GamerLegion A vs Vietnam B, Quarterfinals #empirewarsduo2

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ladies and gentlemen vietnam be a very fun fun team to watch versus jordan and taton gamer legend a and let me put here gamer legend a gamer well the problem is if they change it will change all the time that's why i hate this okay let's keep going mayan status he played amazing tattoos with the mayans jordan kemer camera very dangerous and then bad boy and son-son whoa chinese and friends they have great civilizations this is vietnam be it's truth it's true that i forgot okay sorry i said before and i forgot are you rage and i'm going to to give you buttons two minutes for the videos all right option one vietnam up to two gamer legend on the left i see some flashing and i'm gonna lose a failure probably yeah one pulling it down it's just sloppy it's a sloppy sending ability lonely without a spear you're gonna lose another probably oh boy if he's losing two villas no he won't lose it the scout is coming and now okay he will lose okay if he's not sending a spear fast jordan trying to play aggressive samsung with a problem he's got a wall he has two bullets he has the spear as well should be okay cafe this will be okay on the right side let's see oh okay all right now here's the spear he's okay but he can't wall and the spin is already joining he need to wall while jordan yeah i like jordan approach being really oh he trapped himself he should make a gate but he's not doing like he's not doing some palisade i don't know yeah let's see oh this is very very annoying for from from jordan disturbing a lot gonna take another scout oh my god to mr sunshine well frank's is great but when you are being attacked like these problems but boy you need to wall he's gonna wall this area he's going all right and he will be fine then maya's cheaper archers oh always dangerous always very very dangerous it's true that china economy is insane and gives some good bonus for the team he has three billions of gold and he got the tower now okay he need to go back more scout and no wally but he has wasted a lot of time well mr jordan eats with 39 village one billion more than chai than frank's one military lesson his food is going to be great very soon to go up market and walls okay i believe that tattoo and jordan will play probably most of the games uh in that hidden treasure in the whole map nearly might play and we will check the other maps and see and we will make the guess okay germany is not playing in the black forest map oh oh he has to be careful he should make a policy yes the spear is okay and tattooed on the way to castle is up to castle already oh baby he's gonna take this table where's blue you need to come blue need to go oh my goodness jordan as well castleage super fast man well expected with kimmer now he's sitting the arches are not he will but they are here in this area trying to do damage as well yeah they are not up and this is terrible really he's gonna take the stable down he's gonna make another tower here he's a good tower for sure he's a really good tower and now he's trying to to avoid that he's getting in going to take some villian maybe not and they are about to go up to castle it's about one minute difference he's a lot man it's really alive the arch is now on the spears and now green can go up you don't want to lose this table not only because you cannot produce their knights and you need to make more stables also it's gonna get in bloodlines all right very annoying tattooed it's also going to be here in this area doing more houses at least he's getting some idle time kicking the spear doing another house oh okay yeah they are gaining time now bad boy and songs song they are gaining time and seriously has to be careful with those arches those are with bloodlines yes and now plus one oh boy they are inside okay trying to get some good kills sending the scout to those arches he's gonna get those no he need to go back but this is good for vietnam because um the timing is clearly ahead for the mayans and khmer but now they are far from vietnam bases so they can regroup ooh no no well he'll advantage here oh baby well this is good for blue he got more army and before the operas that was a very very nice one for blue and if green is coming he can take those scrolls as well i yeah that timing was was very nice he has the cross in this area that's a problem now a lot and he will kill those well he's okay but tattoo is doing a good micro well the scout not the greatest he did not the light caps even surprise me and he's coming to make some damage let's put his point of view green is now up as well chamberlain armor but ouch look at those stone watch is really needed tone watch is an amazing upgrade very very underrated because look you cannot see anything and now time to kill what how he saw it man how he noticed immediately that it wasn't in the range holy [ __ ] did you notice i mean he couldn't see it okay okay no no no he's gonna lose now i'm gonna lose a lot he's gonna lose a lot now ripple is down he's gonna get inside okay many crosstalk look at those knights has to be careful in the north there is some damage but i i i can't take him both spots thank you for the learning for real chubby chubs donated 5 euros amazing hello mem power thank you so much man well he's disturbing here that's good military numbers the same i mean it looks like it's a big advantage but he's not willis is only ceasefield is different look at the military vietnam again playing very very nice very very nice now they are dancing and operates plus two plus one for both the same upgrades ballistic for both players as well they got some hill advantage yeah they are losing those stars but at least he created some chaos now they need to micro properly let's see bad boy tatito double d with 29 arches 50 because he got the mayans four arching ranges oh man three rt ranges so you know that you will have a lot of unis no okay he's trying to make damage okay okay okay so then you need to go home but green is coming here with the knife he's gonna take some no he need to move i need to go back now i mean the coordination here is just it's just so important so crucial so crucial obviously he's trying to get some hole and then make some reading but if he's losing all the knights it's gay so these decisions to go away from sunshine wasn't probably the best and now oh my goodness there's no way to go no no place to go it's trying to escape and no husbandry now he's in the house but now i understand why yellow was being faster no what the hell i don't know what he's doing sunshine in this one city you don't know it's still the same village for both teams more army still gamer legend and the tattoo is going for one tc six tattooed is going for only one tall center i love the wood at the back coming with the knights but he's going where he's gonna take the pc man oh my goodness well archers no no should be careful he has so nice he's gonna take the pc or not it seems so but now they need to move where's green coming green and blue are now coming there's so many units the timing meant that timing but now they are going to come they are going to come in time they have to be capable so many nights he's under the pc i don't know so many nice again and so many crossbows as well for both players oh baby oh baby so he'd do the damage not really if you take the village he still they still with more villies and armies almost the same now they need to be careful well one will lay down because it was locked by that money cam okay and the tower will help but hand card also for blue tattooed is trying to go up to impeda with one tc yeah he has to be careful he's dancing yeah still more army for for gamer legend but a bad battle and oof no no no no that's not good for that move well well well well well well look at the battle here who's gonna win let's see they are fighting and i really think that now he's gonna be a brutal victory here for vietnam they are gonna kill absolutely everything they are cleaning gamer legend from this world they kill absolutely everything tattooed on jordan total destruction when i saw that movie man i was like come on cannot happen well he's taking the pc okay but repeat the tunnel center and now set all the knights this is not good for jordan and tata they're gonna lose also all the knights here he's here with the arches okay but military numbers more for vietnam and more villains oh baby and now all the nights bye bye what the hell and jordan is with only one town center remember only one pc so even if they are taking some police he's not getting any advantage tattooed it's getting close to go up but you know the surprise blue with two thousands this bad boy it's on the way to imperial age someone was telling that vietnam was going to die easily against gamer legend hey and i'm not sure man oh baby and now jordan will lose a lot jordan will lose a lot tattoo is out of position tattooed is about to go up to nvidia 2 yes but the timing is already much better for vietnam much better amigos yeah and jordan with only one tone center damn military numbers still a guy more for gamer legend a yes but that happens because tattooed has six rtd ranges while blue has been going with three rt ranges the whole game and he still have the same arches than tata dwight check the kd look at those kd better for bad boy by far total negative ratio kill kd super positive for chinese bad boy damn okay need to go back red imperial age but i insist in my opinion this is much better for vietnam we'll see because now the upcoming moments or moves but the state is gonna be huge he's going now to blue blue need to go home because okay many nights many nights where's the knight from green at home he's killing with those and blue streak they need to do the damage but won't happen he has to be careful ways where is green and blue they are not together now i i i i please come on come on come on come on come on and now there is a tower here well it's a good tower but oh my god they are gonna destroy jordan they are going to destroy jordan they are going to to change bases there you go gonna take the tc gonna take the tc and they have to go there oh baby because they have harvalez already and chemistry pc down and gonna lose so many villas jordan is not bye-bye but pretty much with this dc are now killing all the villains look at the village numbers oh my goodness jordan want to see only killing absolutely everything tattooed is in imperial okay 60 villas 80 village for blue eight evil villas and now jordan twin people is behind they have 40 billions more similar army now gonna get the insight into joel and base look at the score total and no brutal domination i don't know if they can now change the game because they are going to try to kill green as well oh baby but jordan can be without a tall center in a moment oh baby what is this man what is this okay let's check here well this this is down and now here what they say is he going to go down oh my goodness where is blue but blue is coming with some marvelous and jordan look at his village this is much better for vietnam obviously jordan defended jordan zero tone centers he's gonna take that pc okay but our ballets are coming plus four now he can go and the problem is that now tata will lose us as well at home or maybe not 66's army 63 has to be careful with those willies coming out with those arses no no don't lose the knights and now yeah they are going to kill tata now they are going to kill that but now he's coming with a lot of fireballs he has to be careful get the heel advantage he got the tower he got the knights as well jordan the good thing is that he has 29 army but billy is 37 37 scored different 1 000 and now plus 4 just go home he need to go home and uh what is this look at the pc he's gonna make he's gonna take the goal from his opponent and now there you go tattooed losing a lot our balls are coming yeah our valets are coming i'm going to convert something not really and let's go to this area sorry 84 army that's the good thing a lot of farming but he's gonna be able to kill it or not he got so nice he need to make the put the village on the tower yeah but jordan is he saw the army when he when he lost this army that's it jonah has no tc not on center and now he's inside he's gonna try to trap but he can't trap yes he can armel is in the north when i think more villains and tattooed 65 elise 50 army is game over i mean it is brutal game seriously wow and now he can go to the north now we're going to lose all the arboles and they will call this easy after this game after this fight i believe he's going to lose all their bullets here oh my goodness and now being chased with all those total destruction guys for vietnam in this game holy moly and the bad boy has played insane he's played bad boy insane really really well honestly they took some crazy decisions and it worked what is this village here what what what is he doing i don't know anyway he's gonna kill more villains but he's here again with the honorable sn he keep raiding tattooed 34 army 33 army 57 90 release well take it ryan but the numbers talk by themselves a tone center jessie cole and vietnam that according to the viewers because the views are 3k sometimes they were going to get destroyed i said before do we start that vietnam it's dangerous and that they play really fun really really fun all right and uh 1-0 statistics military bad boy 1.88 look at the kd he did everyone else negative but juice domination by bad boy and his economy is saying what surprised me the most is that he reached imperial even faster than tattooed and remember that he was with only three rg ranges still imperial then after that he did more but he was three rc rangers and two tc's going imperial faster than tata game number two ladies and gentlemen game number two is uh black forest is the map that they are picking all the time and it is what it is indians but boy sunshine koreans on the left on the right or in the south nearly with the spanish tattooed with the mongols so it's pretty obvious what they want and they did already this did you see well we have to put like this one zero because um they change all the time so i have to put here vietnam b g l a all right guys tattoo descending three bellies forward probably to try to wall on his face but i think he's a wall here if you if you are trying to wall on his face it's dangerous yeah he's gonna go full wall full wall they are trying to go both okay and it's stonewalls oh my god well it is they are gonna try black forest spanish in spanish thank you for the gift amigo appreciate it especially among us for the late game korea and indians well indians is not terrible and korea is good in late game as well but spain is among us with spanish trade in the late game oh well oh well good luck you know but he's coming with the arches and there is todd wally man and now he's bringing towers he's gonna make the house yeah but he's bringing the shower it's pretty annoying okay i don't know it's gonna make a tower they're gonna try to really uh well they will wall like this and like that they don't want to go for the late game that's definitely not okay it's gonna wall here and tower remember that these these guys are not stronger but yeah but that was greedy and now he has well he has one spear he has to be careful okay skeleton archers yeah and coming with the scouts if he send everything they will be fine but the scouts are far wanted to make the tower and oh my god boomers man glr boomers oh my black forest man unbelievable well good economy here nearly about to go up to castle he with the market he can just buy the resources and go up and they are wasting so many villas here green and that's definitely very bad really bad they are not even wall okay blue is up what even faster well well indians amazing between the stone walls and now green wall-e like this but you need to wall also on the right side because neely will try to make a castle here or not well he's not mining stone at the moment so probably not he's gonna go full boom he seems so boom boom boom boom okay tattoo is still not up he's gonna be up more or less at the same time than green and green can't be happy because he didn't titanic he didn't lose the units what he's gonna make a dog here all right remember that those scouts gonna be with extra piers armor and they are going to be solid sunshine as you can see tubeville is going forward and he's going to send the scouts to that daria with floodlines and his kill pardon armor yeah he spotted nearly two villas forward he probably want to go siege well then he's going to fail because the villages are going through the atari he's gonna find it i believe he will find it yeah one failure and two villas both will be down and this is very bad for gamer leia and very bad for nelly those two bill is forward two will is down he was trying to make some surprise but now green is all the way to castles as well yellow is a little bit faster but he's gonna wallow his face okay two extra dc's and he's going for the boom okay [Music] all right he wanted the stone and he's booming man boom game man skateboarding armor i'm doing some nights but knights against indians doesn't looks too good to me yeah he has a demo but uh he's gonna wallow his face he's sticking the boards in the corner a lot of stone here too many villas on stone tattle it's gonna go tc's or or what yeah remember that this is so important they are securing this area but they are not securing this one uh oh god but boy will you down yeah he got two demos but the demos for the arches for the camel's not worthy is we're going to make the crossbows or not like he's doing double walls and without gates and chambered in armor for nelly i don't think this is needed siege war shot i think he's overreacting over investment here but uh let's see because green oh what is green doing here he's gonna make a castle oh baby he's gonna make a castle here whoa whoa whoa whoa he want to go with the demos but he has to be careful he's gonna make a castle on his face they don't want to go for the imperial and then stop the war wagons he need more and more camels the nice blues too this is very interesting the arches here are stupid just sent here man oh my goodness okay oh my god let's split the village the billiards let's play this please let's play oh he's playing oh man he took two buildings now oh my god the tectonic the titanic i can't believe i can't believe where's the crossbows he goes no no no no no no no [Music] titanic real titanic well this castle is amazing he's really good the demo well the camels with the plus 3 the plus 2 sorry are helping a lot oh my god if he's not doing this castle is game over but green why he loves all the artists he could have the arts as he did seriously man sunshine is like seriously why the hell he got the arches here if he got the arches in this area they have a spectacular game to dominate these camels look look how well bad boy is playing being alone and they can't kill the camels they could have won the game already and now they are incredibly behind you know incredibly behind because 43 bill is 60 70 you know seriously he is it's incredible you know and though those demos are not doing a big damage now he's doing a second caster here oh my goodness seriously yeah i mean this is the difference and this is what happened with this kind of players that they want to go all aggressive neily and tattoo are you explaining um i have to call it this ah a scary movie game you know wall stonewall stonewall stonewall you know they always want to go really aggressive but man with some army man with some army like my my question is why he has here 10 archers if he came with the arches together in this spot total domination but well here's what it is 52 village one yeah they have all the map control and they throw big time this is a good castle the castle but uh fletching will borrow okay well he's gonna lose now a few villas what kill the village man the only good thing is that blue has a very solid boom he's gonna make the caster here and look they have both middles because here his wall and he's gonna try to make a castle now here tato iman if he was sending here the cables [Music] okay yeah but sunshine is so behind it's so so behind he has three tc's fourteen center for yellow he should delete that castle now no no it's impossible if this array is impossible anil is about to go up to him he's moving the whole game he did few nights five six nights and uh and full boom okay he's on the way to imperial and now doing a castle to try to recover this arya yeah green failed big time how many bellies he lost 11 billions and it's not what you lose he's also the villains that are not working you know yeah green can't go up to imperial in above well still need some gold he has a good boom yellow is trying to go with the arches there but he has a castle he's not expecting a castle there honestly indians could hold for a little bit with the camels because if nils will go house he should go house and run he's going okay pike this is a good choice this is definitely a good choice yeah you can go cavalry when indians is there with the camels between two petals he wanted to raid those those cameras are only plus one oh surprise surprise amigo and the castle without even fletching that's a problem and green not even reacting he see the castle here doing breaking this and he's not really doing anything oh come on okay he should have done a caster here in my opinion but while he's trying to reboom as fast as he can why the war wagons are here i don't know it's not breaking okay he's gonna walk yeah but he's giving the middle giving the middle is is huge because they could have the control you know what i will have done here if i was green massive walls and fortified walls why he didn't want more i mean it really makes no sense in this situation this massive wall wall a lot look at them they are going for the caravan already and now he's doing a good castle well it's a good castle to don't let him get the goal because if he's not getting the goal he will be trade there's no gold in the map only in these areas and he's recovering now he's on the way to imperial blue okay and the work is going to go he need to send army to the other spot commission just imagine guys if he didn't titanic in the middle i really think that vietnam has a very strong advantage now green is on the way to imperial okay but 82 villains that's the problem nearly still 10 fights only and with 10 fights he is not going to do anything he just need to kill the traps yeah he's gonna go arches here okay yeah but blue is gonna be an imperial faster than tato so here and with hill advantage if he's doing another castle oh my god a second castle in front the game is not over guys petars and now i don't know but what is he trying they are crazy man they're really crazy i mean i mean seriously they are crazy man what is keep trying go back go back oh man i mean they are seriously want to make a caster here they think they are playing against me or what come on man okay look at the casting he's doing now how about the ears yeah green he's doing a good caster here nearly with the spanish village obviously you know that the spanish people work so fast and strong but he need to repair that castle okay and in this area with the traps he can he can take tattoo yeah he actually can't take it where's the camel's he is just arboles but those camels can't do the job and imagine if he did have sars anyway if he's sticking those traps they still have not a lot of gold now he's trying to go with the skirmishers he got halvard is only but um well still it's just a full runs and a house he needs something else don't think he's curious it will work we'll see average plus four armor that's the good thing you get immediately the plus four and he has two cancels here he has now markets okay and [Music] nilly doesn't have a lot of farming he has only two traps and 14 house he's not like 40 house so he has to be careful that castle is in there to be lost and if he's losing that castle those camels now can't do the domination well the light gets also with the cruise for armor he might know if they are um but you need to need operations baby now he lost it immediately fletching you need more upgrades here but that caster is about to be by by on this area he's the trebuchet few more wagons he's holding the position for now look at the army from green 40 military man 40 military and now plus three those towers are amazing if he's doing for example a bomber cannon here he can hold and now cassar's those casars is strong with the piers armor extra okay has to be careful he's going to take the armpits oh my goodness he's going to kill all he's going to kill all oh my the game is very very very nice very nice very interesting he's going to take it or not he's attacking before getting the hazard now the cassandra are there he's taking everything to tata tattooed with the mongols god just advanced but the casas are coming taking the threat with it and now with four troubles he's getting the buildings here and he can spam cassandra forever in this spot cavaliers and house now the cavaliers are gonna help a lot really really a lot what the throw what i throw by green seriously he has 97 wheels well nearly 150 140 and 144 he's just struggling losing absolutely everything and my question is shouldn't blue send few camels here i believe so they need the trade as well and how about the trade here now 20 trade card one trade card sounds good to me yeah the combination of that is true that they have the goal here okay so they can still be more or less fired need to go very fast now doing more towers but don't send hazards yet this lock is locked that gate is a good choice okay and tattooed was could be problems but i insist the trade is so crucial so crucial are they not now they are doing trade okay yeah but the spanish trade man spinning straight [ __ ] his spin is straight okay coinage is going to sleep before he's doing parties he's going to punish himself in my opinion i don't know why he's not doing fortified walls i don't know but he's doing a second gate behind that one in the last second green now going for the pikes trying to get trying to wall okay fortified walls are needed are balanced i will go house just hover the ears okay he's holding this position they don't have seats here and i feel that neily and tattooed are having much more problems to finish the game you know no no don't open man lock the gate i know [Applause] okay he's opening again unbelievable all right well he doesn't have too many so he's doing okay and now being a castle here they're still holding [Music] trade how's the trade going now sixth rate cut sounds good to me while the other 31 trade man these people don't know to play black forest man whoa this army it's unexpected by nilly nilly has no army here now what's going on he's on the left it seems so yeah and now he's gonna lose everything doubt castle in the house doubt castle oh my goodness there's no ball in this area because here he got the castle and now the cavaliers is not the node are they gonna throw gamer legend well there's always a possibility to throw yes 120 bullies now oh my goodness okay well the trade is gonna give them a big advantage but look at the score this core is getting closer and closer now thumb bring go with the traps conscription oh baby oh baby but oh my god those rams are being fast right are really really fast those are ferraris they are ferraris man ferraris but those are camels indian camels that are very strong he's trying to repair he won't repair in time so now they are losing in this area well lucy but they are not micro man they are not migraine and here they are taking the castle super fast skirmishes he's doing some towers but the rams now look at the ramps how do you stop the rams with that army remember that korea could have more [ __ ] but they don't have warner's because korea has been really behind the whole game now 60 army he has the most army in the game okay but he's gonna be enough to stop the rams doesn't lose like it will yeah they need a few bomber cannons here or on ears i don't know something even useful is you have a lot of excuses but they are attacking the rounds with the skirms that's the problem use billions still they are not using they are not micro in anything on this spot they still hold it somehow they got a lot of farming but they can't stop the rams why because they don't use fillings to kill the rams he's not so mad he's only three and with the amount of funding he had that look at green how the hell how fast he recovered he also really the most army in the game by far you know 77 like he's really good son son he was just over over excited i would say and now taking the rams the rams need to die he got a lot of farming man whoa whoa whoa whoa they have so many units this vietnam played really well they just got a bad move and that is what is costing them the game because gamer legend boomers has so much strength look at the trade they have yeah 54 trade captains come on okay but he's still trying to hold okay of course if you keep doing a lot of army and now how about this he can still trade and the game can't keep going longer and longer he's gonna try to wall more camos are needed paladins not so many pollens by nearly and the accounts are going and then if he's doing our house those spanish will be a stop so mongols that don't need mega dice yeah he probably will need magodize that he has the resources not yet and they keep going it's incredible how vietnam is still in the game i'm very surprised i don't know if you if you thought that they were going to hold that long after the titanic really he is impressive he's really impressive yeah well look at that [Music] man well they need bomber cannons they need siege coming with oh my goodness well well well but they are not walling because they are going inside the last second the campus is still gonna do the job the owners just kill all the units but they are still spamming and know how barbies as well they need to go back he's crazy they are spamming like crazy vietnam for for what what is this another castle and well okay he could and send paladins but he got camels and remember that indians can make imperial camels this is siege owner upgrade siege or niger upgrade the cameras will kill those paladins he need to revolt here see drums hornigers crazy stuff craziest why not impede a candle because no resources all right and now they hold in this area i still have the gold okay yeah but how'd you stop the decision there's no michael day so they can do the job with bomber cannons in my opinion if they micro properly why not green is still with 85 military 85 military he need to wall this is just incredible man incredible assist homer cannon and they have the hill advantage here so they are going to lose a lot he has to be careful okay remember also that india's get bonus in the trade as well so if they get the the gold income is faster you know all the trade it definitely is everything green 80 army now 150 seems a lot to me i don't know if he's doing more trade now he has straight count okay that's interesting but you need to repair that castle the canvas and the hamburgers are coming those languages are elite they are not the lead bag he's doing now lead magnus and c charlotte he lost a siege workshop for one well they're killing the owners and now they have to be careful they have a lot of farming on both sides they are trying to hold somehow they need to repair that castle but this is not happening now it seems that the puss is so so strong but green got too many units here and no army at all okay imperial camels are really needed and more skirmishes that castle is going to go down so they will need more more towers yeah he's not repairing he has no stone where wagons not the lead world wagons either citron is still about to be there and obviously in the late game with the spanish and mongols with the bigger trade difference even if i mean if they have more army because vietnam be got more army and the same villains is too difficult to stop this imperial camel oh boy okay imperial camel a lot of hp but look at those honors and he's gonna be siege honors very soon yeah they need to make some towers they have no stone so do some towers need some defense he is sending those camels trying to kill those okay [Music] yeah but where's the army man oh my god look at the owner i shot my dad not bad taking all the halves taking all the help ordeals in this spot they still holding but we're here the army aye aye yeah yeah yeah yeah now owning robbery for green remember that korea got sea turtles as well but they are not doing and now this will be the one one but they are taking too long to kill it too long amigos you got a huge advantage they were very slow and now the rams in the middle taking all gg calls gamer lion took the game because samsung it's celine dion fan you know sun sun is celine dion fan you know what that means you can imagine anyway statistics we're gonna explain why they won military tattooed kill the most by far he was doing crazy badabooms he was doing incredible and imperial and the economy bad boy at the end with most economy but guys in a in a in a model like look at the others look at the trade man look at the trade honestly oh baby oh really baby yeah well in my opinion mvp here tattooed because he hold the disposition was in a trouble here in the start you know and then after that look what he has there man one two three castles and he was here with siege rams sea turners elite magog days i mean tatituto tina noble level in my opinion one one okay number three let's go and as i told you now it's going to be jordan and tatitude let's put a guy in the the names because he's chased all the time sadly vietnam be and the first was for vietnam the second for gl vietnam bad boy sunshine slash my with the arches again and then jordan with bulgarians bulgarians is amazing with those forging in the first minute i mean forging in the first minute so cheap those units get so much strength is it's like uh like um let's say a cheap majors you know of course he's not doing double attacks yet but he will do it as soon as he can and now those scout with the blues one is is so dangerous its laughs um they get advantage if they can go longer to go slash farms and then you do the economy kicked out yes but need a little bit is need a little bit for sure one really on goal he moved all the videos on goal for the hunt is wow i mean some civilizations need some balance man like he has in two minutes forging and his it's killboarding armor how the hell can't you compete against that seriously it's it's really not possible it's so difficult to compete against that but let's see if they notice and they make the upgrades obviously he will need the spears he has to be careful double rt range and tattoo double rg range as well he's coming with the two spins and two arches he has to be careful and also scout now with this killer the number first class as well but the timing is so important plus one oh my goodness great team work taking village already he will kill this one he will kill him no but he killed one and a lot of idle time a lot of idle time the timing is so creepy so crucial and now he is already there with the spears and arches and now the scouts also from samsung these vietnamese these mobs are used playing so coordinated yeah we have now two are two arches but he's not too many he might lose maybe one villain and just maybe ollie okay he's losing one villain maybe another okay but in this spot it might lose a lot how many villas is he losing another two villages whoa but now be careful with the snow ball because now jordan seeks a scout two spears he they have to be careful they need to spam his spears for sure but he got six scouts too whoa how many villas he lost jordan six whoa six villas jordan whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa jordan 31 village now he lost six villies already you've got to be kidding me man well tattooed has lost nothing he's with malai and malay is very dangerous he's going to make a very forward lamborgh don't like that one why not here well he knows better he knows better and now he's coming forward okay one is fear he will lose those arches but try to kill as much as possible so many scouts he's coming with more spears no no trying to send more spear this is not good for yours definitely not he lost so many scouts and his scouts are plus one plus one jordan with big problems thirty-five five bad decisions here for the for the german aiya yeah not good man definitely not good but doing an amazing job in the other side amazing job in the other side forty village eight twenty army and tattooed it's about to go castle it and going castle is that fast with malay big problems you know 40 now for his laughs he's let me go for the resources okay well he still needs some economy oh you need to go back tatot is doing the difference here let's see it's too that jordan has problems he make the fishing chips to compensate but he's killing more and tatitude has killed now three pillars already okay well he's not that massive but still being really annoying attacking to both players yeah do the job man doing the job but guys blue it's and i was telling about that he's going to go up after this video to castle vietnam he shouldn't do more villas and go up okay now his laps economy will start to dominate another tower and where's the scout well well well yeah he got a tower now he will kill villages why will you die got it now tattooed is going up blue is going up too yellow is coming this is spoof so difficult game at the camera but my life seriously is crazy look one minute advantage they click the same time and one minute advance is craziest let's go for a blue point of view full of war and he cannot see that he's coming well but he can assume yeah yeah he's guessing he got the tower and then he need to go back but green is still have a lot of scouts and now only three will is different with with uh with the jordan why that because of this of the fish he's doing some fish that helps bloodlines both are going to castle both archer ships are going to cast now jordan is coming together with tattooed you can see the score difference already ahead tattoo jordan crazy but i'm not sure i'm not sure we'll see we will see obviously if now he's doing damage with those arches the problem is that he's doing towers all over yeah how much stone he has he's to make another tower here double attacks and the arches are used about to be there he got towers he need a tower here he's not doing and that's very bad scout as well oh wow the crows are coming he needs to go back he got the towers let's see if samsung is gonna notice one volume down the scouts are there he got the tower fans got the towers so many towers but now blue can destroy yellow as well blue can destroy yellow as well i don't know who is winning this game it's impossible to guess it's really impossible to guess i still insist that the slav's economy it will dominate at the end because bulgarians has the advantage in early game but then they don't have any economy bonus you know any economy but no blue no i don't want to look don't want to look bad boy don't want to look don't want to look nine villains down nine villains in the hell oh my goodness well he's now killing a lot to jordan there's also truth but he lands on his own so many villas nineville is down now he needs to go attack tattooed is doing a destruction but green on the way to castle and jordan is on the way to nothing you know on the way to nothing they have a lot of army now with that 20 seas arches blue 22. he got a lot of scouts yes but with the crows the tower and that tc he's fight and now his last with many stables he's going to destroy let's see if he's going to take those two spears i think he will kill and try to attack here definitely he need to do it i think he can defend probably he has a pc so he's fine yeah he's okay and the tower as well now it's time for green to dominate we'll see if it's gonna happen but jordan is too far he's still far from going up and that's obviously can be a big problem in the long run yeah because now how do you stop the nights ready oh my god the micro oh he's trying to he just need to get time here blue need to get time if well but green is safe he has towers all over and another tower here oh boy this is this is crazy game already i really don't know who is winning it looks like like gamer legend is winning but it's not true because jordan is still in castle in feudality you know he's not doing an outpost all those scouts are coming oh my goodness but now but now but now i yeah he's not wall he has no army he's gonna take the tower need to go back with more values yes oh my goodness but he's almost in castles and now the knights are going to be there yes he will do some but the knights are going to be there and blue is here as well he's now tattooed doing another tc tattoo playing amazing as you can see but those chronos now are going to destroy jordan oh boy let's see he's gonna lose three belize is not many of them and he got three stables going with 55 54 52 46 not big big difference with the police number but now it will change because now jordan it will lose villages for sure if blue play properly obviously let's see one balloon down and two down now i'm gonna clean now he need to go to the goal he's telling him come here come here the gold mine is if he cannot have gold then problems and now the knights are coming those knives are plus two yes they are but he needs more knights those scouts will be nothing if he is able to mass knights blue is still here and not letting jordan to take gold look at gold look at jordan resources zero foot zero gold what that means it will be two versus one it will be two versus one and now green is gonna push here big time with the siege and the knights he can do a lot of damage to tattoo base now oh my goodness he's doing another tower this is so bad this is really so bad oh baby he's going to lose more values he has a stone to make cripples no he's coming with the crows as well this is insane now tatum is starting to lose so many fill this incredible game again the score is starting to get closer billy's difference is now better for vietnam but they got the knights and when the knight says come on the billionaires are going home no he's walling fast there you go jordan very quick and a smart move here by the german again let's go baby and now you need to go and raise probably tato he did the walls amazing and now they clean all to blue but blue is coming here and then he's gonna kill with those arches all the villains in the woodland the knights are coming i'm gonna rate the kind who is winning the game i don't know he still have a lot of arches here 52 belize look at the phillies number but now mangoness is going ramps even what the hell okay he's wearing rams and now the crowd was killing villains jordan in big problems in big big promise because german can't produce army he has one knight and 12 light cast and you know what that what that is nothing in the long run they will have big problems yeah obviously they need to kill those but you know what they should do couple of mangonels green has problems here but healthy towers and he keep waiting again to tatitude on the tc and look at the light guess annoying very very annoying crazy game already crazy crazy game okay more nights now let's see if he can stabilize jordan oh my god but guys i think okay the magnolias did it 45 arches but the problem is with knights and some big badaboom tattoo can lose a lot can't really lose a lot it's coming with those where's the cradles from blue not there he's coming out with the ram i think this is a mistake i think he's going too greedy he's really going too greedy now chambered in armor coming with the light caps he's going to have a mango another tc in the woodland oh oh my god no no no and time to take those woof how to display this well spectacular spectacular but now the light guys are going to be down i believe welcome to micro blue need to micro more art is coming he's gonna take but this is a good job by jordan for sure but now more knights are here coming wow another tc but not three pillars only 5360 villas is the same village the problem is that has so many arches but if he make a bada boom oh boy oh really boy all the light gets bye-bye crossbows 22 only he need to make a lot more archers he has only two rt ranges i believe yeah only two well red tattooed three that's solid and i know the tc i don't know if you need that many tall centers four tc's he's probably not gonna have all the active definitely not jordan few nice here he's still with 56 village at the end he's very close he's crazy he's crazy how they are holding yeah i really believe that doing going runs right away was a big mistake because we have done micronauts and he could have done a lot of damage in the wood now they have so many army so much army jordan even has army as well not anymore that well at least we have 45 man they cleaned this one but he still have a lot at home a lot at home oh boy jordan can make crepes soon he's also raiding here now the mobility and the amount of army 55-43 is getting closer he's getting really closer because slabs got 17 knights three microns uh oh where they are going he's unable to make that pc no no no he can't oh my god okay mangoes are coming he's gonna be able now to take the tc's he's trying there's a lot of farces and nice i don't know oh my god oh my god that castle that castle is taking two-toes centers he's an amazing castle here oh baby he need to go away tatito he need to go away but he's doing a castle as well ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so many billions so many villages he's going to make it but you need to go with the mangoes he's going to make the castle tattoo for sure i think both are going to make it or maybe not the mangoes need to be used better he's not using the mangoes probably he's going to make this shot no he's not and now he's open titanic this castle is not going up and this is the game that did a reaction in another level and now gamer leon b are winning the game tattooed is playing so great well some song samsung did two doubt castles in the previous game and in this one and he's casting the game he's doing petals now he has so many nice and now the game it's in my opinion over at least that blue could go up to impedance which is not the case you know yeah now it's impossible jessie cole and uh tattooed mvp in my opinion by far you can see the score difference wow well well well now my question is why the hell green made the castle here and the mangroves were in this spot if he got the mangoes here right away he could deny that one or kill phillies at least because he got so many too you know so many and then stonewall not a house you know anyway it was a nice game a very nice game and i'm sweetie man and probably the players too gamer legend take the lead now with a great game yes sunshine a little bit awful but to be fair played very very strong he was all over 63 largest army you see insane and his economy also on point with the most village the most army the most kills the most everything mvp gay number four there we go guys some crazy games in this series very very nice super intense this quarter finals and we are going to dominate game number four with now nilly as a flank commands let me just put here fast dl again a and then vietnam vietnam b oh my goodness this capture eight you need to find a new option and this was one and down two all right okay i'm surprised that tattooed is not playing in this one and nilly is more in my opinion uh a pocket player i would say but he has improved quite a lot and now he can play definitely much more aggressive thank you michael thank you donated 10 euros amazing let's go push upside challenge to 50 push-ups uh 50 push-ups yeah yeah yeah 50 push-ups when i was young but now complicated guys commands my yards as a pocket then ethiopians in my opinion i prefer the opinion seven of cups is yeah it's crazy with those double rg range okay thank you man for the for the five subscribers gift amazing but uh if your piece is so good and hands if the game goes longer and then uh you can make the upgrades i prefer the machiars well i don't know maher's is so good cheaper scouts with the upgrades so complicated so complicated uh oh be careful there thank you man 55 50 and no less no no if you got the spears now they are micro properly those artists with ethiopians are just great but he's losing though so where's the spear i don't know with the scout i don't know yeah he has more arches need to be careful ooh very close but the scout no micro from green green 0 micro because he's here with couple of scouts and he wallet in the last second good job good job there okay army numbers pretty much the same all right those scout now with forging and maybe he can kill a belly if he pay attention but he didn't and nearly notice and sending the filler back okay taking the elephant butt those arches oof but his lonely man is lonely two versus one where's green green is playing his own game yeah honestly sunshine it's not disappointing but playing a few i mean two doubt castles now he's lonely he's true that he can catch up all the reinforcement here and i like what well nearly three archery ranges okay well coomans kuma's power now jordan bloodlines blues one plus one nine scouts six scouts if blue sorry if green is not together with blue game over and very soon honestly yeah now he's doing good micro here bad boy so you need to kill the scout ghost scout good job here vietnam is doing a good job now but the numbers are in favor to the germans because now both are germans and now we have to see with the spear okay yeah he's migrating properly those phillies are completely idle and they have a lot of farming a lot of farming because his tripolarity range and my yard the combination is perfect with the civilization the score is still similar but now blue is doing great micro here yeah he's doing a great great biker those sizes are better than the kumas one they shoot faster and now blue split in my opinion an amazing game seriously amazing let's go for the echo okay do you know for the kb yeah you can see how blue well not only blue also green look at the kd oh my goodness here vietnam with the domination killing absolutely everything how this can happen i don't know no bloodlines for green blacklight for yellow and they kill absolutely everything damn and we have seen so many times because this can be a snowball easily but now they need a guy in green why you don't care with blue white he's not with blue i don't get it yeah he went alone again oh my goodness still the game get closer 17 army 12 again with more army for the camera legend and nili resources are looking good man doing the market and he will go up well idle time i do tc man i'd love to see how much well not that much jordan has a lot more whoa over two minutes i don't tc damn and now after casa well blue is gonna go up he's doing the market and he will go up so he's gonna be very very close but again a lot more army a lot more army man these commands with triple rc range is insane seriously if you don't lose the army properly yeah a micro properly sorry oof he has the bloodlines and now going up so many scouts blue is going to go up as well triple stable yeah now so many scout for for green as well yeah he's using bellies to help need to micro properly more scouts more arches up as well and these can go for for any flight for any team really can't go for anything while he's sending so many villages to that discount yeah and that's the beauty of hands man he took it and now hands with 12 army snowball game for the hands 20 faster production with those stables 20 percent faster production with all the stables he's insane he has to be careful 17 armies 16 he's almost the same army no more army from vietnam this is smelling this smell i don't know what you think and i would love to see a decider but let's see this battle because this can be the battle of the game yeah more scouts so many archers oh my goodness yeah oh my green with a lot more scout has our hands for a good reason oh baby he's sending so many now if they take this bottle they take the game because ethiopian archers are you so good they got now more army a lot more army and i don't know is to that nearly gonna have 25 seconds advantage but uh green how many fishing ships uh quite a lot well it's the same about that is the same 53 million 58 jordan got so much idle time if you ask me okay now they need to go back but they are taking archers he need to wait 18 seconds exactly and 21 army 22 but i insist ethiopian archers they are trying to go but he's up to castles already as well yes so they need those few seconds 15 second advantage he has he has to be careful nearly has this small advantage he's going to move those bellies university just need to stay there because they are coming to he does now come on horse caller and castle it's for green that's amazing seriously he got the troubles already no no they can't do the damage now to ethiopians it's almost impossible because they shoot faster ballistic for nearly ballistic for blue green enough to cast it for the stable and like i told you you can't compete with the hands hands are you so good the production is insane and you can see how he has been ahead all the time jordan but he's still having more army and he's on the way to castle well oh my god is he really going he's going man he's going okay let's see where he's going oh man okay let's follow let's follow what is this let's follow guys this is beautiful huh look at this telescope we are taking those it's gonna be able it's gonna be able no it's wallet it's really rolling ah yeah yeah yeah yeah he's going back now let's zoom in a little bit because blue is coming this this is the beauty of this one let's go back bam and now with those crows and and the scouts you have to be careful he's going to go around it's fully wall it's fully well but guys he's in castle why jordan is in the hell why i say that he's in the hell because he's not even up chambered in armor light caps with the next approach but what are you doing don't leave that crossbow oh my god where's the hook i don't want to look i don't want to look okay let's zoom a guy they almost throw the game they didn't throw because the arches are so strong the legos are now there i'm gonna take everything okay no no they kill all they really all look at the score difference getting bigger and bigger now nearly losing absolutely everything and this is absolutely over like how they can counter now the knights the leicas and the crossbows jordan is about to go up but now really need to to send army at home because the military numbers 42-16 we got decided game amigos game number five whoa man well well well well what the series guys what the series here with the game number five coming in this one i don't know how this could happen but nilly was having some advantage it's true that ethiopians are amazing but seriously this song's on transition proof was insane really really insane and hands and ethiopians made the job well i think they surrendered too soon yeah they should surrender two minutes ago okay military bad boy you're ready to kill that look at this 2.31 samsung 1.21 economy yeah nah it wasn't shift win it was that sunshine got a brutal macro and remember that jordan was having idle tc so hands are hands man and that's it yeah gg guys k number five game number five amigos game number five rockslight and uh is going to be i will put a guy gl a and vietnam b and then getting inside to see the domination the score has been one two two one and then two two and now this is the map we have portuguese tattooed burgundians jordan bad boy tatars sunshine malian i prefer gl civilizations yeah i mean they don't have marvelous songs on a bad boy if they can go longer malia is a late game they have a lot of good units but not the best in anything not the best champs not the best cavaliers because they don't have paladins not the best well counters are great uh they don't have halves arbales without plus three i don't know we will see this map i mean i don't know if you have noticed but the whole maps for gamer legend are the slowest maps yeah portuguese is great here there is lowest maps in the map pool the black forest and this because this is a map that usually they go for a dog but they are not going for the dog now anyone what is this it's a new meta already okay oh the bed is let me go for the wedding two minutes go go because you can make galleys here and then you can get a lot of map control with the dogs jordan is now doing the dock here no galleys at all rt range few scouts and he has a tower now oh what is this okay two hours i want a spear and this is fully walled okay both everyone is doing towers in the goal as you can see except lou but boy is not using the stone at the moment and he might suffer the consequence because if red is going there oh okay we'll see resources they're getting closer they will go castle as a name from castles let's see the action no no okay he's denying the berries that's obviously bad now he's finally doing the tower and man bad boy is having a a brutal macro today a really good one actually he's going castle is faster again damn honestly bad boy is playing today really really well and during the tournament sun song has been probably the mvp but i'm not sure if today fat boy is playing better than samsung don't know what you think guys rainbow oh i love this one this is very good actually okay we have castles now for blue and yellow the burgundians jordan going out for this table so he's gonna go knights cavaliers no no no yeah and green is going castles as well red two and tattooed is even doing stonewalls okay wow a demo ship not going goddess has seven arches three hours is only for blue and three spears those satchels will clean yeah and if he's not cleaning the demo will climb no he's cleaning he's cleaning now totally stable armor killing the arches here that the spear will help yes it will but what is he doing no man just go away it is too far from going up and now let's see he's gonna make a pc that's a great tone center and going cab arches bad boy three percent archers well done stable with knights he's gonna make the caval the cavalier upgrade so maybe he need to go on one pc for a while because if you want to mask an old army to to counter that tarsk versus that got thundering it can be complicated honestly okay jordan in the corner that's a good pc good goal and stone pretty much okay well he put in another spot that he's similar i like it and now he's going galleys cannibals already okay well that's good but of course you are using resources and if you have a pieces out of of the water the galleys are not that important you can always go around and now he's walling all the map this is gonna be a long one okay kelp arches with the flutes too do they have bloodlines and no and that's a problem just get the demo find the lid down two down no he didn't kill two all right but he's not gonna kill cavaliers in a moment the cavaliers with the blues too you need a lot more cap archers a lot more kevlar she's sending the knights what i like from blue and green is that they have mobility they have cap arses and and tattoo has gullies and crossbows well maybe siege then and ignore this area no no yeah i mean he can ignore that arya and just go here will he notice and go siege but not not yet he's two tcs only so maybe some more economy who knows yeah they're jewish warling cavaliers three cavaliers only for yellow so just go in man yeah but he needs husbandry and bloodlines otherwise the cowboys are weak also with the crows are coming no no yeah they are playing together well green now is going to grow more okay i still insist if they go together with the cow marshes and the knights i prefer that approach yeah and jordan doesn't have too many knights you know four knights two camels he's seven hours is only those are with blocky but nobilistic remember that blue has thundry but no husbandry or no bloodlines is bad it is bad he's 20 hp more has to be careful and now ballistic incoming bloodlines already it's not too many arches with bloodlines those capabilities should dominate but not alone against those yeah he's it's thundering but nobilistic he need ballistic too but he has three tone centers so they have to be careful tattooed on jordan because the carnivals are coming oh baby the carnival so annoying very very annoying they are going to be annoying they have 143 hp he will need some some villas in the tower for sure now the knights and camels are coming he's too many cowbars is now yes now billy's on the tower let's go and knights and camels if he killed the cavaliers but those those cannonballs man you need to move those villages yeah there's a demo as well and the combination here is solid obviously has to be careful he can put the lamborghini so no problem and he need the university he's doing and what he need to do is avoid that battles and try to raid if he's going in with the cap arches that's that's the advantage with those kia bars is he just need to have camels and nice here to defend and probably send the cap archers to rey i don't know we will see he's doing another pc is a perfect choice here by blue fat boy is doing a good job here because with the second pc her red and yellow won't do won't do anything but football is on the tc yeah that's great and the second is he he need to go back he's going to lose the cat become a leader he's going to lose the cavaliers yeah that's a good job i know the kvr just time to raid but goal he need to go all in but here tato tanjora are doing definitely a good job phillies is almost the same i'm gonna say he's gonna take the glass with okay but not doing any damage and now morgana is here oh boy ballistic they are strong we need to send it probably he need to send it back and kill those with his four galleries so he could take it here we are with the cab archers he's a tower he has no ballistic oh no he has ballistic already whoa but no husbandry right yeah got it and now it's time to raid yeah important here is if you take villages but boom is still the same for both uh oh gonna lose a villain there cavaliers are coming yeah but the camarzi is not doing any damage with those cap arches still the cannibals are very annoying they are reaching quite a lot of resources all over and they don't have anything on water that's a problem that's definitely a problem yeah well it's disturbing but not killing and the micro need to be much better it need to be much better this is what we wanted to see some aggression in the from this area otherwise problems okay fill this in uh-oh uh-oh gonna lose a knight but that the spot is not the greatest thing the galleys are there i look at the house oh come on come on come on seriously i mean teammate blue green oh baby painful to watch painful to watch those those yeah it really is bad i mean what are they thinking about that not deleting the houses not doing anything i don't know anyway he's probably they're probably busy but these kind of things are very very bad and now tattooed with 83 billions but 54 army doing more rt ranges extreme manganals coming with the knights but you can't throw units like this look okay now he will clean those the galleys there is a point that they are useless so they have to be careful of course tattoo is increasing the the score because he's killing a lot of units and it gives points but now he need to kill the town his war tower more towers don't die very fast yeah he's doing a good job 93 economy and he's sending cavaliers they're playing good man they are playing really nice very good team work and very good the strategy you know for kelly upgrade as well i know he's gonna clean everything jordan he has no army two minors it's ridiculous and the cavalry is worth the cap arches not doing anything that's the problem but boy he has good army but he's not using and now okay he got a few candles i didn't see those they just arrive in with viral imperial age imperial it's for jordan yeah very slow maps here obviously nice nice to to watch because there is it's action but there's not a lot i mean since the map is so close there is galleys but there is not real fights you know they are trying to kill but they can't both things actually the galleries are just like the best wall ever staples and green is on the way to imperial as well well to be honest if green is able to make farimba camels he might be in a good position otherwise big problems blew another tc and about to go up to imperial tattoo on the way to imperial 106 villages you need to kill the galaxy okay so does he have a castle he's mighty now remember that you don't have a lot of stone here but now yeah oh the stone in the corners sending the cavaliers okay he's gonna send those he can't see those or not he can definitely see those cavaliers coming and he's gonna try to raid he will make another tc here oh my god this bltc i don't want to look well he won't be able to kill it but houses houses you need to wallow me with open the artists are coming and now the cameras are coming as well where's blue he's still not doing any damage that's the problem here yeah but but but tattooed with the cannibals it's just defending all over man it's been so annoying and they can't do any damage paladin albert right away strengthen remember that he's very cheap to make paladins yeah i mean the the galleys are used winning the game just the galax okay he's gonna make a castle here heavy camels he's gonna make the plus four or not has resources he has played pardon armor well the 56 is helping a lot now he's walling he's wasting quite a lot but he's could talk because of the galleys on those arches it's going to be similar arboles with chemistry he can't help his own base seriously he can't no don't stand now look at the outbreaks look at the offense oh come on come on oh baby well he lost quite a lot here he's trying to take the pc obviously he need to to go because he he was going to lose all the values so it was a tricky situation very tricky and now yellow is ready picabashes are there those cabbages are yeah well with the party and tactics now plus three conscription yeah pretty much all the upbridge so he's trying to do a good job but tattoos has right now oh my god guys third outcast for green in the cities three doubt castles man three doubt castle in five games he's solid he's very very solid really whoa i mean if you try to make on purpose it's difficult you know and is the third doubt castle in the cities unbelievable okay trying to go with those obviously fun invites did it and now he's gonna go fast fast seems it seems so no no this game is over it's super over and this gamer leo has played much better they have a plan i don't think this is a great map for entire wars to be honest just the opposite i say it always with the 1v1 and with the 2v2 but uh when i saw portuguese i was like okay gg and gamer legend is going to be in the semi-finals is going to be in the semi-finals versus a f versus leery and gila and that's going to happen tomorrow and that's going to be a very interesting series for sure let's see if he's trying to kill the units here yeah the cameras are strong they don't have harimba i think no they don't oh baby oh oh yeah i'll look at the fine line from yellow raiding everything jordan 135 billions raining completely blue is to have some army gg call gamer legendary 3-2 in this series man 3-2 in the series for gamer legend e was a very nice series honestly probably the i mean for me i don't like the the galaxy's approach probably the most boring game was this one but the series itself it was fantastic you know very nice series for sure congratulations to tattoo jordan and nilly because they will face tomorrow leery and hero i don't know if that's a that's a reason to congratulate them because liam and kira are so dangerous but tomorrow it's gonna be very nice to watch for sure yeah well you can see the economy for jordan insane and they got the control all the game juice with the galax was booming few arches and they couldn't do any damage at all guys hopefully you have enjoyed last word of finals incoming thumb up on youtube bam
Channel: MembTV - Age of Empires 2
Views: 3,162
Rating: 4.951807 out of 5
Keywords: Youtube, Official, Memb, membTV, twitch, Voobly, Age of Empires 2, Age of Empires II, AoC, Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, Age of Empires II: The Conquerors, AoE2, Age of Empires, Play, eSports, Gaming, Online, Multiplayer, Expert, Experts, Commentary, RTS, Real-Time Strategy, Strategy, Game, Microsoft, African, Kingdoms, ZeroEmpires, Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition, DE2, GamerLegion, Vietnam B, TaToH, Nili, Jordan, SonSong, Badboy
Id: _eJauWvBLhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 12sec (5532 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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