Gaming Just Isn't The Same Anymore
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Channel: Optimus
Views: 710,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Optimus, video games karaoke, video games live, video games in real life, gaming, youtube gaming, worst video game ever, worst video games, worst video games of all time, worst video game consoles, worst video game endings, call of duty vanguard, call of duty vanguard trailer, call of duty cold war, call of duty warzone, call of duty modern warfare, call of duty league, call of duty black ops 4, call of duty vanguard gameplay, call of duty mobile, youtube gaming intro
Id: Ll8bMDG3fhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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The only problem with modern games is that they are more of beta rather than a complete game. Also, microtransactions
I think these days all triple games feels like same Gameplay Mechanics wise. There aren't many games with innovative gameplay Mechanics. For me gameplay mechanics is one of the things that makes games fun.
First Tomb Raider games had great gameplay mechanics but now it is just an Uncharted clone. MGS V is a great, very well optimised game but the gameplay isn't as innovative as MGS 3 Snake Eater. MGS 3 had some of the most fun and smart boss fights, MGS V don't have that. Pretty much all open-world RPG games feels like a version of Assassin's Creed/Far Cry. I wish game developers come with interesting mechanics and smart boss fights that makes you think rather than button smashing.
What do you mean same?
All the AAA games nowadays only has good graphic and too many cut scenes. No different gameplay mechanics, not properly optimised too.. even if you keep low setting it will still run like crap. Most of the time when i start the game i just get bored within 30 minutes.
Ofc it's not the same. Everything changes, it HAS to. That's how growth happens
The way the god of war franchise matured has been my favourite transformation
yup micro transactions everywhere plus the sweat and so many other things i miss playing gta 5 online and cod on weekends playing in gaming cafes with da bois its sad honestly :-(