How To Revive Any Dying Plant in 3 Eazy Steps : Root Rot Treatment : Plants Issues And Solutions

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hey guys this is sheesh and you are on bonsai and gardening zone and this video is all about how to revive a dying plant and identify all the signs of plant damage and the best solutions for any issue a plant can have so was this entire video to note tried and tested hex to save a dead plant guys you saw a nice plant in a shop or nursery you brought it in your home and for months it did great but suddenly it started to decline and you are wondering what went wrong is it trying can I save it well guys if your plant has turned brown and lost leaves don't give up on it even if a plant looks dead doesn't mean that it is dead there is possibility that you can revive almost dead plant if the plant still has some life branches or stem though diagnosing that what's wrong with your plant is not always so easy the problem could be too much Sun or very less a dry climate or just poor soil maybe over watering or under watering over fertilization or even some disease most people immediately assume that they should water their plant but an extra dose of water can actually harm a dying plant and things become worse so the question is can you revive a dying plant and the answer is yes first of all the dying plants root must be alive to have any chance of coming back to life some healthy white root means that the plant has a chance to come back it's even better if your plant system still shows the signs of green now guys this is a hibiscus plant and it is dying I was out of the town for a few days and meanwhile this plant has been over watered I am pretty sure that this is because of root rot which caused by over watering or fungal infection now I'll show you how to save this dying plant to get started I trim back all the dead leaves so the root have less to feed and can recover more efficiently next I'll keep trimming the dead part of the branches until I see green with each stream I am checking the color of the center of stem even if your stem appears dead you may find it's still alive and green in the center see this branch is still green that means it has a high chance to survive ideally new stems will grow from these trimmed stems but this is not sufficient if roots are rotting now I start working on the roots I am taking this plant out of this pot see this root ball is not looking healthy I'll remove all this oil from the root ball do it very gently make sure not to damage feeder roots now I clean the roots throughout with water now these roots are clean and free with the old soil I have cut all the rotten and soggy roots see there are still some healthy white roots now time for the magic potion yes it's hydrogen peroxide hydrogen peroxide helps Ariat soil which should help to prevent future case of root rot when it is absorbed into the soil the hydrogen peroxide breaks down and release oxygen these extra high oxygen levels will make sure your roots are healthy and strong I diluted in water by adding about 10 ml hydrogen peroxide in 200ml of water I am dipping these roots in it for about two minutes after this was the old pot throughout and sundry it's so that if there is any old infected soil then it would not infect new soil now I put this brick chip on the drainage hole to stop soil to drain out now I am filling it with new well-drained potting soil I'll keep this pot in shady area where it will get some in direct sunlight it can take anywhere between a few weeks to a few months until your plant makes a full recovery so be patient and keep a close eye on your plants progress during this time guys it's been a month since I reported this plant and as you can see this is back to the life many new shoots has come and now this plant is looking healthy now you know how to check for your plants chance of living which is almost sad but unlike this hibiscus plant most solutions to your plants health issues are very easy to fix either it is indoor or outdoor house plant all these sick plants give warning signs of distress all you need to do is to get familiar with certain warning signs in most of the cases your plant suffers from too much water when tips of the leaves start turning brown like this this may be the sign that you are over watering stop adding fertilizer or plant foot to your plant soil until it's fully recovered the roots are very sensitive and need time to heal you will know that your plant is fully recovered when the new leaves of the plant return to its original green color and the soil is neither too moist nor too hard what are only when the top one inch of the soil is dried too much direct Sun can squash the leaves causing them to curl or turn white and drop all plants respond differently to Sun some plants thrive in full sunlight while others cannot handle the stress of direct sunlight sudden changes in a plant's environment like relocating to a different spot can put your plant in shock look up to your plants specific Sun need so you will know that exactly how much Sun your plant desires and where it can thrive the most keep your Sun damaged plant in shade plant will probably drop the damaged leaves so don't panic plants are the perfect place for common pests to invade thankfully most pests are very easy to get rid of [Music] mix three ml of neem oil in one liter of water and spray it every 20 days or when you spot any damage viruses also damage plants and it shows symptoms like discoloration and distortion in leaves shoots stems flowers or fruits sometimes virus eventually kill the plant severely infected plants can never be revived and there is nothing you can do about it to stop transmitting infection from one plant to another you should discard or burn the infected plant never use that plant for composting also never reuse that soil as well because these pathogens and viruses lives for years in the soil sometimes your plants may be hungry and in need of the nutrition this can happen if you have not added fertilizer or plant foot to replenish the nutrition in the soil your plant uses up a lack of nutritions can inhibit a plant's overall ability to thrive since it has nothing to fuel and support its growth add some compost or liquid fertilizer twice a month to give required nutrition's your plant need if the roots are wrapping around the interior of the pot or poking out of the root ball and drainage holes it's time to report your plant choose a pot that is slightly larger than the root ball and make sure the pot has sufficient drainage holes on the bottom replace the old soil with rich organic and well-drained soil guys you have to diagnose a dying plants problem in time to cure it but if you feel that a plant like this has crossed the point of returning after trying to bring it back to life don't waste your time and effort on it just let it go and start again with something fresh well guys that's all for now hope you find this video helpful please like share and comment on this video in comment section let see the subscribing this channel and press the bell icon to get the notifications of new videos thanks for watching and keep on gardening
Channel: Bonsai and Gardening Zone
Views: 4,121,962
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Keywords: How to save rose plant, save a dying plant, revive a dead plant, how to save dying plant, hacks to save dying plant, how to save dead plant, reviving a dead plant, dead plant revival, saving dead plant, saving dying plant, garden tips, How to save sick plant, Root rot, Root pruning, How to repot a plant, Gardening hacks, Brown leaves, Plant desease, Indoor plants care, Root rot treatment, Dying rose, Dying hibiscus, Revive bonsai, Rose deseases, Leaves are turning brown
Id: T9xfg5NOAuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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