Gaming Memes Only True Gamers Understand

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me testing if friendly fire is on gamers after breaking three keyboards a monitor two mice and a wall almost lost Michael there how the media portrays gamers into thousands how the media portrays gamers in 2019 how gamers actually our Xbox 360 Halo franchise me finally beating the final boss on my video game without the help of my brother my older brother watching from a distance when you go back to a game after ten years that you couldn't beat as a kid my powers have doubled since the last time we met count when your Corian friend who hasn't been online in years logs and carries you and your homie to a win told you Morty he's still got it doctors people should not be on video games for more than three hours a day gamers you underestimate my power when you are spotted in a stealthy mission high guards do you like violence when you play a horror game and all of a sudden the game says hold shift to run when you beat the game but there are still 38 more achievements to unlock you are on this council but we do not grant you the rank of Master eight-year-old me after naming my Pokemon rival idiot using the armor that gives you really good stats using the armor that makes you look cool any kind of firearm in a horror game about a knife in a ref PS game drafted Dark Souls player when they are asked to use a firearm instead of great sword I beg your pardon the Four Horsemen of destroying friendships fortnight players use bandages pub G players use med kit Skyrim players mobile games apps I bet you can't do level two also the ad when you've died twelve times on a boss fight with an unskipable cutscenesthat's nice when i unlock him as a playable character society people who say GG even after losing a game boss on its first stage boss when you kill it and it transforms into its final stage boss when you unlock it as a playable character society if NPCs walk the same speed as the main character behold my stuff when you're in the spawn area waiting for the match to start [Music] Mortal Kombat character skull literally gets shattered also Mortal Kombat character I can do this all day my character doing side quests the world being taken over by the villain playing one of my own played games on Steam we play Skyrim when you reach max level and you go back with no armor to wreck everything that gave you a hard time mop pause that game me pauses game what do you need mop I don't know I didn't think I'd get this far when you finish all the missions in an open-world game and you'll be there like I don't know anymore when smooth lighting is disabled when you finish a game you're truly loved and now feel empty but then realize you don't have every achievement welcome to heaven here's our video game collection wait they're all fallout 76 haha psych how girls think depression looks like how men think the pressure looks like how depression truly looks like we who just joined the game my teammates yelling at me the first mission boss me not realizing there's main story and kept playing side quests and reach max level when you only max out one thing on your skill tree in level 3 pockemon on route 1 I don't feel you me coming back after beating the elite 4 then you will die braver than most when you're fighting a really hard boss and then a cutscene happens showing you weren't meant to win waiter your steak sir very rare me thanks wow that is rare parents who know that multiplayer games cannot be paused when you get your login info in a game right even though you haven't played that for three years I'm still worthy mahp pause the game me it is an onlay mom I have spoken when you and your friend are losing a game but suddenly something in Chinese joins your team we are both honored to be able to play the role of support friend do you play on PC or console me yes when in future internet becomes so good you can't see the Chrome dinosaur anymore bots on the enemy team bots on my team the swear jar the gaming longer than five hours jar my mum when she watches someone getting murdered in a TV show my mum when she sees me palying an unrealistic FPS game me playing online games toxic kids I'm your father growing up with no social life playing video games excellent English is my second language money then money now the main character in a cinematic cutscene the main character when the cutscene ends EA proudly released 5 for 20 everyone but EA it's all the same mat you playing li sports Wii Sports is better than fortnight change my mind the boss when you fight him the boss when you can play as him the game when you're playing by yourself the game when your mom walks in the main storyline around me me a random side quest when the game allows you to customise the vehicle bandit when I pause the game mid-battle and eat 300 cheese wheels not only is that a violation of health that's a violation of human decency Xbox kids after losing a match I have access to the entire curse word library game when I'm alone game when my parents Walken when a necromancer kills your Skyrim dog and then revives it and uses it to attack you my pro friend ready to rush an entire squad me who just downloaded the game when you have the legendary level 100 sword but whack armor me skips cutscenes because it's boring the game developers who spent months creating it lamps and video games technically use real electricity a normal conversation room are circuits Xbox Series X will support steam and epic store well that just sounds like a PC with extra steps what normal people see what the media sees oh say you liked EA games name every micro transaction when your team mate keep reviving you but you're a noob who won't stop buying just let me go me explaining the strategy to my Russian teammates every Pokemon villain after you win a battle against them we were bad but now we are good got you don't shoot I'm friendly prove it I say GG even if I lose a match when the game actually lets you attack underwater the crusade knows no bounds Joe bidden calls game developed as little creeps who make titles that teach you how to kill me just happy building the perfect zoo so all my animals are happy when your custom character is in a cutscene random high ranked player 30 kills you after a hard day at work trying to have a good time EA games every 0.3 seconds I'm once again asking for your financial support gamers when a girl enters a lobby first when you finish a very good game and the final music touches your soul me as hundreds of hours playing console games and easily knows all the buttons by heart quick time even press X my brain thank you for watching this video tune in at 4 p.m. British time for a video of changing topic and at 7 p.m. for daily juicy memes check out my discord server using the link in the description also be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed the video and subscribe if you didn't already [Music]
Channel: Memenade
Views: 3,162,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming memes, memes, fortnite memes, dank memes, gamer memes, gaming, best memes, funny memes, game memes, fresh memes, gaming memes beter, dank memes compilation, horror game memes, video games, gaming memes v1, dank gaming memes, gaming memes clean, video game memes, dankest memes, funniest gaming memes, gaming memes reaction, gaming memes text2meme, taste gaming tasty memes, gaming memes compilation, tik tok memes, cod memes, meme
Id: SlsRuRLabeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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