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all right Pam is doing a little bit of shipping in the house right now and there's a yard sale like right down the street over there like the next street over so I'm gonna run there first see if there's anything there worth getting and then I'll come back pick her up in front of the post office and then we'll hit some more sales so here we go here Oh 30s I can drive good morning how are you it is a nice day it's gonna be a nice weekend I think hopefully it would be ah let's see oh wow lots of sports stuff huh that's cool oh is this all your husband's stuff Oh your son okay great big Patriots fan huh that's his sport yeah yeah oh yeah um honestly I'm not a huge Patriots fan I love the Red Sox though I do love the Red Sox yeah I grew up my dad was actually a Cowboys fan so that's kind of the team I followed growing up and stuff so you know oh yeah the Raiders have done decently of past few years yeah here you just hear an old camera cool to have blank tapes with it there's a tape here I don't know it's probably something oh no oh Xmas you can keep it what would you want for it Oh yep that with it yeah cool I might be interested let me look around see if there's anything else you ready for all the traffic in town mm hmm hmm it's gonna be a busy day I think with the race yeah they're doing a big race at the drag way it's a TV show is gonna be there they're expecting like 15,000 people or something yeah yeah yeah so stay away from downtown yeah for sure yeah yeah it's gonna be oh yep yeah it gets nuts and like I mean even just like a regular race day it's bad so I can only imagine like what it's gonna be like for ya oh yeah we can - yeah yep we just live right down the street I live at the new house that was built yeah yeah thank you so what kind of neighbors the the Cape style the one that's uh it's like right like right there yeah yeah that's me yep that's me me and my fiancee we uh we bought the house oh really no I mean like I have a camera here I film for YouTube sometimes but uh but yeah that's about it yeah yeah Ryan good to meet you good to meet you oh really really yeah this is a really really nice neighborhood I like it here yeah yeah we have we have a dog and three cats yeah oh really well he doesn't do anything about it yeah Mayor Steve wonder the neighborhood but they know trouble you know yeah well maybe we'll see you walking the dog oh yeah I'm sure you will we're out there all the time so would you do like this game and that four five yes what that work okay cool see there you go you want the tripod sure if you don't want it I'll take it okay awesome cool we have no use for it and this is what you wanted right yes that yep yep no that was empty yeah awesome thank you very much I will absolutely I'll see you soon so we just hit the post office we shipped out four things that we sold yesterday we I don't know do you guys ever do shipping on Saturday we usually do before we go out and hit the sales real quick we'll just stop by the post office and ship everything out that's sold like Friday or you know if somebody buys something like overnight and we'll ship it out it's not a new morning yeah anyway so we just hit the post office we're heading off to another sale now and Pam is here and Pam's got her tattoo on from our Friday live show last night she's gonna wear it okay I'm gonna wear that at the sale yeah it's pretty worn out now and then this morning I was walking Kimmy and I had this tattoo and then I had the one on my forehead before II took a shower so it was warm fiber and it's fabulous I really was hoping to keep that line actually but I did anyone will ever keep rate on two boards with Avenue I have I have what are those call that I wear like almost like a blindfold that says do not disturb because of where what I sleep and and so I must have flipped it up and I took Kimi out for her walk and yeah I was chatting with some neighbors that I told the text and I didn't know I had my my sleepies on that's what I call it but I know it's not really asleep wow that is nice it's a nice area [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a drone Nederland brand-new 140 now remember use 70 bucks I don't know honestly here's some all the homes here some sort of Club I don't think you hit golf balls with this new it's like a practice like a weighted one yeah you like the queer yeah they ask that old records like some juvie during bag rusty wheels one of them I don't know I guess so can just paint over them you paint him so I got here I think here puzzles you have to like good how about yourself great weather for the well alright we're at the next one you ready it looked decent when we were pulling in and so this is cool here we go the biggest Ramona matters we go we just sold one of these it's a power cord board though do that yeah I'm looking to see if it's here yeah for this one here yeah I'm not sure not sure I think it might have gotten mixed up we're separated yep but they what is it like a single pawn or a tube it's like just uh just a two-prong yeah see there yeah yet everything in it's okay oh cool some video game stuff you're being what do you have on the video game stuff here okay five bucks okay all right I'd do that Xbox so I can do a package deal the games has two cords everything it works fine I tested it out yesterday yep I'm gonna do 45 these games are pretty nice though there can check them okay halo series here okay I'll think about I'm gonna walk around a little more I think about it I will take this though for five what can you tell me about this right here oh it's oh it's a torque wrench oh cool an old one there yeah that's pretty neat I've never seen one like that before yeah you got the gauge here yep yeah that's really cool Oh v89 happens drive yep that's pretty neat I've never seen one of those rip oh yeah on a board like this crosses a but when you rip a board is going down the length of it I thought that was like but yeah that's funny because it's a different cut on those on the blade to make it up cool Boy Scouts thing I know that I don't know but I would he is pick up a few things I guess all kinds of cool stuff here yeah yeah a little bit of everything yeah walkie talkie yeah master key like this really old thing still ooh but these those are cool oh my gosh do you know how much DNA is on what could you do on these these old vintage razors here these are really cool good five bucks a lot yeah I do that five bucks sure yeah sure I'm still gonna look yeah definitely it's kind of a first date oh it's all like first aid stuff right there yeah it's like American Red Cross textbook stampede all kind of needs assume that I guess bandages are all kind of together in this that's really cool it's kind of yeah what could you do for that I don't like ten for this out ten yeah all right yeah Allah yeah think about it a little bit yeah [Applause] finding that some cool stuff be a book about what no it's pretty neat cool so we got this and then American record what is this right here no like a paperweight yeah oh okay I'm on it and I guess something American hair American national Red Cross yep that's pretty neat it was all because about 15 I guess for this so 15 on that and then he wanted five for his his little game yes so 20 20 20 total sure I could do that there you go thank you very much that's okay we'll carry it thank you well thanks guys have a great day I left it over here didn't I oh right there yep awesome thank you have a great one there you go good job yeah doesn't mean those look like maybe like 40s or something I don't know you soul doesn't mean it's really neat you gotta take your face tattoo off now no we just had good luck with their boo-boos maybe I should put a boo-boo bandaid on he's so embarrassed I'm not embarrassed at all turn that camera around let them see your sparkles all right so we're back home and you know what that means time to go for a walk and tell you guys about everything we picked up let's get to the trail [Music] it's gonna pretty like rolling over here it is look how green it is here now it's crazy love it anyway so the first thing we picked up the first yard sale we went to well actually I only went to it was just me cuz the neighbor's house right down the street yeah we were both working longer yeah so I only picked up a couple things there I got that JVC camcorder and I paid two dollars and fifty cents for it and I looked up on eBay what they're going for and I think I should be able to get about forty dollars no problem for that I'll have to test it out obviously make sure it works I don't see why it wouldn't it's in great condition came with a case and it came with all of the accessories and everything came with a charger two batteries the a/v cables and all that stuff is in there so definitely a decent pick up there and then the second thing that we got or I got at that sale was a ps3 yeah Pam was there in spirit was a ps3 game it was Legends of Wrestlemania it's got like it's good it's a video game it's gonna under a the giant on it on the cover and I don't know I just figured that it would probably I've never really heard of that game before and I didn't really know what it was worse or anything but I figured a lot of those wrestling games they do they do well as far as I know and especially where I had Andre the Giant on the on the cover and had some other greats on there as well I was like yeah I'll pick it up for two dollars and fifty cents why not and I looked it up I should be able to get probably anywhere from ten to fifteen dollars for that game I would say in pre-owned condition maybe even a little more to be honest and the cel-3 rate on that game was was really really good - that was definitely a decent pickup and then we went to another sale in a really really rich area we didn't find anything there unfortunately but you guys saw the footage there them the third sale we went to we got what a few cool things we got I bought that Nintendo DSi off of that kid he wanted five bucks for it so I was like sure that I'll do that it didn't come with a charge or anything I was looking up comps on eBay probably I mean I should be able to get $20 plus shipping just as it is with no charger if I get a charger I don't know we'll see but if I get a charger might be able to get a little more but I'll probably honestly just sell it as is and then also in the game or in the console was a game and I looked that up and I forget what the name of the game was it was a hotel something I can't remember you're seeing it on the screen anyway but Hotel California no but I I looked up that game and that's a really good game as well pretty desirable from what I can see by comps and I should be able to get at least ten bucks for that plus shipping maybe a little more so that was pretty decent there for the game alone and then the console probably paid five for it and then we also picked up a Red Cross bundle I think it was probably world war two era maybe a little earlier he did yeah yeah it has like it has like a a handbook like a world war two handbook for women like a text book handbook thing it came with like a paperweight a marvel paperweight it also came with iodine applicators and different bandages that are still sealed in the box from like the 30s or 40s pretty cool honestly I have no idea what I can get for that we paid what ten bucks for it before it all yeah I think we paid ten bucks for it all I took a chance on it because it was just I thought it was just really interesting and it caught my eye so if anybody knows anything about that kind of stuff let me know below I'd be curious to know if I did well or if that stuff's worth anything I just thought it was cool so I picked it up and then finally at that sale we picked up a few vintage razors I do a little research on that I think I'm going to sell them as a bundle lot I'll probably sell them all together and there's three of them yeah we paid five bucks for all three and I don't know if anybody knows anything about vintage razors once again let me know below but from the research that I could do I would say I don't know I'm thinking like 40 bucks for all of them they're actually vintage Gillette razors the Gillette one of them is really old one of them I believe is from the early 1900s and the other ones I think are a little newer maybe 60s or 70s but uh once again I could be totally wrong on that but from the from the research I did that's what I gathered but once again we paid $5 for those it was decent decent pickup definitely we'll make a little bit of money on them I would say so anyway we had a lot of fun we picked up some pretty cool stuff I'd say we went to a lot of other garage sales today as well that footage will be coming out this week so peace yeah there's a lot to it alot this through so we're gonna break it up over a few days and keep an eye out for that because we went to a bunch of other cool places and got some more cool stuff but anyway hope you guys enjoyed and yeah we love doing these yard sale videos these are like our favorite things to do we're seriously like such a blast for us so anyway I guess that wraps up this video enjoy the rest of your weekend everybody and thank you so much for watching and you keep on dreaming crazy dreamers
Channel: Thrift Mine
Views: 55,945
Rating: 4.8746266 out of 5
Keywords: garage sale, garage sales, garage sale haul, garage sale finds, treasure hunting, haul video, yard sale find, yard sale finds, ebay seller, yard sale haul, yard sales, yard sale, garage sale tips, garage sale mystery, yard sale tips, garage sales finds, garage sales tips, garage sales video games, yard sales 2019, garage sale haul 2019, garage sale finds 2019, yard sale haul 2019, garage sale finds for ebay, yard sale finds for ebay
Id: sWQx6I7Nzn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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