Gantt Chart Excel Tutorial - How to make a Basic Gantt Chart in Microsoft Excel 2013

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hey guys welcome to Excel for noobs comm in this tutorial I'm gonna show you how to create a basic Gantt chart in Microsoft Excel 2013 now what a Gantt chart is is a chart that shows the timeframe of an overall project broken down by the each individual by each individual task then the project is to consist of showing the time frame that each task is to take from start date to finish all right so you can see here first we have to enter in our data into Excel before we can even create our chart so here I have three columns I have a task column these are all of my tasks tests one through eight the project is to consist of we have the start date these dates dates represent the day that each task is to start so task 8 will start on July 15th and then we have the days of complete column showing how long each project is to last so prom or each task is to last task 8 should last 12 days so if I starts on July 15th task 8 should urge task 8 should end on July 27th ok so we have our data now we can go ahead and get started creating our chart what we're going to do is click the insert button and and the chart the insert tab and in the charts group we are going to select our insert bar chart which is like a sideways bar chart basically okay so we click the insert bar chart and we are going to click on you can do either 2d stacked bar chart or 3d stacked bar chart so I'm going to click on the 3d stacked bar chart and then you can see that a blank chart area appears in the chart area I will now right-click and in the shortcut menu I'm going to click on select data ok so you can see the select data source dialog box appears you can also see that our chart area and select data source dialog box is kind of blocking our data over here so we're going to move that of the way but first let's enter in our first series right here in legend entries we're going to click the Add button and the edit series dialog box will appear with a box for series name and series name we're going to enter we're going to select the start date column header and then and series values are going to remove the default data and we're going we're going to enter in the we're going to select the range of cells that has our start dates and then we'll click OK ok now I'm going to click OK so I can move this out of the way and so I can also get this chart out of the way ok now in the blank area of the chart somewhere up here I'm going to right click again to get to the Select data source dialog box and you can see I'm clicking on select data and it appears just now I can access my data over here alright now we need to add a new series we're going to click the Add button and in series name I will select days to complete and series values again remove the default data and select the range of cells that has our days complete click OK and again we're back at our select data source dialog box now on the horizontal axis label click the edit button and I'm going to select task 1 through task 8 and click OK now we have all of our data so we can close our select data source dialog box ok so you can see that we're on our way to having a Gantt chart we're just going on ok you can see we're on our way to having a Gantt chart I'm just kind of resizing it now you can see a few problems our task right here in reverse order so we need to fix that we have these blue bars here which represent the start date and then we have our dates which there's a large gap see our project is going to start on May 22nd we don't really want our chart the bounds of our dates to go all the way to April 16th so we want to remove that we want this chart we want to remove those uh these boundaries these these gaps with dates so the first thing we're going to do is just get our we want to get our tasks in the right order so just click right here on the tasks and then right-click and click on format axis and the shortcut menu and then the the axis options will appear over here to the right the format axis dialog box and in axis position you're going to click categories and reverse order okay so the first problem is solved now let's get rid of these bars there's nothing going on during this time for these projects so we don't need any bars there to represent anything all we want is two we want bars that represent the task when they're going to be when they will the time frame of the task so we click on the bars which represent the start date and then we're gonna right click and then click format data series and the format data series dialog box appears we will click on the fill button and then we'll select no fill then we can close this all right final problem let's get rid of this gap in the dates so we just look to get rid of this padding of the date so I mean you can see it's more than a month the chart shows a date that's more than a month before I start date so let's get rid of that so we click on the dates let me right click and again select format axis okay you can see over here our bounds these are our dates these numbers represent our dates actually let me close this and kind of explain how dates work I'm going to copy this date and enter into another cell May 22nd or start date now I'm going to convert this to a number format and you can see that our dates are actually represented by a number and that's how it works dates in Excel are represented by a serial number system so the number the serial number for May 22nd 2013 is 40 1416 and that's where we want our chart to start so just we're going to keep that there so we remember that number so again click on the dates right click format access and then here and the minimum bound we will enter the date that we want our chart bounds to show so we're custom manually entering in that number which represents May 22nd 2013 and we hit enter and there you can see now our chart starts on May 22nd 22nd 2013 we can close that and then we remove this and now you can see that we have our Gantt chart here now all you have to do is you can change different formatting to the chart so we go to the design and we can change the layout I like this layout I can change the title and you can mess around and change the color and anything else you want to change alright thanks for watching guys now you know how to make a basic Gantt chart in Microsoft Excel 2013 don't forget to check out all of our other tutorials and we also have a more advanced tutorial on how to create a Gantt chart that is that automatically shows the progress of a project and each task it shows the day's completed of each task and it shows the days remaining for each task and it's automated using the now function and a nested-if function so be sure to look that up alright thanks for watching and have fun with it so
Channel: Subjectmoney
Views: 2,648,572
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Keywords: excel gantt chart, gantt chart tutorial, excel tutorial, excel 2013 tutorial, gantt chart excel, Create a Gantt Chart in Excel, basic gantt chart tutorial, Subjectmoney, Motiontraining, excelisfun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2013
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