Games That Never Get Old For Atari 2600!!

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all right let's look at some original Atari 2600 games that will always be fun well to me anyway now I'm not going to include arcade conversions here because well I mean with emulation you can play the real thing so why play any other version all right let's go ahead and get started and the first game I want to look at is Adventure created by Warren robinet and it's such an amazing game where you are on a quest to find the enchanted chalice save it from the evil duck shaped looking dragons actually I think you're trying to save it from the uh the evil magician but he never shows up in the game so it's just the dragons come on you also have to worry about the bat who will sometimes fly in and steal whatever object you have which I've had him actually come in and steal my sword away from me and leave a dragon behind that was that was bad so yeah I'm not a fan of the bat he's a he's a troublemaker but you do have to travel different areas of the map including the red maze the blue maze the the the White Castle maze which is I guess this called The Catacombs but you have some things on your side to help you get through your quest including the bridge the magnet and naturally your sword and also if you want to get into the castle you know a key you know that that might be kind of important to use and of course Adventure is widely regarded as the first video game to include an Easter egg well and you know I don't know if that's entirely true but we we've come to accept it but adventure for me it's just such a fun game to just you know kind of play for a couple of minutes it's nice because it doesn't require a huge commitment not like [Music] Zelda all right the next game I think is always going to be fun is Atlantis and you know it's kind of your basic shooter game but it has a little bit of creativity here because you can shoot in different directions and essentially all you need to do is protect Atlantis from these Invaders Sometimes they come in Fast and attack your bases and stuff like that I've always been fascinated with underwater cities I used to draw like these pictures of underwater cities um with buildings and everything but with a dome over top of it and this game like totally reminds me of of that and what I would have drawn back when I was a kid this game also kind of reminds me of Missile Command in a sense but without the missiles you're just kind of protecting cities and stuff but yeah that's it lannis it's a simple game but it's a lot of fun here's a cool three-pointer of a game and one you might not expect and that's atari's basketball it's just so simple I mean you just go grab the ball and you you shoot it I don't know there's something interesting about this game and no it has nothing to do with the fact that they were playing it in Airplane it's certainly no NBA Jam that's for sure but um I don't know it's just it's just pretty cool you know there's just some games that are incredibly simple but there's still a lot of fun and this game is way more fun with two players but basketball for me it's a fun game now let's talk about beam Rider now this is an Activision game that I'm pretty sure they kind of copied from a game called Juno first but I don't care this game is just so much fun and I'm not even bothered by the fact that the graphics are not in that really annoying grid like most other versions of this game in fact I really think it helps the game that there aren't so many lines all over the screen basically you have your ship that moves back and forth on these five points and you just shoot the enemies that are coming down at you you get a few different kind of enemies in the game basically you start off against these saucers that you have to shoot a certain number of in order to get to the boss character or boss ship rather also these indestructible asteroids will get in your way and screw you up you'll get some enemies that will shoot you from the sides you also have to be careful not to shoot your bonus ship that comes down and you can get one of those per [Music] stage you also have a missile that you can shoot at the mother ship in order to destroy it I don't know I just love this game it's such a blast to play I can just play it for hours coming up is some BMX air master and this is a game that just like totally blew me away when I first saw it because the graphics are just so incredible both the background graphics and the character animation is just fantastic basically all you do is Ride Your BMX bike on this ramp as high as you possibly can and do some tricks and flips and if you uh land properly you'll get points and if you don't land properly you'll uh you'll die well I mean or at least have a really catastrophic accident in addition to that ramp stage you also have a couple other stages here like this one where you just ride straight into the ramp as fast as you can and see how many points you can do and then there's also the stage where you get to ride on a dock and uh perform a jump really beautiful Graphics here this is one of the rarer games for the 2600 at least the Red Label cartridges I personally don't own it I wish I did but I have played this through my cuddle card and through emulation over the years and it's it's one of my favorites I love it and now sliding down the lane is bowling that's right bowling from Atari gosh this game is just so incredibly simple I mean really the hardest part about this game is kind of lining up the ball with where you want it to go but I mean isn't that common with just about any bowling game in some variations you can control how the ball moves down the lane and yeah I know it's nothing like real bowling but that feature just makes it so much fun to me of course one of the highlights is when you either get a spare or a strike I mean I love how your guy just kind of dances and makes that noise it just cracks me up I love it so yeah this game doesn't usually get a lot of recognition but for me this is a game that's just always going to be fun on the Atari next is Chopper command from Activision and this game is pretty clearly a Defender clone where you just fly your chopper and you have to protect these trucks but it is a little bit different in the sense that the enemy does not actually pick up the trucks well I mean they don't pick up trucks in Defender they pick up your humanoids but instead of trying to pick them up they just you know blast them which is something that you don't really have a lot of control over so your job here is to just destroy these Choppers and jets as quickly as possible and also avoid getting hit yourself I kind of wish the first stage just had choppers on it that you were shooting because they're bigger and easier to hit the Jets are very difficult cuz they're so narrow but hey at least they stay on the same plane they don't move up and down too much also this game has a really cool radar screen down below very detailed but yeah that's Chopper command from Activision one of my all-time favorites next is combat and this one comes with a slight caveat and that is you need to have another player to play this game with you because this is a two-player only game but man is it a fun two-player only game if you can get some friends to play with you oh man this is just a blast of a game of course there's different modes you can play as tanks or jets or bip planes you can play tank pong where the missiles bounce off the walls you can play Invisible tanks you can have different maze layouts and what's really mindblowing about this game is that it has so many variations but it's only 2 kilobytes in size I mean there isn't an Atari game this small that packs as much fun as combat does and yeah as long as you have a second player with you this game is always going to be fun beaming up next we have Cosmic Ark from a magic which is the sequel to Atlantis you might have seen that little ship flying away at the end of Atlantis when you lose this is a pretty neat game you start out by Defending Your giant Cosmic Arc from asteroids and this part of the game kind of reminds me of space zap the original arcade game and then after that you fly down to the planet and try to beam up these little alien guys and take them away into your spaceship I don't know there's just something about beaming those little alien guys up to your spaceship it's just so cool of course naturally the game gets a little bit harder each time the asteroids get faster and there's this laser Shield that tries to protect the aliens from getting beamed up also you have a time limit so you have to beam those guys up pretty quickly anyway this is a really fun game and in some ways I enjoy this more than Atlantis and Demon [Music] attack next we we have demon attack from IM magic and to me this was always meant to be a phoenix clone and you know that's fine because this game is really a lot of fun it's got some really nice Graphics I like how the demons come in from the side and merge together that's a really cool effect but basically here you just shoot at these guys and sometimes they split apart sometimes they shoot different kind of bombs at you and you just have to shoot as many as you can and survive to me it's just the epitome of a a early 80s arcade shooting kind of game and you know it's one of the best the enduring Enduro from Activision is up next and this is an amazing racing game basically you have a certain amount of time to get to the finish line but you have to pass a certain number of cars and you drive through different environments you know you'll drive through a nice sunny day sometimes you'll drive through a snow patch you get get to drive through a Sunset and through the night and then through a fog bank and then you reach the Finish Line the next day and it tallies up whether you have succeeded in passing enough cars to get to the next leg of the race I guess but I love how fast and smooth this game is and also how nice the road looks on the side there's the one thing you don't want to do is hit another car I mean you're not going to flip over or anything but it's just going to slow you down and is it me or am I the only one who hopes to hit that little kind of divot on the side of the road so that I don't have to wait quite so long I can't be the only one Enduro has got some great graphics and it's a lot of fun and again it's one of those games that's always going to be fun on the 2600 all right guys next is going to be ET and I know what you're thinking ET is the worst game ever but it's not it really is not the worst game ever it's a lot of fun actually if you spend just like 2 minutes figuring out how to play it you play as this little cute Alien named M mzac I think that's his name uh in real life and he's landed here on Earth and he finds a friend named Elliot and he needs the pieces of his uh Communicator to call his buddies to come pick him up cuz he was stranded but anyway you travel the screen looking for those Communicator pieces and once you find all three you just need to find the spot spot in the forest where you can call your friends of course you do have to worry about the scientist and the FBI agent who's chasing you down all the time but you can turn those off which makes it a little bit easier and yes you do have to fall into the pits in order to find your Communicator pieces but if you're careful you can land without injuring yourself it's not really that hard again this game if you just take a few minutes it's a lot of fun and there's nothing like it out there on any other video game system of course you may not think that's a good thing but you know I personally do freezing up the screen is now frostbite from Activision and this is a pretty simple game where you just hop from Ice Flow to ice flow in order to build yourself an igloo to prevent yourself from freezing to death in the Arctic and this game kind of reminds me of cuber but it also has a little bit of Frogger influence and I find that you just have to be really really fast and uh if you're fast enough you can avoid the birds and the fish and all the stuff that's in the water there's also a polar bear who comes out later to kind of mess you up there on the land area but once you've landed on enough ice flows you head to your igloo and uh try to stay warm for the night it's a pretty simple game but you know it's a lot of fun and again it's something you're not going to find on the PlayStation 5 now let's talk about Gremlins which is based on the 1984 movie directed by Joe Dante and in this game your goal is to catch all the mwai before they eat the hamburgers I guess it's after midnight here and if they eat one of those hamburgers they're going to turn into Gremlins but even if you save all the mwai you still have to fight Gremlins in the next stage so I'm not sure really what the point is I guess that's the point is just to get points this game kind of reminds me of KaBoom in a sense except you do have to control it with a joystick which is not as precise as using the paddle [Music] controller my more favorite stage is when you get to shoot the Gremlins later of course I don't remember Billy Peltzer actually having a gun in the uh in the [Music] movie well I do really enjoy the 5200 version of Gremlins better this is still a really fun game and again it's always going to be [Music] fun coming to save the day next is hero from Activision or is it h e r o I always just say hero basically in this game you have a helicopter pack and your goal is to fly deep down into a cavern and rescue miners have been trapped there you have Dynamite to blast the walls and a laser helmet to shoot at enemies the stage design is just so creative although I do find that the easiest way to get through it is to look at the route that's going to be the most difficult because you just know if you go down the other way there's going to be something there at the bottom to injure you the graphics and animation are really good and the gameplay is superb naturally it gets more difficult as you continue there's always going to be something underneath you on the next screen that you're not aware of or you know the walls are going to be made out of lava so you can't touch them and stuff like that of course this game appeared on other platforms but you know I've always felt that the 2600 version was just perfect hero on the 2600 one of my favorites that will always be fun the classic game of KaBoom from Activision is up next which is so incredibly simple you use the paddle controller to move these buckets of water at the bottom of your screen to capture these bombs that are being thrown at you by the mad bomber the game just gets progressively faster and eventually there's just no way you can keep up with the mad bomber well at least I can't some people can I know Mike m from Cinemassacre is pretty good at this game it doesn't have a lot of Graphics but you know it doesn't really need any it's just simple fun and you know it just never gets old next is croll based on the I think 1983 movie yep I was right 1983 anyway you play as cwin who is defending your fiance Lissa from these Slayers unfortunately you're just not going to be able to defeat the onslaught cuz they just keep coming forever and they will kidnap her and take her to the black castle of course you can't just travel straight to the black Castle no no that would be too easy you have to go to the Widow of the web in order to have her tell you where the black Castle is going to appear so that you can travel to that location and defeat the Beast traveling between sections is really cool cuz you get to ride these horses and you get to pick up glaves and extra men along the way but for me the most fun is when you get to the Beast stage and you have the glaive and you're throwing it at the prison that's holding Lissa it can be extremely challenging to maneuver around the Beast and it's most helpful if you have more than one glaive that's for sure I remember picking this one up back at the day and I don't know I was just blown away by how awesome this game is it really does capture the spirit of the movie I mean as much as a 16 kiloby Atari 2600 game [Music] can and now we have Mont Zuma's Revenge from Parker Brothers which is really a mindblowing game for the 2600 you play as Panama Joe searching for Treasures in I guess the Mayan jungle honestly I'm not really sure the settings and I really don't care I just know that this game is just so so cool the graphics are fantastic for a 2600 game the animation is really really good it's got so many different stages for you to explore you know each screen is its own puzzle that you have to get through I mean I really wish we had more games like this on the 2600 I've never been able to beat it but I really enjoy playing this game it's also been ported to other platforms which are also very very very good I think there is more of a modern take on this game I think it came out for the for the switch or the PlayStation or something like that but you know that just proves to me that this game just it just never gets old it's so much fun next is a rather odd game called off-the-wall which is kind of a breakout derivative basically you're a peasant and you have to I don't know hit balls against the I guess it's the Great Wall of China and hit this worm at the top I guess makes no sense at all but hey you know it's a fun game and that's really all that matters there's also these little powerups that you can get to boost your abilities and there's enemies that pop in occasionally to kind of mess you up sometimes it's hard to get that worm up there you got to got to keep hitting the ball until you get just the right angle to hit him and then sometimes I swear I hit him but he wouldn't die so I think maybe I have to hit him multiple times or something but that's an off-the-wall game for the 2600 that is a lot of [Laughter] fun next we have what I consider to be the absolute best version of baseball on the 2600 and that's Pete Rose Baseball from absolute I mean it actually feels like a more updated version of baseball I mean it's surely a heck of a lot better than uh home run or even real sports baseball I mean you got this nice batter picture view which is you know completely indistinguishable from the uh Sega Genesis World Series Baseball did you ever think the 2600 could do Graphics like that not to mention the physics are so good when you hit the ball sometimes you do run into a bit of a problem because your infielders cannot move up and down very much and uh they're they're kind of stuck on a on a plane I'm sure that's just a limitation of the 2600's Sprite abilities but hey if you know that going in and you know which players can reach the ball then you know it's not that big of a deal so if you like baseball definitely check out Pete Rose Baseball for the [Music] 2600 jumping into the video now is the classic of all classics Pitfall from Activision does it get any better than this this is one of the greatest games I mean ever not just on the 2600 but ever the graphics are really really fantastic there's like 256 different screens I love it when Pitfall hary swings on the vine it's just so smooth and whenever you pick up a gold piece or a silver piece or a diamond ring or something like that and it makes it little it just feels so good it feels like you really accomplish something and for some reason the 2600 version is the best version I don't care what anybody says the intell vision version sucks the kico vision version sucks even the 5200 version is not as good as the 2600 version of this game hands down this is the best version next we have Pitfall 2 which is the absolutely amazing sequel to the original Pitfall game naturally the graphics are incredible the size of the map is absolutely huge and I love how you get to go swimming that's like my favorite part of the whole game where you dive off the uh the waterfall into the into the big pool of water it's just so fun so cool there's just so many more enemies in this game than the original you know you got scorpions you got bats you got Condors you got electric eels also frogs I mean this game really upped the the variety level that's for [Music] sure and then let me mention the incredible music in the game this is definitely not being produced by the Pokey chip that's for sure David crane developed a special chip just for the music in this one but listen to it you can even hear like percussion in the music it's just mindblowing how good this game is very happy a couple years ago to meet David Crane and you know basically tell him how much I love loved Pitfall 2o and and he signed to my copy of the game the very same game that I used to play when I was a kid that kept me up at night so that's that was a dream come true for [Music] me radar lock blast your TV screen next and is a firsters jet combat game for the 2600 I believe this was created by Doug newow the same fellow who created star Raiders and Solaris and you can very clearly see that this is using the Solaris engine but hey you know that's perfectly fine because this game is a ton of fun I love how the Horizon rotates left and right as you fly so cool basically all you have to do here is you know shoot the jets fly as fast as you can and you know try not to die it's a very simple game kind of reminds me of After Burner a little bit but it's fun fast and uh very enjoyable and now Indiana Jones swings into action in Raiders of the Lost Arc which could also be a controversial pick like ET strangely enough both of these games were created by Howard Scott warshaw but I love Raiders of lostar I love that you have so many different screens to visit really feels like you're on a huge adventure with Indiana Jones and basically your goal here is to find the lost Arc it's a really complicated game and it took me probably like 15 years to actually beat it but once you figure out what to do it's a lot of fun the only downside I can see with this game is that you have to have two joysticks to play it so it makes it a little bit tricky but for me this is a game it just it'll just never get old cuz I love it and plus I mean you can never go wrong with Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg notice I didn't say George Lucas I'm kidding I love you George next we have real sport Sports volleyball which really blew me away when I first played it I was already a big fan of uh the NES volleyball game well super Spike vball I should say and this game really reminded me of that I mean albeit much more paired down and everything but still this is a lot of fun I mean you just you get to serve the ball you get to spike the ball you get to hit the ball back it has all the elements of a really fun beach volleyball game and honestly I think this is the best of all the real sports games on the 2600 it's certainly the most accessible I mean all you got to do is hit the ball over the net it's not too hard I like that you've got the sun in the background and you got the waves crashing against the shore there all you need is some Surfers and a shark out there coming down the river is River raid from Activision in this game you travel Down the River of No Return shooting helicopters and ships and bridges and planes s of course the main goal is to shoot as many bridges as you can to continue on to the next stage you have to fly over the fuel tanks in order to continue flying or your jet will run out of fuel duh if you're suicidal you can fly through the game really quickly or you can take your time and hit all the different uh enemies this game is in my top five Activision games of all time I mean it's it's fantastic and like I've said before there's something special about the Atari 2600 version of this game I mean sure some other versions have better graphics and everything but this one just feels right now there's no Terminators on the 2600 but there are robot tanks from Activision to worry about and I always saw this as a battle Zone clone I mean it's pretty obvious you're in a tank and you're shooting other tanks but but this one has some really cool features to it that Battle Zone does not have for example in Battle Zone when you get hit that's it you're hit but in robot tank if you get hit you might just lose your radar or your viewfinder or your tank might be slowed down whatever so it makes for a much more I don't know I think interesting game it also has some really cool graphics and I like how the environment can change over time you know it'll get dark or uh you know foggy makes for a very interesting game and I like how the tank kind of Bobs up and down as you move it's pretty cool robot tank definitely a game that will always be fun here's a game called skateboarding by absolute software and in this game you just kind of tool around your town and try to find all the jumps well I mean you have to find the jumps and jump on them with your skateboard your character moves around pretty fast especially when he's on the skateboard but you know if you run over some grass you slow down significantly so at that point I'm just like well just make me stop completely and I'll start over there's a lot of different screens to get through and it's a bit of a maze trying to find all these jumps but when you do find a ramp it's really cool watching him jump over it while I guess jump on it I don't know I find the graphics to be really nice and very I mean I guess it could kind of get old if you knew where all the ramps were but honestly I've never finished the entire game before but I always enjoy playing this game and giving it a run through well at least as far as I can get anyway Solaris by Doug new newbower the same programmer who created star Raiders for the Atari 400 and 800 computer and also radarlock so your goal is to fly through the Galaxy and destroy all the enemy Invaders and you have a map screen that you can use to go to the different sectors in your Galaxy that's where the star Raiders influence kind of comes in you do have to travel to each sector and protect your star bases I love the graphics when you land on a planet it just looks so cool especially how like the craters scroll by and everything and then when you go into hyper warp it just looks so amazing this is without a doubt one of the best games for the 2600 and for some reason every time I play it I always think of that uh Atari under 50 bucks ad where they say this game is so huge I can't imagine anyone actually beating it but it's pretty fun to try at least next is Activision space shuttle a journey into space this game totally blew my mind back in the day I was so into this game I would just play it constantly and I think I I even beat it on like the hardest level and captured the satellite as many times as you possibly could but basically in the game your goal is to fly the space shuttle in a very accurate representation of said shuttle well I mean at least as far as the 2600 can do I always felt like I really was in the shuttle now I'm playing the most basic mode here which just basically kind of walks you through the whole game but in the harder stages I mean you have to do so much as you know raise your landing gear open up the bay doors control the amount of fuel that's being used as you launch the shuttle but this really is such an amazing game always got to pull it out every so often just to give it a go just to relive those memories that I had back in the day all right next is a game called spacem X7 and this game I learned about because I used to watch the movie Revenge of the Nerds a lot but there's this scene in the gymnasium when the Nerds get kicked out of their um dorm and the character of wormser is playing this game on the TV but I saw that and I'm like what is that game he's playing I got to check it out and it's called space Master X7 and it's a really cool game it's kind of like star castle where you have to destroy this base in the middle of the screen that's protected by a shield but in this game you can actually fly into the shield and shoot the base it's pretty cool you also have to avoid these really weird uh enemies that come squiggling out of the pace and of course it ramps up in difficulty as you play but this is a really really fun game and it kind of proves to me that uh you could do star Castle on the 2600 h and now Darth Vader demands that you play the first Star Wars game The Empire Strikes Back created by Parker Brothers on your tar 2600 the game is really simple all you have to do is fly your snow speeder and shoot at the Walkers if you hit that little flashing Square on the Walker they'll disintegrate immediately or you can hit them I think what 42 times and they'll finally blow up occasionally your snow speeder will be in owed with Force Powers which means you're Invincible for a little while and if you get hit a few times you might want to land so that you can restore the power of your snow speeder I didn't know that for a really long time this is a really simple game but I mean it works I really feel like I was flying a snow speeder back then even today this game is a lot of fun to play even though you can't really win I guess that's kind of like the movie there was no way that the rebellion was going to escape the empire in that scene there hasn't really been too much much in the way of a modernized version of this game I mean sure you can fly as snow Speeders and battle atat walkers in in modern games but I mean obviously it doesn't feel like this game does now let's talk about Stellar Trek and how it's the most fun looking at text you will ever have basically this is the original Star Trek computer game on the Atari 2600 you travel from sector to sector destroying Klingons and protecting your star bases it's a little bit less action oriented than a game like Solaris is but it really has a cool fun factor to it I mean just the fact that you're well I was going to say flying the Enterprise I mean obviously this isn't the Enterprise cuz this isn't Star Trek it's Stellar track which is completely different from Star Trek I mean sure the graphics are really nothing to write home about but to me it was pretty mind-blowing to be able to play this game on the 2600 back in the day I mean to be perfectly honest I had no idea what this game was until I went over to a friend's house and started playing it and I learned pretty quickly how to move the ship around and how to fire phasers and fire photons and everything but again for some reason this game just really strikes a chord with me and I I've always found it fun coming up is Superman where your goal is to fly around from screen to screen capture Lex Luther and his henchmen by putting them in jail and restore the bridge to Gotham City wait not Gotham City Metropolis yeah yeah there you go as you fly around you might get hit with a Kryptonite satellite and lose your powers so you might have to find Lois Lane to give you a peck on the cheek to restore your powers also if you hold down the button you can use your X-ray vision to see what's on the different screens and I just love the ability to fly around in this game it's just so cool honestly I think this might be the best Superman game ever created I mean it's surely a a lot better than Superman 64 but the nice thing about this game is that you know you can play it for a few minutes and get some enjoyment out of it and move on with your day you know you're not stuck playing a game for 60 hours like some of these games today and I know it's cheesy to say but I really do feel like I'm Superman when I'm playing this game and you're not going to find this on any other system it's a 26 00 exclusive next might be another odd choice and that is video pinball and I remember getting this game when I was a kid and I just loved it I know it doesn't feel like pinball at all and it's really weird how you can control the ball you could like move the ball around on the screen but I had such a blast playing this it's really a very very basic version of pinball and some might say that you know Midnight Magic is a better game but for some reason I like this one better I feel like Midnight Magic is just a little bit boring and this one is just more enjoyable to me I understand if you don't agree that's fine but this is a game I'll always find fun here's a game that I don't think will be controversial and that is yar's Revenge you know I just realized that we have a trifecta here all of Howard Scott warshaw's games are in this video but you know what I'm going to give it to him he was a great programmer and yar's revenge is just a total blast to play I mean most people know the story that Howard was asked to create star castle for the 2600 and he decided that uh that was going to be too complicated for him to make and he could create this original game called yours Revenge much easier and in this game you play as a Yar which is a fly whose goal is to to eat the quiles shield so that you can destroy it with the zorlon cannon and occasionally it will turn into a swirling glaive and try to attack you and if it hits you you're going to die immediately you also have to avoid this missile that just kind of floats around very slowly it just kind of keeps you from getting uh too complacent but you can hide from it in that little weird Zone in the middle of the Playfield and there's two different stages you have the static shield and then you have the rotating Shield honestly I kind of wish there were more Shield types now I've seen versions of this game for the Game Boy and I don't remember what was the other one there was some other version out there but honestly there's really no other version of yards Revenge that is better than the 2600 game so there you have it fun Atari 2600 games that will never get old to me this just proves that even today you need to own an Atari 2600 so that you can play these games or you know you could just emulate them anyway I thank you for watching take care and we'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Greg's Game Room
Views: 14,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gregs Game Room, classic video games, retro gaming, Atari, Atari 2600, best atari 2600 games, best atari games, what atar games are fun, atari 2600 games that pushed the limit, atari 2600 games that are fun, atari 2600 games that are good, must play atari games, must own atari games, best atari games ever, atari games that never gets old, atari games that never get boring, all atari, retro atari, retro games, retro console, activision games, imagic games
Id: ELahQi4xjhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 15sec (2295 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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