Garrett Morris on Doing Coke w/ John Belushi, Blackballed By Belushi's "Racist" Manager (Part 5)

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off camera was John balushi is wild as he seemed on camera now I got to get into uh my dope using days am I allowed to do that yes you are he and I both were very much into cocaine and um more than once Y come knocking on my door and I would you know open up the uh aluminum F and let him hook cup and J would go from one end the aluminum phone to and by the time he got through I had 10% of what I really had there right so for about two or three years we were good friends but then he got this manager whose name I will not call uh who I later on found out was an absolute racist and John's attitude towards me changed cuz I do believe to this day I might have been a Blue's brother cuz joh was always telling me there's a project I want to talk to you about there's a project I want to talk to you about but he never got a chance to CU when he got this manager he stopped talking to me about it oh and the reason why I know this manager was after me because when I left Saturday Night Live in the 80s I found out to gossip that this guy was actively telling people not to hire me are you serious I'm serious but did you ever do anything personal to this manager that you know of no no I found out from a friend of mine who was the star one of the black stars I'm going to call the Name of Love boo you know I'm talking about yeah yes he was doing the same thing to him and CU for a long time I really didn't know whether to believe it or not cuz gossip is gun thing right but when my friend he said man he did the same thing to me and he gave me a rundown of what happened with him too so I did a lot of horror movies during the80s for like old five or six years you know I got a whole lot of horror movies mainly because I could not get people to H hire me by the time the 90s came in something happened this guy had died I think and that's when uh you know when I hooked up with the the Jefferson for a couple years um and I hooked up with um rock and I hooked up with um um um Martin and later on Jamie Fox so you believe this guy who we will not name in this interview you believe that when he passed and can stop for lack of a better way to put it blackballing you or closing doors that's when things started to open up for you I can only look I know that's what happened and look I'm telling you what was he that powerful in Hollywood if I told you if if if people have heard heard me say he was John bia's Manager they will know who he I'm going look it up no I'm going to go look it up he was very powerful I didn't know how powerful he was right and when I heard my friend who was one of the stars of love boo the black star of love boo uh say he had done the same thing to him then I said okay you know I didn't know why but this man uh because he was a Jew right and mind you when I came from New Orleans my view of Jews was very positive because I was aware of the fact that a whole lot of Jewish lawyers put their careers on hold to go down south and help with the Civil Rights Movement so when I went to New York I had that in my mind about Jews of course I got to New York and I realized that it wasn't all that way you know it wasn't all that way um one of my experiences in New York was that I went to a rent an apartment on 74th Street um between central walk west and I think St Nicholas and the Jewish landlord I went to got the department I came he said well I'm sorry it's already been rented right so I called at that time Elanor Norton you know who Elanor Norton isely uh had she was young then had been hired as the head of the rental department of New York something like that so I called that department and said hey I think I've been discriminated against they said give us the name they said okay Mr Mark we're going to have a white Checker go and see sure enough the white Checker went down to the same landlord and was given the apartment so then they called me and they said Mr Mars you will right they said show up on Monday Morning by 10:00 we'll have a lawyer come and he'll take care of it sure enough 10:00 was there Wai a short black man said you Mr Mars I tell he said wait here he went down and talk to the lawyer I know what he told him he probably told him something you violated the law you can be Su all of that something like that Mar you got the appointment I went and that's when I got the apartment that took me out my naive T about 100% of all Jews some are very much on the left side some are very Progressive some sensitive to the racial thing and some are not
Channel: djvlad
Views: 75,248
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Id: hD9CJkklHGo
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Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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