Garden Crossings Black Lace Elderberry

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[Music] hey guys how's it going so this video is going to be pretty short but i wanted to show you the most spectacular version of a blacklist elderberry i have ever seen this is a view that aaron and i see every time we leave our house and every year we are so amazed by the way these black lace elderberries look we're at the end of may here this is their peak bloom time and they are just fantastic so i want to run through some stats really quick they are a zone four through seven they're really winter hearty they're also really adaptable to really crummy soil they can take our full sun high desert full sun we have very little humidity no cloud cover and very little rain and we use these in place of japanese maples very often because they have such a lacy like a lace leaf japanese maple look to them while being able being able to withstand so much more adversity now the funny thing is you go to the proving winners website because this is a proven winter's plan and it says they grow six to eight feet tall and wide that is not six to eight feet tall and wide i always kind of laugh at that when i see that stat because in our area they just love it so much they get enormous and when we go to michigan to mackinac island jack uses a lot of blacklist elderberry in his landscape and they just grow differently there you know he cuts his way back every year to kind of size control them but even when i cut mine back i cut my back to about knee height every single year they come back and grow about eight feet tall still eight to ten feet every single year in a single growth growing season the thing is is that you wouldn't want to cut these back if you want them to bloom like this because they do bloom on old wood so if you need to size control or shape a black lace elderberry up you would cut it back immediately after it blooms so that it has a chance to form blooms for the next season but after these bloom discs they're kind of kind of in big discs after they're done blooming those turn into little berries and the birds are attracted to it deer are not they are deer resistant i do think we should try to go inside we did contact our neighbor and said hey can we come in your yard and show everybody these amazing shrubs and she said that was fine so i want to see what they look like from the front and then also show you a close-up of their bloom and their leaf okay let's sneak in here isn't that beautiful oh my goodness they make an amazing screen don't you think a wind block or a screen but i just want to show you up close here what the bloom discs look like they're like the lightest of shell pink color and then this is what the leaves look like all season long and they're a really long lived plant in our area my in-laws had my sister-in-law had one last year in her garden that she sheared off at ground level like sheared it all the way off to where all you could see was stump barely at ground level and it still came back fresh and gorgeous so anyway i just thought you guys would enjoy seeing this because i am just blown away by these every single year find all of your favorite proven winners annuals perennials and shrubs at garden crossings garden center in zeeland michigan or shop online at for delivery to your door [Music]
Channel: Garden Crossings LLC
Views: 35,201
Rating: 4.9462786 out of 5
Keywords: Garden Crossings, plants, Proven Winners, elderberry, black lace elderberry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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