Gaming Laptop Sales Be LIT

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it's that time of year again where seemingly  every gaming laptop's on sale so i bought one   that seemed almost too good to be true for the  price just to see what kind of deals are out   there at the moment but before we check it out  it's time for a word from today's video sponsor   after a long hard day at work i like to soothe  my brow with a steaming hot couple of note   there's just nothing quite like a good reliable  linux based cloud computing service for all your   web hosting and computational needs top it off  with industry leading customer support and you've   got a winner try the node today and new accounts  get a hundred dollar sixty day credit lenode now this laptop cost me the equivalent of  about 715 us dollars and for that you get   an intel 12 700h which is already ridiculous for  the price a 512 gig ssd eight gigs of ram which   i guess we can't really complain about  it at this price hopefully it's not that   difficult to fix we'll figure that out  later in the video we also get an rtx   3050 ti which doesn't mean a whole lot but again  we'll investigate later on and we also get a 1080p   high refresh rate ips display so unless  this laptop's like a violent test spot or   summon it's probably a great deal  so let's open it up and find out we've got some blue gamer accents nice that  is a perfectly reasonable 170 watt power brick   it's quite wide but it's relatively thin and light  and then on this end we have the mickey mouse ears now the first impressions are of turtle  death this is a real plasticy boy which at   this price point isn't a big deal and it's very  robust feeling plastic oh yeah that is a real   sturdy feeling laptop and one of the things that  i quite like about the plain plastic build of it   is that it doesn't make me feel like a gross  cheesy ogre every time i touch it in the way   that an aluminium device like a macbook makes me  feel but that could just be my low self-esteem   talking there's also a whole bunch of ventilation  on this laptop which really gets my juices flowing now when it comes to the i o you've  got square usb ports on either side   of the laptop and then there are  some more goodies on the back oh very effectively passes the one hand  open test it's got one of those webcam   privacy shield things that lenovo puts on a  lot of their devices uh we've got reasonably   thin bezels around the display but this kind  of chunk down here doesn't look that great i'd say that that's like a mid to low tier laptop  keyboard it's a bit rattly very unsatisfying   keystrokes but it's quite nicely laid out  we've even got a numpad for all of you excel   enthusiasts out there and we've got full  sized arrow keys very nice trackpad is   quite plasticky but it's a nice size and the click  is okay on it now the hinge has a nice weighting   to it and you can see it actually goes really  low but it is quite floppy look at that although yeah that's fine it's not too bad in terms of  practical use but when you do open it up and   move it around yeah it is a bit floppy a final  thing that i do notice is that the speakers are   downward facing which i absolutely hate when  laptops do but anyway with that let's see   how easy it is to open up this laptop and  upgrade that abominable ram configuration now having a look at the base of  this laptop it's not very promising   i mean is a glory hall really that  much to ask for on the base of a laptop   just a panel to remove so you can easily  access the insides hopefully it doesn't   feel as brutal to open as that asus laptop  i looked at a while ago let's let's see can see there's a very thin gap that  you need to get a tool in and that's   pretty brittle feeling plastic oh this back bit slowly starting  to come off as well so do i need to   oh so there are two screw screws on the back  here as well that i think you need to undo oh that is an unpleasant sound oh that's  a bit sneaky we've got another two screws   hiding under here keeping this plate in if there's  solder drama under here i'm gonna be so pissed oh what it's even attached to the hinge back  here so there's an additional couple screws wow this laptop really makes you work for the  teardown but it hasn't felt quite as destructive   as the asus laptop i looked at a while ago so i  guess that's good because now that it's actually   loose we can just kind of lift it off and then  there is the inside of our 700-ish dollar laptop   that little thin plate better not be hiding ram  solder crimes now once you've got the top off   uh it's quite interesting in here we've got  what looks like four heat pipes and there's   quite a lot of cooling surface area actually the  first thing we need to do is disable the battery   there is actually a little bit of tape that keeps  the ram cover down i don't know that feels like   one of those if tampered with warranty will  be void kind of things we've got going on here   and you can just undo it  like that i guess and then oh good it's just a single stick of ram which is  not really something you want in a gaming laptop   but at least you can upgrade it which is very good  and at this price you can't really complain about   eight gigs i'm not sure how 12th gen intel  laptop cpus respond to single channel ram so   we'll definitely upgrade that later in the video  and see what effect that has but this could be   quite a knee to the groin of that cpu's  performance that is a thick thermal pad damn   wow that is a fat boy thermal pad  which kind of just contacts the   plastic back of the laptop i think it kind of  touches over here i don't know how useful that's   going to be but you know it is there it's the  thought that counts i guess generally for the   price that is a very acceptable laptop interior  i'm glad that there's some upgradeability here   i do wish that it was easier to get into but you  can always make a laptop easier to get into at   least it doesn't feel like you're breaking apart  the universe when you open it so yeah i'm gonna   reassemble it and then we're  gonna try to do some gaming on it that almost looks like one of those ai generated  images to me now when we go to all apps we've got   geforce experience on here some lenovo stuff which  i guess is expected oh we've got mcafee live safe   that's a crowd favorite right there nahimic  oh okay so that's like for the for the audio   on the laptop yeah i mean it's not the worst i've  seen but it's it's definitely not vd-free you know   here is our savage single stick of ddr4 which is  actually running at its rated speed out of the box   which is nice and considering that this is a ddr4  12th gen laptop it'll be nice and cheap to upgrade now with gta 5 running at 1080p high  settings it's not running as well as   i was expecting here although when we look  closer we can see that the gpu and the cpu   aren't doing a whole lot which means the  culprit is most likely the ram configuration   as is always the case but don't worry  we'll test that later on in the video   uh in terms of temperatures though it's  pretty good and it's not that jet turbine   you know it's it's definitely audible  but it could be a whole lot worse that yeah just look at that utilization uh but  having said that it runs fine you know usually   with this kind of kneecapped memory configuration  you get really heavy and consistent stuttering   whereas you can see here it's actually running   reasonably you know this is a usable  battlefield 5 gaming experience yeah it's running fine at 1080p  low settings there is some quite   wild frame rate fluctuation it occasionally goes  down below 30 frames per second which is not   ideal now when it comes to gpu power draw we're  maxing out at 60 watts which means this isn't   the most powerful configuration of an rtx 3050 ti  at 80 watts but it's not a particularly weak one   either now just a quick note on the temperatures  they are quite a bit higher playing cyberpunk   but it's because i was running an hour worth  of cinebench runs while downloading the patch   for a cyberpunk and it took the laptop really long  for it to hit this temperature level actually on   the note of the cinebench scores this 12 700h  is a real monster just look at those scores   and the laptop didn't get that noisy  while running an extended heavy load anyway with that let's upgrade the ram  configuration and see what that does cool ah yes we're really stretching the  legs on this 60 watt 30 50 ti now   look at that good old almost 100 utilization while it's clearly important to upgrade the  ram on this laptop i was still impressed   with how well this 12th gen laptop cpu  handled the loser ram configuration so it turns out this laptop does not encapsulate  the soul of genghis khan and it's an example of   just the kind of crazy laptop deals you can  find if you look around at the moment i think   it's a good compromise you get lots of gaming  power that isn't particularly hot or noisy   and the compromise is turtle death a mediocre  keyboard a battery that doesn't give you more   than 30 minutes of gaming on the go and a display  which is very usable for gaming but it doesn't   measure particularly well and it struggles with  off-axis viewing but at this price even if it   set fire to my eyebrows every time i used it  i wouldn't really mind anyway with that thank   you for watching if you enjoyed the video consider  watching another one and until the next video bye you
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 250,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: 1fUf8xSmiNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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