Garry's Mod with my friends!

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hey so I heard Kai I heard you wanted me to show me something what is it yeah bro what is it I just I just whoa how much does this cost you it just cost 5 500 dollars yeah that's very cheap WOW the economy is thriving yeah I know cost 500 let go wow or maybe it's really inflated Millions bro maybe the eony is just really inflated this is actually epic yeah economy is so thriving wow this is amaz um why okay this is epic I'm fine looking down it looks cool trees what does the G stand for bro what does the G stand for if you look to your left your daily wild wow wild bro you this glass is is this bulletproof glass yeah wow it's bulletproof let's see if that's true yeah I think it's bulletproof well we're we're almost the doors open oh there so what is the giant G let's pretend that nothing happened nothing happened yeah nothing happened I'm just right here see okay so yeah but what does the G stand for whoa this is here's the resort it's at the top of we don't go over this is our whoa this is some epic technology [Music] oh wow that's a pretty good technology you have there please okay I I I okay what's in here there's just several things hey um why do you have a bomb stash uh w we have some nice with some heads why do you have um why do you have the fat man in here why do you have that in there bro okay so what's in here oh wow this this is your balloon collection yeah dude and over here donut burger hello find some Quantum this is whoa that's a Quantum or I don't think you want to touch that that's amaz for yeah you know somebody should it would be really cool if we got a video oh my god wow that's epic there is no bomb what are you talking about what do you mean there's a bomb in oh there is a bomb just fell death all right hey you guys are GNA pay for that I think I take of nuh that was that was just a pigment of your imagination there's no bomb there okay go down okay now ourour this is just a whoa be might be yo yo yo I think we have a new visitor in town I think we have a I think we have a new visitor let's greet him let's greet him hello Adrian wow yo he's friend yo JayZ see he's friendly yeah can we do another tour yeah no no guys wait can I show you my epic yeah show you no can I show you my um epic thing this is my epic wooden structure that I spent 20 hours on I meant 20 years do not destroy it it's my life work wow see wall you guys destroyed it you want to know why I said don't destroy it because an actually a fat man was in there that explodes immediately when you destroy it oh also a MOAB multiple moabs wait what yeah that's why I said don't destroy it I feel the radiation on my wow that's crazy anyways you want to see my other house no no no it's really cool you get you get the kitchen you get the kitchen where you can eat food you could you get the sink where you store you store you you store your fat man's H well there goes one of my walls you got stove where you cook some fat man you got all right you got the you got the you got the Epic yeah you got you get the seat and then you got the bathtub oh yeah there's also a Fatman right next to you all wow that was epic my new it's called The Go go it's called the clunking Bell yeah got to open up you got to really you got to you got to really explode these doors for them to open welcome to my St get yeah see they open now see I fixed it yeah you get some Burger oh Burger hey can I have Burger yeah you e a burger yeah give me it let me just give you your oh crap burger what happened dude where's the burger why is there blood everywhere hey man you wow that was a great burger you want you want a burger yeah I want a burger I let me in let me in guys y oh well so so uh do you guys want check out my epic destructible Fortress again this time you don't explode it okay uh we actually wait for it to go up hey Waluigi okay press the button no it it can only fit two people it's to you're too heavy you have to wait wait we we'll you said blow it up no up it went up see it went up yeah force it to go up and that's why it broke okay so oh your elevator like hey uh someone someone delete that okay okay um there that was not a part of the tour so we'll send one person up at a time don't don't do anything I will literally murder you if you do have a gun to your head see right I'll go out I'll go out it's going up it's going see it's did you do you do these guys guys hate you now there go my oh guys I have I okay I gotta so let me show you my i Brand I call it the funny guy in well this is amazing [Music] wow this is a fat man movie produced by fat man incorporation W what movie are we watching we're watching Breaking while we breaking while Luigi no no I'm it's me Jessie Jesse has a gun Jesse Jesse want to show him Jesse wants to show you his really cool object wow we need to C some wow this is wow okay I I I made some guys what see what do you think about my new recipe it's I heard it's I heard it's the bomb see my joke was so funny that everything exploded that's crazy right the wait wait wait wait wait look at look at my cool um cool thing look guys it's my it's my uh cabin that I live in it's really cool right wow it's aor it's my best friend uh come come check out my new cabin I said I said come check out my new C this is so cool oh there's my friend my friend my friend burger buson oh no why would you do that you poopy ass uh he wow it's my favorite eror is this supposed to be a guy sitting on the toilet well I think I think I think you really yo can you check out my friend yo everybody survived that amazing right yeah no check out my epic friend out simple car whoa it's our whoa is this your Diner do you own this Min Diner wow Min Diner here's a cocacola cocacola Isa wow does while Luigi work the dishes welli he he he works I'm drinking the bottles of ketchup the cocacola okay we C hey can I tell my trash out here Dad wait do you have a wait oh wow can I throw my trash in here stop it it's a nuclear missile kill it flying bathtub wait guys check out check out my epic machine it does Epic what's oh no oh no I'm I'm Invincible now guys W Luigi shirt guys uh I I've heard there's a zombie apocalypse you should head out in my zombie shelter oh wow that's what it's called actually zombie shelter how do you guys have so many random mods what these are dupes the guys all wait look look look it's the zom bikes the zombes are here actually let me spread that out so they actually exist Guys these zombies are going to kill you if we don't do something the zombies are coming we got to you gotta you got to teleport inside oh no we got to kill these guys yeah got kill these guys wait who summon green error my favorite I love green error where are you guys stop closing the door close it to the we got we got to kill those things wait no I know how to kill it k run no I I killed it okay hey should we should we let her friend Kai in no I think the zombies in I'm having it's better and it's [Music] more uh you think think those zombies were living guys okay um it's not wait wait wait go go into my epic hacking gamer hack look at look at my epic gamer area if you want guys roller Coter it's better than last oh wow wow that's an epic roller coaster amazing it's slightly better I hope it doesn't break like last time and I hope somebody I I call shotgun I want front seat let me in this this honestly sucks e Click I am eting this I am eting this sucks click this sucks oh okay it works no no it works let me in let me in how do you even get in it won't work I'm pressing e there I fixed it run just run just run that's it you have to escape me the evil monster just activate you gotta you got to escape me I'm the evil monster you can see how this rler Co this is best R watch out there's a fat man I hope you don't bump into it oh wow that's how you didn't have you ever heard the Batman roller coaster please stay up please stay up dude oh dude don't hit the dude the goal of the roller coaster you the roller coaster no well that was cool that was what's an ivy mic ah well not could use that one guys it's Professor Gadget look I found Professor Gadget from that one show see see see look it's Gadget my God Gadget Professor Gadget oh my God I don't I don't think Professor Gadget liked that oh wow is this your desk wait can I steal this clock my [Music] Globe hey what yo yo yo guys check out check out my um I I summoned some I I I told my friend friends from Russia were here huh guys have you ever heard about this cool device that gives you infinite health up time oh my God let me write it wait no no not yet not yet wait for me I'm eating balls no no no no whoa what is this wait don't go down don't go down wait not not yet not yet you need a ra have your my own ra no I don't you don't need a raft all you need is a airboat seat yeah put the all [Music] right wow he that's fine what happened yo hey hey there hey what are you doing hey all right here y okay I C whoa where whoa guys the gay slide this the gay slide this slide is fine this fire up guys I've heard I heard there's a secret fat man on the SL huh I did not know I heard there's oh secret flat Fatman oh I hope I hope they don't explode oh god well I I think they had a I think they I think the thing had a safety is issue oh oh well why more explosion apparently I didn't even know a third one wait wait wait check out check out my epic wait no zp you know how to do dupes right how to do dupes you know how to spawn some right so what you want to do is PR go to the dupes thing and then click top rated or currently popular or latest upload that's what you can you check out my epic office how epic is your office this is my office this is where I work wow that's a sick bike you have now park it yeah park it now park it park it get very oh my God he's Harry Potter hey where are you okay that's that's good okay do you want to see um where are you follow me okay oh s d you ding wake up I want to give you an epic tour of my office so where are you hey stop stop going in there I'm here stop stop there thank you no no no follow me follow me kind of burning though but works that's not okay so you go in here and then and then you take this see you can go in now I had to do that Z Kai where are you down here where is Kai oh no no no no no no wait stop stop I'll show you I I'll give you a tour so you see uh he's my desk manager okay now close it because I don't want any idiots coming in but you typing on the keyboard yeah yeah he's he's running log now get in Kai get in Kai get in K get in get in bombing this whole place well don't do that please okay see okay okay okay yeah you can you can you can stop now okay follow me guys stop playing with the door I'll kill you see he he'll kill you for me I fired him see this is my epic tank this is my equipment this is my uh barrels of oil don't let America know okay so that's here this is the parking lot okay you just I let you go through magically yep you could yep yep see he'll let you through I yeah so now this is this is the area where you go upstairs now this is my property the Epic bench area with trash cans please throw your trash in here like my grenade oh cool nice guit go car so as you can see uh oh we have some extra table we had some tables here but uh some guys took them dude I did not know wait I think you made a big mistake wait can you can you fix that okay um so this is the bath it's toilet what is that get get this off my property okay stop destroying the tables stop you're breaking everything that's it you broke it just kidding you did it at least at least by flying y okay okay this is epic uh Park your Park your bike park your freaking bike right in right here it's a parking lot park it yeah park it park it oh I'm a master at Park okay uh so as pretend that never happened because it never did your Lang record one of these tours that' be funny we are I am oh so this is epic we could come on here this is do do your typing where Waluigi yeah get in there do it yeah see he he's cool yeah this my phone booths you can see that this is my toilet wow that was epic now you could what was that okay oh okay now can you check out my bathroom this is epic bathroom this is W there goes the building you I think that was um okay uh well okay let's let's actually let's actually do the tour let's do a real tour because this could be on YouTube it is you think it is wow content epic okay we got we got we got who is destroying the building you trim out the failed ones no no no I keep them in they're funny okay wow you like my cool burning couch yeah dude I like your cool burning okay where are you wait where are you okay guys come check out the upstairs this is like MTV Cribs wow I want to take this the elevator uh is slightly broken oh well stairs well just take the stairs man dude I'm I'm I'm bringing this elevator down okay see your stop your Stop's right here stop your Stop's right here okay whoa dude this is my office area where you yeah yeah he types we got soda got soda and trash can to put in the empty bottles trash can bathroom yeah I hear something I hope same uh cool hey hey don't kill my property don't kill my property no wasn't any property that was a dog oh but wasn't the dog we were supposed to give the dog the tour uh now he's mad see see look what it's doing to her bookshelf that no one uses because it's an office job see look this is our bathrooms real okay and then get in the elevator get in the elevator everyone in the elevator epic elevator okay get in yeah I I control the elevator pretend you're in the elevator because you just fall out stupid dooo who what okay the elevator is a bit Bo so now this is by epic area where we do the most high tech technology area the Epic area this is this is the Epic uh yeah I will uh gaming you can guys check this out for for a second broke here like hello I did not kill your the desk manager was unfortunately assassinated on the third floor your R up gu h welcome to block a that was cool that was cool now come to the next floor go in the elevator by underpaid work um apparently there's the end of the world well there goes my dup that okay okay um we since it's the end of the world we got to get into my secure house everyone in wow the entrance wow we going lock got open close the door we're going to close the door and we G to lock it stop this is this got to be very secure I'll kill you wow and there we go see it's stop messing with it stop messing apparently the end of the world is in here um I don't think that's supposed to happen I know well that's just amazing I don't think the house is very secure let see how secure it is oh well it doesn't exist anymore well um uh this is my cat this is my cat that's not a cat guys this is my friends they do funny faces they're error oh oh god he has a fighter jet don't worry I I know how to kill this I have a scrap helicopter revamp stop you're supposed to work say how do you how do you fly shift to go up okay let let's have all out War we're having war this is the end of the world guys oh I love sticky keys how well I found a but you click on it and then you see deploy you press deploy and then you click oh maches or you press deploy go go go go I know but I got all the on but there's no deploy button no you have to hover over it and then you press and then you can see a deploy button no still still no bro no and it's in the corner of it's of you hover you have to hover over the the one you want subscribe to it bro no you just press deploy then it automatically subscribes oh I got it I brought the you know what you know what in in war in war we use Uh Russian Russian explosives well for me it's doesn't do all all I can do is subscribe bro subscribe to it you can't explode guys check out my epic cool car hey you know um at the back seat of the car there's actually 100 Fatman ready to go off the fast that's why I didn't want you to touch the back of it look what happened the audio just completely cut out well do you guys want to check out my epic you want to check out my epic thing called there's a military base guys this is where all the billionaires died just's dude D where's the PlayStation controller um yeah I can go in I don't see is that a bomb or is that a submarine that's a submarine oh everything's lagging so bad well maybe it's because I S 100 Fatman just kiding my card head what guys guys look it also the only thing I can do with dupes say subscribe and I have to download it manually like anything else dude check out my epic DVD okay that that was very laggy what comic hyper Cube oh my charger the whole thing broke guys check out my epic Atomic hyper Cube I bought it off Amazon that's why it's so funky you can just buy Atomic hyper Cube off Amazon for me I can't deploy things look at this look it's a atomic hyper Cube it expands and then it has a Gosh guys I found the crazy think about my epic Atomic hyper Cube what just happened guys check out Peter whoever Peter is Peter Peter Peter Peter why would you do that Peter actually had um 500 uh Gadget bombs in him so you're you're dead is this the door why can't I drive a door just click it interact let me drive a door what is happening you know what you killed Waluigi how dare you guys it's Russian trademark uh what is that I it's just simply called whatever and it just explodes everything why what is a soft body jiggle jelly C Cube jelly Cube guys check out this Cool J jelly Cube jelly jelly Cube jelly Cube oh wow is this your Mansion wow this is this honestly is actual [ __ ] well there it is there it is folks epic mansion driveable snake oh heck yeah guys check out my pet dog see this is my dog dude click some arrow click arrow guys check out my epic pet dog my pet dog is really hates you guys my pet dog is having a seizure oh yeah oh uh I have um um I have a tank you just have a tank did you figure out how to did you figure out how to do this did you figure out how to do it it was the right menu I was doing the wrong menu I was a boo fart check out zp you got to go to jail now you you did very bad things get it get the whole entire door lock spin lights sucks that doesn't suck Michael what is this thing it's a fly okay you're out of jail now yay how do you get in you have to use a mat ATT and then go okay no you what all you got to do is just put a seat down I'm not joking no I'm lazy I'm gonna make the whole thing I'm so lazy I'll do more work because I'm lazy okay um you know what I'll actually do it if you're lazy and don't be lazy to do something to be lazy are you lazy or not I have zero clue what you just said no lazy lazy crazy but I am lazy a laa my fart oh that's cool hey get out I'll kill you no well do okay epic I got a yeah yeah guys someone J you ho in that you've never hopped in yeah bro you deserve to hop in what is h red this right really sucks gamer fart that was not where am I that was not medic either I lightly pushed what's happening lightly push it down get get down bye J I don't think it's gonna man this really sucks you know how much this sucks this much how did I survive that help I'm falling I don't know I'm not alive I'm dead I'm kind of bored did you just yeah wait wait Kai Y how did ivive that bro yo yo yo that was epic gamer video but unfortunately we are dead now
Channel: Jzcz
Views: 4,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bDYbkWl88vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 13sec (2353 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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