Gaming Will Be Dead In a Year… Here’s Why.

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at the end of 2023 I graduated from University and I got a degree in game art and whilst I'm glad I got an actual degree oh this this is beautiful I regret getting one that locks me into only getting a job within the gaming industry it's an industry I never ever want to work in it just seems horrific it's nothing like it was when I started my education in college at the young age of 16 I was so unaware of The Evil Within sorry I couldn't resist gradually as I got older and I WRA myself more and more into the course the more [ __ ] I saw about the bad things within the industry that came to light it seemed like the gaming industry was one of the worst Industries you could ever even think about getting a career in Honestly by the time I had graduated I would have rather been one of those people who sift around in [ __ ] filled sewers then crunch 80 hours a week to make a [ __ ] skin in fortnite I don't know I just want to make it clear now that I'm mainly going to be talking about the AAA side of the industry in this video as that's where almost all of these problems are stemming from a lot of people look back on 2023 and think wow that was such a good year for games so many bangers came out like Boulders Gate 3 Hi-Fi Rush Resident Evil 4 and that one Zelda game that wasn't Majora's Mask so it didn't matter but I think people liked it people consider it one of if not the best year for games now I never understood this statement personally like I know the games were pretty consistently good if you ignore the dog [ __ ] that was released but it was also one of the years that had the most layoffs I don't think there was a single month within the year where there wasn't news about a company laying off a significant amount of employees because the game they created flopped or sometimes for a completely unknown internal reason that will probably never come to life it made 2023 a mixed year for me and a lot of people especially the ones who lost their livelihood during it I honestly couldn't help but watch last year's game awards with this sour taste in my mouth all these fake smiling faces aware of what's going on going into 2024 I was really hoping that the whole layoff Trend would have stayed in 2023 I was hoping a lot of these companies would have learned from their mistakes and tried their absolute best to let people keep their jobs their livelihoods oh wait it's so much worse this [ __ ] is insane and I can imagine it's just downhill from here I don't know why I was even hopeful for any form of change this is the game industry we're talking about here it's run by Rich [ __ ] that have never played a game before in their [ __ ] lives they all look like Goblin hybrids too I I don't know what's up with that Trend now this is going to be me giving educated guesses here from now on so if I'm wrong about things feel free to correct me in the comments but I feel like one of the big reasons as to why these layoffs are happening is because budgets for games are getting way too ridiculous to the point where making that money back is borderline impossible PlayStation is easily one of the biggest offenders of this ever since the last of us they've been kind of obsessed with making games that are equivalent to films while of course there is gameplay with in these games the main focus is on the cutcenes and motion capturing and because so much of the budget is put into that the game play just isn't that fun in my opinion for a lot of these games they're also obsessed with this hyper realistic graphic style too and yeah I get they're trying to sell consoles by showcasing the power of the system but come on you only really need one game for that with this goal for almost every single one of their games it means there's a longer development time like a ridiculously long development time how [Music] how how I don't know and during this time they need to pay their workers more and more meaning the budget of the game gradually increases meaning the game needs to be an absolute hit or it's considered a flop although even when it is a hit it won't save them from laying off employees Spider-Man 2 was one of the fastest selling PlayStation games of all time yet despite this they still laid off as a significant number of employees from insomnia games oh and of course a bunch of other employees from the other companies they own too for no apparent reason that we know of honestly the way Sony do [ __ ] with their IPs makes no sense to me there's an insane amount of smaller PlayStation IPS that have fairly big fan bases that are desperate for any form of game or even a mention if Playstation told naughty dog to make a new Jack and Daxter game rather than The Last of Us Part three it would sell pretty well they really underestimate how many people want a game like that I mean I guess they look at the statistics of the shitty PS4 Port of the original game which no one wanted because it was [ __ ] not because people don't want Jack and Daxter but they don't care about that they just see money and statistics I mean [ __ ] hell the concepts for Jack 4 are already somewhere in Naughty Dog Studio for all we know they were already prototyping the gameplay mechanics before they scrapped it so there's already a start for Jack 4 why don't you just work off that I don't understand I I don't work in the industry I don't understand any of this [ __ ] it's stupid I'm not disregarding the fact that PlayStation does have Studios that make smaller titles I mean they literally released hell divers 2o not too long ago and I mean it just proves my point that game had a fraction of the budget of like God of War for example yet it's sold like crazy easily making up for the budget spent on creating the game although mentioning hell divers 2 helps me move on to the next point and that is the fact the industry has a stupid ass obsession with live service games these are some of the most predatory games most of them are designed to just leech money out of our wallets by Trick people who have addiction Problems by drip feeding them dopamine with loot and pretty colors when one of these live service games work they can make the company so much money and because of this it became an oversaturated Market because every single CEO wanted a fraction of that money and forc their companies to make dead inside live service games that or destroy a project they were already working on by forcing it to become a live service little do they know with the current economy we can barely afford a pot noodle never mind a $44 skin and foam Stars so a majority of these live service games flop hard leading to even more layoffs because the developers are blamed for it yet despite this companies refuse to give up with this [ __ ] every CEO wants to make the next Destiny or fortnite and it feels like they're not going to stop trying and laying off employees till they get what they want it's creating a huge oversaturation of lowquality AAA games in the market which is very similar to what happened in 1983 with the video game Crash back then there was a massive oversaturation of just [ __ ] games companies all over trying to jump on this video game Trend to make a quick Buck it made so many people lose interest in games and ET was the nail in the coffin for this in 2023 we had so many ET equivalent games that we tried to forget but they'll always be there sorry Rick it has to be this way personally that might be why I wasn't into the whole 2023 hype as most people were and it's probably going to get worse the more this goes on and I feel like I won't feel so alone with this feeling soon another problem is this weird obsession with putting celebrities in games I'm not entirely sure why the creatures from the cess pit that is La are swarming these pieces of media but they aren't [ __ ] good at acting in them I think these dumb asses believe that having a random celebrity in their game will possibly increase interest in game sales but take it from me we don't [ __ ] care that Megan Fox is a vampire lady in your Mortal Kombat game in fact the only news anyone hears about her being in it are clips of how [ __ ] Dreadful she is that Blade's Enchanted it was forged to destroy evil it's slain many of your vampire kind we can't help what we are that we feed on blood doesn't make us evil how did they allow this it's insane that they probably could have gotten a professional voice actor for a quarter of the price they probably paid for Megan Fox because she's a celebrity oo hideo kajima popularized this [ __ ] with death stranding and they were all [ __ ] [ __ ] in that too you are damag Goods the only reason why hideo kajima gets away with this [ __ ] without bankrupting himself is because he's friends with every celebrity Under the Sun for some reason I know uh Jeff Keeley gets very upset at parties when kajima is talking to someone that isn't him I I don't know what kind of relationship they have behind the scenes and honestly I I don't want to know the reality is none of this will change and this video has only just scratched the surface of the issues in the industry I I haven't even mentioned the problem with AI out becoming so competent like this is eventually going to cause even more layoffs the more it improves it's why there's so many people believing we're heading towards another crash similar to the one that happened in 1983 and yeah I'm on the same page it's definitely going to happen if things don't change and they won't let's be real these companies are far too stubborn and they'll never listen to anyone they don't even listen to the critics half the time constantly churning out the same slop over and over again despite how much we complain and even vote with our wallets it's a depressing reality and honestly I really hope this video ages horribly I love playing games it's been a hobby of mine since I was 3 years old so they mean a lot to me as I can imagine is the same for a lot of you watching this right now let's hope a crash doesn't [Music] happen [Music] [Music]
Channel: Proxidist
Views: 25,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video game history, ps5, atari, video game history you didn't know, video game crash of 1983, et atari, nintendo, The Gaming Industry Is About To Crash, The Gaming Industry Is About To Crash... Again, Gaming, Games, Video Games, PS4, Xbox One, Next Gen, E3, playstation, xbox, sony, microsoft, switch, series s, series x, summer game fest, helldivers 2, live service games, sweet baby inc
Id: U7fW_H5rV6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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