Games Made In Godot Showcase

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hello ladies and gentlemen mike here at game for scratch and today we are talking about the godot game engine or more specifically games and applications created using the godot game engine because if you head on over to the showcase is back we got a blog post describing what is up with that so what we're going to do is go through this initial blog post then we're going to quickly highlight the currently showcased games and the entire idea behind a showcase and this is actually really important when you're first checking out a game engine one of the first things you do is go check out the eye candy that's attached to it see what kind of games this engine is capable of doing and three years ago the showcase was removed now original showcase was full of a lot of hobbyist or indie titles that were never going to be published there weren't really good showcases of the capabilities of dough not to say they weren't fun games but they may have lacked a level of polish or spit and finish that made the godot engine and those games look good so this new uh one that they've got here is designed to bring and highlight both those games and the godot game mentions there are a couple of criteria behind getting on here they don't necessarily apply to the titles as it exists just instead of going forward so in order to get published on the showcase your project needs to already be published and must obey the following criteria for desktop game you must have at least 25 reviews on your platform or platforms of choice such as steam and for a mobile game five thousand downloads on any given platform's app store now one of the things about the good old engine is it's more increasingly being used to create applications in fact every application we're going to see today i've already covered on this channel uh but if you've also created an application built on top of the godot engine you can be featured here in the showcase as well and if you are an indie developer you created a good looking game using the godot engine you should be up on the showcase it really can help you get the exposure you need and it also helps to make the godot engine you know more appealing to other developers so we're gonna do is a quick run through all of the titles currently as part of the showcase and uh let us jump in now the first one we got is kingdoms of the dumb uh this one was a kickstarter game it's a very snes style title as you can see in action here got a good looking pixel art graphic look going on uh some of the details down here is available for windows mac and linux up to six playable characters and so on and no random battles people like that of course so uh the next one we got here is rogue state revolution uh you're a president of the republic of ba bazenji uh point ministers make sure they stay loyal build roads factories nuclear power plants and more if you can afford it care for your society but mind the rebels this one is coming out in 2021 so some of the titles that are on here are in development titles so the showcase going forward again is going to have a slightly different set of rules now so this one is available i think generally you're going to find a lot of these things are going to be cross-platform but this one actually doesn't have the platform details on here as of yet i don't think one of the nice things about the godot engine though is it supports so many platforms and it's almost free to support platforms next up we have x zodiac coming in 2021 as well it's a fast-paced low poly 3d rail shooter heavily inspired by the classics of the 90s i think it's something along the lines of um star fox or panzer dragoon i joined protagonist q as she fights to free the worlds of sanzu star systems overrun by the intellectual character care terrorist organization known as zodiac next up we have until then now this one is uh yeah interesting it's uh available windows osx linux and on nintendo switch at some point so again this is one that's coming soon adventure style game there is a trailer available or a teaser trailer available here so this one seems to be a little bit more early than a lot of the rest on this list next up we have gravity ace now this one is actually out and available it was published in october 22nd 2020 positive reviews there it's still an early access game uh this is a 2d multi-directional gravity shooter k flyer descended to the darkness fly and blast your way past enemies retrieve the reactor core and make your escape uh so nice looking title this one is currently available for where are my platforms it should be immediately jumping out at me windows and steam os plus linux uh so that's next up we've got human diaspora this one's kind of interesting for a couple reasons first off it is uh out so it was released on september the 7th and it is also 3d an action-packed sci-fi first-person shooter fight for humanity conquer the colony uh planet uh use your arsenal to fight enemy infantry and expand your territory discover and traverse land sea and space environments with non-stop battle and peril everywhere so you can see what we are dealing with here so it is i think the only fps on this list as of right now uh it is also currently early access however and available for uh i guess linux and um windows so next up we have primal lite uh this one is available as of july uh 2020. inhabit krog uh a mysterious blue creature and a red loin class as you transverse a labyrinth of ladders levers traps and monsters explore the nooks and crannies of a bizarre and evocative world as you hack and slash your way to victory leaving a graveyard of grotesque bosses in your wake so as 2d platformer style game this one is windows mac and linux availability and that one is out now next up this one has like a stunningly beautiful sight i really have to applaud them here uh it's resolution and we're gonna scroll down and down this one is actually kind of interesting it's windows mac and linux also uh on the switch and it's also available on good old games um so yeah i check it out it kind of reminds me of like sword and sorcery or uh enter the dungeon or those kind of types of games but i i'm not 100 certain uh out 20 or oh 5 28. so it looks like yeah so this is actually available now and uh i think i used this as a graphic for one of the previous releases it's a stunning looking game it's a very pretty art style on this one and again they've done just a great job on this website monolith of mines uh and their uh resolution it's just a beautiful website by the way so if you're the creator of this game uh your aesthetic and your graphic ability uh you make me weep at my lack of ability and kudos to you for making me weep next up we have dungeon craft by mega sploot uh here's the beta trailer available right here it's got an unintimidating ui clean and appealing art style until the tools and fast workflow smart tiling systems smart object scattering painting landscape you know what i have no oh okay so this is actually a tool and not uh it's like thinking like this creates like a features list not like a game all right so it looks like it's a 2d map creator that's actually cool for making um your own dungeon style games and so on available for mac and uh windows for looks like 20 bucks so that is a pretty looking map they've got here so if you're looking for a map creation system this is called dungeon draft next up we have material maker now material maker i have covered a number of times on this channel and i'm actually going to be covering it a number more this thing is evolving at a rate that is staggering in fact there was a somewhat recent release that added like the lightweight version of substance painter i'm going to be covering that soon and probably with their next official release but umaker is like a substance substance creator light and so it's for creating uh textures out of nodes of things and obviously it is built on the godoto game engine available for all the major platforms uh actually no for windows i'll stick with that all the major platforms looks like osx is out but hey that's becoming increasingly common in these day and age uh material maker is actually available for free and it is an awesome program so definitely check that one out if you haven't already i've done a couple of videos on it if you want to learn more uh on that topic another one i have done a video about one of the earliest tools published on godot is rpg in a box basically this is a voxel style rpg game engine so for creating a voxel style rpgs and adventure games using a visual scripting language comes with a bunch of the assets out of the box for creating this style of game so it's kind of like a vox edit rpg maker and godot had a bastard love child that's what you get with rpg in a box uh it's been all since 2019 uh 45 positive reviews still considered early access available for what is that 22 u.s uh updated quite frequently so if you're looking for a higher level game creation system especially if you're into the voxel graphics and rpgs rpg in a box is definitely one to check out and i have so there's a video out there if you're interested in learning more the next feature we've got is pixel rama now this one is a painting application built in the godot game engine it is a really cool tool uh it is also available for free for windows linux and mac os i have done a couple of videos on this one as well so basically it is a pixel graphic tool you can actually even run this directly inside of godot using i think gd native not 100 positive on that but it actually can be run in godot if you want a built-in art system pixel aroma is definitely a cool project for doing uh pixel art style creation uh so do check that one out if you were looking for a graphics tool uh next up we have game city studio a tycoon about game dev so you know this is the whole genre started with what is a game dev story and then since then we've got four or five others out there it's kind of like you start your own game development company like kairu soft style games where you you know you develop titles and you ship them and then people hate them and then you do it again and people hate them even more and then eventually people start liking them and you make lots of money expand get a bigger studio make better games and so on so that is city game studio again it's been out since 2019 very positive on the reviews considered early access right now and you see some of the graphics in action i haven't actually checked this one out i probably should available on windows mac and linux next up we have hive time build a hive make some honey hive time is a b themed management base building sim harvest resources grow your hive produce a new queen before the current one dies is this game free uh i believe the offer put in at least 10 bucks however else believe in ideal world financial barriers should never prevent people so it's it's free ish uh is the game finished we consider high time to be a complete game if you want to go ahead and check it out it's available over on i think this is hio pretty sure this is hot yeah it's a zitch io so you can download it on hio4 uh let's see linux mac and windows next up we have rings of saturn available over on steam i actually don't know my greek letters that well is that theta is that theta v i have no idea we'll go with rings of saturn uh this is unexpected discovery of valuable minerals within the rings of saturn have sparked a thriving space excavation industry experience hard sci-fi top-down space mining simulator with every aspect backed up by real physics and science this is one of the other full 3d titles on the list it's an early access game windows mac and linux oh there's a demo available or it's like eight bucks u.s to pick this one up again it's been out since 2019 although in early access and then we got precipice uh this one's neat because you basically it seems like it's a game of like global strategy kind of thing but you play as anamorphic animals uh and they're kind of freaky so um it's uh game of diplomacy and war the atomic age safeguard your closest allies and change unfavorable regimes without giving away your long-term ambitions every action risks an enemy reprisal and if nobody backs down from a standoff we all lose oh and they have canuckistan all right canada is a country i'm gonna have to pick this one up because i like seeing canada take over the world it's just it's a beautiful thing and you know what it's manifest destiny it is going to happen we will take over the world one day uh so this was released in 2019 very positive reviews 222 reviews out there it's also pretty cheap at well unfortunately canadian money isn't worth that much uh probably about six bucks u.s uh and it is available on windows and linux from the looks of things uh and then that is it so if you want to check it out here is the new showcase over at godot uh it is available at forward slash showcase if you want to go ahead and check that out as i mentioned early on to start they also are doing uh yearly show reels so if you want to you know see a bit of a summary of the games out there or games and development or you want to submit your game four to be part of the yearly showcase it is out there and again there is a form out there so if you want to get yourself included on this list go and fill out the form again going forward the criteria is a little bit harder but it's not necessarily a strict requirement but it's highly recommended that you meet those uh those points and if you don't match at least one of those categories you're probably not going to be featured so you know you know it's kind of like that always you get in early it's a little bit easier as it goes on and they've got more and more to choose from it gets a little bit harder to be included so um if you have created a published game that you think people will be interested in you want to help promote the godot game engine there is a form here to submit stuff so i'm happy to see that the showcase is back that is um really useful for people is when you first come and you check something out one of the first things you're going to do is say hey what can i build with this game and this is this is key so i think it should be a high priority here it should probably be like features news showcase then or maybe features news download and then learn then showcase it should be a high priority thing on this menu and hopefully it ends up there eventually right now i think it's just in the footer yeah it's right here in the footer um i i guarantee you a lot of people including myself i look at tons of game engines and one of the first things i do when i look at a game engine is look at the games that have been made with that engine another thing that i would recommend if you are on the go team i would put the platforms as icons over top of the game especially with games that are on like switch because you can see that that's important to people you can see okay this game this engine can actually make console level games again a key thing so i would consider adding uh platform information over top of these thumbnails and i would definitely make sure that they are showcased in the uh the menu as a priority item because this is a really important thing when people are first checking out a game engine so that is it those are the games that are currently a lot of them are you know either early access in development or have been out for a little while made with the godot game engine what you know anything stood out to you or is there anything missing from that list that you think should be on it let me know comments down below and i will talk to you all later goodbye
Channel: Gamefromscratch
Views: 52,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godot, Games, Applications, 2020, SHowcase, GameDev, Game Development, Steam, 3D, PixelArt, Game Engine, Godot Engine, Godot3D
Id: aZAVaK606Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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