Gaming Just Isn't The Same Anymore

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The only problem with modern games is that they are more of beta rather than a complete game. Also, microtransactions

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/blastoise327 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

I think these days all triple games feels like same Gameplay Mechanics wise. There aren't many games with innovative gameplay Mechanics. For me gameplay mechanics is one of the things that makes games fun.

First Tomb Raider games had great gameplay mechanics but now it is just an Uncharted clone. MGS V is a great, very well optimised game but the gameplay isn't as innovative as MGS 3 Snake Eater. MGS 3 had some of the most fun and smart boss fights, MGS V don't have that. Pretty much all open-world RPG games feels like a version of Assassin's Creed/Far Cry. I wish game developers come with interesting mechanics and smart boss fights that makes you think rather than button smashing.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ice_cube56 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

What do you mean same?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/evammist 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

All the AAA games nowadays only has good graphic and too many cut scenes. No different gameplay mechanics, not properly optimised too.. even if you keep low setting it will still run like crap. Most of the time when i start the game i just get bored within 30 minutes.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Glaceroy 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ofc it's not the same. Everything changes, it HAS to. That's how growth happens

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Divine_Dementia 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

The way the god of war franchise matured has been my favourite transformation

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/UncarvedMelon 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

yup micro transactions everywhere plus the sweat and so many other things i miss playing gta 5 online and cod on weekends playing in gaming cafes with da bois its sad honestly :-(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sql_inject0r 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
all right what's going on everybody so this is a little bit i guess different of a video than i usually make here on the channel but honestly this is one that i just wanted to make and it's kind of similar to a video i guess that i made about a year ago at this point but i just kind of wanted to talk about the current i guess gaming scene slash industry talk about some of the things that i'm feeling when it comes down to video games and just kind of see if i'm the only person feeling this way now if you're not one of these people if you're actually always enjoying new games or you're always finding new experiences to play honestly man i'm happy for you because you are getting a lot more out of the gaming industry than i am at this point you are having a much better time than me and this video is not in any way meant to attack people like that i feel like a lot of people misinterpret this argument as like a oh if you're enjoying any new video game you're a [ __ ] which no you know if you enjoy the new call of duty game i can't hate on you if you enjoy the new madden i can't hate on you if you enjoyed cyberpunk i can't hate on you you know but i've been unfortunately dealing with this issue for a few years now it seems like and it's actually kind of depressing in a way because video games have actually genuinely been such a massive part of my life i started playing video games when i was around three years old my dad introduced me to the world of gaming on the playstation 2 with grand theft auto 3 and madden 2003. i know grand theft auto 3 for a three year old child is like you know for a lot of people that just seems criminal but for the most part i would just kind of like drive the cars around and like try to avoid hurting anybody and i would like try to do taxi missions but obviously being three you're not gonna really do very well or complete them at all so more or less i just kind of role played being an npc at the age of three but that's how i got introduced into video games and from there it expanded man i got a nintendo gamecube the legend of zelda wind waker is still one of my favorite video games of all time namco museum opened me up to a lot of classic video games i played so many different types of video games growing up that i just absolutely adored and even today like when i go back and play them i'm just in love with these games man they're just awesome but unfortunately i've been feeling that like recently new games just don't hit the same it's been years since a video game has actually kind of caught my attention in the same way that a lot of games did i guess for you know well over a decade i mean i've played video games basically my entire life i mean if it wasn't for video games i wouldn't even have a career on youtube i started out doing gameplay commentaries giving my opinions on video games i mean i was a child in middle school recording modern warfare 3 commentaries with an ipod touch set up on some books that i stacked in front of a 26 inch flat screen in the corner of my bedroom that's how i got my start you know that's how my entire career that has changed my life all began was all those years ago and it seems like back then i just had so many different games to play you know call of duty games actually hit they were really good there was grand theft auto 4 nba 2k there were those were those games were still good man sports games actually still got something out of me i still had my psp and it still functioned well i mean i still have my psp but i don't have a charger for it actually i probably should get one but i had all these different games to play and back then you know it feels like that you're gonna have you know video games to play forever right and like i would always look forward to video games of the future like what kind of awesome games are gonna come out now and unfortunately i just feel like that hasn't been the case at all i feel like i've been really let down the games of my childhood feel infinitely better and i feel like as time goes on you know the mission of the gaming industry has kind of changed and in turn the mission of a lot of video games has changed i mean when i was a kid you released a video game and if it wasn't good people would not [ __ ] buy it that just was how it was if a game studio came out and they released a shitty video game that absolutely sucked it was unplayable it was broken from launch that's how the game was you know like you didn't get a chance to fix that you didn't have day one patches and constant you know content updates which don't get me wrong those are really actually good things but not having those things to rely on kind of made game studios actually try you know they had to put out a good product and make it right the first time or else the game [ __ ] flopped there was no chance for it to come back you couldn't just knock it down to 9.99 on the playstation store when the new update came out and hope to pull in some buys you know that just wasn't how it was you released that [ __ ] on disc it was like that and so games were really good right off the jump you know i've i even find myself going back and playing these games and this is what's crazy i i've been playing recently like i've been really into like grand theft auto 5 again which you know isn't super old in the grand scheme of things but god damn that game is approaching eight years old and the funny thing is i remember when that game came out the exact day that i pre-ordered it and the day that it came out i remember when grand theft auto 5 was you know not even an available video game i remember the day before actually i was playing you know the online mode of grand theft auto 4's dlc the ballad of gay tony and i'm just sitting here thinking like man this is really going to be one of the last times that i play this because grand theft auto 5 comes out tomorrow and it was a school day i was in middle school okay so i had to sit all the way through school that whole day knowing that when i got home my mom already had went and picked up my copy from gamestop that i'd pre-ordered and when i came home man like my mind was [ __ ] blown by this game like when i started up gta 5 on the ps3 for the first time and i played through those first few missions like my mind was absolutely blown like i remember going outside that day and like talking to my friends in the neighborhood on our bikes and they're all just like oh bro how's gta 5 because no one else in the neighborhood had this [ __ ] and i'm just sitting here like dude it's incredible like you guys have never experienced a game like this and like they were all so pissed because their parents wouldn't let them come to my house to play it that day because well it was grand theft auto and a lot of parents don't let their kids play that kind of [ __ ] but like dude it was like an insane feeling and i've never had a video game feel that way for me ever again and it's kind of unfortunate man i think that there's a couple different reasons why that is the case like i said i've found myself relying on the same games it feels like for years now to keep me entertained in fact i i play grand theft auto 5 like it's going out of [ __ ] style man i mean i've probably beaten that game six times over i've probably sunk in [ __ ] at this point it's probably gotten into the thousands of hours total on grand theft auto 5. i've played so much minecraft that you know i can probably hum the entire soundtrack to that game verbatim without missing a [ __ ] note every sound effect in that game i know you know what i'm saying like there's just so many old games right from my childhood you know grand theft auto 5 minecraft the old sports games legend of zelda wind waker super mario sunshine super mario 64 super mario galaxy the halo series right all the old good call of duty games and there's so many more man like the guitar hero games were so underrated i feel like there's just so many games out there that like as a kid when you're playing a man like the memories like of course you make them but you don't realize it and you get to this point that in like three or four years when the game's not you know really popular anymore or anything you're just sitting there thinking like damn i really wish that in the moment i appreciated playing that game in its peak way more like in the video here you're watching black ops 2 campaign being a kid playing black ops 2 man like it was a really good game like i knew even then and it's still one of my favorite games of all time but like dude if i could do like a one day rewind back to 2012 and get to play black ops 2 and it's prime again dude i would give a lot up to do that because like i really do want to kind of go back and experience a lot of these games again because the truth is these new games just don't hit like they did anymore now don't get me wrong you know i know that there are of course good games that are coming out right i know that indie studios in particular have been releasing a lot of really great video games in the last few years and there's even been some mainstream successes i i can't sit here and pretend like everything is a failure or whatever but it seems like every game that i play or get excited for man is just a massive [ __ ] disappointment and a lot of it really comes down to how the gaming industry has changed i mean obviously like i said back in the day you really had one shot with your game and if you didn't hit you know that was remembered but now if your game sucks at launch you can try and pull a no man's sky and within five years try and reverse course and push out all the content that you promised which don't get me wrong no man's sky is actually a great video game now that they've done all the necessary updates to make the game an actual video game but as someone who that was my first pre-ordered game where i actually went to a midnight release for that that just really put a sour taste in my mouth when that all happened man it seems like the gaming industry now is a lot more about you know sell 15 micro transactions you know sell the [ __ ] battle pass prioritize multiplayer content only and the actual like spirit of making video games has been largely pushed to the side for profits of course this is not something across the board this is something that is you know really happening a lot but i don't think completely across the board but it's still just so depressing to watch man you know like all these good games have been ruined by micro transactions and the monetization systems and you know in a lot of ways the gaming industry has improved like obviously dlc we have to say is a lot better nowadays right you know back in the day you had to buy an expansion pack i know a lot of you probably don't remember this and you know i'm kind of in that transistory period i guess between you know people where like i'm old enough to remember going to the store and getting expansion packs for like pc games and it came in the big bulky box and you had to install it on the cd and you your computer actually had a cd drive but of course now you know the dlc is a free update and the battle pass which is 10 a month is how you pay for the dlc or you pay for it with a 20 skin where your character looks like a glowing clown with a dildo around his waist and you know you're running around in this war scene right that's just kind of how the gaming industry has gone and you know i can't complain because in all reality as i take my headset off here it's really creaky my fault but in all reality these dlc methods obviously are better they they provide more content to these games they provide them quicker they provide them on an actual schedule to keep you coming back and playing the game or whatnot but the way that this stuff has been monetized and it's been almost i guess prioritized over the actual games just [ __ ] sucks man like it's just so sad to see video games that could just be phenomenal projects if put out but instead like 40 of the content has been cut away from the game to make dlc out of later it it just it's really depressing to see that kind of [ __ ] happening and it's just been happening for so long and there's been like disappointment after disappointment in the gaming industry where you know like these video games get hyped the [ __ ] up and they they are kind of like considered the next holy grail of video games or whatever and then the next thing that you know they come out and they're unfinished they're buggy they're rushed they should have been delayed another three years the content's not impressive the gameplay [ __ ] sucks there's something going on man and it's just such a massive disappointment now i've kind of hypothesized that there might be another reason why this is happening and this one's just kind of depressing i think another reason that a lot of these newer video games just don't hit is because honestly man the games are just not going to be viewed the same by me as they would if they if i was a kid i mean when i was a kid i was so excited for the new call of duty games to come out you know when modern warfare 3 came out i remember the day that it came out like i got surprised for having really good grades in school and uh actually turning my performance around in school my parents came home from work one day with a copy of modern warfare 3 and like dude i was so [ __ ] hyped like i i had never been so just excited to play a video game as i was when modern warfare 3 came out like i i had never even known that i was going to be getting that game and then i got it and like that was just it was a [ __ ] rush of adrenaline and just excitedness as a child but you know call of duty vanguard the world war ii shooter from sledgehammer is coming out in just a few months and honestly i didn't even play the alpha for this game i mean i have a playstation 5. i could have downloaded it it was free but like my interest in it is just so [ __ ] low that like i could not have been bothered and this is actually the first time in my life where i'm not checking out a new call of duty game you know as it's releasing as they're rolling it out and i've realized that i've kind of become a gaming old head because instead of playing the new call of duty alpha that came out you know i'm just sitting here like meh i think i'll play through the gta 5 story mode for the seventh time or may i think i'm going to go back and play black ops 2 and modern warfare 3's campaigns for game play for youtube like i found myself doing that a lot more now and i think that a lot of it comes down to the fact that i'm just simply not a kid anymore man i mean when i was a kid right like i would get home from school and you know i would go outside right i'd go hang out with my friends we'd ride bikes through the neighborhood we would play pokemon on our ds's and game boys and stuff like that we would play like backyard baseball and like pick up basketball and football we would like invent war games and stuff in the yards and stuff that that's what we did growing up man i know old heads like to make it out like kids after 1977 just didn't go the [ __ ] outside but we used to literally play outside from like 3 p.m until like 9 00 p.m when the sun literally just wasn't in the sky anymore and like when you got done doing that we would all come inside and play video games you know what i'm saying we would all hop on ps3 on bo2 and a lot of the times it was our friends who didn't live in the neighborhood that we played with so we actually got to like talk to all of our friends in the same day and you know now as adults right like i mean i'm a [ __ ] youtuber that's what i do like i get to play video games and talk all day like that's my job you know but obviously all of my friends have quote unquote regular jobs right like they're they're doing whatever in society while i'm bullshitting around on the internet and they don't have time for video games like that anymore so i don't really have people to play with you know sometimes i play with like fans that i meet online on games like about a week ago i met some uh fans on rocket league and that was pretty cool we played like three or four matches together against each other that was like the best time i've had playing a video game in a minute but like i keep reverting back to these years old games like even rocket league right like i was in high school when rocket league came out and was free on playstation and i first got into it i haven't really stuck with a game for very long since you know after i graduated high school for sure and it's kind of sad right because like there's all these different effects that are really out of my control that just kind of make it not as enjoyable anymore that make it kind of hard to get into games and it just [ __ ] sucks because like i really hope that this isn't how gaming is gonna be forever right like i really do hope that there's going to be some games out there that really kind of pique all of our interests back into video games because my friends largely feel the same way we talk about this like once or twice a week like man what i would do to go back to the days where we were all playing baseball together on the same team kicking the [ __ ] out of everybody and then we'd go home and blow people out grown-ass men cussing at us on black ops 2 we'd go home and stomp them the [ __ ] out in a match of domination like if we could go back to that kind of feeling man that would be [ __ ] incredible but like there are a few upcoming games that i'm actually excited for for instance the new battlefield game looks absolutely phenomenal this looks like it's going to be the first shooter in years to genuinely capture my attention maybe the first shooter since modern warfare remastered that i enjoy i kind of liked black ops 4 for what it was worth it was okay modern warfare was playable sometimes too i will give split gate its credit where credit's due it's a phenomenal game but i feel like a lot of people are getting burnt out of it really quickly but we're all really excited for the upcoming battlefield i've always actually liked battlefield ever since i've been playing it i can't wait for that game to come out like i'm actually really [ __ ] excited they announced a new skate title is in the works that's a game that like i just cannot [ __ ] wait man the amount of time that me and my friends are gonna sink into this skate game is unhealthy and i know this is gonna sound kind of funny but the rumored unreal engine grand theft auto trilogy remaster i cannot wait for gta 3 vice city and san andreas in some upscale graphics on the unreal engine that just it sounds like it's going to make you know a couple weeks if not months of my life a lot better so i guess in the inman this is just a video talking about the gaming industry i know there's a lot of people out there who like these new games but man i'm struggling to enjoy them the same way that i did as uh you know games that came out when i was a kid and there's probably a lot of different reasons that combined together to make this the case but it's honestly just depressing and i wonder if other people really feel the same way so let me know what you think about the gaming industry and video games in general down below thank you guys for watching if you did enjoy make sure to leave a like subscribe if you're brand new around here on the channel follow me over on twitter and twitch at sub the optimus make sure to check out shopopty down below and until my next video guys this is optimus well just talking about games and signing out
Channel: Optimus
Views: 710,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Optimus, video games karaoke, video games live, video games in real life, gaming, youtube gaming, worst video game ever, worst video games, worst video games of all time, worst video game consoles, worst video game endings, call of duty vanguard, call of duty vanguard trailer, call of duty cold war, call of duty warzone, call of duty modern warfare, call of duty league, call of duty black ops 4, call of duty vanguard gameplay, call of duty mobile, youtube gaming intro
Id: Ll8bMDG3fhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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