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gang beaste I got my son here hi son g i n g b e a s t e s what hi hi son mom question mark hi Bonnie how you doing have we ever met before I'm curious ma'am oh my God oh my God yeah did you seriously just I yeah started the round I just started swinging you know oh I did not realize you were so aggressive I took you into this world get you out of it okay how about that oh my God okay okay come here Freddy come here fredd come here this is my first time meeting your mother Freddy and this is I'm pretty cool right I'm pretty cool right I know I was going to say you're a psychopath I'm I'm I'm not I'm not a psychopath I'm just incredibly she's just a very where you you both you took each other out draw app you took me out I heard the fell yeah I I I don't know what happened I I died last mind you so I should have won that my we were just both behind a thing I couldn't see crap okay hi Monty how's it going oh nothing I'm just doing a I'm a I'm a Bonnie J Jesus what is wrong with you people see like like like mother like son oh my gosh wait Fred what is wrong help me did you seriously shut up oh my God we're so good at headbutts we're hardheaded I have head yeah I'm proud of you get out stupid get out oh God not a gun really oh that's another draw probably the worst time to let you guys know that this is an eight round you enjoy your time you're not Bonnie another eight rounds another eight rounds I I thought I was going to have a issue with you Monty I think my issues with his mother puppet hey I'm puppet hi puppet yeah I'm puppet hi how's it going hey bud come here not doing so good oh you got me I got I got I got what is that sound oh you want go Monty my hair go oh yeah I thought running oh what you think you're a rabbit huh I I'm very clearly a gator you know I we we eat rabbits for like dinner lunch not even this rabbit out Freddie sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry Freddie I'm sorry it just the way has to beboy boots those buck ugly buck teeth are yours damn take that back those were from my mother well clearly one of those better than the other one here hey hey buddy it happen let it happen be back it's like watching a balloon pop hey I'm watching a show here he's he's he still Al someh help help him get out of here help him get out of there help him get help help him out real quick thanks he's already out he's already out all right well go find him Bonnie has left the building how don't you go find him then stap of Marshmallow Man whoopsie daisies wait what did you say about her Stay Puff call me you going to take that one Freddy it's called puppet a puff marshmallow how you know Ghostbusters you have no decent see not really or the woman get out just die is that what you kiss with your is that what say that again that's why I kiss what um I have a okay are you still there we go do you have a wig on no I would be surprised no instantly disappeared for my for my next trick I'm going to freaking die bye uhoh rabbits are for we're for magic tricks all right leave that to us ready oh God come here I'll want show you a secret oh God the Secret's called drowning no I'll do it again oh okay Bonnie you know what why did you make that sound you ruined Father's son bonding moments come here father son father son mother son um is there something I don't know Freddy bonding moments how dare you oh yeah golden Freddy was the of the relationship oh my God what how did you do that hey you little freaking slime what are you talking about get over here that's what we rabits are good at good situ what are you calling me a slime for cuz you slimed your way out of that out of that it's a Nick slime am I right what come here get in the water just get in the water you you you get in the water you marshmallow woman okay Freddy help me out here you do look like the St puff I'm dealing with mon at the moment man fine he's calling your mother a Stay Puff Mar woman got to fix it you got to fix it was that like a common thing you gave to him as a a kid well actually no you see we didn't really have a have a time to a lot going on there dude how about you just get in the water for me hey I see everything in 3D oh there some more I can't grab anything this is a this is so stupid I can't grab you what the you can't this is like you picked me up in like the best possible option come on oh that's really funny really hilarious actually how I got held there and couldn't even fight back maybe you should go to your mother your mother that was probably by far the stupidest moment ever because I literally couldn't fight back no matter what button I pressed I couldn't fight back it's very impressive what is this WWE Monty uh no the 20 20 2019 game sucked where did you how did you even near you I don't know man I just punch the air sometimes it just you know the air travels through and the aggression and oh my God okay why didn't it grab you explain that one to me explain it it doesn't make sense what it doesn't make any sense Kulu SM the heck out of you grab somebody you stupid tentacle up oh nice pick him up heal my life Freddy drown him hey I thought you were British why you why you French in this because I thought you hated the French I do we we again no Mon Mon [Music] peace being slammed around I'm being manhandled we're like tentacle handled what tell circus baby I love her no she doesn't love you back damn wow all right wow still you know it's a lie you can say that that makes it a little bit better I guess Freddy climb him climb him Freddy just climb him and hold him down under the water drown him Freddy CL him damn nice day to Lazy River Freddie go are you sure you my son I didn't kill something dragged me down no legitimately did you never teach your own child had to swim Bonnie I'm not sure how aware you are of this but Zero part in Freddy's life for 32 years oh I'm so sorry bye puppet no she's still alive somehow wait where did Monty go screw you m let go let go thank you thank you appreciate it mon are you up there just sming the traffic man I'm up there too wait Bonnie did you die yes admiring the traffic Bonnie's ins fell I didn't hear really I see a little blue bit of your foot right there what hey hey M how's it going dude I'm doing great just kind of watching the inter state right now oh god oh bye I'm still alive oh hey Bonnie get out oh my God did him in the chest hey son I just no she headbutted me in the crotch you want to know something if you punch someone in the heart at just the right time you can stop their heart she she stopped my heart she did in all the wrong ways yeah well now I'm back up here what are you doing up there camping I don't know how to get up there oh oh my god wow oh watch out enjoy boy beef this is the most invigorating gaml I've ever seen in my life I think most invigorating gamep playay climb it up oh there go hit him just climb up you have no idea how hard it is you know how hard it is you tried you tried your hardest and you failed oh wait wait White Flag White Flag cuz I'm French White Flag that's not how that works you be losing so you should then jump off jump off then Frenchie yeah go on Frenchie Monty French let go give up give up Frenchie come on Monty the French get up here get up here and up goodbye there you go did did he punch my crotch what was that what about to serve Monty La French on a plat oh my gosh come here come here buddy the Hat the Hat oh get it no yes finally good stuff I I was slimy like the front just now slipping sliding like es cargo you know what if I what the a lot of things oh sorry you're asking Monte sorry go ahead Monty go ahead I'm just saying I should be losing all these battles if I'm French surrender I mean Napoleon wasn't really a good guy so you know how that works dude oh my God unironically was the only time French was cool France was only cool when and he wasn't even that short just propaganda because you know French sh sh propaga okay it's okay your mom's here it's okay sh sh sh go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep am i w she just drowned me yes you just drowned your child yeah I did mom is here Jesus it's okay mom is here that Happ that happens twice day kind I kind of liked it better when you when you did that to me when I didn't know you were my mother does it does it does it change the way you think about the old the whole game plays now I'm just curious a bit yes really I White Flag white well you can't white flag and then fight back goofy it's a war crime you're right but that wasn't invented until like 1958 or something yeah and the French didn't give up till Vietnam so it's kind of how it works is this history CL in Vietnam the only re oh the only reason French the the reason the French giving up is a mem is because they used to hold Vietnam and then they just didn't anymore get off me woman no never Americans cannot speak aent France that was that's how the French on we we we go to sleep my God go to sleep go away go to sleep just go to sleep no I'm not going to S sh Bonnie puppet work together take out moners oh Fair okay I don't what what did I do God you L me to die bye Bonnie you are in terrible oh oh interesting very interesting gameplay I just had happened to me you've been out for a while there man yeah I don't know what shark he's coming for the French we white FL is that what the gloves are for yeah actually whates s s ter go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to thank you oh my God I hate it when they make the game play like this energetic by just holding you under water it's a viable strategy is terrible too oh my God I think I drowned people that round actually you literally sat on him and good God Almighty yeah my head is in incredibly woman uh Pilates actually they ate a lot of they ate a lot of yogurt yo play Activia the bone oh my God SLA my head into a wall I did I got a crazy mad woman control your mother oh I just knocked myself out it's very impressive how hey Monty Bonnie listen to me we have a family a couple family members going after us right now surely we can put aside our own differences you what I swear to God if you immediately I just started speaking about putting this out of you can't even hold your own for five goddamn seconds do you know this woman she's built different different the fast bear way let's go laer to her she just oh my God finally a wory opponent oh God you woke up our battle will be legendary oh you have much to learn my son oh wait you're still up what the hell what the hell I was just you were there for like a quarter of a second not even get out FL FL you B you and then I kept headbutting you and punching you how did you not knock out because you wouldn't hit your own mother would you I would at this point I would hey Bonnie oh no bony bony buy stupid get out oh my God I think I think we both head butter Bonnie take her away wow take her away get out what what what happened no who wait wait wait oh yes well there an issue you pulled my hair and it sent me through the freaking there not be any one not pulling your hair it's the freaking pigtails what bye Freddy you have to win this Bonnie has no wins climb back up just climb oh God clb climb you climb Freddie you have to climb up de just know G is just gone I would be so disappointed in you if you didn't climb up here and and and and Live come on I'm going go away for another 32 years I will be gone until you're 64 years old joking of course please don't take that seriously get up okay I just need to to reach the cable oh my God wait this is doable you can get onto that yellow part right there the not that one but the other one get to that yellow oh my God why you too scared Bonnie I don't I can't make that jump jump now top get on top of that just get on top I'm trying my absolute you're going too slow just climb there you go and get up there close climb keep climbing climb keep climbing press the button to climb get on top of the get on the no oh that's it well you tried it's all I can ask for I don't I don't even to be fair we don't even know if me jumping across there would have made you would for made it I not if you if you get a full run and a Sprint off of it yes I think you could on a that's a very interesting start here oh thank God how's it going bud what's wrong with you great wow Bonnie yeah good okay bye I guess okay this is work 20 dumb asses broke that was Freddy fredd what is wrong with you I was hoping I could grab onto the wall at the last second you should have held on to one of the cables and headbutted it while you doing that you know what for that Freddy for that you must be punished oh she got how was your head thicker than mine why would you grab me I have to discipline my son here let go of me what how God what is wrong with this family why are you guys so good knocking people out a lot of things do not ask how a puppet can give birth to a Freddy it was magic that's we've been over this already actually no no then why the hell then why the hell are you questioning it I didn't like I wasn't like 9 months or over here or something like that oh so you were getting I oh no I oh my never I would never you're beating your child yeah Freddy come here get in the water Freddie get in the water Freddy you're not I'm not you I'm not letting you drown me again you as your mother you have no say in the matter you have no say in the matter when it comes to me drowning yes sh you're next you're next you're supposed to break her down next you're next see you I'm getting really good why are you so good at that I don't it's kind of scary if you think about it yes you can't handle a couple of buns wow are you under the freak where are you Monty nowhere oh he's under the floor your come here oh come here I can't even see you come here come [Laughter] here [Applause] okay come here oh God finally give me a second no oh god oh no sh here are where oh you got me you are you reversed the how's the feel you can't fight back can you oh wait I'm fighting back this you can fight back you got to learn you oh my God how did she reverse it I don't know man this is why nobody likes playing with you man what are you talking about because you keep find ways to just win Stupid Ways it's not fun to just drown yeah for you for me going it's funny it's very funny and get in the a lot going have died Freddy good job by the way fantastic fantastic work I am getting in the shark cage let me go I don't care hey hey bring it back no Bonnie hold on Bonnie hold on oh never mind I guess no didn't mean to do that I'm not even scared of shks anymore I'm in all right nobody nobody move the tank get in Bonnie oh oh my God why I walk get in with you you're going to drown me we're going to drown together actually that's how that works are we yeah cuz I mean we're in the shark cage right so that mean what's going to happen to us we're going to go in the water no no no I don't believe you wait they're going to drown both of us you you guys are literally dumb asses you are so on purpose now I'm stuck in this there's a on the shark on the roof come here come here kiddo a hey can you not wait wait wait wait hook me hook me hook me let me get excuse me you are so stupid yeah what are the words coming out what are you trying to do back there are you trying to pull me in yep thanks the fact I'm able to pull of a thousand like over 100 lb metal cage though hey grab my hair real quick that thing is well over 100 lb grab my hair oh oh God I got you oh my God is that motherly protection right there no want they have a competition AAP H my friend no I want this no I want this I want let go of me I want this you know what on top of me man my hand stuck okay thank you my hand is stuck in the oh my god oh there he goes I don't uh come on well that hurt thank M no still alive oh I hear you're still alive did you guys just feel that entire ship just go Boop like that nope I'm too busy up here on the roof I guess what oh my God oh my God where did she come from I don't know Jus she just like a shark the flying headbutt always works oh my God she just Mur there a shark sitting up on the on the de now my son what the hell you got sharks on the poop deck a that that Finn is a mean fin he got smacked this shark is trying to what hey with the crank especially with the crank oh my God okay we're chill we're chill shark is oh you still alive Bonnie yeah no in the tank oh yeah about that I'm not left this dude you want to get out of that no I'm good no you're not good I I'm more terrified of that woman than the Sharks this stage with the drowning oh wait oh no yeah that's why we're saying that cuz drowning is a much worse Faith than being headbutted by me just putting it out there oh you've drowned me plenty of times I'm used to it at this point you should you should know then it's much much my own terms what are you doing over here I don't I don't okay okay you got my well I'll just float to the top I guess I guess that's how that works wa what um I can't get up I can't get up get up me someone has my hair someone has my what how did you where did you go just Ultra Instinct did it you're just no how are you up above how what I'm dead no come on you no no close because that's the only one they can win under me I I I know I my my hair was glitching I'm telling you if you if you grabb my pigtails things get really messed up promise no is that I been to all the other guys I as far as I know as far as I know you've only ever been with my father but I don't been with is a strong word understand I drop kicked you oh how God come on I missed the drop kick missed the your Monty got it oh My Bonnie he jumped off you good I was inspired and you know how to drop kick kick myself I I I haven't honed the aiming yet yeah it's pretty difficult it can be pretty difficult yeah I did it to chica once on the subway level I just dropped it to right right inless rain tracks oh wow impressive that was a back I see where this the family jeans run yeah we're Fighters apparently what we're doing Killers no to be fair to be fair I didn't rely on Magic until recently so I was all physical I did from me get away me get away who already moving okay okay not yet oh well this is it and for Monte get out get out get the hell out be really funny if you both fell off like this this oh he got me oh my God Freddy Avenger mother huh what were you saying that's the fifth goddamn time been knocked out by the stupid bear oh oh oh God ready backand B car the Bonnie for me give me a fa yeah there it is come on I think it's possible it's possible to climb up the other side of the blimp I think if you're if you're fast enough with it go the other side go down and up yeah I want to see someone try it at some point I I want to do it at some point you can try it all you want I did it I almost got it one time but I fell because I lost my 2 one at the moment come on twist that that looked oddly like you were trying to drown Freddy just in finally what fight between me and the B The Showdown we've been wanting finally it's only taken seven rounds 30 minutes [ __ ] took it took 30 minutes to get to this point there you go your hats off surrender now Frenchie if there if this video is not a thumbnail of puppet drowning me by the way my hat is off surrender friends and that's how it's stop Monty you by the way I knocked out Monty like seven times and he kept getting back ity count we're good that's okay count murderers it's nice Jesus Christ we knocked each other why would you hold on to her why she have that you what there go the family's up baby round two already whoopsy daisies well we all died there round two those blocks are getting jiggy with it you see that someone's blasting their stereo down God bed Freddy am I always next to you no not again get out get him out you suck so much oh no I didn't think that we just stayed in that pose the entire time and I'm drowning you right now that's how I like to see it what it looked like I'm this height it's like falling in the concrete puet don't understand why this height is like olympic diving levels of height it's not that bad no no no you be breaking your spine from this height it'd be specially trained for it well yeah but I was falling pretty much vertically so it would probably hey staircase great job no one move all right no one move it's all lock based thing I'm going to go down move down angle I think I'm fine here no punching Bonnie Bonnie what the well that's deserved no you should you should you should you should end yourself now your life is nothing you sir them mini balls bro Bonnie you move get back down there get back down to where you started excuse me you need to oh no no the winner the game decides who win this wins this one 100% deserved okay we're good Freddy so uh hold the kick button down how's you guys at 401K doing there you go what 401K get get closer closer to the there you go now hold the kick button what am I doing oh double kill I just got stay on the thing double kill ready ready saddle saddle one violent I was one you should go across the sides so you have opposite ends you know yeah okay now if you hold the button down you can lean back and lay down on it want you have to face the like that like that Freddy good job what's the kick button probably M for keyboard sare or Square or or the sare are you using [Laughter] oh probably X it's that is not that is not ccle it's the opposite that's that's that's that's b or Circle maybe I don't want to take it face first why not you got a problem with when you're meet in your face you're breaking up a little bit go ahead finish the J Oh my he doesn't want he doesn't he doesn't want to see it coming that's why you know what I think it's the reason why we're not dying I think is because we're laying down I think we need to stand up he just stood up oh my God oh my God oh oh we did it we got there eventually guys the meats are in my favor we got there eventually we got there it took like you got four minutes we have the meats welcome to Arby's you don't want open down the street by the way I'm breaking I'm breaking the stairs oh okay go for it hey Bonnie hey Bonnie come here buddy no no no no no I'll catch you I'll catch you Freddy get him opposite way Freddy there he is thanks Freddy oh my God you just murdered your child almost in pursuit of a man drive by we're just doing that sounds like a that sounds like a ABC kind of story what like a like one of those stories is like I killed my son because of my because my uh because my new because my new boyfriend didn't want a kid turn around Freddy turn around Freddie just kidding just kidding get out get him out St Monte I am trying to break a staircase right now oh now you want those Jamaican metal steel drums get out get out dude I am how I swear to God goodbye hi Freddie here Mak Freddie I don't time this I don't have time for this oh got trash look like some sort of crappy Indie artist right now hey man what's it going you want listen to my mixtape is using no man here this is some just some sick crap you can listen to hold on listen and then it's just no it's more like it's more like a hey guys my new mixtape is here you heard of Weezer I'm going to get so much crap for that pick him up get him out Freddy I that thing just flew he there it is wait what you hold on he woke he grab my Boop it do not not my son snoot please do not boot my son's snoot a lot of kids have already what there's that goddamn cat again get him out get him out Freddy for the French to surrender ready don't lose that oh my God oh my know you from this there's no no way you're still alive someone's got to do it oh wait canny can you get back are you supposed to break this damn thing I don't know how you break it I think you better get moving Budd if he breaks it it's coming down I punch stand on it dude get on it how is that comfortable not on that on the on the actual you're not going to climb mon I can't you can't grab onto the wall it's it's get on the actual stair thing and hit that one right there this thing I think so and then the one that side to yes try and get to a good position to survive I I hope you're getting a c I hope you're getting a good pick of Freddy right now cuz uh you know yeah I I'm looking at him right now he's he's having a rough time at the moment I almost just fell off Freddy you're having a really bad time over there huh I am you're going to be okay no I don't think I am oh wonderful can you stand on those can you stand on the on the on the oh I win I lost myp strength well the indie arst ends up winning the fight darn because of dumb look I could hey hey hey truce truce crap grab my hair I'm dead serious grab I'm going to have to grab grab your hair grab my hair I'm taking a nap get out of the damn way way way way oh god well never mind are you no they're still alive oh wait okay f fine fine fine I'm literally bring okay well well um we have to get over here Hide real quick hang on it's not enough for Bonnie oh almost killed someone grab it just just grab my hair somebody grab puppet's hair oh my God probably not her kid Jesus grab my hair CR I got I think I got it you got it oh my grab the truck now fredd if you can move out of the way please I appreciate thank you all right ah okay what what well that's not cool did we get launched down the street yeah I think we oh I'm Captain America this actually really impressive that's impressive my ha we good you got to kill each other well draw I'm I'm upset we didn't get to do the actual a yeah what was supposed to happen huh the trucks are supposed to go trucks might have glitch what happened I were experts hey hey oh no listen Bonnie I see you across the way over there okay guys St in the water how my jaws in it wait Freddy I offer something for you what there traffic Co hang on hang on hi Bonnie hi what oh going hang on what was happening it's fine stop stop you screaming I'm in yeah trash you're trash all that to get in the trash can my arm like broke in like 15 different places for that this is where I belong I like grab the trash can is that the puppet of miti show yeah wait didn't it go back to the foxy one it's always been that but you suck you know that how dare you did I just knock myself out what was that you shut up this is my home ow this is my home shut up get away from me get away from me get away from me get away you broke me out of my shell oh we're alive there's no chance we're alive there's no chance that was perfect timing Monty got slammed into a train like some sort of superhero thing just now die Freddy he's still alive I have to stop him from getting back up he's no one strong enough to take me on oh I missed him go wa oh God no no no no oh what I saved both I saved both of us I saved both of us it was like the motherly stri coming at the last second my son may have lost three limbs of the train but he's alive oh Bonnie just failing to get in the Trap can't anyways you right now you you just tried to drop kick me I did hey Bonnie how do you feel that your sign in the in the ruin deal you help me H help have your segment in the DLC be cut out you bastard he stole my home my home that's right I did D right I did no idea where puppy lives assuming it's in a a trash can I hope you get rid of them fast pad Rock s's room your room Grand Freddy's room chica's room occasionally your house in the Attic what what are you just listing where Monty sleeps of no where I sleep oh wait you sleep in my attic not your attic no Monty that sounded really bad did you hear did you see me just headed the ground shut the hell up get in there dummy what okay can I take your trash can can I point can I point out all of Bonnie's wins have been like the scenarios Bonnie comback Bonnie I'm back a take your trash woman take your oh no shut up oh my god do you just like Crush knock me out yeah I did all right I'm I'm not nope thank you what I'm un gous standing up oh my God how'd you get unconscious you you you you kicked me goofy I did not kick you actually get him Bon go you kid get him Bonnie oh he did okay I'll deal with him after I deal with you he's in the way now though he's in the way now though I can't let go I'm being double teamed what okay no way never heard about be so angry that is fake matter of seconds goost round three I knocked you out and you just woke right back up what pick him up did you hit is that what happens if you miss the the jump kick you can yes you can knock yourself out if you if you if you oh wow M holy crap how did you make a noise like that wow get him out Bonnie just grab him and then pick him up what are you doing you're climbing you're climbing him you have to pick him up it's raising your arm to dominant it's how it is in the animal kingdom wins even if mon throws him out Bonnie won because he Asser of dominant over it I don't that's how that works actually you're right not that you're dead technically Monte and I are now tied what I beat him once you beat me once that's pup oh yeah hey Freddy don't don't move watch this CH kick yeah go on see lat you try that again buddy yeah I'll try it again hang on it could be cool it could be cool you you your eyes were let go of my hair before something bad happens something bad will happen puppet shut up Shin kick oh oh my God get out godamn really okay W again oh ooh what's in there I'm still locked out okay oh okay B oh no way I just did that I got to get out of there I deserve that you don't deserve a damn thing actually that was some glitchy guys no pull myself out of hell itself Bonnie come back here I'm good oh Flex in front of the camera hey Bonnie hear me up out hey what hey hey listening cool what if you just beat up Freddy Fair okay cool that's not fair at all understand it Monty has a long knockout timer just beat him up oh that lag that's that's oh my gosh why are we fighting in here no no no no no no no no you're both 2v oneing for no reason whatsoever when your real Coral is each other your real there we go Jesus Christ Jesus CHR you let him win Jesus Christ fine you've given Monty a win I Bon not really at this point it's rather him than that woman pupp pull board pull a board Let's uh let's go get the other two or not look out look out look out out get out the way get way out the way hold on oh my God get away that is the stupidest I bounced off of you what the how's the we down there well I'm going just pick this up now literally just what I bounced I bounced like a goddamn wait is this a is this a new alliance for Bonnie and Monty only to kill puppet that's the stupidest freaking thing ever Freddy win around please thank you get rid of him who Freddie kill him do it Freddie do it do it he Fred want to hear an alliance proposal down there Bonnie Bonnie ow oh come on ow oh my God I would have gone for the building side personally that's just me though Bonnie what are you doing can you stop moving the damn Goda Bonnie Bon I win Bonnie Bonnie what the hell that's tell me how the game supp to be played right are you 100% how much is Monty paying you I don't believe this you know what come here oh my you should my [ __ ] knocked me out what a joke this game is I knocked you out yeah my shin with my shin you kicked me in my shin and that knocked me out sometimes I punch people on the in the they still get knocked out man what do you expect oh brother has to come up in right now Freddy let him drown this is Revenge for what what did I do no no go back down everything go back down go back down made one damn thing I did right now oh no I'm not talking about that I'm talking about I'm talking about all the all my milk that all of a sudden got replace with [Music] [Music] souring SH oh oh what what that tentacle bear grab you you sure that wasn't fancine at some point Freddy just say oh no actually fun fact uh sour cream's kind of like cryptonite we actually can't affect sour cream absolute dog water right now are you kidding me absolute dog water you drowned you trying to drown me but what happened oh Freddy I haven't taught you all my tricks yet I to go that gives you like protection and and like super strength or something I swear to God wait wait wait wait so if I got so if I got the magic from from Golden Freddy he just from him hi I also do magic we told you this already we've been over this yeah yeah but who did I get like my fighting skills from then oh I Kulu thank you culu thank you cthulu uh we'll have poker next week I don't believe this eventually it got you my friend for drowning genuinely dumb as hell I don't believe that cthulu's he's cthu does suck sucks sucks just call the last one screw it we can't get to eight I'm pretty sure we have to get three more wins on Mon I don't know why you put it to eight for for average view duration goofy average view dur do you not know us I gu to be fair last time it was like a quit get him out damn it let me let me drop kick my son get out of the way Bonnie for the me get out of my way oh my God you all ruined my perfect deserved incredibly incredibly ow incred you know what Freddie you know what Freddy come here nice wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait nice slide tackle we've been we've been getting screwed over by both Monty and Bonnie why don't we just work together and get them both out first oh yeah sure idea what I do I haven't done anything any anything is B hey no no no put him in here oh let's go grab Bonnie then sure wait wait wait is is Monty coming back up oh he's still down there yes surprisingly yes I'm still down here Bonnie want see a secret what okay just get help get what get good no like get in there but no I was going to you sure you don't want to help your mom I'm distracting you right now no she can handle it he knows me really oh you almost jumped in hey what are you holding on to you're Mohawk apparently what why did it become your freaking pigtail come here come on come on Monty let's go for a little swim swim little swim there's three sharks here they're all oh my God God I think they're part of your fan club I would be surprised got mon apparently I guess Monty ah what the hell he's still alive okay first climb you stupid climb thank you ready Freddie Freddy hold on it's okay hold on to me don't go he been H by two sharks he going to win because there's two sharks on board [Music] go you don't even want to know what happen just now Bonnie you really don't happen so dead your scream body P still up oh no the you watch just my son die come here really the water get in the water no I have nothing to lose can you stoping climb oh my God hold him under the water no yes I just realized we just recreated the the origin of Friday the 13th well I'm I'm tied with puppet you know that's probably going to be it for us everybody it's I hate water now I really don't like water bye everybody bye or is it or is are you kidding me I love this 2 on one action oh what what happened I don't know bye everybody I'm hang on to the side bye everybody I don't know [Music] anymore
Channel: Monty Gator and Foxy Show
Views: 30,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monty Gator, Foxy, FNAF, Security Breach, FNAF Security Breach, VRCHAT, FNAF VRCHAT, Monty gator vrchat, foxy vrchat, monty gator and foxy show, monty gator show, foxy show, fnaf show
Id: dXCI2KgyGZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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