Your Warhammer 40k Boards Suck: How to Fix!

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preparing a battlefield for a game of 40K can feel like an afterthought you spend all week reading your rules making an army list and painting your models and then finally when it comes down to the game you slap together a board in five minutes and roll for deployments and because of that the game doesn't live up to your expectations 40K is a game but it's also a battle simulator it's basically a role-playing game it's bird's eye view of a battle taking place across the world of Warhammer forty thousand and typically I've just been setting up the appropriately sized and shaped terrain which is fine but it could be so much better I want to take the time to give this important part of the game the attention it deserves I have some ideas to spice it up some of them are going to be a little bit of work but some of them are going to be super easy step one is going to be replacing this cardboard terrain with some of our own [Music] [Applause] this is our terrain for the month of September we here at eons Balor diving back into 40K in a big way and we wanted to make some train that would capture the size and scope of Warhammer 40K and really fill out a board a Gothic and ministratum a cathedral where information is delivered processed and sent out to the forces territories and planets of the empire this terrain is going to be the rock upon which I build my 40K career but first I have to paint it [Music] and a big terrain project like this and then start to airbrush it and get it all absolutely perfect but there is physically too much stuff and I bet I can get a lot of mileage out of the good old-fashioned rattle can another thing I've noticed as of late is my terrain has been a little bit too dark and I think it's because I start with a black Prime so now I'm going to try a dark gray primer and see if that helps this is an absolutely lovely color and it's very similar to the Sarai attack fast Navy gray resin that this is all printed out of so Ryan Tech resin makes the very best 3D printing resin and if you want to give it a try for yourself you can follow the link in the description below and use our code to get eight percent off I'm being too timid I just gotta go for it all base coated brighter than it would be if I painted it black now for a zenithal oh they're broken it's kind of tannish color we'll add a good amount of warmth to the xenithal I've been really excited to try this out it never looks as good as the cap but hopefully it is a lovely gold [Music] tea darn gold I might make some more things gold that is a nice gold [Music] Church now for the flooring I have a magenta the spray paint was definitely useful and it went on really quick a little bit hard to control but man do I love that gold I think it's time to get a little bit more precise the spray paint didn't do everything I hoped it would do but it did give me a very nice base to work up from now I'm Gonna Knock Out the trees to give myself a nice easy win these trees were once the symbol of Imperial benevolence an absolute treat for the Imperial civilians and absolute decadence in a hive World trees almost immediately ruined when white paint gave me some very basic value these even further I sprayed some brown over the trunks of the trees not hitting everywhere like I would if I was base coating I just wanted tinted Brown then I moved on to the bricks I brightened them up with a dusting of white paint and on random bricks I gave a little extra squirt to make some extra bright spots to add variety then I filled in the space in between the tree and the bricks with some gray paint I'm trying not to use black as much as I can I want that ruined Rubble Battlefield look but I don't want everything just to be really dark then I sprayed a gloss paint over the bricks I was debating on exactly how I want to wash the terrain I have decided on oils I got out of black brown and yellow these three colors let me finish the trees I spread these colors out on some tin foil I used to use a glass palette for oil panes but it took too long to clean with tin foil I can just throw it away when I'm done and oil painting is really really messy so I gloved up I spread the black over the bricks and over the base of the tree I applied it pretty thick so the paint was nice and sticky Then I wiped it away immediately with a paper towel to get 90 of the paint off and then I switched to a makeup sponge to get it perfect then I moved up the tree putting on some brown paint and on the top of the branches I applied to Yellow paints and then when I wiped it off the brown and yellow Blended together and gave me a lovely looking tree I've been slowly learning my way around oil painting and one thing I've discovered is texture is very important you can take oil paint and put it right over acrylics and it won't damage them but usually acrylic paint has a matte finish and that creates a grit that the oil likes to grab onto for these trees I gloss coated the brick so that they would wipe nice and clean but I didn't gloss coat the trees so that the paint and the color would actually stick to it a little better and it worked out pretty good and gave me some nice quick trees and hopefully oil paint will continue to be quick because now it is time for all of these buildings and on the flooring I made the magenta more vibrant with some airbrushing of a more saturated color and I mixed this color with white paint and I did some dry brushing this brought out all the details in the sculpt and made the flooring look much more Dynamic it does look a little too clean though so after a quick airbrushing of gloss varnish I took the black oil wash I used on the trees and then put this over the base rubbing it on nice and thick squishing it into all the crack and then wiping it away I lightened up the buildings with some white paint sprayed from above to catch in the most raised portions and then I picked out all the little spots of gold that were too small for the rattle can to paint effectively I used a brown to accent all the exposed rebar and the ruined walls first with the airbrush and then going back over it with the dry brushing metallic silver I also use this metallic over the skeleton of Justice then I clear coated this whole terrain set in a nice thick coat of gloss paint to get it ready for the oil wash to come it is possible to airbrush oil paint safely but do not thin the oil paint with mineral spirits or odorless thinner you have to use linseed oil and work in a well ventilated environment with a mask the airbrush let me quickly blast on the black paint which I then whipped clean with tissues which are soft enough to squeeze into the terrain and wipe most of the oil off and then I went in with a makeup sponge to do the last perfect cleaning this was so much more fun than a classic acrylic wash because I get to make a lot of decisions which spots do I leave all grim and dark and which spots do I clean 100 it lets me draw attention to my favorite spots on the terrain and give me nice dark harsh Shadows because the oil paint was so thin it was mostly dry after leaving it overnight I dry brushed some way acrylic paint over top and this went really well with the oil still being slightly wet the acrylic and oil paint mixed together ever so slightly and the oils absorbed in the bristles and kept them appropriately damp these walls turned out excellent I was having a little bit too much fun on the walls and I completely forgot about the gray Rim dark data cubicles these got an oil wash but I forgot to wipe it away before it dried I'm just going to call it a black Prime and move right along I dry brushed gold on top to give it a nice Regal importance and then I airbrush white over the parchments then I used a gray paint to make some Wiggles across the page to make it look like it was covered in text there is no 5G internet in the Grim darkness of the far future only analog a worker must read and then dictate a message in order to bounce that information down the chain of commands these data cubicles and skeleton of Justice statue add a really nice narrative element to this battlefield this is some really big terrain and it's just about done the only thing left is the transparent Parts nothing shows the absolute duality of church and state in the Grim darkness of the far future more than the blending of religious iconography into every single Imperial item case in point stained glass in an administrative building I used a piece of cork to sponge on gold paint for all the soldering details and then some transparent ink to tint the stained glass all working on top of clear resin on the characters in the window the little Imperial dialysis I used opaque colors so they stand out stronger and then I slid the piece into position this is an example of an intact window also on this board are some destroyed windows with just a little bit of their original Brilliance showing through with this terrain I'm gonna be able to blockline a sight from Imperial Knights and now it's time to see what it looks like on the table top foreign oh yeah this is already a big Improvement to be honest this isn't my favorite of our gaming math it's really more of a DND grid than a we're getting Mac but with the terrain painted up to match it's really starting to look the parts to be fair though all I've done here is I've replaced one set of terrain with another set of terrain it's still missing something it feels a little two-dimensional well it's literally three-dimensional but you guys know what I'm talking about it needs a little something and I know just what that is but it's going to require a road trip art supply stores are one of the foundational pillars of the hobby they're full of all sorts of crafting Essentials I come here all the time to stock up on the tools I use every day like inks but if you look a little harder there's tons of materials that can be useful too now scatter terrain usually means like barrels and buckets and crates but really it should be scatterable degrees something that can really kind of fill in all the little gaps on the table and I found all this lovely stuff at the arts and crafts store and the pet store and it doesn't quite look like scale material now but I've had painted using the same colors that I used on the rest of the terrain I think it'll look the part [Music] some Little River Rocks some crunchier bigger broken rocks I've got some broken glass and this stuff some big tumbled pieces of broken glass I don't really want these pieces [Applause] see how it takes to spray paint [Music] maybe a little bit of black paints [Music] I think this is working really well the black paint adds a little bit of variety there's still some crumbs of the original colors showing through but I think it looks pretty good and then this white spray paint is really spitty and not working out too good but it might be perfect for this I'm liking that a lot I really like how that looks it looks like proper Battlefield debris and the absolute cherry on top is going to be adding in the rest of this broken glass foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at that Rubble that is some good looking Rubble oh I can't wait to see what this looks like on the board [Music] ah Martha Stewart eat your heart out I've got some Rubble [Music] here we go a few things are quite as satisfying as making a big old mess and this should be very very easy to clean up because I can just take the mat and when I'm about to put it away I can just kind of roll it up and roll the Rocks up with it and then pour it right back into the bucket this is blending it in so nicely these rocks are the sort of detail that would sometimes be painted into the mat but since it's not I can add them and because they're real they look so much better so much more convincing these are life-like rocks because they're literally rocks oh it's so simple it's just a little bit of spray paint and some fish tank Pebbles but man does it really add something and speaking of some things this board is still missing one little thing but luckily I have all the supplies to make it happen while I was at the arts and crafts store I picked up some Halloween tea lights and I also bought a pillow some of you know exactly where I'm going with this and some of you are very confused I gutted the pillow because I'll be using the batting to make some scale fires I took some wire wrapped it around the handle of a dry brush and then squished it onto a stick then I glued this contraption onto a Halloween themed tea light which also just so happens to be orange glitter the perfect thing to go inside my explosion I took the fluff and mushed it into a cone shape and then stuck it over the wire the wire is there to give me something to hold on to I put hot glue over the base of the tea light and then carefully pressed down the fuzz squishing it into the hot glue and binding it to the candle it is quite a change to see this desk go from a whole bunch of grim dark Gothic terrain to these little puff balls but they're a lot of fun it's time to throw some paint on these I airbrushed yellow over the fluffing to start to make it look more like a raging Inferno unless like every stuffed toy I've ever bought for my dogs yellow around the base of the flame and then black over top of everything this catches on the outside of the stuffing but doesn't land on the inside making it look like there's a lot of depth to the smoke then I sprayed red out of the smoke from underneath so it looks like the red of whatever happens to be on fire is casting light onto the smoke look at all these controlled Burns trying to see what these guys look on the battlefield okay now I've got some Grim dark plush toys now these are perfect for fire and they're also really nice and handy for the pop smoke stratagem taking a couple of these and key places to make it look like this battlefield is currently on fire and burning down and another thing I can do with these suckers is use some of these tanks that I'm not taking in this particular game these will really help tell the story of this battle taken place just set one of these guys down and then have it be on fire foreign now this is looking like something straight out of dawn of War oh I want more of these puff balls this looks like a real Battlefield not just a facility of a battlefield or the shapes of a battlefield but it actually looks like a war zone with the rubble with the smoke with the fire this is actually getting me pumped to play on this board there's two halves to a game of Warhammer assembling your models getting them ready for the battlefield but then there's actually playing the game simulating a war and this feels like a simulation of a war all of this terrain is available to our patreon supporters of the EOB terrain tier for the month of September and all of the other little governs are available from your local arts and crafts store now this isn't just a war game about seeing who obtains the most points now it is a narrative story about who is gonna drive off the invading force and reclaim this territory in the name of the m or filthy xenos thanks for watching
Channel: EonsOfBattle
Views: 96,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eonsofbattle, eons, of, battle, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 4000, 40k, video, game, play, fun, paint, learn, tutorial, diorama, painting, design, base, basing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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