Gangster Doorman Fights Thailand Mafia: Marcus Redwood (Part 2)

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as I'm walking out the shop I'll get this shotgun shoved in my face what do you think of that then what do you think of that should we go save yourself now I said mate I mean listen why don't you put the gun down and I said I'll batter all four of you again like I did level of the week most of the nightclub scene like that than the drug scene out in Thailand that's awesome if they're tied Mafia out there oh everywhere everywhere yeah and literally I've got half a dozen guys with um iron bars and ammos and all sorts coming at me they were not normal they were part of the time actually without a doubt tell me about The Craze funeral I think I suppose it was like a bit of an honor really to sort of like to be involved with it but I forgot one eye on his fella these rummages found it pulled this desert eagle 50th have you ever seen one and after we went out he actually kicked off with this group and the security there and the the Army were actually called in no no the police couldn't handle it is there any one regret you've got there is one regret I didn't it didn't it didn't sit very comfortable with me for a long time [Music] Marcus welcome back to the show mate thank you very much for having me back yeah what uh well the first one we did in April was an absolute Blinder and by all the comments everyone's like we need a part two so we're back today mate yep wicked happy days this um I think everyone wants to dig a little bit deeper into your life it's a fascinating life and an eventful life you've lived do you remember the first actual fight you ever had uh as at what age I mean I remembered fights as a child I was getting bullied yeah um but I remember I think they made the first serious fight I was involved you know when I say serious see when I was 13 I was a bit of a I was I said I was a tall LED about five eleven so I was knocking around with older legs I just naturally I did friends that were like 18 or 19. so it was a bit weird and I was uh we was out in Ramsgate one day and uh my friends got involved in a fight outside the Dole office right and this guy pulled a knife out and stabbed my friend in the stomach and and I didn't I didn't really have time to think about it I just I just ran into the middle of it so I ran in grabbed the knife off of him I broke the knife in in two threw it across the across the car part and and dragged this guy off of my friend and then I had to take my friend to the hospital he actually got he got stabbed right in um right in here and they said when we got to hospital they said if it had gone like just a few millimeters more it would it would have been gone you know um so that was yeah but and and the really really weird thing about that is reaction I've always said this about people you can train people as much as you want but you can't train someone to react like that or it's not as easy to be trying to react because you either you either run towards the problem or you run away from a problem and majority of people it's our it's our reaction to run away from it you know that's early years so you're what 13 you're talking like 70s here late 70s mid 70s whatever how have you seen knife crime evolve over the years especially over the last 10 15 years really I mean it's when when everyone says it's involved I mean I'm sure for sure it's got worse but it's always been bad it's never been great I mean I I can think back of my own experiences um when I was a young doorman I remember working in a Acer clubs upstairs there was a we had we had lots of British versus so we had all these dress restrictions we had like a list it was like a menu of what you it was a [ __ ] talk Club but it had this list of what you couldn't you couldn't wear a motorbike jacket you couldn't wear boots you couldn't wear this you had to have a collar anyways guys turned up one night and he was dressed okay except for he had a motorbike jacket on so the the reception staff said to him sorry so you can come in he said but but you can't you can't bring you can't come in with a motorbike Jackie on but you will put that in the cloud Chrome and it'll cost you 50p right let's see how long ago it was and the guy went I'm not I'm not taking it off unless we can't come in then and uh so he pulled a knife out on me so he wanted to stab me over 50p yeah basically and so I'm standing I've got he's out in his hallway with a knife out going straight into stab me and I'm like this and I'm not quite knowing quite how to tackle him because I'm only about in 1819 hadn't got a lot of experience anyway luckily for me um one of the Dorman who wasn't working that night walked up the stairs behind him saw what was going on and just run over to him grabbed him and knocked in a big bear hug we pulled the knife off of him I mean and to be honest in those days you know normally he would have got a bloody good batter in for it but we didn't we did it all by the book so we we marched him downstairs because like the dominant just come up from the street he said oh there's a there's a police van in the High Street which you don't have to see now he says a police van sitting at the bottom so let's just take him out here and we'll take the knife take him and we're game nicked so no I'm happy with that you know so we went out there so we marched him down to the police and said look this fellas just threatened me with this knife because he wouldn't put his pay 50p to put his jacket in and they and they slung him in the back of the van right we'll deal with that thank you very much we'll come back for a statement later so we thought job done anyway it gets about one o'clock in the morning and now police turned up and I thought are you back for that statement he said no just sort of better let you know we've let him go I said what what do you mean [ __ ] we've let him go we've given him his knife back as well I said oh great I said so now he's really pissed off so now you've given his knife back I said well therefore he said it turns out he's a merchant Seaman he's allowed to carry a knife I said he's allowed to friend people with it as well you know I said I won't teach after about that yeah but um yeah luckily he didn't come back but I mean nice as a couple of Warners I suppose well he could have just wait outside for me two o'clock on you know but yeah so and we're around about the same time as that one of my good friends um uh his name was uh lee Humphrey uh he was one of two brothers I used to knock around with and it was his wedding anniversary took his wife out he's driving along the market in his car car cuts him up so he's bibbed the car the car's been slowed down he's over with the car he's going on like this you know silly silly buggers you know anyway just pulled over and this other car pulled over and he gets out to the fellow and he's like what are you doing without a word stabs him straight in the stomach um it was a flick knife and um anyway my mate falls to the floor he thought he'd been punched he thought he'd been punished in the stomach and this guy drives off and you know in the end they somehow managed to catch the guy uh he was only he was only 19 years old as well and it was the second wounding I think they'd be he was being nicked for my friend actually went into hospital is they they pushed it in that hard that the knife had actually cut the um artery going down the spine to the legs um and within I mean he collapsed in the hospital they had to keep him in um his legs went like purple um he died slowly what I did was they they actually amputate his legs off first at the knees um and he was unconscious for weeks and then they woke him up so he woke up and he saw stumps then he stumps got gangrene so then they had to cut his stamps shorter and uh until in the end the gangrene took him so he took him six weeks and five days to die from that stability just from a car and his family had to sit and watch him be chopped up piece by piece as he basically is a gangrene spread for his body and that guy got three years youth custody and came out and probably stabbed another load of people yeah yeah so this so the knife crime that everyone's talking about now to me it's been going on forever you know I think yeah I think more people I think I think it's more publicized now that's what I mean it's probably more publicizer I think yeah I think that's the difference with everything now I think I think we generally I mean we know because the world's become such a small place everyone's got a camera phone stories of Just Around social media so everyone knows about silly things you know someone farting everyone knows about it so it's like yeah you know but but yeah I think I I think I think nightcrum's always been there I think violence always been there but yeah I think to a certain degree it has got worse but we're more aware of it now did you used to Pat everyone down before you'd come into the clubs no not everywhere no no I mean I mean in in more recent years um like I said when this when there was the knife crime thing was I suppose probably about five five yeah five years ago or maybe more um I mean certain clubs that we had problems with then we did put metal detectors on the doors and we started using them so the metal detectors would actually walk through or the other one Club so some clubs were lucky enough to have to walk through but not very many because they're really expensive and they're also hard to set up and then you literally got to take everyone's got something yeah really slows you down me nowadays it wouldn't really matter because it's hard they don't go any clubs but in them days you know I was curious trying to get and you're trying to get me in quick but what I like what I'd like to do is use the ones because they're not they're not brilliant but the ones are easy to use and the ones are a good visual deterrent so if if you're queuing up to go into a club and you are carrying something you shouldn't be and you see someone wanding people over randomly you know it's gonna sort of put you off trying to get in yeah you're not we've had people we've found knives outside in the flower pots and stuff where people have like they dumped it out there or they've stashed it outside in case they go out for a round you know but um yeah I mean it's yeah something you definitely got to be on top of and I would I would rather I mean I gave I I bought the whole shitload of these um metal detectors and I gave them I made sure every little Pub had him yeah and I said to my doorman please for your own protection for the customer's protection just one don't ever want everyone down but just do some random ones so people see you'd actually doing it it's a deterrent but you know what they just get lazy have you ever been stabbed um stabbed yeah yeah yeah um I think yeah Indiana once um I think I was aiming for something else um I've stopped a lot of stabbings I've got in the middle of a load of stabbings in bars and things um I've been glassed a hell of a lot of times um and sometimes by the most unusual people um once was by there was one guy kicking off and when he had a little tiny girlfriend she was like five foot one little blonde pretty thing you'd never think but I wouldn't melt in her mouth but she got this glass and she smashed it on on the bar went to shove it in a guy's face I saw all this sort of going on because her boyfriend was asking this guy I've jumped in front of it and she shoved it straight in my arm and my muscle popped out and and the funny thing really with that one was I mean she was she actually got arrested for it and I said to the police it just don't it's not worth it I said because when he goes to court it looks so stupid I said five foot one little dinky blonde and this is me like it's like 19 Milestone six foot two Hulk and I'm gonna be standing there going she hurt me right you know and that's what happened yeah she really cool I didn't do it yeah she cried and they went oh you're not guilty yeah you could possibly do that yeah but she was nasty you know I've had a few more I've been very lucky I had one with a pint glass put over this side of my face and it was sort of it was smashed sort of down on my face so luckily not shoved into it I mean that's the worst kind but when you when it's broken sort of down on you so it shattered and it literally cut me there and it just missed my eye and then it cut me there um you know so but it was yeah it was a real close one I could have lost and that one there were you in the middle of a tear-up or was it someone come from behind um I think it was a middle of a big Terror okay yeah in the middle of a big town someone just ran through and went you know um I mean I've seen I've seen some horrific I mean I I remember one guy was uh in a queue I think she's trying to get in the club and he uh he asked someone for the time he's got the time mate he's went glass straight in his face and it sliced his nose in two it was like you know um I mean that's the trouble when you when people use glasses there's there's no control over what you're gonna do there is no control you know you you don't know if you're going to take their eye out you know if you're going to kill him you know it's going to bleed to death you know I've seen other people get hit in an artery and they'll hit the decks like in seconds because of blood loss and there'll be a fountain coming up this High you know and to see that happening like [ __ ] you know he's like burnt everywhere I mean we had a uh we had one more watching one guy she lost himself um he was trying to commit suicide in the toilet this is this is actually quite funny really um so this is again in Frank's nightclub so I'm um we've got two attempted suicides I know of in this club so my music wasn't that bad but this one guy he's um he's gone in the toilet he's very depressed obviously he's got a pint glass he's broken it and then he's he's tried to cut his own throat with it so he's run the glass across here right he's really just scratched it right um but then he saw it started it did bleed a little bit so then he's decided to do it again a bit harder again and then he had an epileptic fit and rammed it in the side of his head and fell out the toilet door so all everyone saw in the toilet was this guy with a glass stuck in his head and blood coming out of his throat right going like this you know and um we got called in of course we all got out of [ __ ] he's like you know and the ambulance turned up and he went that's their most pathetic suicide attempt I've ever seen in my life it just wiped in all the blood off and it was just a scratch and a hole in his head with a glass would you ever do you have more fear if someone pulled a knife on you or a gun uh but you know I mean one of my biggest fears has always been knives um because because you can look let's face it how easy is it and how quiet is it you know when you're getting when you're in a very very very packed nightclub and you're literally and you're trying to squeeze through it's almost like yeah you know that's all you gotta do in the right place no one would even know who it was I wouldn't even know it was so that's always been that's always been that's always of ever present fear which is why a lot of my guys you know in the later years started wearing status and to be honest they should because they said knife crimes escalating people are getting sillier you know and and lots of people are charted up and coked up whatever um so yeah I mean I don't I don't blame anyone I think it's I think I mean I just didn't like wearing them because I didn't fit under me like for top but I did go for a stage where I was wearing bulletproof proper ballistic bulletproof vest because I like when I was having all the problems with the people trying to shoot me um and that was stab proof bulletproof and everything proof but it was like it was like it was like it was like wearing armor it was massive and it was heavy and hot and when you you know when you're having turnips on the on the doors there and did you ever you're on guard there are you ever off guard when you're walking down the street with your family you're jumping in the motor or you're going for a nice bit of lunch or whatever yeah I mean of course to a certain degree but most of my life you're always getting this it's like even now my wife says if we walk into a restaurant she knows I will not sit with my back to the door yeah see if we've got a table in the corner she knows exactly what I want to sit because I'll be sitting in a corner so I can see it can I come in here and we've gone in we've gone out for obviously I was attending wife after nights out but I go in a bar for a night out and straight away in my brain I can't help doing it I'm listening to conversations I'm sassing out who's doing what and I can see the badly behaved people and I can see the potential problems as soon as I walk into a building but that's because I've done it for so long that you can't switch off yeah you know sometimes I mean that's that's one of the reasons when I um when I sort of discovered Thailand uh when I was about 37. um and I fell in love with China and I started going over there I used to love at first I used to have my brakes over there because it was getting away from the clubs getting away from where everyone knew me as Marcus the doorman so to go there for a few weeks and blow off steam and see some mates was great but what happened in the end was it just sort of it just happened been over there so I ended up breaking up fights in clubs I ended up getting to know the doorman um I just it just follows me do you know what I mean and if there's a and I can't because I'm sort of just one of these people that hates bullies as well it's it's got me in a lot of trouble isn't it I mean nearly got me killed really I mean I I can tell you another one and I was I was in in Thailand one day only been there a day or two met up with a friend it was four o'clock in the morning we've been drinking all evening but we weren't we wasn't Blotto we were just happy yeah and we're in this bar and this guy and it was a really nice happy atmosphere in his bar and this guy came in and he was a little short stocky guy um didn't know at the time but it turns out he was Australian anyway he's he's marching through the bar and he's barging into everybody it's just not there's no no politeness about the guy at all no manners and near me was a quite an old boy with a drink and he knocked him on his ass I mean the drink went flying the guy was on the deck and he never even stopped he just marched straight onto the loop so and it was a really narrow little narrow walkway on both sides so I waited for him to come out and uh I said to my mate I said I'm he's gonna have to if he comes this way I'm gonna have a word with him anyway he didn't come my way he walked the other way around out the club and he went out and as he left you could say the whole atmosphere went back to like relax the normal five minutes later he's back in the door again and he's running he's falling out he's coming up my side yeah so I thought right okay so I stepped out and blocked it and he's actually got to say something or just push me out of the way and that's not going to happen so he went excuse me I went oh oh did you do speak then I said did you did five minutes ago and you'd want to knock that old boy over I just didn't even apologize I said I bought him a drink anyway was he had a problem and I thought and then when you when you wrote The Doors long time you know that when someone is when their reaction is that yeah because I wasn't really being horrible I was just saying you know but when he's at is there a problem I thought you don't want to talk so I just smashed an elbow straight around his chops and uh and elbows would work great and you don't break your hand and uh he just went flying across the club sort of unconscious and of course the immediate reaction was all the security was coming to get me um but then the fact that they sort of knew me anyway and the fact that every customer in the area went no no not him IM equality he's the one who knocked that old boy over five years ago so he got dragged out and he took three of them to drag him out fair play to him and he had three attempts at getting back in so anyway one of my friends with a friend I was with uh he said I'm very relaxed about it I was two children really and um and uh my mom when I'm gonna have a look outside because it's outside sorry outside goes out into walking Street Anyway come back anyway I think there's four of them waiting for us outside so okay all right so and I was and in those days I was wearing my lovely gold Rolex I didn't even bother taking it off that's how stupid I was so that's why I had four of them two of us you know had worse odds so I walked out they're all nonchalant really and and not prepared for what was going to happen so they're on the other side of the street I've come out the club and I and they've just come running at us literally running straight ass head on so I went running Australia then I thought yeah boom Tech is the best form of Defense anyway I managed to clock this really big guy and then all of a sudden something hit me from behind because what they'd done there was eight of them and not four so four came from the front another two from either side at the back so I just got absolutely piled on and initially I'm getting fish and knees and things which I'm [ __ ] and I'm sort of I'm bent over double but um I'm ever getting one of the best beatings in my life I really was and I kept thinking about it but but at the same time I was sort of trying to back up to get back to the club so I I managed to while I was getting beaten I managed to somehow get back to the entrance to the club and I stood up finally and I went is that all you got yeah I don't really didn't mean that I really wanted laughing I hope that's all you got but they they still looked at me like I was mental and it just ran off in the crowd and I was like oh no I looked at my face and my teeth have gone nearly straight from my bottom lip and I had to kind of and at the time I was on blood thinner so I had to go to the hospital and have a brain scan done because I've got so many wallets at the end and I like to have seven stitches on the inside of me lip it was a real joke out here by now um anyway and it was it really annoyed me because that was my that was my safe haven place that was my Thailand was where I'd relaxed now I've made a load of interviews right and I'm thinking I don't even remember their faces because it was all happening in such a blur and they might live there so I might have to like I might bump into them next week or tomorrow so anyway I said I set myself a mission to try and find who they were so I went back to the club the next day and they didn't want to tell me too much but anyway I asked about and it's obviously not Australians and then somebody sent the other anyway the thought of it I didn't find it exactly where they were straight away but a couple of months have gone by I'm out there again and I bump into this Australian guy a really really lovely guy in Amazing shape his name I'll give him a mention his name's Nick carra um he's one of the nicest nicest guys but one of the toughest people I've ever met yeah who used to be the Australian K1 Champion okay this man can have a route yeah anyway so we're in a nightclub and I'll get chained to him and he said to me he said I think you might have met a few of my friends he said you've been asking around about him and I said yeah I have because only because I know because I want to have a rematch yeah I wanted to just put this to bed it's done and he said well I think I can help you there he said I know him all he said I train most of them so anyway it turns out one of the guys also was in the fight is another guy called Judd Reed now Judd Reid they tell you how good college this guy is he was the winner of a Kumite competition that's where it's 100 Man fight off he was a winner he was a winner yeah so he's one of the one of the eight I was fighting yeah so you know I wasn't really in for it I wasn't there was no chance of winning really yeah um but when I found out all this actually I've done quite well just getting defeating you know but anyway so I ended up having a one-on-one meeting with the the original guy I think his name was Archie yeah it wasn't Archie he's the one who come in the club yeah the Lil's talking about right when I met him at Nick's Nick's apartment and uh and it was a bit weird says this is Marcus and I walked in and he went I thought you was I thought you was taller I said you was laid down uh you know but um yeah we're just going through your red when you went and you're thinking right I just want to like you say you want to nip it in bed but there's a bit of Revenge they're thinking yeah it was I I sort of I mean I I under if you if you unthink like as if you unsync it with your Dorman's head you know this guy was out he was obviously focus on everyone's drunk by four in the morning so he's had a drink I've had a drink but I wouldn't want to start it but he's gone out he's gone out after being waxed and ran all his mates up so what would you do if you're out and you run if your mate's rung it up went on some games are just elbow me around here I'll go and get him yeah so they only came and responded for their friends yeah when they actually found out because what happened was I met him I said I met him first at Nick's house and we and we just shook hands begrudgingly and so we don't know leave it there then sort of thing but then all the other guys I invited around the house for a barbecue because I know yeah so and I met all the other guys and I actually made and they're all coming off me one time going sorry about it I'll punch you in the back of the dude you know and it was they're all apologizing then we didn't know what they could have done you know they all knew the story by then and they they all knew that I was really doing what they'd have probably done yeah um so they were actually quite apologetic and I actually had many good nights out for the next few years with those guys you know we actually had some yeah some right good times and what rough year was this oh um oh my God uh we're not talking in the 90s here late 90s yeah 2010 maybe okay and what was your lifestyle like out there it was pretty awesome uh because I was I had you know I was making I was making very good money at the time and that's when my business I mean those sort of I went out I saw I think I started I bought my house out there I'll have my house built in about 2000 or 2002 something like that so um and I was earning really good money with security then I started buying up houses out there and renting them out so I had another income out there so when I used to go there um yeah I'd loaded disposable cash and it was fun and I had an amazing time and I I don't really regret most of it I I I probably would have managed the money a bit better you know um but the other than that night I had an awesome time so were you doing what months at a time couple of months of time were you doing six months then no no never do six months because what it was running the security company and still being a sort of Hands-On boss that I was so I would always try and work it around I had to be here for bank holidays so for instance April bank holiday is a big one you know the May bank holidays there's the August bank holiday there's Christmas so at one point I would I was doing it a month on month off so I'm just doing four weeks here four weeks here which was actually fun but it was a bit crazy and it cost a lot in airfares um then I sort of then later on I went to six weeks on six weeks off then it was two months on two months off as I got better managers and my son was my son was involved at one point with the business as well so I could sort of leave for a bit longer and not have to worry so I was always I was sort of gearing up for a retirement so trying to slow down a bit you know and when we base a Bangkok Pattaya Koh Samui yeah basically Patel our house is our house is um outside of potatoes on a what they call the dark side um I think originally called it the dark side because there was no Street lamps over there but it's not nice now the town has sort of come out to it um so you feel like you're in the town really now and what's the nightclub scene like that then the drug scene out in Thailand that's awesome I mean it's awesome I mean obviously the dry is dangerous because um the penalties for that I mean he's he's you know crazy I mean one of my friends um he got set up by a Russian guy and uh he got caught with three quarters of a gram of coke which is Russian Glide giving him and he was on remand for seven months before and he had to pay millions of Parts just to get him out and then he then when he got out he was then barred from Thailand for another five years couldn't come back he even got out there so I mean some people if you haven't got the money to buy your way out of it you're screwed you know you could end up getting 15 20 years for a gram of coke yeah you know so yeah drugs is not a not a really good option while you're out there and it's a little corrupt whole bill that you can pay off it's awful I mean I actually got done what was it I got stopped for I haven't stopped a drink driving and when they first started because they never used to bother and then all of a sudden they just they discovered um that they can make a lot of money out of it so anything I can make money off they do but but like most things it's like they have a helmet law so only motorbike's supposed to wear a helmet but they don't enforce it all the time so when they don't enforce it for a few weeks people don't wear the helmets so then suddenly they put out Roblox and everyone's not wearing helmets so they make a lot of money yeah then they leave it again for another few weeks because they don't really want you to wear the helmet they just want you to be in a pave when you're not wearing it it's the same with the drink driving they're rather really that you did have a little drink um not sending what you're drunk but they but if they can find so they use the same as Australia 0.05 yeah so for those who don't know in England it's 0.08 so it's almost twice as you can almost drink almost twice as much in England as you can out there so in England what took one and a half drinks it's one and a half pints um I think it's one glass of wine or whatever yeah yeah but but once you get over the point now you're drunk but over there is 0.05 right so literally one bottle of beer yeah or you know one glass of wine so it's very very strict as soon as you I mean you're not drunk but you are according to them so I got pulled up one night we've been out I've been out the missions and then one and then one of our friends at around with her boyfriend so out there you often see three people on a motorbike even four or five on a motorbike well this particular night our friend needed to lift home so I've got a big motorbike you know I jump on the back so I've got I've got two birds on the back basically and I'm on the front and I had had a drink but again I only blew 0.6 yeah which in England I'd be sober but it wasn't in England so they wanted to lock me up for the weekend which I really didn't want because they're horrible little rooms with about 40 people all sweaty and all shoved in there and uh so I rang everybody I could think of trying to ring someone who knows someone and you normally do you know so in the end I know chocolate people came down it's about 500 quid about four or five hundred pound it cost me and then and then they gave him a case back when you take his bike oh no that's how mad it is madness it's absolutely do you know if you get if you get sorry to go over the track of the dorm a bit but yeah if you um I was I was driving up north to one of my charity things one day with the misses in the car so we're in a bit of a it's about a 13-hour drive for the hump day so we're bumming along and they set the speed limit on the road was 90 kilometers an hour so it's not very fast I think I was doing 120 or something which again he's not very fast but I've got nicked him so I got pulled over for speeding and I've done in a Chevy license and and he went that's 400 Baht so 400 Baht is about 10 pounds no point just 10 pounds give your ticket so now I've got back in the car pulled off again 20 minutes out the road suddenly I'll go for another one right so I'm like oh no not again my machine leave it to me I'll sort this one out so she's gone in there to talk to him right and she went I mean I mean he was doing 120 again she went and then I wanted 450 bar all right so she went well it's only 400 down the roads in the previous one you know because I did I didn't really know it was a good idea and the bloke went oh you've already been done down down the road yeah 400 Baht I went yeah show me your ticket oh here we go I showed him the ticket he went oh okay no finding I mean what once you paid once you could speed all day so I've now got a 13-hour journey I can do in probably seven or eight yeah I mean I just keep showing it to you I would have been done mate I paid your speed and that's it that's it how crazy the rules are out there and what about training out there what was your lifestyle like you're getting up training eating well just enjoying the beach yeah that's your day-to-day like out there um yeah I was normally Up Normally depending if I had a night out I was not too early yeah but um but obviously the partying was good out there when I was younger more recently I'm more sort of like I go out there more for my health really um I get up early I'd like to get up about six in the morning go out for a mountain bike ride come back have breakfast and off to the gym for an hour or two and I love it yeah and then trying to you know have a nice sometimes have a nice lazy day down the beach or you know it's nice to enjoy it's a nice amount of relax and nice way to take your time about it but also like I said my when one of my big passions out there obviously I've mentioned before is my charity and I love doing that so that's it's always gone sort of hand in hand you know Thailand charity whatever and and I just I love the country love the people um generally and is there is there Ty Mafia out there oh everywhere everywhere yeah it's I mean one of the reasons I sold all the houses over there was um just after I got married um 2016. we had 12 houses still then and um my retirement my idea was to actually retire there because we've got these houses and I've got the time this is and everything was all you know good and I could have retired but what happened was we had a tenant moving out it was a day after I got married and I was busy doing something I said I said to my wife it was only two doors away from where we actually lived so I said could you pop down there and just you know get the keys and check the house anyway she Rings me five ten minutes later you've got to come down and the house is wrecked so I've gone down there and there's two taxi drivers moving This Woman's stuff out Thai woman and um and my wife is in there arguing with her and there's this there's a brand new sofa which I didn't put in five months before it's now a big rip for it and there's trash the place is trashed and the stuff broke and the blinds and it's just a mess and so I can understand what my wife's arguing about but I can't understand I can understand a bit of time but I can't understand it but I knew they weren't getting on and then all of a sudden one of these taxi drivers like put in my misses and I went whoa whoa I said what are you doing you don't need nothing to do with this actually she rents it you don't you're a taxi driver will get out and they looked at me like you know you know so I know I grabbed these two guys and I escorted them out and they didn't want to go so I threw him out and I've just threw him across the garden they rang their mates up and the next thing I've got half a dozen guys with um iron bars and Hammers and all sorts coming at me and um and they they actually attacked my wife first they punched my wife in the head like she was a geezer I went to protect her and there was a motorbike on the driveway and then I got I got hit I got hit from the side with a bottle in this eye in my left eye and actually it ruined my site for over a year I nearly then it could only lost that all right um I'd be like a big dark patch in my site for about a year um and the and then they I went over I fell over the bike and then I got five Thai guys five or six times guys jumping up and down on top of me with iron bars assuming I managed to get up God knows how I couldn't see anything out of that eye but and I'm sort of getting out and trying to you know sort of fight him off and they backed off and it wouldn't go away and and so the guy I just mentioned earlier on that Nick Cara um he was the best man already that's how friendly we got this is the Australian yeah the Australian Champion so and he just left my house 10 minutes before so I'm running with my Nick can you come back I've got a bit of a problem here so he come back and he saw the state of my eye and he just went loopy and he steamed into about three of them and he's put he's give one of them 17 stitches in his face I mean he's just smashed into bits um so he's had to go to hospital I better go to hospital the police were called anyway but when the police turned up they said have you you got a red box what he's got a red box or not no oh no never mind then let's go police station so apparently if you pay for a red box it's like a police box so you pay every month some money basically if you get a problem they're on your side I didn't have a Redbox this guy who's um the other guy the other group of fellas they've gone to the police station first and made a deal with the with the police there the chief of police so by the time even though my Aussie mates they all knew people in the police I mean I don't know why we sort it out by the time I'd gone to the hospital to see about my eye and then gone to the police station they've took me passport they want hundred thousand bathrooms like two and a half Grand I went what do you want money off me foreign you pay the money or you go to court or you know you're not going to leave the country we've got your passport and we was in there like half a day arguing with the police um I think in the end I settled on 50 000 Baht which is how much I was just like about 1200 quid or something I'll just get it paid yeah just get it paid and get out and I know but that really pissed me off and I was like you know and I was thinking then I wasn't I didn't feel old at that time and I how old were you right this was only it was 2016.60 okay so um mid 50s yeah but I was still very big and strong and I just I was not used to being treated like that and I said I sit on me says I went I'm not going to retire to a place if that's how I'm gonna get imagine how I'm going to get treated when I'm 65 or 70. yeah you know they're going to walk all over us and I said if that's the police if that's the backup you get from the police yeah I don't want to be here so actually that was the day that actually tipped it for me and I just went you know what I'm going to sell the houses I'm invest back in England I decided not to retire there I mean I don't know whether that's a good choice or not how long when you woke up next day you're mostly thinking right those tires are gonna know 100 people 50 people 70 people you get in Paragon for your mind yeah put it this way they were not normal they were part of the time Mafia without a doubt I mean because just as the police turned up so did a tire guy with a gun yeah they thought they'd phone someone to proper back up and and you know people get shoulder time over there people get I mean they they kill people all the time over there um it's not a you know I mean funny enough actually well I was out there I got I got pulled in um suspected of a Murder yeah suspected of murderers when was this um a couple of years after that probably 18. yeah about 18 or yeah but 18 yeah tell me that tell me up in there well that was because I told you I know these Australian guys so we they all usually had a big group of us and and obviously meet more through their friends and whatever so one of the clubs we wouldn't win that one Not only was about a dozen of us and we've met up with some of their mates who I didn't know but you know you're all in a big crowd is it like a big Beano guys you know so have a great time and they're all good Fellas when you got to know them they're all right so we're in this bar we've had a they've got photographers in all the bus so we've had a photograph taken and there's about 12 Us in the picture and I'm standing behind some guy I've just met but I'm with a load of the others I do know anyway unbeknown to me this this guy was a Hell's Angel and uh he was he was kidnapped um from his from his apartment um by force like three big guys covered in tattoos I've dragged him out of his house and took him away and he's gone and the police were looking for him so they rang me up what it was they went to his apartment and he's got this picture on his mentalpiece and I'm in it for the toes yeah so I'm the big guy with a tattoo so it went it could be him like we all look the same to him yeah yeah so so anyway so they rang they rang me up and uh and I didn't speak very good English so let's talk to my wife and my wife said I didn't want you to go to the police station I said what about I haven't done anything you know no you're in these photographs so they just need to rule you out they're getting they're dragging everyone in who's in the photo so okay so we went there and I took luckily I took my wife As an interpreter and um anyway so we went and got his Bangkok top Bangkok police in there and they're and they're really and they showed me pictures of the guy and the picture of me standing next to him did you know him I mean no I don't know well you're next to him I said yeah but I said I I don't know him I don't know him I don't know I know that one that one that one that one you know that's it anyway so they went okay you you I'd assign a thing that's that's my story and that's my statement so he said if you're in you know if you're lying to us you're going to be in big trouble you know so the next day to bring me up again you gotta come back down the police station I said I told you I don't know him said no he's dead now we found the body oh nice so what what apparently his family were quite well off and the people kidnapped him thought they could like Ransom him or something but they ended up torturing him and killing him um and then I decided to bury him in a shallow grave outside on the field in one of the fields somewhere but the idiots they'd um when they first took him one of them dropped his driving license hmm said he got his driving license they'd hired a truck which has got a GPS tracker in it so they so they actually they actually managed to India they did manage to find out who it was but when I got pulled in the second time they were showing me a picture of this mangled up body in a hole and they're going do you know him I said listen I didn't know him when he was alive and I don't know him now when he's dead you know but I'm like you're gonna be in serious trouble yeah and you hear all these stories so you know I was glad that my wife was there to interpret it for me God's end um yeah um but it was it was a bit of a nervous moment and it was horrible what I'd done to him I mean you know apparently they'd you know they'd stabbed him with screwdrivers and they'd shot him or don't have any and had broken his neck did you did you find out why yeah they were trying to they wanted to Ransom to his family had money apparently but it didn't work you know either he put up a fight and they ended up doing him but it went it all got out of control basically but yeah it was I mean my friend it was he was a good friend of mine Nick he was a very good friend of him from Australia I was going through your 2016 2018 two big incidents happened there that 2016 one with the Thai Mafia how long were you there for afterwards going you know what I'm watching I'm looking over myself wherever I go now it's just painful because like you said they they let we all look the same but we all think they look the same and it's quite hard to judge USU yeah it was I mean it took me a while before I really relaxed from that one because you know they knew obviously where I lived um and they weren't happy yeah um but it's sort of after after it gets you know I was I was I was looking I was looking in the gates and setting the alarms and I was I was overly cautious were you prepared yeah in my usual way yeah how easy is it to find weapons out in Thailand I I had one sent in pieces from America and I put it together when it got there so I've got a little pearl handle 20 uh 22 Yeah 22 with subsonic hollow points yeah ready I'm waiting yeah did you ever have the fear of getting Nixon being a Thailand prison yeah I mean um yeah that's that's that's one of your biggest fears I think and that's one but then that's that well that can happen if you're stupid or you get dragged into something it's so easy for that to happen you know I got I was in a situation in one of the bars one night I was out with my wife and another couple and it was in a little a little bar so I think I named it now because Casino yeah Casino I was owned by a friend of us we're in this bar late night very late night and there's a group of Thai guys in there bands you know they don't handle their booze very well yeah and uh and they anyway my message just went to the toilet everything was fine when she went to the toilet when she come back I'm standing in front of about eight Thai guys talking tied to him I'm telling him and cha-char and trying to tell him to calm down because it just kicked off and they're throwing Bubbles at us and glasses they they had a they had to go at my mate's misses and then she's had to go at them and then he stepped in and next thing you know it's like it's going to be nice and them and my mate the guy was there actually he's an interesting guy his name's Roy um and he comes from Holland and he's uh he's a barrister but he's also a kickboxer um and a really good one on MMA you know he does he does everything he's a big lad 120 kilos and he fights and he's embarrassed her and he's and he was like oh let's just have it I don't know I said my goal is to get us out of her in one piece right because I know this can go [ __ ] I know we could we might win this little battle here we don't know who we're fighting yeah right they're rich kids from Bangkok they've probably got rich mums and dads probably connected with the old bill yeah and we're going to get screwed yeah you know we will get [ __ ] really screwed and anyway the weird thing was a couple of more people who knew us from the other Bars were in there and we all ended up sort of just becoming one little group that and we talked we managed to back out of the place um and after we went out he actually kicked off with this group and the security there and the the Army were actually called in no because the police couldn't handle it um and loads of them got arrested it was all on the news the next day so when I make extra chairman he goes you made the right choice yeah he said thanks for getting me out thanks for getting me out I said listen that was my only thing which is just out of it yeah what the doorman like Anton are they British are they from all around Europe are they tied door man um in if you go to Bangkok um some of the big clubs in Bangkok will have some what they call phalangs anyone who's not a tie is called a philan so that you will see philanges working in Bangkok but I've never seen any working down in Pattaya yeah um it's all ties um it's and it's because when I went out there I thought oh this is I mean walking Street's got hundreds of bars and clubs and the security actually were pretty [ __ ] I mean you get the odd I think the one bar which stood out has been quite good was run by the Navy it was a they had they they used to pay the Navy for their off-duty Navy guys to run it and they were pretty naughty they were yeah I mean they were good in the sense that they would deal with it but also they go right over the top sometimes they I think they killed a couple of people out there yeah you know with their actions um but they get away with it because the Navy is the Navy yeah and you can't you know you can't I wonder what it was like for you though a big lump not enough Stone six foot three walking down the streets Asylum wherever probably average height is five foot five you'll get getting clocked everywhere there's no way of getting away You're Gonna Get Well that's why it didn't take long for everyone I know him yeah yeah so and I said and then you you've got that like attracts like thing and then you've got the the fact I don't like the bullies and I don't like I don't know people being rude either so like you know I I probably I've had a few rounds in bars because people the trouble in Thailand is that people go there and they assume because if you go there for like two weeks holiday and there's there's so many working girls yeah if you're going to a nightclub and there's a thousand people in there then 500 of them are probably on the game yeah okay so when a guy goes on holiday and he's drunk and he just he's so used to just joining our match yeah right so when they see another every Thai girl to them is a hooker yeah so when my wife and I would go out it's one of the reasons we sort of stopped going out so much because you know she'd go she'd go to the toilet and some guys smack her on the ass or ask her how much you wanted or and she'd been she she would politely say no I'm with my husband or you know but then again I don't give a [ __ ] about him you know so I end up punching someone's head in um and it happens so often you know so it sort of ruins your night out how would you personally deal with that your wife's getting the toilet you're clocking you clock everything you see everything's going on anyway like naturally how do you deal with it knowing that there's a group of four leads over there a couple of footballers from fans football fans over there you know something's going to happen well if if they are if I mean look they're going to try probably but if they if it depends on the level of what they do if a guy sort of went on can I buy you a drink or or come and talk to us and she went no I'm with me fella and I go sorry yeah no no I'm done is that you know but if you if you Missy says to someone I'm with my husband he's over there yeah and I go look at you and go yeah come here darling you know yeah yeah and that's what they do half the time you know um so yeah so I've I've knocked out quite a lot as well and you got to Thailand for quite a lot yeah hello I don't know that's amazing about it I'm not saying it all the time but it did happen a lot yeah no no no I'll be honest you know my missus is one of those she's not she's she was a good girl but she never she's not flirty she's not tarty she doesn't play up to the guys she will just you know even that's why in the end she she takes someone with her to go to the toilet or she'd ask me to take it to the toilet because it just depends on how busy tonight you can just get home did you ever visit any prisons in Thailand yeah yeah and they're not very nice you don't want to stay there no okay um yeah my friend who got my friend who got the seven months remote and I tried to help him out because it was just it was just so wrong he's a nice guy um and he wasn't a dealer or anything but that's they were making that they made out in the papers they put like a pile of cocaine about this big like in front of a picture of him and it was actually like 0.7 of a ground um and he used to have parties at his house I mean that's that's what it was someone who'd been to one of his parties at his house they got nicked and they decided to sort of say oh yeah he's you know he's a dealer yeah and then and then they went in and set him up and and that that was going to buy their freedom by setting up a big coke dealer but he weren't a big coat dealer it was just a really nice guy yeah so tell me the difference between visiting a UK prison which we know about versus a Thai prison it's just horrible I mean I never got to see the the proper inside of a prison um but I've been told by many people what it's like um but the just just the visiting's horrible yeah you know you you have to wait you have to wear certain clothes you can't go in like a vest or whatever and um you've got to be dressed politely as they put it you have to get a visiting thing you have to wait outside to be called and then you go into and you've got like a sort of double screen and you get like a little thing that is you can pick the phone up and you know but you can see that I mean everything in there you need to give people money in there to survive because they will the sort of food they'll feed you is like leftover slops yeah you know they'll throw like fish heads in the middle of the room and pick your way through that and it might be might be 40 of you in a room and a [ __ ] holding the court [ __ ] in the middle of it or something you know it's it's not nice it's um a lot of people don't I mean if you get a long-term prison sentence it's unlikely you'll survive it to be honest put it this way I think the way I think the British government still do it where if you anyone who's anyone from here has been banged up over there if you do one year it counts as two here right you know it's like they double it um they should probably triple it yeah but it's yeah I mean it's it's just horrible and not something you want to do I want to go back to that 2016 tear up you had with the Torso 2018 with the ties how did that defuse itself because you could defuse it with the Australians how can you defuse it with the tires or will you like just get me home now no I just I just I mean I'm just obviously wanting to get out of there but um but what I found out was that I I did see a couple of them bombing about on their bikes and things one of them's a taxi driver um and they uh and they live not far from me they were like in the next main soy across so you know um so I I did keep an eye out I didn't know all of them didn't know all the faces but I I thought if they were going to do something they'd probably do it fairly quickly yeah and so and I know because I'm in and out of Thailand so I was there for a couple of more weeks and everyone's probably gone for a month or two and then back so it's sort of I suppose they just sort of it just died down and only one of the guys only one of the guys got really hurt Nick and and he probably took a share of that 50 000 bar anyway wow okay so they'd already you can bet your life they'd already done a deal with the police over how much they were going to get or something what about back in England what was it like back in England when you're off guard you're walking around the streets with your kids or whatever have you ever been attacked or anyone jumped you yeah yeah I mean it doesn't it doesn't happen often but when it does I mean generally like I said generally I don't mind working in my hometown because I've got nothing to be feel bad about if I've done my job as if I've been Fair I'll be people on the door I've not been funny I've smashed a lot of people but everyone I've smacked I've in my mind deserved it yeah and I didn't go over the top with 99.9 of them but anyway one day one day yeah I was with my it was a long time ago I was with my boy my boy was four so he's 41 now so it's a long time ago okay so you're talking 90s here yeah so so I'm a I'm a pretty young pretty pretty well-known doorman and um um yeah I'm pretty hot headed as well then but I was I wasn't the head dormant at the club I used to work there in the French nightclub but I wasn't there Dorman it was a guy called Golden Chambers who four of them bad because they always cause trouble and I didn't want to let them in that's my I wouldn't let him in but they took their way to they sweet took the head dormant head dormant and I'll give him a chance oh yeah making a run making the wrong move I know they're going to kick off they will they won't joining us anyway so I pulled one of them away and I'm innocent you know I'm fed up throwing you like out I said I wouldn't let you in I said you play up tonight I said and I'm gonna throw you out pretty tough pretty hard you know I'm not gonna throw you out I'm gonna put you out nicely I'm gonna put you out and they're only in there five minutes kicked it off straight away with some other guy and and it's just they they all fight they're all fighting probably full on 100 fighting not not just resisting so we're about to drag them out you know screaming and kicking and I you know bumped one of them into the doorway on the way out and uh anyway and they saw they got put out quite quite they weren't battered but they got put out quite hard but then go outside all four of them and they weren't happy they wanted to they wanted to have a rematch so they they come back at the front door and I used to work with a massive massive black guy then called guy he was huge and he said to me he was used to moan about why why I got paid more money than he did and I said I'll show you where I get if I have more money so they they're these four are threatening me I said and one of the things when I was a young woman I was terrible for um if people said they were going to come back and do this and do that actually I'll do it now then and I should be straight out there and it's wrong because I should just let it defuse but I was shocked I was a bit short-tempered so when someone made a threat to me I would just go for it so I've walked out with four of them on my own and I and I just I dropped the first three and I chased the other one away you didn't want to know so three of them I think two out of three had to go to hospital um they weren't very happy about it all they got they all jumped in a black cab and went to the hospital anyway so a week or two later I'm with my boy I'm in Ramsgate it's Sunday I said my only my son on Sundays in and we should go to the local video shop and she could in them days to get a film so we've gone as we're walking into the shop okay looking I saw this bunch of guys coming down the road or something it looks like them fellas and they all had shooting gear on it all been out doing everything with the shotgun and shells and I wouldn't do anything stupid in the daytime surely in a public place you know so I've gone in there chose a film and as I'm walking out the shop I'll get this shotgun shoved in my face um now the guy is actually he hasn't taken it out of the case he's got his arm in the case put his fingers on the trigger and he's just shoved the muzzle end under my chin and he went out what do you think of that then what do you think of that save yourself now and uh he said not so tough now oh yeah I said mate I mean listen why don't you put the gun down I said I'll batter all four of you again like I did love them a week right I said I've got my kid with me you know I've got my boy with me anyway the guy in the shop saw what was happening so the guy came out and took my son back in the shop and went and phoned the police I'm still arguing with him I still got this gun and I'm going and I said look I said you're gonna do it do it I said I didn't know what to say yeah I mean what do you do you know I mean I don't know if you ever had a jumper in your face but you know you don't want your last words to be oh don't you mean yeah Brave you know so I went I went you know Wayne could I said you haven't got a balls to pull the trigger anyway that's what I said to him how am I going in do it bullet go on I said you wouldn't you ain't got a balls all right anyway at that point we heard the police thing coming right the siren so um you know I decided guns just ran off and the police got there and the police come up to me and I've got my boy and I said what do you want to make complaint I went no I said the guy with a gun's gone anyway you missed him I said I saw that myself so anyway my my friends I worked with they weren't very happy about it either you know like a sort of like an attack with a kid and all that yeah so um these guys all used to drink in Ramsgate and there was a bar there we went because we used to work like 30 Friday Saturday but at that time but Mondays we head off and Monday there was a bar in Ramsgate that used to have cheap drinks tonight and it would be like a thousand people in there so we will go and find them on the Monday it's not it was not one of my doors and I think it might have even been yeah before I'd done the door open anyway around about that sort of time so I've gone there and I had a couple of Dorman with me so big Lloyd and another guy and we've gone in there we couldn't find him so when in the following week still couldn't find them so anyway I didn't I didn't bother looking at so the next I went down on my own they're all there okay I'm in there I was in a really early to see us over there and I saw him walking so four of them and uh I thought right no sorry three three out of the four that's right so three of them are coming and I thought how can I get them outside I don't want to be fighting in the club because I respect the doorman I don't want to cause a problem anywhere so anyway I I just walked over to him I went to kids I didn't know what to do so they followed me so I've gone out to the front door and I said to the Domino as it um I said there's gonna be three guys come through it in a minute I said I'm gonna do my best to take this right outside I said if not it might have to happen here and then please don't do it anymore because you know so anyway these guys come out and then one of them's got a point blast in his hand he's like what are you doing it what are you doing in our manner you know I think they're from London or something I went there I said mine I sit down I said blue people I said you haven't got your gun today I said I got my little boy I said yeah I'll come in for you right and there was one sort of standing there one in flip one in front of me and the nasty one here and so I thought this one was the biggest problem so I hit him first with the right straighten the chops knocked him out I then brought my elbow back and smashed that one in the jaw and done his jaw and the other one I just grabbed him with both hands picked him off the ground slammed him on the floor and stamped on him and by that time all the doorman in the reception have just now jumped on me to stop it but yeah my point was proven and uh and you know what they never ever even looked at me funny again I never had a problem with him again yeah you know if they if they saw me walking down the street they'd cross over um do you still so you were at 30 years old there roughly did you see him for many years yeah yeah is it a clock remember is it a forgotten is it a nod after that they never they had more respect they never they never came back at me with anything they never caused a problem with me ever again none of them and it amazing like all the amount of tear-ups you've had and fights at instance and you you've never been banged up yeah yeah he's amazing it's like literally unbelievable yeah I know um why do you think why do you think that is I I don't know I like to think well I mean the trouble isn't in the in the later years whether people were in the wrong or not they they still want to get you nicked more you know in the old if you go back to the early years I think people had a little bit of a sort of decency about like you and me to have a scrapped and sort it out um because I know that you know I've had many scraps on people on the doors and I didn't get Nick for it you know I've got a few bruises I've got black eye I got blast I've got to learn it they didn't get nicked um so you sort of just dealt with it you I know I think back then people sort of dealt with it more in their own way you know we lost you lost one you won and sometimes you sometimes I made some I made some of my best friends like the ones in Australia in Thailand you know end up being actual Maids of mine you had a massive chair up with them to start with you know because I said put yourself in their their point of view they didn't actually want to those are the only one guy was out of order the other guys were actually the roles reversed someone Junior probably done exactly the same thing yeah when on the doors how many how many times have people who you've chucked out I've gone I want to come back and shoot you all the time was that a thing that people would use all the time yeah I mean that that's what I said that's my pet hate because that's why I normally that was the one thing that was like a red flag to me when I was young uh when someone you said you were young you're talking in your 30s yeah when did that I'd say I'd say I know I'd say I definitely calm down by the time I got to 40 I'd sort of calmed down a lot but definitely when I was in my 20s trying to make the name for myself and when I was in my 30s I was probably at my most dangerous yeah because I was I was a bit I was a bit like you know I didn't always think of the best way to deal with something I mean and I I used to hate people saying I'm gonna do this to you I could do nowadays yeah you know why wait till next week you're gonna come out and beat me up let's do it yeah you know and then I'd normally do that and knock them out honestly so many of them ended like that but why do you think people would want to have a tear out of you not enough Stone 21 22 inch arms okay and then there's always the other thing I mean a lot of people we were fighting with also didn't know you know when when you're working in this I mean for instance I remember one of them he was a he was a millwall Bushwacker okay and he sticks in my head because remember his name no I don't I never asked his name he was but he he was really he was he's horrible he'd been in I think he came in that's because I said we should go to Coach boys down so you know some of them were great some of the coach buyers were just nice people some people were nice in the daytime but as the day went on and they got more drunk then they turned into idiots and and so we didn't want to we didn't mind letting him in the lunchtime because they're all amongst themselves but we didn't we didn't we didn't want to um didn't really want it back in the evening because it ruins the local balance of men and girls and you know plus if you're 50 50 guys kick off you know you've got your work cut out you know what I mean that's a major that's a major scrap so yeah so we uh I mean that's this guy was funny he was he was a big lump um and he was like he was so insistent what he was gonna I'm coming in you know stopping me you can't get past me I'll get frog go right through you and he did he just attacked himself he's with a massive right and he was like feet up in here and Bush out cold and one of his mates went you know those Bushwacker I said well he's been whacked do you find do you find then once you've done that you're thinking oh here we go again there's gonna be 50 mobile fans coming around the corner again yeah that's why you don't want to do that yeah I mean you don't really want to do that um but you know I mean I mean I can remember one one instance sticks in my mind I stopped a major instant once over such a simple thing this is well this is where a lesson a less experienced storm might make the mistake so when you said these lunchtime sessions and you get five we just get five or six hundred geysers in there in coach parties you know dark room rave music on they're obviously charged up whatever and um anyway this uh this when the lights come up I think it was I thought it was it four or five o'clock something like that you've got to close it gotta shut it down get him out and then you've got to be reopened for the evening anyway so the glass lectures are a bit anxious to get going you know that so they're running around picking up anyway two guys I see two guys at the bar giving the barman a bit of stick so we're running over there I said what's up fellas what's happening I bought two bottles of bad wires I just five minutes ago and that [ __ ] nictum right and occasionally I went man no no no no no no no no no no no these guys they're all right they've been all right all lunchtime man played up but they're part of a massive group yeah there's probably 70 of them or something in there and all of a sudden because they're shouting all the mates all of a sudden there's more coming and more coming I went to the bar and give me two bottles of Budweiser out of the fridge what I said give me your Budweiser when he goes sorry about that I'm very sorry yeah please enjoy them on me yeah lovely lovely thank you very much two bottles are bad yeah or a bloody Riot yeah right yeah unbelievable what was your relationship like with the old bill over the years in your 20s 30s 40s and 50s yeah not great really I I tried I did try very hard to get on with them I say that but right so in in hindsight I've probably wound them up a little bit as well really um because like you said I was involved in so many fights so they must have got a lot of people going you know you know yeah you've done this you've done that but without without Witnesses and without CCTV or whatever then they would so they did try very very hard to make cases against me on many many occasions and sort of pretty much generally failed um but yeah I can I can think of some funny some funny things that did happen um we worked at bankology once uh about holiday weekend so and in those days the Sandy was probably one of the best days I mean nowadays it did yeah but in those days it's starting Friday and a massive Friday and massive all day Saturday all day Sunday and then you know and then finish and in Monday it'll be like a normal sort of normal day holiday so we've been working all weekend and um anyway I've taken I've got a new new motorbike and I wanted to show the guys at work I wanted to show the boys you know so my machine don't you drink no no I won't I'll be right and I said I've gone to work with this brand new ZL thousand thing I've got I was lucky patch it out the back of the pub I've only saw The Dominoes managers nice bike and so it worked that night at the end of the night we had a like we call it a locking so you know we've worked all weekend we deserve a little bit of a Down time for the guys and anyway so we're having a drink and it was getting a bit late and I was supposed to be I had a girlfriend at the time not a wife I had a girlfriend I was supposed to be home and I was well like so anyway I thought I'll ring a taxi so I've rung for a taxi let me know something hours away jeez I'm gonna be even late I'm gonna get right we're looking I've always Monday morning there's no one about you know what I mean I said to the I said to the manager and can I have me crash no you can't if you're not taking a bike in your state yeah right I went come on so that's only got a few miles you know I'm not giving you a crash on me I'm all right so I thought I got my key in my pockets I'm slipped out so I slipped out I'm gonna go anyway without a crash helmet and then they sent big Lloyd out to stop me so I'm out in this backyard trying to get me bike out and all of a sudden there's this silhouette of like the monsters standing there you're going anywhere I went Lloyd get out the way I went I'm going home I will give me a lifting all right it seemed like a good idea at the time so anyway so so he's jumped on the back of me bike and I think Lloyd was about 22 stone and he was massive so it's now turned into like a chopper it's like that you know it's like the front end up here and he's he's like it's this great big thing on the back of my bike and with no helmets and it's now four o'clock in the morning so we didn't expect to see anyone so we drive down the first road we get to like North down Road and then we go down to where there's a down Valley Park and there's like a road going around Dane Valley Park and when we get down Valley Park all of a sudden there's a blue light Bosh there's a police car oh no and he's gone [ __ ] pull over pull over I went no I'm going I'm going so I'm off I'm running but the bike is he's turning around on the back to try and look to see what's going on so the bike's all over the place it's really hard to control anyway being like four o'clock in the morning as well it was it was like it was quite sort of dewy and wet and then anyway so uh he's shouting in the mirror I always turn into the park they won't be able to follow us right so we've turned into this uh Park and uh anyway turn your lights off so turn my lights off I can't see anything so I can't see the trees I'm driving for a park but the police car's behind me with the blue lights he's coming apart he's chasing me still so we're sort of picking our way through this this park and it's got like Potomac parts and grass bits and anyway I've gone to sort of try and change direction because I know there's an entrance and I'll get out of that end but I've lost it on the wet grass so the the back wheel's gone um and my mate slid off into the bushes I've got my leg stuck under the bike so I'm sort of like being dragged Along by the bike like sliding along by the time of it stopped and I've managed to get this bike up let's say it's a thousand cc bikes it's quite heavy I've got it up I'm just about to go again and all of a sudden this policeman's just appeared he grabbed hold of your handlebars so I stepped off the bike and I dropped the bike on him right and I just threw the bike on him and he didn't flattened him and I ran out the park and he really wasn't happy right so he's he's running after I can't run through it I've always said I'd have broken my leg from years ago so I'm hobbling that apart and I've got outside and there's like a five foot eye wall and I've just dived over this wall in some bushes and hid which seemed like a good idea at the time but anyway this this clock was running behind me again I'm Gonna Get You and I get you I'm gonna give it to you if you didn't know I was I had no idea who he was chasing um but anyway but I thought we'd actually just you know go but he didn't hear him radio and then actually you know dog fans turned up and in another car it was about five Patrol Vehicles stand up in the end and they're everywhere and I'm still under the bush I'm curled up under this bush anyway so one side of this wall is like five foot high and on the I've dived over it on the other side it's only a two foot drop right so you're basically a little Edge under a bush so let's start going through this police dog and and the first time it's actually gone past me I thought the result right I might it might just rub off they didn't anyway Barney the police dog it was right so Barney comes back and sniffs me out and all of a sudden I've got a torch in my face and they went no move don't move the dog on you well when you're curled up under a bush right in a bowl you feel a bit silly for starters but we go oh you got me right so all I wanted to do was actually stand up so I moved so I got up onto my knees right and he sent the dog on me so this dog's come flying in and he's grabbed out of this arm with his teeth that's right [ __ ] so now even more I want to get up you know properly so I've stood up and I've still got a dog attached to me and then there's other policeman's uh grabbed hold of the other arm right so I'm like I've got a policeman on one arm and a dog on the other and I'm now standing but I'm standing on the higher grounds looking down over the five foot drop so anyway I managed to somehow pick Barney up with one hand and I threw him over the wall right and once I threw him over the wall he bit a policeman the other side he attacked a couple and bit his ass and ripped his trousers and then there's nothing I mean get off at me you know and I threw him over the wall as well so I've got rid of both of them and I thought oh no but I'm sorry I'm neglected to say well they were while he was biting me and he was holding me when I was still on my knees another policeman's ran over to it with a one in big metal torches yeah yeah and he's leaned over the top of the wall and he's pounded me straight over the head with it not once but seven times right because I was on my knees at that point where they set the dog on me and all of a sudden bang bang and I was like Jesus and I don't know I don't know I didn't knock me out but anyway it split the [ __ ] out of my head and um and I was like a fountain of blood coming out in the head and that's why I went absolutely crazy threw the dog over the wall through the cop over the wall and this then once I stood up because I was on Higher Ground he couldn't hit me on the head yeah yeah but and at that point there was one sneaking through behind behind me with handcuffs and when you come near me I'm going to break you look at all as well I mean listen you're only getting the police car I went that's fine I know when it's Marcus it's Marcus so they're sort of like realized I stood up because I know it's a fairly blood coming out weird and uh anyway so they literally all stood back they opened a police car up and he had like the bubble thing in the back blood everywhere I took me to the police station and they breathalyzed me and I passed I got an amber light um and so then they uh there to get a surgeon in to stitch me head up and he just I know loads and loads of stitches it was right a mess I didn't stop bleeding for 24 hours even after I stitched it and um and then they charged me with uh what was it they charged me with um speeding uh reckless driving dangerous driving uh Fanning to stop um abh on a police officer no crash helmet and it was a list of charges like this and uh I wanna knock it with you and the thing was when it all went to court because I went back there and took photographs um where it where everything happened and how it happened I was I was my only witness if you like so there was no one on my side but one policeman who was there actually told the truth about the whole incident he told about where the guy leaned over and smashed me over the head several times so he grasped the other couple yeah yeah and he actually got moved away out of the area for telling the truth yeah okay so um because other than that if he'd have catch them yeah I'd have been in real trouble my lawyer in the end said look it was duplicity of law where the um dangerous driving and reckless driving that's called duplicity of law you can't be done for murder and man's law yeah it's one or the other so that got thrown out the speeding the speedo wasn't calibrated that got thrown out uh dangerous driving thrown out um abh on the police officer was dropped why was that bit dropped I don't know I honestly can't remember um because I surely that's the bit with a little bit older I mean you can get rid of all those ones but definitely not I think it was basically because they were attacking me and I was chucking them off yeah but but the damage to my head was pretty obvious but if the police officer hit me on the head with a torch said that he aimed to blow at my shoulder and I lunged forwards I didn't lunge forward seven times you know yeah yeah you know um but anyway so I I I like I said I suppose over the years oh sorry I was unfinished the story so anyway I'm in the police station and Lloyd as the runner was on the back he ran off through the bushes right so he managed to go back to the pub we've come from got back there without getting nicked and you run the police station up of all things to do and I went who's that he went he said you've got Marcus Redwood in there he said yeah we have we question him someone who I said they come in they went to me it was on the background I don't know I just picked him up on the way yeah so yeah but it was I mean it was funny now when you look back at it it didn't seem so funny at the time but like I said I've probably I've probably pissed him off I probably did upset him a few times with silly silly stunts like that um I mean again actually the the policeman who chased me through the through the um the Dane Valley it was you know gonna wanted to get me he's actually really nice to me now so you're still clocking these old bill yeah some of them he's a lot of retired now yeah yeah but um yeah I think a lot of them a lot of them did get to know me I think actually I did get on quite well with quite a few of them but there was a certain hierarchy that didn't actually want the police to have anything to do with me at all because they they still suspected me of this higher involvement with you know some sort of organized crime yeah yeah which which I wasn't and crime wasn't your thing no no when did your profile rise to a level where the local collection of Kent were like he's into something else being shot at outside my house really put the spotlight on me and then it wasn't done we haven't spoke about being [ __ ] outside your house yeah I'm shot outside and shot out outside my house we did that last time yeah yeah that was in 1990 so then by the time the craze funeral was in 1991 yeah I think that wasn't long after that so they're already looking at me and then all of a sudden boom I'm there and I was the thing was I was I was such a larger than life character and I was on the front page of every newspaper I was on everyone's TV yeah and um and probably the worst thing I did also was I had this lighter which was actually like a gun and about that in the end so whilst I was doing the security on this I'm not having cigarettes but but they were actually taking they were filming it like it was a gun yeah look at these underworld people in The Craze funeral yeah but it was a lighter yeah but anyway that got me in all sorts of trouble so um yeah so next thing you know yeah I was I was getting my doors kicked in quite regular not very nice not very nice tell me about The Craze funeral what did you what was your actual involvement in the funeral only really as a security that's it I mean uh I I was I've been friends today for a while Dave was trying to drum up as many people as possible because it did take I can't remember how many people but a hell of a lot and and so I think just about every doorman in London came out and got involved in that and a load of other people who weren't dormant as well but um and then there was someone tried to break into the um Funeral Parlor to I don't know why they were trying to break in we're going to desecrate the body or do something horrible uh not register yeah so they end up having to put because it wasn't for a while they had to put like an overnight security so I did that I did that a couple of nights as well so I helped out and and while we were doing that we had to let certain people in to pay their respects of it going open the coffee and up and show them it and show him him sorry and um and make sure it was just done properly and then they would leave and and what was that feeling like for you having a comic coffee and seeing Ronnie cray that you're looking after and that's probably someone you know in the years of growing up talking about the craze I was very surreal I mean it was very surreal it was like you know and and also when you I mean obviously you don't get the same feeling when you're looking at you know basically it's a little old man in the Box yeah you know but in his day you know he had he had big Footprints you know what I mean so yeah it commanded a lot of respect so it was very very very very weird for me being involved in that um yeah I suppose it was like a bit of an honor really to sort of like to be involved with it you know and did a kick off at all like you got you got fellas coming down from Manchester Birmingham London was that was there a big respect thing for that day I think it was a big respecting for that day I never saw I never actually saw or experienced anything go wrong that day everyone I mean it was a hell of a lot of naughty people on the streets um you know and and actually I made quite a lot of new friends from Lin you know and and to this day they're still my friends as well so you only have probably only a handful but a handful of good guys that I sort of liked and I met yeah so after that I was all over the press the papers Sky TV BBC your face was being involved with that what was the feeling like for you when you went back to your hometown did the profile rise raise up again did you feel like people were on you yeah I did it was um I mean it helped me in some ways like I said because you know you sort of put a bit of mystery behind me so I feel like oh you know I don't want to mess with him because you know he's got this he's got back up right so that was good it made my job a lot easier in some ways but then it didn't make it easier it didn't make my life any easier where the police were concerned so but yeah I mean you know it did make and also I probably got more probably got more work from it you know because I saw the name was getting bigger the company's name was getting bigger he runs mark one you know you've got a problem you'll sort it out yeah you know um but yeah I still had problems I still you still get problems you still get problem people and problem bars do you feel now you've hit 60 that you're ready to properly slowed down I have properly slowed down I mean you know I I all I want to do really now is I want to enjoy I want to enjoy what time I got left and I want to and I I just want to I want to be as healthy as I can yeah so yeah my attitudes changed ahead of a lot um and obviously it's I don't get involved in those sort of things anymore I do my best I mean I still get phone calls I still give people reading the other thing I can solve every problem I had a guy sent me a text the other day I got beaten up at Club in Canterbury the dormant or [ __ ] you know what can you do about it nothing actually mate I don't work for me and I'll retire but but you know if I if if I can if I if if I feel like it's someone's done something unjust and I've still got a few contacts and a bit of clout then I would make a phone call if it's someone I know or saying and I'd try and if I could find a peaceful resolution or something I would as well how would you describe your career from your working the doors in your 20s your 30s your 40s in your 50s start with the 20s how to explain you as a doorman because obviously like any businessman we get better and better as we get older yeah and wiserable you should do yeah yeah you should do I mean you know repetition's a mother of skill and all that yeah um but yeah I suppose in my 20s I was trying to find my feet I didn't really know where it was headed um certainly didn't have a big plan of what I was going to do um but then by the time I got to like 28 I think was when I started the business I think I was 28 something like that yeah yeah about 28 1990. and by then I sort of found a direction um then I sort of plotted on for 10 years and I was I was thinking I wasn't thinking big I was thinking you know I just wanted to make a good living so that's what I was doing and it was it was you know largely largely confined to my sort of area a few little trips out to other places but then when I started the agency like I said about when I was about 28 then then it all just started to take off really and it all just changed completely um you know so all of a sudden you're you have to go to other areas where you'd not known and you you sort of you sort of got like I said you but you're trying to build a reputation to make life a bit easier for yourself you don't want to have to keep you don't have to keep fighting everybody you don't have to keep fighting every tough guy in the town you don't have to treat you know it's much easier when you can go look just you can't come in and they go all right yeah it's not easy yeah but so yeah I I think so from yes so from sort of 30 to 40 was when I sort of made that reputation I suppose and how were you personally as a doorman in your 30s compared to your 40s a lot better I think but um I'm sorry sorry not bad I was I was the younger I was probably the shorter temperature was and the less experience I'd had so as you get older and you learn you do make mistakes um and I I don't think there's any doorman could say he's never made a mistake you know what I mean but hopefully if you're an off-decent person then you learn from it and you try not to make the same mistake again or you see easier ways that thing or something could be dealt with you know like I said like I mean one of the one of the first dominoes I've ever worked with was an old guy called elwin and he wasn't the toughest woman in Margate but he managed to work the Ace of clubs which was a rough place because he had a gift of the gap web and he also knew how to treat people and he I did learn quite a bit from him so I did pick up quite a bit from him there was another guy called Johnny Andrews who's still around and John is um John was my hero John was like John had done 12 years on the door and that to me that was like that was forever in your second year so I've done 12 years so but John used to work I mean in the very old days where it was only him in a pub and a nightclub no one else no backup one guy and it was a Troublesome place in those days but you know I know I messed with him because he wouldn't if you took Liberty with him on the night he'd be on your doorstep the next day he found where you live and he would drag you out and bat you yeah he would deal with it and so once that happened a few times everyone knew the score and I know I don't think anyone ever beat him in a one-to-one so the only way he could beat him was unfairly and if he did beat him unfairly come back and get everyone here so he had a he was a legend and he still is a Legend um yeah Johnny Andrews really really tough Scottish guy how did you how did you think your career went in your 40s you as a personality on the doors yeah I like to think it went well I I sort of I was one of these people I was thought I would over achieve so I remember when I got given um when I got given the Zen's nightclub in Dartford it was a it was the reason I got given it was because I was going for illuminology it was a Troublesome place um it had two it was like two nightclubs in one and you had uh 14 door stuff out of the 14 I think two of those were females and I don't say that like in a derogatory way because I tell you what I've worked with some amazing female staff um and I had some really good ones up there um but it wasn't really enough staff to manage that venue because of the because of the people that were coming through it and the things we had to deal with when I when I actually left that contract they upped it to 20. yeah it wasn't like a little jump I mean like from 14 20 to try and control it um that place was awful um we had a lot of trouble uh we had a lot of trouble with some groups up there uh the gypsies were one of them my other good friend Mr Murray Lee Murray you know the 50 million pound Murray yeah I actually got on right with Lee and Paul um yeah and they were they were no not a bad crowd they were sort of a bit cheeky but they were good they were all right but you had those sort of people in there um and you had to treat everyone a certain way we had one guy in there um Alfie and his older brother was a friend of mine his older brother was a gypsy guy Lenny he's not here anymore and his young brother Alfie was out to make a name for himself and uh and he did and one night anyway one night as the club's closing he had an argument fellow and he's walking out the club and he's cheating this guy in the doorway and he's knocked him out spark out in the doorway so now and it's only a little doorway so everyone knows have to step over a body to get out at the end of the night it really wasn't a good way to end the night yeah and it'll be funny there's a car park across the road which could be the way you're just like wait a minute you could have knocked him out over there we wouldn't have even done anything but anyway so everyone's seen it everyone's seen him do it and everyone's step over his body so the manager went I'm not having him in anymore all right so so I'll have to let him know he's bad who can't buy me so I'm not not being bad I said you are bad because what you've done you have to go away for like six months leave us alone anyway so I wasn't working every week I used to visit there once a week um normally on that Thursday if someone's on the weekend but I'm only popping I'd do it at three or four other clubs so anyway I got a phone call from the doorman and what he done he'd uh he'd done like a drive-by um oh that's it sorry he's an older brother who's my mate run me up he said Marcus he said look I think my little brother's a bit upset about being banned he said and he's Nick my favorite shotgun and sold the barrels off it he said um she don't know him don't know don't tell me your brother's gonna come see me anyway you have a donut in my little brother all right I'll try not to anyway so what's happened is I've worn the dormant about it anyway so he's he's coming along in his car and it's like a it's like this this place has got like a glass Reception Area it's really bad design so it's really thick glass but it's just all glass so you can see everyone in the reception he's only sewn off out the window and he's pointing it at the reception at the doorman and the dominant sitting there again so they're all like diving for cover which looks a bit [ __ ] really yeah I mean so they're all diving for cover and he's just he's laughing his buttocks off and he's like so anyway we didn't he didn't learn he didn't let any shots off he just he just did that and and went and then I think he stashed his car up wherever somewhere then he's then he's across the road copping off and you know you can't bomb me and he's got a load of his Gypsy race with him anyway so they obviously they told me about it that night I said right okay I'm gonna deal with this well for starters all the dorm and money bulletproof Fest now so I had to buy five bulletproof investment in front of the house and um anyway he carried on doing this and it went on week after week and in the end I said right when is it normally out inside I thought I've got to be there oh the head almost off that's right head dormant was off and that was like Ken you I told you about it yeah yeah so again our Graves was off so I thought I better go and cover it myself in case this happens again so I've gone up there and uh and sure enough Here Comes healthy and he's done the same thing again but this time I'm standing there and I'm looking at the glass at him and I didn't move so he's pointing the gun at me and anyway I thought right the only way I can do is I think we didn't have body cams in them days we didn't have a camera facing out there so I would have bought a proper video pretty damn right yeah a little video on so I said to doing like this and next time he does it I want to film it I want it on film so we've got him his registration and what he's doing you know we did with the gun so at least we've got the ammunition to every Knicks if we want anyway so my doorman did that so now I've got a bulletproof vest on in the camera and he's becoming a real nuisance and he also like said a big crowd of gypsies over the road you know throwing stuff at you or taunting you anyway so he done it they filmed it and he's seen the camera so now he's run me up I'm on that film you kind of I want that film you're a grass or what I went I know I said if I was across you'd already be nicked into that yeah I said I've got a lovely bit of film with you on it now I said I've got a lovely bit of film with you Ray waving your gun out of your car and your registration everything I said if I wanted you next you'd be next he said what do you want then I said what I'd like is a peaceful life I'd really like it I said if you wasn't there I said you are bad you know that I said bugger off for a month leave us alone I said let me have time to think about it so anyway for one month we had like a we had an Alfie free zone right uh and it was good daddy did you stayed away he done what you said so anyway I sort of sat and thought about I thought I don't really I didn't want to get someone nicked that wasn't really the reputation I was after either so I I got one of the guys I said can you contact Archie and tell him uh sorry Alfie tell Alfie I want to see him so Alfie that's it on his own I don't want to see a restaurant I'm sorry sorry I've missed a really big story sorry so after the before before it comes to the result sorry after the event of him being filmed he uh he's gone around he's gone around he said I said he used to stash the car and come around so this one this one particular day he's done that and he used to then appear at the other side of the road it was a big car park and he had about 50 gypsies with him and anyway so if you want to stash his car and I went to the dorm and I said look you stay here I'm going across the road I said what are you doing I said I'm going over there talk to the gypsies they went you can't go there on your own I said I am I said I don't want to go there fermented right I've got to do this on my own I want to speak to Alfie so I I marched across the road and I told espresso told the doorman to stay where they were so as I've got there and I said she's looking at me where's Alfie and he's just he just been waving in colors so I said where is Alfie all right and then outfit appeared through the back of the crowd that's all right I said where's your gun where's your gun shoot me right I said shoot me now I said you're still going to be barred from the club all right anyways and anyway the gypsies will start laughing I thought oh wait I'll tell you what I've just shot me I said you're gonna shoot him if you want I didn't you'll still be borrowed from the club well as I tell you what and then they laughed even more right that's what I'm definitely so I went I said after you've sold him I said you can burn the club down if you want to build a new one or you'll be barred from that I said are you getting it through your head you're bad you're not coming in right are they all go laughing and he's going nice and at that point I just turned around and walked back before we had time to really think about it but it worked right so through a bit of humor I suppose so that sort of I mean it just caught him off guard because I mean no one expects someone to walk up and go go and shoot me but so anyway that's that's what I did and uh and then and then like I said it we had a recording of him and then after that we had about a month a piece and then I said I called him when I went little Alfie I went you've been you've been good you stayed away I said give me another couple of months stay away for another couple of months I said I'll probably let it back in again just behave yourself right just don't antagonize it everyone I went in there's your video there's your family take back and I gave him his tape and he was like oh my God you're not such a spare Geezer right yeah I don't know I'm not just all I want is peace yeah all right I just you did something wrong you've got to be punished you couldn't come in we've got you know they don't want you but you will get back in if you play it right but you won't get back in by telling us you're coming you know so that was it really I mean it's a yeah it was a bit of a mad way to deal with it yeah have you ever done any debt collecting yeah I was I've done a bit of debt collection I'm not saying I was great at it um I was always getting offered stuff like that because everyone when you're big and you're known I've got a debt you need to do and always um so back in the day yeah we did a few things and it didn't all work out good to be honest I can think of a few um big Lloyd I told you he's working right so we we used to have a mate who had it was a car dealer um Jerry Mullins and uh he sent us on a couple of jobs one of the jobs he sent us on we're both actually backfired the first one was quite funny when we've gone to this uh place near Canterbury in a town called Hurston and he said the guy that owns this game is a great big fellow so I need two crazy fellas to go in and talk to him anyway so we did what he didn't tell us was the full story so we've gone in there we sort of got to prove ourselves from you know reared up to go in and uh when we got into this guy you see me on a desk so I got another listen um we've come here to sort this out you owe some money they haven't paid for this car or whatever and all of a sudden he's gone like that and he pulled he pulled out a draw where we thought she's got a gun so we're all going out on the Barefoot and he pulled out like a bat and he started smashing the desk cup and then he's wheeled himself around in a wheelchair all right are we going [ __ ] he didn't tell us he was a [ __ ] right so he said this in the raspberries you know so anyway I'm over there he cornered me in the room and he's pulled off the footbed right and he's beating me with it so calm down yeah two Great Big Fellas but we wasn't he didn't tell us about that I wasn't I wasn't prepared to start punching a guy in a wheelchair yeah so he was he was like he was out beating the crap out of me so we had to leave without the money on a car how did you how did you uh react at that moment thinking I've gone in there you geed yourself up and all of a sudden what no one's giving me that I mean I wish you'd tell us I mean we wouldn't know we probably wouldn't have done it in the first place you know you're not going to go in like two great big ovaries go and put it on some poor fellow in a wheelchair but I'm not sure to be honest someone someone afterwards told me that he wasn't really in a wheelchair he was waiting on a claim or something and he had to actually exactly probably should have given respect but anyway that was one of the jobs we did for Jerry and then another one it was in whitstable and um it was Hurricane it was over a car but Jerry said he wanted to go himself on this one oh that was it now I I was actually I had my right arm in plaster at the time yeah um that's a completely other story um but this was uh yeah you know that where the motorbike outside the club yeah yeah so um anyway either this this I'm in Plastering I said I'm not really foreign and he's gone into the office I'm standing outside the office I'm looking for a window so I can keep an eye on him and the guy I think his name was Moxley yeah and uh he was a big hole bell boy but a big lamp anyway they started talking and then the talking got a bit you know agitated and it got a bit loud and all of a sudden this moxley's turn around grabbed a socket wrench and just smashed this guy over the edge with it I mean proper just decked him right I mean I thought he caved his head in yeah so I thought [ __ ] so I've I've run into the office but I've run in then and gone oh [ __ ] I've only got one end right I've got this one like that in a plaster course so I thought so I grabbed this fella and I've grabbed him as hard as I could and I've run him backwards so he's off he's off he's off balance sort of thing so I'm running backwards and smashed him into the wall so I've got him pinned there but I've only got this one arm on him and he's managed to get his arm with us with a socket wrench he's gone mesh over the top of the edge and I went oh and he's gone smash oh [ __ ] I'm a Lloyd I'm especially Lloyd to come in I don't think nobody's paying attention anyway so I've got it I've got it sort of a few times and it was I thought it came here and um anyway I was really pissed off this I've I've I've I've given I'll give him a clumped him with me plaster cast right that's all I could do really without eating with the Blaster cars and then and I've got my mate Jerry and I've literally he's still unconscious I've dragged him out of the door to get him out to safety so I've I've been I've made you know I alsoever on it lucky I've got a really really hard by the way um so anyway I've dragged him out and now all of his workers are coming out of the of the workshop and they've all got tools on them as well so I thought [ __ ] so I'm I'm really angry now I've got I was in my head and I've got me plaster class and I've just breaking bits off me plaster cast so I can actually make a fist and I'll run back in and I've got a hold of this I got all this Moxley fair enough sheltered around one of his cars and I'm battering the [ __ ] out of him and I I'm probably breaking my hand again but anyway and then all of a sudden I felt someone's grabbed me off as a policeman said it's like the old Bill are dead all over us and we all got arrested and uh so we all went to we all went to uh herne Bay Police Station I think it was Herbert anyway and uh we had to we stayed there overnight with an overnight stop and uh and then we to go to cook the next day so this Moxley was in the court as well and all his face is black and blue I'll bunch of [ __ ] out of him um but on my head's all like I've got all stitches I think I put 40 stitches in there don't take me to Canterbury hospital to get my head stitched up and while I was here I said to the woman I went I said can you X-ray me and she went x-ray for she said well I said I got it about six seven times of a socket wrench or anything I'm up fracturing skull and she went I can see your skull [Laughter] it's got chip in it he's all right when you're on bits of work like that do you want the money up front or you going and go 50 50 or as it were to be honest I think this was this was he was a mate anyway so this was I can't even remember if we got baby or not but we didn't we didn't it didn't get resolved properly um we all got we all got found over I got banned from whitstable for a year and bound over to keep the peace yes I was really lucky really because I mean it should have been like a violent you know violent published order and a Fray or it could have gone all sorts of ways really I've got friends who do it I've got friends that are licensed debt collectors and when you go out with them it's all done it's all done properly and they're quite clever about the way they do it as well but um but there was one more statistics on my mind one of my you quite often get people who don't want to pay their bill yeah so I this one guy we did a said what paying your bill for this picture okay yeah yeah so um down in Eastbourne my area managed down he said it was over Christmas New Year we do a lot of extra stuff on Christmas and New Year's and uh there's one people the one one person paid and it got it wasn't no it was the summer you know they had eight months to pay it anyway around the cloud room never seen a guy before I mean my area manager arranged it we've done the work we didn't get paid and it was like I know it's kind of grand you say over Christmas New Year so I'm not paying you it's as simple as that I said why not even really okay obviously haven't met me anyway so I said I said I said send me his address and I said I don't know what does he look like he said no no you said I've done it SpongeBob on the phone so I thought right so I was going down to Brighton that week and then back to Eastbourne so on my way through I I found this Pub and it was a pub with a big restaurant so I'm all suited and booted anyway so I'm going to work and I sort of got one in there and I said I said I sit up I'm still doing food I said I'll have a table for one so how old is the most expensive steak I could I ordered a really nice bottle of shably most expensive one I could and then the wages come back after I'd sort of noise finished and she said How's your steak I went [ __ ] I said it's the worst steak I've ever had in my life sure enough I'm pretty sure would you want to speak to the owner I said love to because I had no idea which one he was right I had no idea so like this little fellas come over and he said um she said something wrong mistake I said actually nice it's the best deck I've ever had I said but you ain't paid your building so if only if somebody sat down and he said he said you can't come in here in front of me that's something I just did yeah I said look mate I said we gave you we gave you what you wanted I said well why do you think you can't pay I said I've sat here I said your restaurant's good your food's good you've got customers everywhere you've got bar staff you've got a stock bar I said so what on Earth is going through your mind when you think you can have my stuff working all over Christmas and New Year just decided not to pay me I said you're lucky that I'm older and I'm wiser and I'm not like dragging out the car park played a tune on your [ __ ] kneecaps with Emma yeah I said because 20 years ago you'd have probably just got battered I said but I'm trying to be nice I know what I really want is pain I Said So just pay your bill right that's what you did it took you about a week yeah have you you know when you're running a big firm like that did you get up to 200 men and when you've got 200 men you've obviously you're putting managers in the right place have you ever put the wrong manager into a into a nightclub if you regretted I did that definitely once in uh in Dartford yeah I'd I was I was stuck for a head dormant and uh a guy who was actually a good friend of mine um and not a bad guy I thought but I gave him he said I'll do it if you run if you're temporary temporarily I was until you can find a head dormant I'll do it I'll take care of it babysit it and he did quite a good job and he was in there for I think about like a month or something and I was due to go to Thailand and then what it was the police had been sniffing around because I think in his spare time he wasn't a full-time dormant I think in his spare time he was doing a little bit of dealing or something and I and I like I said before I can't have any involvement with that running my door firm so um I said to him look please ask some questions about you and you know I can't I can't have you be in my doorman it don't look good if you're in shut down stop dealing I'll stop dealing oh yeah but you're not gonna lie I said because you only don't earn that much money from me you're going to earn more money out of your dealing so you're not going to stop dealing I said look let's just let's just part ways you know you don't you said you do it temporary you've got to go he said well I'm not leaving he liked the Power Trip right he liked it so he went up well I'm not leaving I said well you sacked no you got to leave him so you said I can't have you working here and I'm going to tell him I need to put enough red dominant I found someone now so anyway uh I've got all these messages I'm in Thailand I've got these messages not happy about what's happened he's gonna he's gonna bring 50 cases down 50 of his mates coming down and smash the club up on a Thursday night and Thursday night we only had seven Dorman on the weekend we had 14. so it was a good night to pick to smash it up anyway so I said no he ain't got that many mates I said can't you surely it can't work anyway apparently it was true and I don't like getting a barrage a phone calls phone called phone calls so that's all right so I can't just get back from Thailand I've got to try and so I thought right first thing I did I I reinforced the team so I I run five great big lumps up they weren't actually bad storm and they were just big nasty geezers I paid them like 150 quid each or 700 pound each a night to just to be sitting in there as customers so now you've got seven dormant and five monsters right in case because I still didn't think it was going to happen but then as it got closer to the day more and more people said it's happening it's happening like the more and more Whispers coming back you know the they'll Bush telegraphers so um anyway I rang everyone that I could think of on my naughty list and no one really wanted to play it was it was was looking pretty annoying till I ran a fella and I can only I won't give you his full name but he's known as proper Chopper all right um because he normally carries an X yeah and uh anyway he's mental uh he's a nice guy crazy and I rang him about this I told him the full story anyway yeah because I do it no problem I said no no I'm saying I haven't done this I said don't you do it for nothing I said I'll pay you yeah I said because I need a I need a team of guys to come down I don't actually trust the whole door team I don't think they're going to stand up to it and they know this guy because he was the head dominant so they're going to be you know they're going to feel stuck in the middle a little bit anyway so two car loads came from London and it cost me five grand right and the extra money I paid for the other guys so I think the whole night Indian cost me about seven Grand but um but anyway so and he said what do you need it he said yeah we're gonna we'll turn up we're gonna turn up properly at all right okay and I actually I really I dealt with this guy but at this time he's got me off to everyone what he's going to do and in fact I was actually I would have been quite happy if you got a shot to be honest right but it wasn't the instructions the instructions was not to let him in and not to smash the place up anyway what actually happened on the night they did turn up with about 50 strong so they've all he's managed to get a massive crowd of lunatics together and when they got to the club they oh sorry I run I run the manager of the club up he was the only one who knew the plan I rang the manager and I said look I said there's eight guys coming from London I said on a stag do I said don't search them they made someone just let him in just let them in for free that my VIP guess don't don't tell anyone anything else that they're just there to make sure it don't happen anyway so the 50 strong parties turn up Smash the Place up the doorman actually let them in just just open the door just they were going to just let them through and at that point my mate my mate Chopper he's come out in reception and suddenly he went right you lot we're searching everyone here you're not coming in without searching for you he said we'll make some marches and we're sorting this out you obviously don't do your job properly right so he he searched everybody I don't really want to let him in but he let him all in he searched everyone they should have properly search them so they had no weapons on him then he took this guy outside and stuck one in his face and went if you know anybody he went in my world Gun Ring him he said and tell him you've just met Chopper he said because if a blast gets broken in there or you don't pay for a drink you're gonna get one in your nuts and you're going first so he [ __ ] himself right he's properly absolutely enough but any money spent about two weeks building this Army up to come down to smash the place up you know I've been here we're gonna wreck it now he's inside going pay for your drinks don't break the glass right so you know anyway so I I then I run I run I'd already told my mate I said listen when you when it gets to the end of the night I said there's only one person I actually really trust in there and he's the manager so whatever weapons you've bought with you anything at all you give to him he said no no I said no you've got to do it you've got to give them to him you're going to be locked in the safe I'm back in three or four days from Thailand I will return them to you like in North London but I'm worried about the fact because this guy's a bit I think he's a bit of a grass yeah and you're you've just you they know now you've told up yeah and they were they were literally their own armor piercing rounds and they had bulletproof vests and they were naughty as anything and anyway they left all the stuff there with the manager and uh and sure enough on their way home uh they all got spun by the police older cars the cars got stopped and then you know searched and they got searched and he went I said you must be like a witch he said exactly what you said was it gonna happen and I said listen I'm glad you listened to me and I came back I came back like I was actually the next day I run this fella up the one that caused the problem I said all right I said because when I wrote about before and I said to him I said I don't think you're going to come down with 50 make sure I ain't got 50 mates you're unpopular and he went he went now anyway after the day after he's done it I said I said you came here yeah we got him I said you did get in I said and uh and you all paid for your drinks and you didn't cause any trouble I said let us know when you're coming we'll put some extra bar staff on next time and uh anyway so three days later I had this horrible drive to do I had to go to the club in Dartford I had to pick up all these things and from knuckle dusters tonight the car was full of it and I had to drive around to North London and drop them all back to someone's house and I was [ __ ] myself but it you know it but it again it went out there in the sort of in our world if you like um the story of what I'd done and so again it is a big risk right it was a big risk in those days but it actually had some in some ways it worked out all right for me because no one did get shot no one but the bad people didn't do the bad things yeah and a lot of other people who might have thought about doing bad things never did it starts yeah so yeah what club was that was that Zen's yeah okay and was that the naughtiest Club you've ever done probably about the naughtiest year I'd say I mean there was you've always got but that was there was yeah there was a lot of incidents there there's a hell of a lot that you know went on it on a weekly basis it was pretty it was pretty bad and because it had some very naughty people that used to frequent it yeah so you know yeah you I mean I had a brand new car when I went there once a brand new BMW not brand new I'd paid like 25 30 grand for this car's best car I'd ever had and I used to I used to park it about 500 meters away around a little you know a little tiny back road and they found it I got there one night and it was like it was just like a part of broken glass and a breeze block on the back seat you know I mean they tore down a garden wall and just pummeled it to bits I mean it had to be towed away and oh yeah I mean lucky I'd fully comp insurance but it was um yeah it was a bit Soul destroying and that was one of the places where I used to wear a bulletproof vest to go in and to go out of work because I wasn't that popular there and what year were talking yeah and what was the relationship like what was your thought process when you were in Thailand you're stuck in Thailand did you feel I'm not helpless helpless what I'm saying but you had good men around you can't sort out but what was the feeling like when you landed about I bet you're dying to get back did you go and see that Matt fella we never know I've never never ever bumped into him to this day okay never um yeah when it was all going on I offered to meet him and he didn't want to know I'm not surprised [Laughter] have you ever had any offers to to work on TV any films movies anything yeah yeah I started doing a it was really funny I went I was meant to go and play a security guard or something or security or Dawn in the Spice Girls movie and so one of my mates was doing it and he said oh I need extras so I turned up there with my dinner jacket and bow tie and all that you know and I just went oh [ __ ] you look great you know I want you like that so I was in a t-shirt I want to use that over there so I was if you actually did you get the Spice Girls movie I've got hair then but if you watch it I'm actually in the background I think I've got like a stripy top one or something like where's Wally top and done bleach there but um but that started a thing off and I quite enjoyed it so I started doing extra work and um and then I've got some bigger bits and then and then I did one which was a channel four series called lock stop um so it was like a spin-off from the film but it was seven episodes and I think I was in five of them I played the minder to the bad guy and that was that was a funny time a funny time at that time because I was then knocking around with Mr Courtney who was a bald gangster in London and this guy who I was on the set with was a bald gangster in London driving a white Rolls-Royce so he was a very sort of similarities and I was actually wearing for the part because I hadn't got any props to close to fit me so I was wearing what I would wear on the front door on a weekend so I was wearing like black suit black shirt black tie and I've got this big leather coat on I had big sideburns down here um but that was exactly how I looked when I was working on the streets and I was in a film playing the mind there so it was really funny it was quite surreal but it was it was a lot of fun until it didn't play me did they not pay no I did months and months of work and I just dissolved a company and disappeared oh it's like an extra coming I almost got early call I think it was cool yeah bastards have you had any other close calls with people have pulled any guns on you yeah I mean uh um yeah um Folkston uh was a naughty one um I I just turned up there one night doing my visits um so I'm serious briefcase with all my paperwork and spare bits and pieces in it and I turned up there I think I had two or three bars to visit that night but I'd gone to folkeston and like you say you've always got this sort of head on a swivel and um I was talking to the guys on the front door and I noticed this guy is is digging around in the back of a red BMW like a little three series launcher only a few cars down from the front door so I said to the guys what's your story was you know he's kicked him out or something yeah he was doing drugs in the toilet but we didn't match like an idiot idiot sit down there man you know he'll go away you're not coming back in anyway I was talking to them but I've still got one eye on his fella and he's ravaging Ray he's obviously looking for something sudden he's found it he's pulled his Desert Eagle 50 out have you ever seen one no oh mate it's like a 50 caliber pistol it's like a they'll shoot through walls yeah they were they were they were made I mean they were made to clear buildings because if someone stands behind the wall just shooting through it that's that they're a 50 caliber round yeah so firing shelves like this and and in a second you've got this I I mean everyone's got a gun and everyone's everyone's gone that way I actually ran that way yeah I ran straight at home I don't know maybe I'm just mad but I um I had like you don't have a second to think about it you know he's just I'm just keeping on him and he's all of a sudden he's gone like that and as he's pulled it out he's just he's just come running towards the door with a gun held high like that so I sort of ran straight at him but I was sort of rugby Channel I went underneath his arm smashed into him as hard as I could and I plowed him straight into a car um and then I've managed to get my arm over the top of him up his back and pulled the gun out of his hand threw the gun across the pavement um and luckily for me at that at that time a police car just happened to come around the corner we didn't have to call one and I just waved him down and I was like excuse me and that was it but I mean I was for everyone Jesus what made you want to run straight at him I don't know I don't know I keep hearing he's saying the same thing I'm you're running straight at him yeah I don't think in my in my mind you don't have probably if you have time to think about it I don't think you'd probably do that but it's you've got a split second so you know it's the same like I remember some guys coming to the door once and they were all told up with knives and uh they uh we've already kicked him out and they must have gone home got some knives and they come back and he was quite plain to see that they've got like the handles of the knives under their shirts yeah and all three of them and they come to the door they wanted to have a go at the doorman and chucked him out and I wasn't that dormant but I was a head dormant so but I've gone right out to him and if I was going to got knives on I've got knives and everyone can see it but I went right up to him face to face so I'm literally nose to nose with a guy and I'm arguing with him you won't come back in you've been put out once and you've got to go now you know that's it we're not getting in and uh and everyone's thinking everyone's sort of trying to warn me but I knew I knew he had the knife anyway luckily they backed down and they actually left right when I walked back in the dog went to me are you mad what are you doing you know the guy's got a knife we could all see it I said look I said think about it logically if I'm a meter away from him I can't disarm him I he's got time to pull it and plunge me if I'm that close to him he can't get it yeah he but by the time he does anything here yeah I'm on him yeah I'm there I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna grab his arms and not even the face or bite his nose oh but he's not going to put that knife in me back because that's so I'm going to get closer to the problem whereas most people would probably stay further back from the problem but then that doesn't give you any sense of control at all you're going to probably get stabbed so yeah it's always been I know not always been but I just yeah I just something probably Clicks in my head and I just go straight I go for it rather than go the other way all the years 40 years on the doors you've seen everything you clock everything you're very good at what you do um is there any one regret you've got I regret one regret [Music] regarding my work yeah um yeah actually there is yeah yeah um there is one regret I didn't it didn't it didn't sit very comfortable with me for a long time working in a club in Margate we had a we had a we had a coach about you know in I think it was a stag deal or something and um but they kicked off I kicked off a big fight and it was only I think it was three or four of us to deal with it so we're fighting a coach party again and uh and we got him out but then they they they came back with bottles and bins and they just tried to attack the doors and they and we ended up fighting out on the pavement with them and uh and it was a proper scrap you know it went on and on and on and in the end I'm gonna say I think we've knocked a few of them out and and uh and they've yeah we've been you know punches both sides but there's one guy I really wanted to get him and uh you're actually not far from the cliff there and I I chase this guy and I said I'm not a good runner so it wasn't I was like I'm obviously long behind him trying to catch this fellow and he's running like a lunatically looking over his back and he got to what he obviously thought was a fence and uh he duck through it because I was chasing him but it wasn't it was a fence to the cliff oh no and he went so don't think ended too well yeah but that yeah that that particular one sort of like you know it wasn't it certainly wasn't planned I didn't want I didn't expect him to be running off a cliff um but yeah that one that one haunted me for quite a long time because I don't really know whether he made it or not yeah to be honest oh so anyway it certainly went very well I think he's definitely got bruises yeah yeah yeah and your life at the moment beautiful wife calm you've stopped the doors covid is sort of putting into this stay out of trouble and tell me your sort of day-to-day now it's just trying to be healthy I just I try and get up early I don't go out very often I go out for a meal cut up the misses and do actually friends but I just try and stay away from it all um yeah I certainly don't miss the bars or the clubs um and because of my health reasons at the moment I don't drink a lot so I don't do drugs I don't you know I don't do anything yeah pretty boring but I'm just trying to be healthy I just want to try and have a nice you know quiet end to my life how's it been for you since the last episode that we did your first episode of this all the comments 600 odd comments of just brilliant comments comments have been great I mean yeah and thank you to everyone who's commented I've replied to quite a few and uh yeah I've you know I've had sort of little chats on with people I mean there's one little one little lad I think he's only like I said about 13 and he said I'm five foot eleven I'm saying you want to be a doorman you know and he sends me little messages down again and I try and try and tell him you should you know study hard and get a job and you know maybe do the doors as a part-time yeah um but um yeah but I've had I've had people from Australia contact me and said you know we've been on the doors for years and it's been it's been generally pretty good comments so yeah it's nice and I hope I hope if everyone wants to listen then I'm happy to tell my stories yeah man this is a fascinating episode but it's fascinating I really appreciate you coming all the way down again sorry and doing doing this because this is blinding people who are listening are loving the stories okay and I'm sure you've got a load more as well so who knows maybe even a part three keep running out of time Marcus you've been a star mate thanks for your honestly thank you you're a gentleman good man [Music]
Channel: Dodge Woodall
Views: 313,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dodge woodall, james english, marcus redwood, eventful lives podcast, eventful lives, bournemouth 7s, london, gangs, night life, nightclub, nightclubs, rave, rave scene, security, business, 1980s, shaun attwood, dave courtney, carlton leach, rise of the foot soldier, street fight, bare-knuckle boxing, dodge woodall podcast, thailand, mafia, Dave Courntney, Lad Bible
Id: _6In4jURu4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 18sec (6618 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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