Garden Find 6-Speed V12 BMW E31 850i Revival - Project Marseille: Part 1

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coming up i invent a new olympic sport wheel jumping i need some m5 goodness i need you there's news and there's even more news an abandoned legend gets a second chance bonjour and welcome to m5 39 restorations normally this is the episode where i would hop on a part flying vehicle with fixed wings or similar means a slow teleportation and go on a car buying road trip in this case that will be south of france marseille where a neglected bmw 8 series popped up for sale as much as i love traveling and buying cars i simply couldn't do that with current restrictions that i imposed in europe so i made a smart move and bought it side on scene some decisive factors though e31 12 furious cylinders paired with a six-speed manual gearbox and abandoned in a garden for around 10 years say no more and take my money climb aboard project marseille manufactured in july of 1991 this bmw e31850i is finished in calipso red over light parchment leather interior it spent all its life inside of france and since 1998 it only had one owner the owner was an elderly gentleman who properly enjoyed the car for many years but around 2011 he stopped using it and parked it in his garden and there it sat ever since until his son-in-law had enough seeing it rot and listed it for sale the seller marco a really nice person that wanted to sell it to a good home received a lot of interest in the car but he saw my videos and recognized my name and decided he would sell it to me for which i'm really grateful i barely wanted to go and see it in person but that was simply not possible so i wired the money and organized transport to bring it to me in frankfurt we are rejoining the action on the delivery day good morning i'm like a kid on christmas i can't wait for this car to come come on come on come on it is minus two today which is perfect by the way i got new pants these are biking hiking in winter pants 100 polyester it's gold it's cold i had to get the condom it's too cold i hate wearing hats don't like it messes up my hair that was carefully cooked all night long by the pillow that's not it i can see it it's behind the stupid truck there it is boys oh yes and the tire is down morgan how's it going okay you have a big gas station over there so you can turn around excellent we have some french plates as well my polish friends came through again and don't worry he's not running away he's just gonna turn around that's good i hate aftermarket wheels we only have one key the glorious looking thing i mean i love the eight series it's just magnificent i was about to say maybe we should put some air in these tires but then yeah i don't think that'll hold any air you want me to go in or no yeah huh okay yeah sports seats yep no clutch hopefully we don't scrape i just i can't see anything all of the glass is frozen but we have lights inside so that means battery is connected all right we're off thank you good sir soak it in fellas it's red and it's dead before we do any kind of walk around on this car i want to do one thing and that is get rid of those hideous aftermarket wheels i absolutely hate aftermarket wheels on these cars so let's do that immediately brilliant what was that original wheels yes sir i bought these even before i paid for a car in full that's all right we can edit that out why is this brake line in my way i'm gonna go get the hugh jackman it's just so the eight series has plastic jack pads that are clipped into the chassis and they always fall out they're never there and they're about 100 euros for all four from bmw let's see yep not here oh the back one is there so this small piece of wood actually lifted many many eight series into the air because it fits perfectly into that gap let's spin yep the boy is along oh we have spacers yep am i going to be able to fit original wheels with yeah the sharks are leaking edc yeah there we shocks yep as i figured too long crap and even the back ones have spacers now i'm disappointed in so steal many levels the seven series i came up with a solution i borrowed lug nuts from the e32 and because that car has aftermarket wheels it can accommodate longer so let's proceed that ladies and gents is stinking on your feet [Music] deploy the foot not much rust to speak of here we're not gonna bother torquing these down cause it's not like this car is gonna go for drive anytime soon now this side there you have a jack pad here negative back negative as well so we only have one jack pad on the car that's totally normal that will be 75 euros for you sir vamanos maybe i can get some money for these wheels just separate you don't belong here there we are break this is garbage anyway adios [Music] now let's do the tour of this spaceship and see what i bought oem wheels already looking 100 times better anyway the hood wow that's slightly shot look at the amount of bondo there hopefully that's not rusty underneath the bumper is pretty beaten up there as well and that has screws in it so that's not good either is it broken no oh well i guess it is oh yeah snapped in half because the glass nope the glass is broken as well a tiny bit here that's excellent because these are stupid expensive how about this one cracked of course always this fender has seen better days windshield looks good that is a plus and we have rust on the roof usually it's on the corners but that looks good see the other side no bubbling there and no wobbling there either that's good really good but so far deep scratch here i don't see any rust at least on the fenders your glass that usually likes to delaminate in the corners but this one looks good that is a big plus we have a usable rear windshield taillights please tell me those are not cracked this one looks good how about this one yes the bumper has a scrape here but it's not cracked or broken anywhere all of the lines line up look at that we have mud hopefully didn't start to rust here so bmw did a very smart thing with the e31 there's actually a drain hole right over there and if you own an e39 then you know that this area over here always rusts and i don't know why they didn't apply the same technique over there just drill the hole put a little tube and then the water can drain and the area is not going to rust and we're going to clean that up no rust here either that one looks good no rust scrapey scrape here and then more bondo what do we have here certificate that's 20 20. i don't know what's that for a ct that's control technique french technical inspection and i believe that's 2011 so that's when the last technical inspection expired this car has been off the road for about 10 years the hood is just cracked all the way up horrible horrible job whoever did this now you might think that this paint is shot it's not it's actually changing its skin like a snake and it's gonna look brand spanking new once i spend six thousand euros on a new paint job does this work yes sir these are sometimes broken that's impressive amount of mud it was definitely sitting outside that is a tiny tiny battery so the battery compartment can suffer from rust because all batteries leak and then the whole thing just rusts but let's see over there that fender looks good no signs of accident that there as well up top all good but it would appear it's starting to rust here how about this side this one looks better again that fender looks great no signs of accidents here either excellent oh compact disc changer that's sort of cool bear wheel is not here that is the bottea and they usually like to rust around this area here and yep that looks like a tiny bit of rust but the floor overall really solid and no signs of accident tiny bit here as well tool kit empty oh but we have is this the original bmw cloth they usually have a stamp or something it smells yes it is unbelievable do you know how rare this is they don't make or sell this anymore but there are people who make replicas wow that's amazing that's better than having a full tool kit actually because the full tool kit is really easy to get but this thing you just don't find it anymore let's go inside step into the 90s as harry styles would say you're so golden 10 and 10 10 that's not broken that ain't good door panel that's something weird happening here yeah whatever was on top of this it's gone perhaps the wood trim the door looks good it's not rusty and this is the main reason why i bought this car the six-speed manual gearbox and a really cool radio nice edc again we see the same thing here so i don't know if this is stock it probably is this wood trim but then it's completely gone from here maybe just delaminated or something this is the phone mount i believe ah stain the seat looks overall pretty good for the mileage a bit of wear on the bolster but that can be easily fixed it's not torn anywhere that is great steering wheel looks decent as well we have no clutch just stays on the floor so since it has batteries but they're so weak that it won't even activate a cluster yeah i'm going to disconnect those batteries oh the mirror the headliner is intact it's not down unbelievable and this is another reason why i was so attracted to this car it is a slick top no stupid sunroof i hate sunroof and i'm going to tell you why now they add weight you have less headroom and especially in the e31 they always break and to fix it just the gears the mechanism it's gonna set you back right around 1000 euros and not to mention that the sunroof lid itself it loves to rust and you can't buy that brand new from bmw anymore so if you have a sunroof it's just a nightmare on this car i just prefer cars that are slicked up my touring gets a slick top my e39 m5 it's a slick top and it's just better looking and i prefer it overall pillars look okay ah the 80s and 90s when engineers were brilliant and cocaine was a recreational sport this seat looks excellent not much wear at all oh there's the phone that's so cool matra i'm in come on look at that i love this it's definitely off off the market but the cassette puff diddly gonna leave that right there even the lamp is here doesn't work but you can't really expect it to work you gonna throw that away let's check out the power barn bonjour good looking really good looking this is not supposed to be connected that's where the oil goes belt cracked fan clutch shot but for me the most important thing is that everything is original and untouched all of this looks good here chassis leg looks okay the headlights are yellow that is extremely cool but the problem is in germany you cannot get them through tooth inspection i would have to replace with the clear ones and that sucks because these are super expensive but yellow ones are cool nonetheless you can probably trade it with someone because it's not something you see often we have a ignition wire that's disconnected never is that let me get ouch let me get a mirror oh we have a broken spark plug nice brake fluid is everything but brake fluid black goo master cylinder looks black that means it's not original but we don't have a leak from the brake booster that's interesting oil that's really black and the level is about perfect yes i know my hair is a mess but what can you do restrictions hair salons are closed and i haven't had a haircut in two months anyway remember when i said that typically when people find these cars they just throw in the battery and turn the key well that's what happened here previous owner really nice fella really nice but he doesn't know anything about cars so he took it to the i want to say a local college where they learn mechanics apprenticeships or something maybe something was lost in translation i don't know and what they did is attempted to start it with bad fuel old oil and without lubricating cylinder wall and piston you're still going to do things properly here and i am going to remove all spark plugs spray foggingly turn the engine over by hand service the fuel system ignitions the whole shebang and then we're going to start it but that's just you know disappointing that's when i search for these cars one of my first questions is has anyone tried to start this car because if they did that adds the risk factor in 90 cases nothing's gonna happen because if there's rust in the cylinders then there's rust in the cylinders and it's gonna be ruined anyway but it's just smart to follow the procedure because it's not it's not that complicated and it's easy to do now i wanna jack up one side of the car and just oh there's our broken spark plug bmw bosh now i want to jack up one the grill fell out imagine if this were a new seven series i'd be rushed to a hospital with a foot injury now let's pop that back in now i want to jack up one side of the car and just have a quick look underneath just in case set up my creeper and let's creep all right so we have the plastic protection that's awesome both the front one and the rear one that is really good horns are still here that's unbelievable well this one is gone the portion of it but this one is still here and they put it at the really stupid position here so they always get beat up and torn but this this one is here it's a suspension about what you expect it to be that doesn't look rusty around the checkpoint over there right over there ladies and gentlemen that's the thing that the owner was that the seller was trying to tell me and i couldn't really understand what he was saying but it looks like that mount over there is broken that checking point looks good no rust and the floor from as far as i can see it looks really good not rusty but i'm really concerned about that that is a broken bracket for the exhaust mount not that terrifying it's aluminum but it can be welded back by a skilled welder the exhaust these are always run because when they sit for a very long time condensation accumulates and they just ride that being said this one looks like it was repaired at one point because that doesn't look like original metal definitely not so there's a bit of rust here typical in there as well my biggest fears about this car rust there doesn't seem to be any oh thank goodness it's not a rust bucket i don't see any rust anywhere other than these small spots in the spare tire wheel well but that's fine that's easily fixed the diff surprisingly is not leaking it is looking dirty but it's not leaking that ball joint is a little bit shot by the floor just have a looksie phenomenal there is no rust on this car oh man i love when the cars are rust free i love it i refuse to deal with rust so underneath everything looks solid so i haven't even tried the really important bit in the gearbox shift and slot into gears oh like butter perfect reverse is there oh that's good the thing with this gearbox that you need to know you cannot buy it brand new from bmw anymore and no one in the world is able to refurbish them also another problem is the clutch you can't buy it either it's been discontinued so you have to be creative with aftermarket stuff and that's usually the most important bit when you buy a manual 850i not all of this is in order i'm gonna give it some power now to see if we can get the cluster to light up even the cover is here that's amazing these are usually missing this one and this one here and that one has been discontinued as well so people started 3d printing them power is on yes signs of life 211 000 kilometers i thought it was more i think he said 230 so that's nice and you know what i really like the previous one who really drove this car and enjoyed it does the radio work please work yes that is really cool i think this is the original stereo for this car and these are really expensive where's the fm there you go there's some german words for you so i can't play music as copyright but the stereo works really good and he has the hi-fi professional stereo in it oh man this is all great let's look at the documentation now now that's really cool this goes there look at that blue one with beige interior beautiful another red one this is brilliant red i want to say that's really cool that it was included with the car and then you have french words good thing i'm fluent in french poisson i apologize french people rear axel that's one of the impressive things on this car it was deeply over engineered manuel six reports six speed pop-up headlights you gotta have those look at that line here performance stats zero to 100 kilometers per hour 6.8 seconds and that's for the radio 2011 that's when the last technical inspection was done on this car and ever since then it wasn't driven oh liberate the service that is a service book my friends i always get excited when i see a series book calypso red chassis number and it was sold in bmw at set it's a weird combination and montlick oh we have a stamped service book controller 2 000 kilometers done 91 92 95 i can't see the date 95 and he had 95 000 kilometers and then 97 it had 126 000 kilometers that appears to be the last entry but it's nice that it has original service book that's really rare on these old cars ah this is the technical inspection stuff really important to have i can't show you that because again it contains personal info so these are some of the service records 2007 52 euros 785 euros again in 2004 and he had 200 000 kilometers back then and then in 2007 it had 209 000 kilometers that's incredible so this car in the last 14 years it was only driven 2 000 kilometers actually let me check the control technique again is there kilometers on it please let there be kilometers then i can trace the full history of it yes 210 000 kilometers in 2011. that's amazing so i can trace the full history of this car and verify that the kilometers are original that is really really rare on cars of this age so original 210 000 kilometers and that's nothing for our car if the engine is good that can go for another two hundred thousand easily owner's manual more cool stuff in french e32 look at this bmw was the top of the game back then e36 i need to get one of those one day as well the old 507 ah e30 cabrion touring what happened to you bmw e34 need one of those as well e32 already have one of those the csi that's my soda dream car hopefully one day m1 e36 m3 and e34 m5 and i can't believe he did this big thanks to marco the previous owner and seller of this car he actually included all of these pictures i mean look at that this is what sealed the deal for me just seeing these pictures how clean this car was and you can see here that it did have wood trim on the doors and that he just delaminated and perished over time that's sad but look how mint this thing was i mean i love cars with history and this car just has so much of it he was owned by the same person since 1998 and look i have full service history pictures really nice books my excitement for this car went through the roof i can't wait to get it going again i know it's kind of repetitive to have a same car because i've already done two e31s on the channel but i really don't care because i just i love these cars and when i see one for sale that it's in such bad shape i'm gonna do whatever i can to save it and we're gonna do the right thing by this car this is amazing merci marco so far i'm really happy with everything but what i want to do now is pressure wash this thing and just remove all of this dirt and crud [Music] [Music] so uh [Applause] it looks good i mean close your eyes turn your back to it type of good but nonetheless it's sort of clean now i just wanted to blow out all of the dirt that was stuck in the gaps and whatnot and this will do just fine for now it still needs a really good scrub on the plus side all of the body panels can be reused and there's no major damage like huge tents or something that needs to be pulled out or fixed on the negative side stuff like this the hood the fenders all of this will need to be taken down to bare metal and then repaint it both fenders this one the other one unfortunately has some cracks the roof was faded and this car already had one paint job it was repainted completely at one point and very poorly at that so what's the plan with this car you ask well i'm not entirely sure we'll start by getting it running and driving see the general health of the engine and gearbox and take it from there i'm overall satisfied with the condition of the car it's pretty much what i'm used to and thankfully there's no rust but it needs a complete repaint and between other projects and investments i have a budget for that right now i mentioned several times how expensive it is to repaint stuff in germany and to do the whole car it's around 6 000 european shillings it might end up being a revival series like adobe project malaga and bilbao but we'll see in any case i'm super excited about this project and can't wait to bring it back to life now let's do a round of updates shall we yes project dubai it is sold fake off to vendido new owners alex and his lovely wife naomi from the uk we had a nice and long talk and they are going to take amazing care of this car and use it for long euro trips you can find my post on instagram about this and follow alex's account there i'm just really happy it's going to a good home this is a very very special car and deserves loving custodians and it got them handover will come a bit later with restrictions it's difficult to plan and they want to drive to their house in portugal but you can stay up to date on that by following me on instagram project in the previous video i got it running and a few days ago i got a driving too a new episode will come soon project cologne it works i actually have to go the other way e39 m5 the best car in the world it's currently in winter hibernation and this beauty will not see salty german winters anymore it'll take over daily duties from march you can see here and we'll do some maintenance then it's been over two months since i last droid and that's the longest i haven't driven one of these in the last three years and i just hate it i can't handle it the touring is just too slow i need you sitting in that seat it's the very definition of perfection and feeling at home i love this car and no e60 will not replace it because this is 17 million times better in every way and that's it right right project riley i said i'm going to start working on it once i sell project dubai and that's exactly what's going to happen i already bought one third of the parts that i need i'm waiting on ba bearings which are going to come very soon lastly some dealer parts and then i can blow this s85 into pieces i'm hoping to start working on it towards the end of the january with the video coming sometime in february and no i will not sell it so stop asking and there's even more news something that you my dear audience will be excited about i quit my job yep and i couldn't be happier because i finally get to do what i truly love and share it with all of you i'm gonna make a separate video about this where also tell you a bit more about myself because questions you ask a lot of them for now a very big thank you to all of you for helping me to get to this point and become a full-time talk to myselfer i'm just going to keep on doing what i'm doing and see where it takes us and a massive thank you to all of my patreons see you next time right what's reliable enough to take home nothing you
Channel: M539 Restorations
Views: 678,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: e31, bmw, 850i, 850ci, restoration, revival, barn find, e39, e38, m5, 740i, 840i, 840ci, 850csi, csi, 8er, 8 series, classic cars, bimmer, 540i, v12, 535i, 750il, 750, e46, m3, m70, road trip, m73, 6 speed, save the manuals, budget, cheap, first start, germany, car project, b7, b8, alpina, restore it, e34, e32, e24, hoovie's garage, hoovie, tavarish, doug demuro, vin wiki, vice grip garage, car throttle, samcrac, e60, s85, v10, challenge, m54, 3er, 325i, chrisfix, detailing, disaster interior, detailing geek
Id: OdsT6DqR9i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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