How to Quickly Make a Gantt Chart in Excel

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In this video, I'm going to show you how you can  create a very quick Gantt chart to visualize your   project timetable. So, we're going to be taking  a look at the same project timetable that we've   been looking at in the past few lectures, where  we took a look at the WORKDAY function as well as   the NETWORKDAYS function. And now, let's say  your boss comes to you and says, "Could you   quickly visualize this somehow and present this  in our meeting?" This is what you need to do. So,   this is our data set, and based on this data set,  we're going to create our Gantt chart. There are   different ways of doing this. You can use an  actual Excel chart, or you can use conditional   formatting and use Excel cells and format them  to make them look like bars. You can use symbols   and use the REPEAT function to get the bars for  the Gantt chart. My way of doing this for this   lecture is to use an actual Excel chart for our  Gantt chart. So, let's think how we can do that.   What I'm going to do is to use the start date for  my x-axis. I want my tasks on my y-axis and these   number of days. I actually don't need the number  of working days, I need the number of full days   including weekends and including holidays, so  basically the full difference between this and   this because that way I can visually see how long  that task is going to take me. I can also include   these working days as additional information  for my visualization for my chart. Okay,   but I do need this, I do need this. Now, this  is going to define a difference between this and   this is going to define the length of that task,  the length of these bars. Okay, so what type of   chart should I use and how am I going to do this?  The first thing that occurs to me, because one of   my favorite techniques is using the error bars.  That I can use error bars to get that difference,   a number of working days, they can be my error  bars, and because they're going to be horizontal,   right? They're going to go this way. I can only  have horizontal arrow bars in chart types where   I have members on the x-axis. So, which chart type  is that? A scatterplot. Right, in a scatterplot,   I have values under x as well as the y-axis, and  that way I can use error bars that are horizontal   in that chart. Okay, so if I use a scatterplot, I  need numbers, right? So, I cannot put text on the   y-axis. I need to put 1, 2, 3, 4. I actually need  the numbering of these tasks instead of the text   itself. Okay, so that's something that I need.  And, I also need to calculate the full difference   between the end date and the start date. So let's  just prepare this data for the chart. Just going   to quickly add, just put number of days, and  I'm going to put task number on here. So, this,   you can use the formula for this, you can use  the ROW function. If these are going to change,   you might want to make it dynamic. For now,  I'm just going to fix it to test 1 to 9. Now,   the number of days, that's going to be the  difference between my end date and my start date,   and I need to format it as a number, just copying  the formatting of this over to this. Okay,   so we can see, even though the number working days  is 8, the full number of days is 11 because that's   how long my task is going to take. Okay, so now  for my chart, well, I want this one and the "eeks"   I want to have my task number under Y, so I'm  going to hold down control because I have ranges   that are not close together, highlight them,  let's go to insert and insert a scatter plot. Let's just make this more presentable. What I'm  going to do is copy these tasks and paste them   down here. I'm going to be putting this one here  so that's the aim of putting this in front. Now we   can see this is reversed because task number  one is up here and on my chart is down here,   so I want to flip them over. Just going to  double-click this, go to the axis options here,   and click values in reverse order, so that  switches them around. Now what I want to do is,   ultimately, I want to place this nicely  on here. So let's take away the shape   fill and let's take away that shape outline  as well. Okay, so these borders would look   good if they go all the way through, so I'm  going to highlight this area, press Ctrl+1,   and from the border, that's the gravy wand,  let's just add it to here, here and here. Now, I'm going to take away these gridlines  that we can see inside the chart. Okay,   so what I need to achieve is that task one  is here and this one is here and the last   one sits right on in front of that last task  here. Yes, oh, this looks about right. I can   deal with the positioning later on as well. So  let me now remove the Y-axis for the X-axis,   let's give it more breathing space. You don't  need a title now. We can see everything jumps   here. I'm going to take away the line select no  line and from the axis options, I can take away   the year. I don't need to see that it's just  getting too crowded by having that bear. So,   I'm going to go to number. I don't want it  to link to the source formatting anymore. I'm   going to go and overwrite that and just take away  the year, so I have month and the day only. Okay,   so now they Sundays, I have the position of the  task for the start date but I need to find out   how many days it should go so that's exactly  where the error line technique is going to be   super useful. So I'm going to select the series  but for this series we're going to add the error   bars to this. Now I don't need the vertical one  so I can quickly go there and press Delete. I   only want the horizontal ones. Now when I click  on it, just click your way to get rid of that one.   When I click on it, we can see the options  that I have for the horizontal error bars,   which option here looks right? See, you this is my  point. Which one of these do I need the plus right   because I have my point and I'm moving this way  from my point based on the number of days. I don't   want a cap so the cap is that little line that you  can see at the end of the line. I don't want that.   How much do I want my line to go across? So  how long should that line be? Well, that really   depends on the number of days that I have between  the end date and the start date. So I'm going to   go with custom, click on specify value and for  the Plus+ error bars, I'm going to highlight   these ok. So now I get the different lengths here  and I'm going to turn them into bars. First off,   let me just make it a lighter gray. Let's go  with this one and we're going to make it thicker.   About looks fine, another, there is thicker. I  can see it. Can check the positioning of it. See   that they exactly fit between that line. It takes  a bit of playing, but the best is to click ctrl   and click on the edge of your charts. But you can  move it with the arrow keys. And the aim is to get   the first one right. Once you do that, you have  control over the plot area as well as the chart   area to make the rest fit. So I'm going to move  now that chart area, okay? And they look fine in   this case. So I'm going to click on my original  dots and the only original scatter plot and I'm   going to hide those points because no one needs  to see them. So I'm going to select no fill and   no outline for that, okay? So now I have my tasks.  I have two starting days and I have how long each   task takes, shown visually. Now what we can do  to make it more readable is to add our number of   working days to this chart as well. So I'm going  to shift this a bit over and copy this and do a   paste special. Just going to paste the links to  that so that they're linked to my original data   source. Let's move this up, make it a bit smaller  and make it gray. And that looks good. Okay,   so now let's just change something, make sure  everything works fine. So let's take a task,   let's take the beginning task. We say, for  completion of design, we don't need eight   working days. We need actually a lot more. We  need 15 working days for that in case of that   expands that shows here. Our full number of  days gets calculated here and it's reflecting   in our chart as well. Okay, so that's a quick  way that you can visualize your project time   plan in Excel and present it in your meeting.  If you liked this video, don't forget to give   it a thumbs up and if you like these type  of videos, don't forget to subscribe to my   channel so that you can get notifications  when new videos like this one come out.
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 338,181
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Keywords: gantt chart excel template, quick gantt chart, easy gantt chart, project plan in excel, gantt chart excel, gantt chart tutorial, XelplusVis, Advanced Excel Tricks, project management, Advanced Excel Tutorials, Advanced Excel Online Course, Microsoft Excel Tutorials, Leila Gharani, excel for analysts, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, exclude weekend in excel date calculations, planning in excel, excel gantt project planner, exclude holidays and weekends
Id: QZd3iXcueaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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