panicking I am very how do you would be doing the same Panic oh yeah I didn't think it was going to move that fast so that means the next be even faster what the [ __ ] yep good luck guys this is not going to be good you had like a [ __ ] thing down here I don't know what this is all about [ __ ] it there you go tried I tried I tried my best I ain't going to lie you he's got a yellow eyeball we'll go with that nowhere close to I completely forgot eyeballs I'm not going to lie to you all right oh [ __ ] I had more time there great I wait why did I do that that was not oh my God what is this wa waa how did you I don't like scary how did you find the shape button we got it's going so fast um what is you had grass down here uh you had a guy that wasn't up there it looks like you're eating somebody's innards we're already halfway on time what the [ __ ] what the I don't evened it's speeding it's speeding there she fast um what am I supposed to do here you go this is all that here you go speed bleeding beding bleeding oh comeing me please right now okay there you go [ __ ] it all right there you go your hand on the corner I don't remember oh my God stop I'm going to do [Laughter] it e the world the EAS the world we're going off 10 seconds of drawing at this get worse it worse it worse what you have in your [ __ ] [ __ ] was wearing a cowboy hat I don't know there you go I'm already done I'm already done I'm already done World spaghetti out of somebody's back I don't remember the order of the colors there's so much pressure [ __ ] all right done man what is this Ikea ass vehicle man no what the [ __ ] is this oh my God uh okay uh yep yep how do you draw shapes how'd you figure that out [ __ ] ccle what this guy look like what's this this is great I'm going this is perfect that's I don't remember what he was holding oh I don't like this pressure I don't like it I don't remember anything hat I think he had a hat that's the same question I asked [ __ ] it there's a hat on this guy dude [ __ ] Mandela effect on a hat bro we don't even know did everyone I can't I can't I forgot the paint are we done getting so [ __ ] stupid get so bad it is bad already dude what I'm just I'm putting faces on everything at this point I don't remember why do I think everything has a cowboy hat on it just thre a top head as you said it why is everything hats have a I really hope that I really hope that work this going to be [ __ ] all right I didn't think that was going to get so [ __ ] bad dude graders on the end all right what did it begin with start start with got little pickle dude Ching in the pool yeah all right all right that went off the deep end so fast to a jalapeno I left the Hat though the floaty isn't even complete correctly it was I was trying to figure out what the [ __ ] that was now he's turned into a smoke pip aing ring there I think okay it'll hold have a hat keeps the hat and it McNasty all right oh yeah the hat is making it now that looks like a goldfish but why is he wearing a gold fish mad Ang mad at the end angry ass pickle cuz his hat started getting bigger he's that hat was incomplete it didn't even fit on his head that was a good one that was good that was good all right matat what' you start with oh wow that's what it was this devolved this is not the I messed it up okay so no suit the tie disappeared the moon bro okay okay now listen listen I for some reason I couldn't remember what color it was which so I flipped it in my head I didn't even remember I didn't even remember where the eyes were I definitely got the last one of this I had that [ __ ] the Hat where did the Hat come from everybody just started what is the green like grass said what the grass here know someone sees a crime and they're like what did the criminal look like he had a hat I think all right what was yours oh my God go [ __ ] yourself you just threw a bunch of [ __ ] this is what you get for that [ __ ] you oh the Bri at least you got the squares it kind of and it just I the squares don't worry all right good CRA Patty I'm going to be honest those feet are awfully closed to a if that was a crabby patty yummy how the [ __ ] did you get a jellyfish what the fck Squidward squid was like all right I a little bowler stat no hat Monopoly jellyfish no hat oh dud we lose the Hat disapp sponge b at the end dog I don't even know he didn't even have a pupil a [ __ ] thornber half of an eye youw a little Christmas elf yeah what is that yeah yeah I [ __ ] this up so fast and I realized the clock was moving quickly this is got got a tan right there what what happened what is he eating how did you what do you mean what is he eating you drew it I mean yours on yours oh I just started throwing Coors around see I thought he was eating someone's back yeah looks like he's eating chili okay you're not even trying I may have added a hat to this I don't remember I'm pretty sure I no hat no hat no hat he just became a rock don't worry boys I did you save it that a a hat that's a [ __ ] brick bro said bro said [Music] jelly look at the first one compared to the last on this wow bro I worked hard on that guy what the you just turned him into a goddamn Gumdrop yo me what you bringing to the table all right what I didn't see this I this one looks like a last image I don't think I saw this one either saw this ever okay still playing basketball some sort football oh my God how did we land there Ming quick was like wow this is really easy started moving you didn't even draw the football I don't need it either saw Brown the last all the same what happened here I don't know just went shap crazy what happened with mine was I was trying to memorize it to for too long and the timer was going he was halfway done I'm like a [ __ ] oh my God all right surely this one's this one um this one stayed the same maybe see no I [ __ ] this one up okay it's the same it's the same premise you know so much detail you guys are [ __ ] up oh yeah sure still pretty good no mine's bad brother pretty good why did you add the J scare it does yeah this [ __ ] dman ghost wasi okay bu the hat made it back [Music] m
Channel: Grizzy
Views: 431,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grizzy, grizzytv, moregrizzy, gartic phone, gartic phone animation, gartic phone funny moments, funny, memes, gartic phone funny, gartic phone drawings, gartic phone gameplay, gameplay, funny moments
Id: K483cQUQrwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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