aM A vs aM B - Empire Wars Duo 2 Quarterfinals - !today

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[Music] all right welcome back alice aftermath hello versus aftermath b how do you feel about this matchup oh it's gonna be it's gonna be good fun i uh i think obviously aftermath a should be favored just because how strong they are especially in the last tv2 tournament but it should be some great games just hold on for a moment to keep in mind that afternoon b is hera and leery uh the story behind that is uh yeah it's a little confusing because here and leary are the stronger team but basically what happened is that uh back when they signed up it was still tempo storm for hero and leary and ambien nico just signed up as aftermath uh okay but then you know hara and leary both left temple storm so um we asked them what name they want and they said they will be after mad b they didn't want to take away the original aftermath name from beyond nikov so that's why the team that's actually probably stronger here and leary also joined by heart um not sure how much he's going to play is actually the aftermath b anyways so let's take a quick look at the draft over here atacama river belt they just go for what they do best super aggressive super open maps just win with execution yep um i i think it's definitely interesting that um obviously aftermath a have gone for first pond and kawasan i i'm just interested to see what their strat is going to be on on forest pond i mean clearly they've prepared something it's from their sieves it kind of just seems like they're going to pick malay and italians and just go from there but yeah um this draft to me seems very matter um from aftermath just kind of you know good archer serves good good good um crossbow serves whereas uh for hiro and leary they have some interesting pics in there they have you know they've got humans they have portuguese beers burgundy in spanish you know it'd be really interesting to see where we're going to see those things i guess spanish maybe we'll see that on uh forest pond yeah i can see that i'm ready with the first game so whenever you are yeah we will get going count me down all right three two one and go so welcome everybody to what is an aftermath civil war so to say mbl nico versus harry and leary and for a long long time in the history of aftermath as a team and beyond leekov were actually the stronger duo in fact uh back in 2019 before definitive edition when i first hosted my first tournament which was two paws one here was a backup to amble and nikov in their theme and how times have changed now hair and leary are the stronger ones over here but mb on nikov are definitely going to have their chances because these players know each other really well and especially the slower pace maps and beyond nikov could potentially surprise hair and larry here though they are definitely the underdogs in this one mbl with bulgarians in red tatars for nikkov and yellow and we'll have hera as blue franks and lyrius vikings in green yeah uh just thinking about the series um it definitely seems like um hiro and leary have the better sieve combo like obviously vikings franks is just s tsips and both both um for both the cabin arch player whereas embionico bulgarians tatters i i'm gonna be interested to see how they're gonna try and make this one work i kind of feel like they want to play a very short game over here super aggressive the free thumb ring with tatars is probably the name of the game but tatars is always a tricky civilization to play in these two v2 setups because at some point you are gonna have to transition to cav archers and uh you can just mass your crossbows and then go for an early imp and boom you have a bunch of arbalests so that's the main concern here with tatars yeah we'll see when nikov does that transition or even if he does that and they might just go try to go full castle age here because in the long run franks do have paudins available and obviously vikings will have a bunch of orbs out yeah um that's the problem right like you can't hit the net on the head that's where matata's not having r bluster means that um if you do get a big massive crossbows you have to trade them in car stage right because if you let vikings get to get to imperial age and obviously vikings are saying they can get to imperial age very quickly so i think it's kind of a pretty bad matchup for tatters um like if you let vikings get to imperial age then your army essentially becomes almost redundant because they just can't really compete and it's so awkward to make a heavy cab watchers which work just because they're so expensive requires so many upgrades um scout's breaking into the base of leery here but he just casually quick was his gold miners this is the real pain of being against lyrium hair even if you do things right like embryos doing right now coming in with the raids it doesn't guarantee you that you're gonna kill villagers because it's just leery with the quick wars although there is the first casualty of the game yep um and i mean he's only called one though but i mean forcing like the quick walls making everything awkward it's still nice like it's still kind of like secondary damage like um you know it kind of slows larry down a little bit and um especially as mbo's map is just amazing like i probably take that um yeah mbl's map is amazing for empire war standards he's back against the wall but this makes it very easy to roll off super safe gold mine it's one of the best empire wars maps i've ever seen yep and if you actually look he's only ward with like 20 tiles or something along those lines let me check which is incredible for empire wars like yeah he's got 20 he's got like 34 towers of wars which isn't that many um and he's got basically everything completely secure so um yep he must be loving life with that map whereas if we look like hero and larry like both still haven't got that full wool off yet um yeah it seems like everyone was content to kind of just you know sit back passively and and wait for car stage it kind of makes sense with how far both teams spawned away from each other um i do like though how nikov seems to be targeting herrera's gold um it seems like um both nbl and nico are going straight towards heroes gold which could actually be quite quite an issue like that is a really you know out of position gold right he has no other gold anywhere near so if they do manage to like hit a really nice timing with that with that thumb ring timing then they could do a lot of damage to hear it here exactly and hero is on the way towards cass lage but he doesn't have a huge amount of scouts here so it's not like they can easily take this down and there's already one vulture down here for hera he's gonna have to go behind this one but as he said he might be off from gold which comes at the worst possible time he won't have gold for the upgrades or the night production yeah exactly and oh they're gonna break into that house yeah and this is huge because as well one benefit of having bulgarians is that um they can get plus two really quickly like they're not a sieve that is necessarily um you know it's gonna be slow to that plus two timing and if you do get plus two and just sit on the gold then oh this is a great fight venice this is such a great stuff uh this is amazing and remember that those are bulgarian scouts now with bloodlines the other side is frankie scouts which means that there is no bloodlines on them yeah and now and now niko being hot stage gets slumbering so yeah i think our embryos mismigrated a little bit that he's not helping the the archers he's yeah that's actually very bad um because those archers would have just needed a couple more seconds until they're upgraded nonetheless hera has lost quite a bit here and larry also lost his archer mass so i mean this could have been better but it was a good start still for yeah still a perfect start and this way this is doing now is if you look at mbo's base it's buying him time to get that nice boom going right two tc's straight away um obviously like i said you can still get plus two uh with bulgarians because it's so cheap that's why they're they're a nice uh and doing heavy economic damage to the cow player is really really nice because it's i feel like it's harder to to to be a useful player as a captain if you don't have big economy right so like that's kind of it can snowball quite massively like we saw in game one with a yo um against me like whenever like when he got behind you just couldn't never recover it just takes so much economy to build um cavaliers yeah it's triple stable knights from hero but he said it's doubtful that he can afford double dc production plus triple stables here ambiance going triple tc's but i think some of these theses are just here to defend him from a leary push larry going for early thumb ring overall so far hair and leader have lost five villagers combined four of them for hera and one for leary yeah i definitely think that timing could have been a little bit better if if nba had tried to tank for the little bit but i still think they had got really good damage and again this is a really nice timing from from uh mbo and nico like like where is there his army like he just doesn't have uh he doesn't have the numbers and nico is doing a great job with these archer numbers um yeah a couple of nights could get surrounded there that's not ideal but heroes off from his primary gourd and he only has five on court because of this so i think yeah but this is just so messy from from and we are like why do that like why take the risk you already have complete presence on the map right all you need to do is sit with with niko's army now they have to run back i really think that was a pretty huge mistake for embryo there was just no need to do that yeah now there is ballistics for a kneecop he's got thumb ring as well i think they could still try to force fights here especially because leader is crossbow mass is smaller but it looks like am just wants to play i mean the traditional am embilonikov wants to play 3dc boom for both players i think they might be happy to play a very long game both nikov and uh mbl love long games especially mbl so it makes some sense to try playing long games because that's where you know the strengths of hair and lyric come out in early game where it's small groups of units small micro wars that decide the games in a post imperial long game scenario ambi and nikov were just as good as hair and lyrics so yeah but you don't want to be playing do you really playing late game against frank viking with yeah that's the problem i believe i think paladins would be quite a big issue there um and frank i think with chivalry like with frank with trade are probably one of the best you know paladins in the game just because they can just um their production of paladins is just ridiculous and the quality as well yeah exactly uh so they're very hot so this is a really important fight this is a lot of very heavy um micro from both both teams yeah that's like yeah i i i could see nikov taking this hill here remember tatars have a heel bonus that could help and the thing for her is that he was off from gold in the primary goat for a long time and he only had a couple of villagers on goats so he didn't really have a super reliable gold income here for him and that means that his knight numbers are at 16 despite being on triple stables whereas mbl is at 14 with double stables and nbl now has an eight vultures lead the two archer players have the same ecos but as you said at some point you're gonna have to transition to cap archers with uh the cars here yeah i think what i think what uh we'll see is mbo try and hit either the early m timing or just just complete night flight timing um at some point because either he's going to go for the um what's the upgrade called again chivalry or not sure sorry um stirrups and get the faster attack for the cat for the knights or he's just gonna go like you know all that like kind of cavalier with with full upgrades early i think that's the with the equality that he's being able to kind of gain i think that's where that timing can be quite scary he's making a great boss crappos wow i mean i understand the concept because it protects two of his gold mines so makes some sense although he was mining stone and he already had like 400 so he could have waited a little longer and just go for a castle instead that would also allow him to get stirrups yeah yeah definitely i think it's definitely a nice crap right like those goals are so hard to deal with um yeah i just i just think this game like it it's starting to get really difficult for mbl and nico because like what are you going to do about that end time from from larry right it should be let's look at larry's economy yeah larry's about to click him right and this is the kind of the thing that i was saying about about this matchup like they needed to be more aggressive right like you can't really just sit there and wait um while the vikings are just gonna click in very quickly and at this point it becomes tricky right because they're gonna have to make something happen soon otherwise viking is just gonna steamroll the game yeah nico is quick into imp as well if he gets some market up but as we discussed what is he gonna do with him he's gonna have bracer crossbows sure but arboles will still be better i think the key thing here could be mbl limping and we haven't really seen cavalry players imping as fast as vikings do it or just go for raid on hera's eco and once again get some idol time and get a couple of vulture picks i think mbo's imp time is the real question here because if he gets to cavalier approximately the same time as leery gets to our blast then it's all fine because cavalier will still beat the orbs yeah that's an excellent point and here is miles away from from well not miles he's he's quite far away from cooking him and economically here is really struggling so you're right maybe this is how they survive that m timing it just feels really strange if you're niko to be he's basically playing for our bless no no no that's right he's playing for brazil crossbows like that's just such a strange way to approach the game but it's like maybe that can work if you have mbl um with a really nice m time and maybe let's look at emil's economy can he get stirrups yeah okay he's not gonna get stirrups but he will have a lot of um cavalier with plus four what else what i love about bulgarians here is that you can make those cheap dc's and the thing is that you will have a big art blessed power spike for lyri but when you have five dc's to fight against those thesis will just keep your orbs out so nicely so without siege larry won't be able to do much best thing he can do is head towards the base of nikov who is going for a couple more ranges i certainly hope that nikov knows tatars don't have our blast yeah yeah he's alright he's switching into heavy cables you know he's got a look producing yeah um in the long run that's gonna be much more population efficient you're going to have the mobility advantage and also like cave archers are just better one-on-one against orbs the question is getting those numbers and i kind of feel like nikov just can't hear back with the orbs or crossbows and not traded them because he was afraid that he could get pushed here and he just didn't want to risk losing his army he has a hill here with the tarzan that's something that's going to help a lot yeah you don't want to fight tattoo on the hill um yeah i think that's one thing they could have done but again this is going to be so interesting because obviously mbl is going to be empty as well so he will be able to get possible defense um but then at the same time obviously like we said nikov can't get uh he can't get our blessed so i don't know who do you think is gonna be favored in this fight i still think it's actually ambient nikola the cavalry numbers are bigger for hera it's almost double now that the hill is gone it's a problem for uh mbl and nikov because i think with the hill you have the same range so hill bonus actually compensates for not having arbs here but once stirrups and plus for defense comes in for mbl they will clean this up and i feel like this might even be an over extension from tempo yeah i think here is committing a little bit too and yeah i think you're right this is actually honestly like uh nikov and nba i've played this really well um so far too at least obviously i feel like their sibs are just worse like not massively worse just a little bit worse and i still think providing nikop doesn't take too much damage they could be able to clean this up um how close is mbr to getting his upgrades yeah hero is about to imp as well and ambia needs to clean up those arbs and nikov just needs to focus down the camera because that cavalry still only has plus two defense from heroes so it would die to chemistry crossbows very easily yeah the problem is these these arms are just so strong right like here comes the cavalier and embryo is going to loop around so is that completely opposition right he's just going to raid here i think oh that's a bad decision to me although now lear is trickling in orbs to the base of mb and then we are just picking off those reinforcements and honestly that many cavaliers running into heroes base now might actually be a good decision i think this could be a game-winning move i mean it's so tricky this is this this is one of those situations where it's so hard to pick the right play but i think this might be if you look at nba's base he's got crep posts and a castle at home like his eco is really secure if he gets like fetching a bodkin then he could probably like hold long enough so that this raid on here is game-winning right like if hiro starts getting down to like 70-80 villages like he won't be able to get paladin right he won't be able to deal with them and oh but this raid is doing the same thing to nbl yeah mbom has five pcs though so losing a couple of villagers is easier for him to recover from than it is for hero and as you said hera is getting absolutely shut it here nikov also comes into the cave archers they just double team hera and now cavaliers from manbi are going into the base of leery as well i honestly this is such an impressive game from mbo and nico i think decision making wise they have been other than that one weird kind of play from from nbl like getting this nice trap they've been close to perfect like this empire's even raiding leery as well with a load of cavalier i just think they've hit they hit some really nice timings and and nico like you said he's kind of been able to get to a decent amount of them and the cavalry archers don't need to get the upgrades for them um just look at the flood of mbl's cavalier and those are stirrups cavalier and it's much easier for mbl to clean up those knights inside his eco when he has plus two plus four and stir ups on his cavalier than it is for hera who cleaned up and harris down to 52 votes yes 50 villagers yeah i just how do you compete with 50 villagers that you just can't this would be a game where leery is 1v2 but at the same time like how did you play 1v2 when you have an army with no mobility right it's just uh yeah this is just really clinical from uh mbr nico yeah lyra's got 74 orbs but he's got zero mobility against cav archers and against cavaliers his eco would just be raided to death i think his only option might be full storm wars but even then i mean hero is pretty much dead here he's down to 43 fields he also lost his mtc by the way yeah that's just crushing his man um well he lost all his dc's so obviously he lost him dc as well yeah that's not no idea really uh losing every single tc um and now um looks like amblyo is gonna have some gold issues so he might be going for some stir up hussars but that's also a nice one for him and as i said he's at five dc so rebooming for him is much easier than it is for hera yeah i think honestly this game is kind of uh demonstrates how like big small advantages can snowball right like that initial fight with those archers that got into heroes gold and did some damage um and enabled like mbl to just kind of boom a little bit more quickly kind of like obviously it needed nba to make that perfect decision of going and destroying hero's economy but like it shows you like how much that can affect your game because obviously nba i was able to get him so much more quickly and and getting those cavalier with you know stirrups and and all the upgrades um it's kind of enabled them to get such a huge advantage yeah lyric takes a pretty decent fight on the left side against uphill stators here but behind this one is eco is collapsing this is where the lack of mobility comes in those cavaliers would just run around his eco and destroy it as it is yeah yeah here on the leadership yeah yeah 121 vultures for aaron leary nikov alone has 119. um i'm not sure what timing they're playing for right now to be honest um is trying to imp and i think the initial plan was that lyra could sling him into some cavalry but now leary's eco is torn apart so they're down to 109 villagers they have markets set up but now it's heavy ca as well and lyrics are blessed numbers will just be slowly decimated as he won't be able to replenish them uh yeah exactly and the problem is they've given tata so much time that now tyler is actually really strong because they have heavy cavacho almost will upgrade missing bloodlines but um yeah tada heavy cavacho with the mobility and then the hp um obviously he's the unique upgrade as well but they become extremely strong in the late game all you need to do is kind of park them on hills and yeah just uh i think niko forgot about bloodlines that husbandry here he because he doesn't seem to have a stable all right oh no yeah that was yeah that would explain that uh hero is going for cavalier 43 villagers the problem for him is that leary can't sling him either because lear is at 78. he's got 451 orbs but behind this one nikov is already pushing forward and the cavatures will also be an excellent you need to just disrupt trade whenever that's established for uh hair and leary if that even happens more than that the kev archers can just sit in hero's base and and prevent him from getting any economy which is what they're doing right now and also along alongside preventing trade so i just think honestly here and there you have i struggled to see a win condition here yeah their eco is just so so fragile their army numbers are still there but they would just get raped and raided because it is the player that is supposed to have the mobility that's dead here entirely leary is also half dead and as i said he's at 56 orbs but those numbers will just keep dropping am is not setting up any trade just yet though and that's i think it's bit of a mistake they need to think about what happens if hair and layers start coming back and okay now bloodlines and husbandry will come in for nikov better late than never yep uh he still needs does he have the unique tech uh silk armor i don't think so yeah as soon as that yeah he gets partying tactics for free but it doesn't really matter because now mbl with the light calf rates and surprise in the making aftermath a ambient nikon takes this game i think the key thing was how well mbl was able to keep pace with lyrism timing those cavaliers were so so crucial and then they made that gamble decision to push into hera's base with the cavalier and it worked out really well it was a gamble but it worked out well yeah i think you have to respect how intelligent that gamble was because they realized that nikov um could just sit in his base behind the tc's and obviously because hero was an imp he couldn't dive under the tc's and mbo did a perfect oh he had a really nice map but he did a really nice job as well just defending his map so he knew that he could counteraid and the damage that would be done to him would be um would be less and yeah just completely taking out here was the perfect decision and uh yeah a really nice victory because if you look at the sibs you just as well like you can't help but feeling the uh bulgarians and tatters are not your s-tier picks like they're still very good sieves they still ate here but like frank and vikings like those are some of the you know if you if you were to to pick sibs right like i i don't think you could pick much better than franco vikings on arabia yeah i i can i can agree with that so franken vikings was the ultimate combo and maybe there was more to this bulgarians than just you know getting the early attack upgrade or the defense upgrade into this one it was also about the thesis give you so much safety against that vikings are blessed power spike plus the crapos as well to just control your map because that's what you want to avoid getting steamrolled by those orbs yeah exactly but i also think as well it was partly helped by um nick of having that really nice raid on here as gold early on i think that really like set them up in in a good way i think if hira and leary were a bit more active in in maybe in feudal age and like a bit more proactive and hero was able to stay by us on three tc's like i think would be a very different game um but credit obviously it's too hard to make open an mbr for for finding that damage and now we are going to the first home map of uh hera and leery they have two very similar home maps so two super open super aggressive home maps to play around with atacama river belt does really [Music] mean a lot which they select first the two maps are so similar um they're quite similar i'd say i'd say ascom is very different from riverbelt and the way it plays out um but i think they are both very aggressive maps um so yeah you you and yeah i mean i'm in the game cool i'm three seconds just count me down all right let's do a countdown with three two one and go so welcome everybody to atacaba over here these are the maps where hara and lyric were really shiny super open super aggressive maps and yes they lost the first game but you also have to consider that uh maybe they just didn't have uh enough warm up we have seen this so many times that the team that loses the first game suddenly starts steamrolling in the upcoming ones because the first game was also sort of a bit of a warm up for them archers for leary in green vietnamese and a cumin scouts play here from heroine blue whereas nikob is playing chinese in yellow for archers and ambiance playing indians in red which of these two civilizations are you favoring uh i'm really not sure to be honest i think indians is a nice pick because obviously it's kind of quite it's a map where cavalry is is very good because obviously it's so open and the wood is quite far away from your tc so and you can't really wall either so it's kind of nice have indians to like deal with any like cavalry raiding but at the same time um yeah it could be difficult to deal with vietnamese with the extra hp and obviously camels have quite low attack i don't know about you but i'm very interested to see how here is going to play humans because i wouldn't really think of picking humans and picking skeletons on this map i don't know about you yeah the picking cumins can make sense especially because you could potentially think about the second dc like midway feudal age or so so you could drop that earlier and secure the wood in the middle that could be helpful but one thing that's interesting with cumin's uh and the scouts is that usually now that you have discount on those production buildings you use it as an archer sieve and the reason why as he picks off a bulger here is because you need double arch ranges almost immediately whereas you just don't need double stables immediately you just can't afford to produce those yeah exactly um and it's just kind of like you can't really produce that quick i guess he's been on the second stable now so it's obviously going to be too stable all then but is yeah so the trouble is here i think already we're seeing uh here and there you just put on so much pressure on their opponents yeah but it feels like uh that's because mbr went all the way to hera and harold's gonna lose a couple of views oh wow so mbr just gave up on his own defense in fact nikov comes in with a couple of archers to help and clean that one up well it is uh hera who nbl is targeting for this bush yeah and this is really important because here it obviously has already committed to two stables right so he needs a good economy to be able to produce um and yeah a couple of wheels gone down like gonna kill another scout um and do they hold it seems like they held nba's base as well so i think this actually went really well yeah and nbl didn't lose a single vulture in this game nikov lost two but hera lost three over here so in the end this is slightly better for aftermath but that's in early bloodlines here for hero and that could be a massive power spike we know exactly how hera is going to play this this is going to be full feudal scouts for him whereas uh for nikkoff he's probably thinking about castleage but i kind of feel like the weakling here is mbl because now he lost most of his scouts and the theory is pushing him really heavily mbl doesn't really have safe resources right now yeah that's the problem right he traded the scouts for economy of hera but now theory is just kind of set up so well in his base right like nba was not going to be able to take gold um and that that one tower for mbo it does defend a lot of his economy but it's like that those barriers are soon going to run out right and those those woodlands don't last long either so soon he's gonna have a tower that's kind of only defending some farms um yeah i kind of feel like like first of all ambia has a lot of voyagers in queue over here uh now getting bloodlines as well castle age soon in for both larry and uh nikkov and now the scouts for mbl with bloodlines and plus one defense jump on lyrian leader doesn't have spearman here back at home to defend yeah this is really well he's got one spirit poking away which actually doing really good damage and i honestly i think that was a good trade right oh but there is nikov coming in with some archers and skirms that could easily pick off the spirit but he's not looking because he's getting raided by hera leary is keeping a big group of archers coming though and i think anikov will lose a lot of vultures here to those archers yeah it's it's definitely looking tricky right because those that that army from larry and nicob's base is gonna is there's a lot of potential damage there right oh beautiful quick wall there from nikov to prevent the archers from running beneath the tower he is going to lose a couple of wheels here in fact he's going to lose quite a lot uh he's losing way too much though yeah yeah i think yeah this is he's doing everything essentially that isn't in the tower um yeah that's minus six wheels now and more scouts are coming in from here up nikov lost nine wheels the real reason why they're actually losing this one so heavily is because in this map you can sort of separate the two sides and just play two zombie ones instead of a two v two and individually here and there are much stronger so you don't have the ability like what ambient nikov had in the previous game to just team up on one player and weaken him and then snowball the game from there well i just think uh as well i think larry was really confident and aggressive whereas uh nico was quite passive in his opening so larry kind of sent his initial units to be a real nuisance to mbl and then then we saw the nikko reaction which is something his own to save mbr um and and what that does is it just kind of means niko was under pressure from here and and lyra was pressuring mbl and they just kind of lost all momentum from that point almost like like oh that's ugly that's ugly and it's going to be crossbows in a moment for larry that's all nikov's wood income mbi i think that is yeah mbl is playing triple stable scouts here but i feel like this time around larry is so much ahead compared to nikov nikov caused the gg and uh well herron lear is strikebacker real quickly over here we know how they love super super open and aggressive maps but this is where we have to mention that okay they want this they still have river belt and we can probably assume that hair and lyria are the favored team over there but since zambia nico von arabia all they have to do is win their own home maps which are a lot more slower based kawasan and forest bond so technically they can afford to lose these more aggressive and fast paced maps as long as they can secure the winds on their own home maps yeah the problem is though it's not like hair and very weak on those maps like yeah obviously yeah they're still quite even it's just that hera and larry are just incredible they're really open maps like more so than they are the uh more so than they are bad at the closed maps yeah i mean absolutely aaron leary are insane on all maps but especially on open maps so if you want to have any chance of winning then you have to have that on closed maps so vietnamese and cummins over here working out but really it was a matter of just execution and uh maybe even a bit of a decision making how much you commit to a certain push how many archers you move out with just taking slightly better fights this can snowball out of control really fast yeah i just think uh leary was really a difference maker there were being so aggressive and being able to pressure mbl so quickly and that again it just meant that hera had a free time raiding nikov and whereas niko had to send his army to go and deal with the um spearman in mbo's base yeah and uh yeah in the end the nikov lost 14 vultures nba lost four and killed four it was mostly hera scouts that did the work 11 kills uh but larry also picked off seven villagers so both hair and leary i think the key thing was that uh hera was able to secure his wood line over here and it was just a timing of these strikes on nikkov like they realized okay there is a food line here we could double team that larry a little bit faster to castle age allows him to get crossbowmen as well so and oh yeah i didn't even see the left side that larry has another group of crossbows marching into mbs base yep all right so now we're going to first home map of uh mbl and the nikko over here kawasan or forest pond looks like it's going to be forest bond how do you feel about the civilizations um well i'm really in the game so i know it's been picked um all right let's do a countdown then yeah yeah weird three two one and go so welcome to forest spawn it's gonna be a little bit for slower pace start so you we will have a chance to talk about the civilizations spanish for heroin blue lyrius byzantines and green left side is koreans full mbl in red and uh nico as italians in yellow i think i probably favor koreans italians although they don't really have a good cavalry sieve but i just love italians on this map the generous crossbows are such a power unit late game and you really need that power in it late game yeah absolutely the thing is you don't really need a cab sieve necessarily on a map that is so [Music] basically there are two big choke points right on each side and then there's a water in the middle it's like you don't necessarily need a capsip you just need the service that kind of strong at transitioning into imperial age and if you don't have that you need to be able to pressure quite early um but it does seem like both teams are content to contest water except it seems like leary and here are only building one dock each whereas the other side uh both nikov and embia are building two dogs each so it should so they should win water it's just about how and what um hero and larry choose to do in car stage um i don't mind sorry larry's building two dogs i didn't see that around the middle uh i love this dock in the middle that's actually a very good idea something that we have seen sort of as an evolution of this map you build a dock close to the middle so you're close to the fight also you're close to the fish in the middle which isn't really abundant there is some fish in here but not an awful lot and it very much seems like we'll have double docks from leakoff triple from mbl hera is also going for a second dock so people will contest the water really heavily here yeah but herod delayed that duck and if you look at hero's economy he's actually already built seven farms so hero should have a really decent castle each time uh behind this whereas the others will be a little bit slower yeah lyra is also going to have a decent food bank over here and also he's got the byzantine fire gal is something that helps quite a bit also worth mentioning that koreans don't even have demo raft so that's something that is going to cause problems over here for uh mbl nikkov i believe yeah that's a really good point actually not having demorov kind of just nullifies one of the big risks of playing a galley a fire galley war right just you know keep tanking a huge demo shot so it seems like nbl or not nbl's right nikov will have to um be the one getting the demos oh nice demo already from hero and wow okay yeah so larry's already on the way to car stage so is niko that makes sense obviously being italians having the cheaper uptime um and selling this nice build so oh he's so stunned both nikov and lyrics saw their stone in fact to go up here is going to keep his stone i believe he probably wants to go multiple theses i don't think he's going to play conquistadors and what's up with mbl he's not selling his stone neither is he mining any so no war wagons just yet yeah i'm not sure what the plan is for mbr um i guess he's about to he's not that close to clicking either i guess emil went through the docks straight away so he was a little bit slow with the uptime and obviously you don't really want to sell wood with koreans um it was sort of an even fight over here if we look at the kds i'm just going to take a look at that yeah that's basically that even kill that ratios it's just a matter of uh you know and beyond nikov having slightly better numbers over here because lyrics uh on three dogs but i think he stopped producing for some time whereas nba went for fire galleys so in fact and yeah they have six dogs combined and lear and hero only have five so here only went for two dogs this also means that his eco on the land is going to be a slightly stronger though uh yeah and the one interesting thing though is nba has made a decision of what he's going for he's got those villagers on stone so we are going to see war wagons um and i don't know about you but i feel like that's going to be really scary to deal with uh if you are leery because what do you really go for right i guess you can go for like what full monks probably monks is your best bet um it looks like hera did lose his scout uh in a fight versus nikov spawn that's going to hurt because he has no vision on the outside and against italians italians could easily castle drop you if they want uh potentially yeah i think italians probably more likely to play a bit more passively because obviously it feels like nikob is committing mostly to the water so i don't think they are necessarily too worried about that but there's also a nice engagement on mbo stocks we're building four dogs now actually yeah he can go for demos and this is where lack of demos hurts really badly on the other side this could be a massive trap because there's fire ships now in for nikov he uses a lot of demos and there is nowhere to run here for herron leary that was actually a really nice demo shot though from uh from here he managed to take out two demos essentially for free but yeah this is gonna be a really nice cleanup um and mba will send you and reinforcements as well yeah some demos coming in very useful here for hair up as he's also going for his own borgelia upgrade mbl will be last one to grab that it looks like uh everybody is going to play two dc's we'll see about mbl he's mining stone with four only so he won't go for an immediate castle drop and nbo is actually certainly a villager forward to build a tower but i think did larry see that straight away yeah he did because of because of uh the free town patrol um oh yeah that's yeah koreans can be very annoying with uh those guard towers it's much harder to clean them up than it is to clean up a watchtower yeah and obviously mbo again is one of those players where you just don't want him having four towers at your base he's just so good at that kind of thing um he's so good at kind of using the map control to his advantage but uh yeah nice reaction from larry obviously i guess emily i probably forgot that the biz get free free time patrol now so that was quite an easy uh yeah and look at what leader is doing he's sending his scout over because he knows that that villager from ambia might escape but he's just sending in his scout just to make sure that vulture dies and uh uh well i mean well he's yeah that village is not trapped but now yeah leary actually has one of his villagers trapped in here so mbr should send two and just kill that lady yep um yeah okay so it feels like this game is kind of stabilized a little bit now we're just seeing both teams just kind of booming um definitely seems like hero went for that boom uh to interrupt but there is war galleys for ambien there's turtle ships as well pushing larry's woodlawn and that's probably why he wanted the tower you go for a tower you deny a lot of food you add some ships you also do that and at this space not at nba's mining stone i can see mbl just going for a castle drop inside the base of leery leery is also not noticing that his scout is getting killed by ambia scout over here oh yeah there's definitely a lot going on right now right um a lot of places to focus on um okay so this is kind of interesting how this game is developed right so so it's clear that nico and mbr focus more on water and so they will be able to use the water to get fish to get get an ico lead um but at the same time um it seems like uh leery and hero have kind of gone for that 3tc boom a little bit quicker so that land economy will be much better and obviously here we know here it loves booming right already on the 40 c's how do you think this game is going to develop either so you think mbo's transport i know uh converted turtle ship over here the the weird thing is that mbl's on three tc's but he has only 14 on food and there is the transport ship there's a stage workshop as well i am like 90 sure that's gonna be a landing inside the base of lyri that's why they're cleaning up those houses on the shoreline the leaders were escaped by the way so now ambia's base is actually open oh yeah here i lost both of his dogs so he will just now play full eco now and here is not far away from imping he's for dc booming and if you look at his resources that's not really bad it looks like it's gonna be an outside castle dropped by mbl so maybe he just wants to trap lyra inside his base yeah well the thing is he can he can build that forward castle right and then continue the pressure inside his base when he's fond so he can build some towers and you know manga those cc and you can do deeply um that's why that villager here hurts for larry like if ambi appears that villager leary wouldn't have seen the villagers coming forward he actually pinged on the map that nba is coming forward for castle that could actually be a massive problem for mbl here because the monks can slow down the castle per progress and now that's going to be a very underwhelming castle here to be honest yeah um that's not really what you really want to see and i think hero should be close to emptying the question is what do you do if you're here when you click on like what's the plan um again especially against nikov who is probably going to be going for um january's crosstown like how do you really play that in spanish good question because it depends on how many genomes crossbows could be there and the monks tried to slow down the castle progress by just switching between vultures that they are converting because that just stops the villagers from building or doing anything but obviously at some point they will finish those conversions and now the castle goes up and oh a guard tower landing from mbl that's what he was playing for yeah yeah exactly yeah that's why he brought the mangano so he basically with koreans right um and with those three guard towers you can just siege push tcs uh and obviously the towers can just zone any mangas um so it's really annoying to deal with or nice manga shot in the villages yeah that castle is uh or the tower is not going to secure the other one although now imperial age is on the way for niko and he's already got a castle january's crossbows right away i like that it looks like he's going to mix in some orbs as well just because it doesn't have the production and hero will play probably skerms here i was thinking about that for a moment if you know that your opponent is going jambos you might as well open skirms and later on switch to heavy cab but leary is in trouble here yeah larry that's the problem is that larry right now is in big trouble um those monks also racing them to the towers oh they're so low yeah they're low uh they do have redemption but that tower could also go up and now the safe voting come for lyric would be gone another tower coming in right next to the monastery which would mean that those monks couldn't even pop out of the monastery larry is buying stone he think he wants a castle like in the middle of his farming eco to stop this he's also in pink so he could trap down everything that nbl has here yeah that is how close does nbl's getting to the imperial age no he's really far okay um but the trouble is like larry's economy is just so like messy right now right i guess i guess mbl's isn't that much better but uh oh somehow somehow here i'm actually at two uh war galleys on the water and sniping fishing post yeah he actually converted them i believe he has uh oh wow that's actually brutal because that was an important piece of nikov's economy although fish is running out slowly another tower bent up here for mbl inside larry's base still lear just needs one or two traps and he should have no trouble winning this one or at least cleaning this up but he's got setback pretty heavily economically and as long as lira is not a factor the generous crossbows bombard cannons could easily snowball the game for nikov here well interestingly enough nikov is making a text which i think he's gonna go for condos because he saw the tech the uh the scoms from hiro and he realized okay there's not that much point in investing straight into into arbs and i mean look yeah the condo's already coming out and the great thing about doing this is that like what can hira actually do now because he can't go for the the hand cannons obviously because condos are just a counter to the handguns naturally right he's stuck yeah he needs calf but that's going to take a lot of time to take into especially because he's still getting the upgrades for the skirms so it will take a lot of time to get um the defense upgrades for those and even if you do there is generally crossbows so as long as larry isn't able to influence the game here i think nikov has the unit composition advantage over hera yeah absolutely it's just where he can get the uh the upgrades in time and the mass before he starts getting pushed which he should be able to um he definitely it definitely would be useful for him to get the the plate male armor and the extra armor after that just to make sure that they're you know as tanky as they can be um but yeah it's still it's still tricky though because you just have to hold this castle and that's gonna be a lot of stain repairing and if he loses his castles he won't have january's crossbows so hera is probably fine losing a castle nicole not so much and only a couple of condos diving in that's not really enough yeah and here is a lot of monks so bombard cannons aren't really an option here either for nikkov yep and on the other side uh larry's pushing back for the trebuchets as you said i think the trouble is ah the thing is larry's done a great job of holding right like he still has 102 bills um whereas mbr has only got a 10 volt lead on him despite kind of playing for that fourth pressure he is going imp now the question is what does he build right when he does get there some hand cannons are being mixed in here by hera he's floating 1200 gold or hole in his throne right now or 1600 food nikov needs some more condos and he just needs to be patient and unpop these and this the villager from there is still alive that's the one that was chasing the villager all around and now he's making sneaky ranges on the left side which will make it really hard to keep trade alive in the long run there is uh favisa for nikov for the condo armor and he just needs to be patient here but heroes were decking into heavy cavalry yeah this honestly heroes done a great job and i think that's partly because his boom was better i think maybe you could argue it's kind of maybe it's a bit unfair but maybe maybe nicole invested too much into into the water like it just kind of it feels like this shouldn't be that strong of a timing from here but he just had so much economy that he's able to to keep pushing um despite having in theory the worst unicorn yeah here is also steamrolling building so he could use redemption monks as well to try and convert them and as i said it's not about investing a lot in the water it's about what you get from it like 3tc boom by the time you get fishing eco it's not going to give you a huge amount of food to play with and looks like mbl is an imperial decking into condos as well it's going to be a double condo play here that is so interesting um i'm not i don't know i mean i guess it's something that the larry won't expect and larry doesn't really have any units right but at the same time larry does have a castle so he could go for cataphracts yeah i don't know if i'd like that from nba to be honest i'm not sure if that's necessarily i'm not necessarily a fan of that although it's only one castle from leery chiropractic to take a lot of time to train and take into whereas condos you can flood them out immediately though lyra with the stone walls should be able to prevent that one from happening now nikov needs to hold that castle i believe but he's yeah this is gonna be huge he's got 45 condos and harrah's going for hasardo here's the deal though they are going to deny the corner from uh nikkov at this space here come the condos though and i feel like that's going to be a cleanup here by nikov yeah this should be a big cleanup right in theory and this could this could swing the game if this fight goes really well for niko which in theory it should then he's going to take all those traps he could deny that castle and suddenly the game turns on his head right um because now here is the one being pushed and on the other side i guess we have to see how this condo switch plays out yeah and as you said that that castle could be denied but the condos aren't focusing the wheels getting that cast up would buy a lot of time for hair up but it's already being trapped down and does hero know that condos are supposed to counter gunpowder units because he's making hand cannons all day yeah i'm not sure this army of hank cannon hussar is really the right player against condos i mean obviously it's tricky to find the right units because if you do go for something like cavalier then you can just switch to generous crossbows and but hand cannons i think they get too short by them right they're really not very good condos are actually the gunpowder counter unit here yeah yeah yeah and leary gets a castle up here but this is where we have to mention that two of larry's goals are very open and the condos are breaking in oh boy double condos is such an awkward thing but it's our blessed for leary that can stop condos quite nicely but they don't have the mobility so they can just run around and destroy lyrizico here at the back and on the other side hera absolutely has no tools to stop condos and nikov should mix in some genuine crossbows now so that he has a slightly better tools against the hazard yeah the problem is for for um league of legends they don't i mean i guess both sides don't really have a corner right um so it's like at the end of the day you're kind of gonna have to switch into trash at some point and obviously condos are relatively expensive yeah and here is already doing pikemen being tucked into by nikola that's just sad you know the italian pikeman towers coming in to push the south though and the condos are doing work inside lyrics base leary has a massive forward here though in the north something that is still yet to be discovered by ambulance he's massing a humongous amount of orbs on that side yeah i can't help but feel that like mbl kind of made a mistake with that condo play i just really do not see what that achieved and and larry like he he held that side right but but larry's obviously focusing a lot of his attention on that corner and those arms are now showing themselves and i'm gonna go in and to harass the economy i feel like mbl should have been able to do more and i just think those condos were really underwhelming yeah he's now taking into a lead skirm which is nice over here especially if hera can't help leery on that side as you said those orbs are going to be really painful now for mbr but then more importantly destroying those buildings is going to be really painful because as long as those are there and there is no trade although now hera is getting pushed back quite rapidly yeah i think one thing we have to praise mbl for that obviously i you could argue that his unit was a bit questionable but he's doing a great job on the other side uh building keeps supporting his teammate making sure that they're securing the trade and pushing back hero from that corner um now all they have to do is secure the other corner because obviously um those arms from lyria are doing lots of work was actually rallying units back to deal with that which is um which is quite painful that's gonna buy some time for hera to hold this one though house is being built here by nikov to protect the traps as uh mbl also got the unique deck for uh the tower so it's got 13 range on them which means they outrange bombard cannons yeah that's really useful and there is a silk road i believe for nikov so they are definitely getting ready to set trade up here yeah that is one the thing is like where where can they build trade there are so many i guess the others have been cleaned from from larry and we are trying to build a four towers to secure that corner but i don't think that's gonna work hero comes in with the raid here i don't think he can accomplish much here though in fact he might just bump into those all around now that arbalests are here for leary i can see skirmisher and warvagon working for mbl who's getting pushed back quite heavily yeah i just i think maybe if if mbr just opened like what skirm bomb account i think maybe he could have been fine just that that condo play really just didn't didn't really achieve a whole lot and the question um yeah that sneaky villager is still so annoying and as i said it was a villager that was trapped nba just need to send two wheels to kill that will obviously larry could have sent a different one so it's not like it would have guaranteed the prevention of that forward but still that single villager is now causing so much chaos for am because their attention is diverted into the corners which buys time for hair and leary yeah and can you imagine if they had this corner queen way sooner they would be on like you know 20 or 30 trade cards at least nico would be right whereas like the problem is um if niko gets pushed back then spanish trade is really strong right like it's really hard to deal with spanish trade uh yeah and because you're just getting more gold right nba is getting pushed back that's the other thing so uh they had their window here to push hera but since they are distracted here on the north that's going to be slowed down here once again with the light kev raids over here i kind of feel like you're going to have to start adding generous crossbows here for nikov there is still no trade for either team leary's wood income will be in jeopardy though because guess what the war galleys are now doing work denying the food income there and that could be something that helps ambiance of here denying the vood with the war galleys yeah i just think this game is poised for um here and larry to start pushing right i mean that that push from leery in the north is is doing work and obviously like i guess larry's forward is being cleaned up now which is nice but i don't think it actually matters because it feels like larry should be able to push the other corner in the north so so he's obviously lost the corner on the left but that's that's fine because he's retaking the other corner um so it's going to be up to mbl to try and try and hold this yeah nikov actually has forgotten to get blast furnace for those condos the whole time now he's taking into light cavern this is where we have to mention that uh italian hussar are fully upgraded if i'm not mistaken yeah they are yeah so those are actually pretty decent units and oh look at the path that those trade cards are taking right now for hera or for leary and mbl they're going wait a minute ambien nikov are trading to the right hand side corner leary is about to take yeah exactly that's that's the issue right that's what i was talking about um so it doesn't matter the fact that um larry's got cleaned up on the left like because they're pushing the trade um the the the one benefit for nikov and embio is that um larry and here haven't started trade themselves yet either so like both teams are trying to secure the corners so that they can trade but they're just kind of both struggling to get that kind of final um like final bit of math control to allow them to trade yeah that's five traps there for leary though although it's mostly just skirms so i kind of feel like when you have 41 skerms now if mbl went for a couple of condos he could easily clean this one up and embell has the resources to do that in fact he's swimming in resources supremacy for hera for his villagers yeah the one good thing nico is that if he does manage to get trade and obviously his trade is cheaper like just spamming condos is actually just winning um on this side because obviously they just clean everything up and if you have just infinite gold then they should be able to do with spanish uh yeah but i think the tm i mean lyrian or ambi and nico are just about to lose their entire corner here i don't think they can hold this longer nikov is coming in here with barracks but this is the time where you have to switch the other corner just preserve your trade numbers you have 24 trade cards versus zero yep and there is canon galleons as well for ambiances selling the castles and or a landing even for mbl he wants to deny the food income from leery here with some towers but the problem is they're like well like that's all nice but i think larry should still be fine economically and his units are very cheap and the one thing i love that hero is doing is he sent like 40 hustlers to the other side and like mbl is building pure skirm so like embryo currently deal with that um honestly i think this is looking really good for hero and larry yeah especially if you look at the army numbers it's almost double the army and uh despite the fact that the ecos are very similar hero's got 64 hussar and leaders got like 50 elite skirms if ambi on nico for a given time then this is fine but they need to destroy that market otherwise their trade just runs into their death yep and i just yeah trade that market needs to be destroyed because otherwise the trade is always going to select that furthest away market and they're just losing all their trade cards now yep and and yeah now i'm here and leary should be able to start trading themselves like against spanish trade um i struggle to see [Music] what nikkov and mbl can do i mean if if hero can start getting to like cavalier or pounder then you know obviously without having the generous crossword mass then there's not much nikov can do and uh the same as we said on the other side yeah honestly i think it's looking very difficult for uh nico van nambiere uh it is although there are some promising signs so um vood income could be a problem for her and lyra in the long run but as you said i kind of feel like they're pushing the north faster then hero is losing the south hera still has his castle up here to defense yep and i think his embryo hands a lot of like villagers and resources he just he can't get like a big enough massive army to actually compete with uh with leary so this is one of those times for larry where despite only having 109 bills that's actually better because he just has so many scams right he can never he's got 60 skirms it's like mbl can never take a cost effective trade because he's just outnumbered two to one in every fight or even more um that those skirms are cheaper as well for byzantines and siege game is now being taken into pushing larry back here is gonna be insanely hard he's gonna have three castles protecting this corner with byzantines so almost 7 000 hp on those castles nico now has barracks here in the north but doesn't have any condo production army numbers are equalizing but you know it's a bad sign when nikov has to go for italian pikeman yeah it's it's kind of tricky right because i think nico was forced into building the imperial army comp and it's kind of hard to switch out like it's so much economy to switch into like full archer upgrades and like lead generators crossman so he's kind of been especially without trade as well like he's been forced to build an army company that maybe doesn't isn't really winning like ideally in spanish like in this situation you want to be on something like elite generates crosswoman and hassa or even cavalier if you have the if you have the gold and then spanish really struggles to deal with that but like obviously just spamming condos into um into that many house hours isn't going to be uh that cost effective yeah 26 trade cards for nikov zero for mbl um but now harry is getting his trade up as well and this is the moment where the spanish trade is really going to start mattering and for nikkov he is currently pop captain so he can't go for more condos that's also a bit of a problem for him landing coming in from mbl but it's going to get cleaned up by c jam probably yep um yeah honestly i think is yeah i just struggled to see i just don't really see niko being able to push back against hira and like as here is the one pushing like it puts um niko under so much pressure they already don't have a corner and as soon as like hiro starts getting traded it just becomes even worse right yeah once he has the first couple of cavalier spottings out these pikemen will be completely useless like they can hold their own with plus four plus four against light cav but again spotty not so much and look at hero's got how many stables he's got 13 stables in that corner just denying the trade yeah exactly like i did i still think they could probably trade behind that castle like obviously it's not until but i think you need to try and get some trade right um i guess at this point it's maybe a little bit too low too little too late but that being said mbo is starting to stabilize and he's starting to push back um on the other side um although there is a lot of reinforcements coming i think all larry needs to do is build more forward archery ranges he's got no forward production right now he just needs to slow this one down honestly let the spanish trade kick in and in the moment hero gets heavy cavalry he could overrun either side and here is getting there so he's got 22 trade cards he doesn't have caviar but this might be enough just to mix in a couple of cavalier to start swinging the battle in your favor even more nikov now coming in to try and clean up those uh stables they need this corner that's their only shot yeah this is interesting though because if um mbo can push back i mean it's kind of looking a little bit unlikely but if he can then and put pressure on some of that trade like we can swing the game back um yeah and keep in mind that the vood income isn't amazing for um tempo i mean i said this before they're consuming the final bits of trees left on the outside they don't have food income from the middle obviously hair is floating 3k voodoo is floating 1k so this game needs to be very long to matter as lyric comes in with the redemption monks to convert the bombard cannons only converts one though for a price of four monks yeah not quite worth it but still a nice idea but though all those tarsas can be really annoying yeah the skirmish now close the distance so most of the bombard cannons will go down over here and mbl i think he has a little hill over here to hold this one and now some condos being mixed in i think ambient might be able to hold this well nba will push this actually but the problem is he now lost all his bumble cannons so like he can't he can't push as quickly anymore like that was a really nice move uh to snipe the bomber cannons because now like despite embryo actually one of the first times in the game actually having a big military lead he can't really do anything with it now um yeah uh it looks like we're going to have some arms being used in the south which would pretty much hard counter both the condos and the pikemen from nikob yeah that's a really nice move and he just he's just set them up in the stables so like niko can essentially never fight mbl has absolutely no trade so he's gonna play full thrash over here but as i said vood is going to be an issue in the long run just look at on the far right how leary is chopping wood in that corner yeah that's a good point i mean it's probably going to take quite a long time and i think if they wanted to they could especially with the gold just drop a drop of castle or find some way to like deal with those kind galleons um like this it's not like a huge water presence it wouldn't be too hard to invest to try and take that back uh-huh mbl is running straight to the right hand side corner with the skirms just past the castle lyric comes in with a quick wall well that's going to fail terrell's got scouts here or well so this is going to be an easy cleanup mbl just sort of sacrifices all his skirms i wonder if this is intentional so that he has more population for uh trade uh maybe i don't i didn't think so i think nba was trying to trying to raid he's not actually queuing any trade cuts either so he just dives in with a couple of skirms tries to pick up some trade it's actually going to do some damage and delay hera's cavalier switch which is now becoming imminent um yeah but i think honestly they would feel like if you're an nbo and you see that many trade cards i think you feel like you're losing yeah because he only killed like five or six and he saw a lot more right yeah so that has to be uh kind of even if it wasn't for the spanish trade 61 trade cards versus 42 namibia has no trade and as i said in the moment heavy cavalry arrives it's too late nikov is now mixing in january's crossbows but i mean lyra is fully attacked into skirms and terror click spot in here yep and that is probably how they're gonna close the game i mean herod doesn't have that much gold honestly i think hero oh he's he's got a lot of army look at nikov he's transporting condos into the base of lyra here but heroes are should be able to match these although yeah that's a really nice raid yeah if there is any hope for uh mbl nikov it should be condo raids like this one because they have the water they gotta use it for landings like this have archers or something like that would be even better but obvious that's not an option with these sieves but if they can shred the eco of larry and hera here that could cause problems for aftermath b yeah and they're even killing trey with it so this is actually an amazing raid it's such a great play from nico and you're right like all they need to do really is is hold so that so the wood control can come in i mean presumably yeah on the other side as well emio is managing to push um but it's all going to be down to how many uh paladin can hero make right i think he should be able to make quite a few and he's already at 20. and exactly yeah yeah nikob doesn't have population for genoese crossbows so he only has eight jambos out embios once again diving in with the skirms this time around mixing some hobbit ears in as well they just want to destroy that trade and ombre lands with barracks this is the tricky thing here for hera because he needs his pardons on the field but he is also the only player that can clean up the trade here yeah and there is a generous crossword in infiniiko which is actually quite impressive he still needs some upgrades which he's actually getting um so if they can just hold if nikov can just hold the side then it's still possible i think for them to uh to stay in this game i remember that that corner is only like they're not actually using that corner for trade like that that coin is only good at denying trade for their opponent right yeah at this point um leary and terror have a way better trade so the only way that the ambianco will win this if they can continuously destroy that trade because trade is expensive it costs you gold and it's going to be expensive to remake it and while lyra is distracted ambi is actually able to push up the left side quite nicely yeah i wasn't too impressed with how nbr played the early amp and the mid-him but like he's doing the fact that he's managed to push back is he's fairly fairly miraculous honestly this has been a really good like late late game for mbr right now um yeah nikov is in trouble on the right side he lost the castle so yeah generally crossbow production is a problem he only has one castle to produce jambo's at and he's facing increasing amounts of pod and more importantly orbs that can just pick off the jumbos from a distance yeah that that is that is the biggest issue isn't it just that the combo of our paladin is just so strong um and larry's done a great job to build yeah and now that the problem is uh heroes on the other side obviously there's a cavalier super super mobile and he's gonna be able to snipe those uh bomber cannons if nba wasn't careful and this is where i really want to go back to these forwards from leery that just delayed mb on nikof so much when they had the chance to push yep exactly yeah i think it wasn't just that it was it also delayed that trade massively as well and to the point where it actually kind of paused um a snowball because you don't it bought them so much time that it meant that like niko never really got to good trade when with italians like they're one sieve especially if you get the upgrade where you can get a lot of trade-offs really quickly like this game like he just he couldn't really get that even even now his trade is not that efficient yeah and it's going to be just worse and worse although we have to keep in mind that like look at leery he's got 47 hours 42 skirms he's losing a lot of eco but he's got so much resources that he can just replace eco with army here at this point yeah it's one of those situations where you feel like killing economy is good but actually like it just gives your opponent a bigger army it's like it kind of makes the game a little bit more difficult unless the game is very long losing that eco won't hurt for leary harry is floating 8 000 food behind this one so that's pretty much an endless for starspam and now nikkov's market that was already pretty inefficient is going to get pushed yep there's only 50 gold a trip anyway and like losing that before you got a trip sorry um just makes it much worse um yeah where's on the other side how much gold does it fit it's a lot more probably it's 114 yeah and there is also actually the two teams have a pretty even trade card numbers ambia has zero trade card sneak off has it all but obviously devise the efficiency for hero and larry here and i just don't see ambient nikov pushing on any side now yeah it's time to get really tricky um and yeah nicole had to lead his market as well but the trade cards are still running in there he's losing all the trade cards so he's gonna have to rebuild a market somewhere else but very even is he able to do that at this point it's more efficient to just go trade cogs in the middle pond yeah that is one thing they could do oh god that'd be funny um yeah honestly i think it's just too difficult like this push is just too strong like the traps the arms the thousands just not much uh yeah knee covering that bill can really do i mean nba is doing a great job to hold but like it's only for so long right like um yeah nikov is not gonna be able to hold against uh that many patterns and knobs yeah nikov is slowly messing genuine crossbows which helps but the arms are still there and i just feel like this game has to be extremely long for mbr nikol to have any chance really to a point where food control is going to be the primary thing because if herron literally start buying or sell buying wood then ambia nikov can sell vood to compensate for their lack of trade and that's a lot of plotting going down here for hera yeah that's it okay it looked like a decent fight but then just the the raw strength of the thousand kind of uh and the arms behind obviously though yeah it's generous crossbow plus hussar and every single generous crossman that's lost is harder to replenish than those orbs for leery oh some condos coming in from nikov though to raid leary's food income larry is actually running low on vood and he doesn't have a huge amount of gold either i'm i'm surprised uh to be honest yeah his eco is really bad actually he's got he's got 66 bills i guess yeah he's got a hundred dollars uh including the trade cards um so he's fine actually um in terms of economy yeah he's fine for now uh looks like uh mbl will make a one big push on the left side once again taking a lot of precious bombard cannons yeah um do you think the i i think larry could honestly switch to cataphracts right now just end the game um if you just save some gold up i think nba would have no answer to that yeah i think the way they're playing is still winning yeah yeah that's that should be enough now herrera comes in with some hussar raids the populations are still relatively close over here but obviously trade efficiency is massively on the side of uh here and leery here yeah i think yeah it's they've just never been able to get decent trade um just fair play to leary for that initial forward it's 23 gold per trip 33 yeah it's 23 gold per trip that's not not quite not quite good enough oh beautiful bombard cannon shots on the left side by larry he just took down free bombard cannons something that really hurts for mbl who doesn't have any reliable gold income exactly like nbl can't afford to lose those whereas leery it doesn't really matter if he loses them but he's still winning the trades anyway um yeah yeah lyrics leader's army numbers are still brutal and as i said in the moment he starts losing eco um he could just replace that with more army and he needs population space because he's uh byzantine so most of his army is trash yeah he is he's banging up a lot of gold and and food so maybe he will go for that cat effect switch how many castles does he have he's got four cards yeah honestly i don't know why he's not going for it like that it could make this game a lot a lot quicker yeah he's floating 2000 gold that's the interesting thing here he's floating 2k gold and he's not using it and now harris pardons on the south are going down is here sending part instrument award because that could also help where a hell of a spot is that i'm truly sorry yeah he's got lots and cue yeah like i i do i know i'm not quite sure how nico is managing to push back even a little bit against this army um kind of it's very impressive yeah they're big survivors but as i said cavalier now for nikov it's a little bit ambitious with such an inefficient trade but i guess they need something that deals with the r blast or just holds them off because they can deal with the podiums that's not a problem dealing with the orbs is the problem on the south um yeah nico actually has 63 trade cards if only they had the corner right exactly well they're so cheap right so it's like you can't actually afford to get that many i'm not sure about the the cavaliers venus i think i guess he just wants to spend that that spare resources but his eco again only 63 actual villagers so like ezekiel isn't amazing so he's probably gonna struggle with the production yeah look at how the boot is being depleted from the middle of the map at this point and we're getting close to the stage where heron leary is going to have issues with wood but still i think this game needs to be at least one and a half two hours long for that to matter well the thing is as well is they've actually got control of the north um and the south uh word as well now just by by being like forward uh so i feel like that they're never really gonna run out of wood and like again just having the gold means you can probably try and retake water anyway it's probably not gonna be too difficult if they really focus their mind on it ah pardons taking a big push here on the left side this is what they're waiting for oh one trap got sniped down so that's something there for nico but he needs that castle live yep all the pardons are going down though all the parties went down nikov is out of stone he has to buy some stone which obviously is super expensive right now for him yeah with those arms they're just doing too much damage um uh nikov's got condos coming in once again into the voodiko of o'leary but lyrics still has an insane resource bank here and that castle falls only one castle remaining for nikkoff he won't really be able to produce more january's crossbows soon yep um yeah i'm still surprised larry hasn't gone for catapults so i think it would just make this the size so easy um also it would actually be fine on the other side as well because the damage mitigation bonus that cataphracts get means that um generally specific won't do any of their bonus damage against them yeah in fact our blasts are probably better because our blast would have an extra range and now i think the final nail in the coffin will be hera going for fast fires if they secure the water suddenly there is uh ambient nikov who is going to starve for wood even without the water i think here on larry has this but with water that's the final dagger and there is the elite counterpart for leary so as you said there we go finally yeah just getting the upgrades now and that when those start coming in in big numbers he's already got four four or five classes i think so um there's just nothing that nbo can actually build like the scams will die they have to die yeah there's just no answers especially when you have no gold yeah um and as i said that forward from leery was just so good at delaying mbl and nikob and as he said ambia nikov could have had trade setup faster which may have allowed them to just control the trade of the opponent that single voter that's not passed i'm not saying that won the game but that helped immensely for uh honestly i think it was two things that really snowballed this game i think the first thing was mbr i think he made a huge mistake going for condos early and i think they essentially achieved nothing and and all that happened was he lost momentum for like literally 10 or 15 to 20 minutes whereas if he maybe it opens i don't know what the better opening would have been honestly i think it's very tricky to be in that that situation but if you just open skirm up like you might have been in a much better position to just hold keep that corner and then like if you do get naked to the trade right you can push against here or maybe war wagon or nature might have been a reasonable idea yeah i don't think i think because he used all that stone on those towers i don't think he could have afforded war wagons for that reason but if you did have the stone for like three castles that could have been also a good play yeah yeah from this point on now here and there are constantly pop capped whereas ambi and nico were dropping the population when at last castle force for nikov they have absolutely no tools of stopping the bodies on the south yep and the cataphracts gonna come in soon yeah mbr was pushing but not for long i love how larry is hiding the chiropracts he's not showing them just yet he wants to make one big push take down all those expensive bombard cannons here they come not sure if they have a logistical but they have everything else yeah i'm not sure if they would just scare but against full trash i mean obviously it'd be really helpful to have jessica but there is nothing that can actually hold that at least from mbl there's also skirmishers behind this is where ambia's arm is going to collapse and you see the numbers are dropping really badly here foreign yeah that should be it double the army now 100 population deficit as i said herod just needs a couple of the spanish cannon galleons to just devastate mbr's base or just a couple of galleons to destroy that vood income there is the elite cannon alien from hera really nice uh play from from here and there it's a 10 shot game and yeah the gg score well great game part of this was a bit of a civilian with the spanish but part of this was uh first of all the crazy hold on the south by hera the distraction by leary and as you said uh the double condo play didn't work out for mbr nikkov either yeah i honestly i just i don't think it's a sibling i really don't i think we saw like in early mp how strong like those condos were against spanish like if nikov had had the trade follow up to get to like um elite gen generous crosswoman a little bit earlier with like a decent eco but honestly i think they had room there to to win that game it was just that that collapsed in the north and obviously larry is really nice uh forward base and this the reason why this hurts particularly for uh ambient eco is because we discussed that after winning arabia all they have to do is just win their own home map and uh guess what now that's not happening so they are in a bit of a trouble here because they'll have to take a home map from here on larry to win this set which is on river belt i believe yes yeah and that will be difficult considering how strong here and there we are on on those open maps [Music] so did the weird thing after these super long and grindy games just going back to those humble beginnings sorry yeah yeah in feudal age that's even more brutal for rm because here at least you have some action at the beginning but if you play this in random map you have epic battles a lot of combat all around and then suddenly you go back and okay it's dark age and you have frey villagers yeah that's true i mean can be nice sometimes to um to have a break of the really like late game it is a lot of focus and a lot of attention um so like i think in a long empire wars game like you need probably like a minority break just to just just immensely recover all right i am in ghee and number four so whenever you're ready we can go for kabasan just count me down and i'm ready all right three two one and go all right so welcome everybody to kawasa on the second whole map of ambian nikov they need to win this one to have a shot at uh sort of upsetting karen leary here we will have lyrius portuguese in green on the right burgundians for herain blue a bit of a surprise versus malay from uh nikkov in yellow and berbers as uh mbl yeah it's super interesting to see the gun didn't see i'm not sure what the idea is maybe fast gionets if possible if you can get a duck nice and fast although it seems like hero's going for the ford dog oh this could be intercepted by nikov and he finds it he finds that vulture that's that's so so important in exchange haram might find the berry villager at niko's base but this is so good for nikkov here he's going to lose his scout i will leave oh yeah that was still fine delaying the dog i think here burgundy is a bit like your budget the berbers sort of because yeah berbers will probably try to play triple stable knights here and burgundians they can't match the production so they want to have just better quality and they can achieve that with the cavalier yeah definitely i think i just they're quite a slow sieve so here it is going for the backdoor now i find that interesting um so yeah i guess it just depends on how much economy you can get in time i think burbus is probably a little bit better in constellation it is probably better yeah especially considering that hero has not a single eco upgrade he's going very heavy on scouts here which is somewhat unconventional because don't have bloodlines but he just wants to keep those walls open and especially nico's base is particularly open for raiding with scouts yeah niko basically hasn't attempted to wall at all um he's just built a tower and kind of left it at that he's now wallowing a little bit and embryo's getting double-teamed really heavily here archers coming in from the north from leery all the way around so looks like mbl will be fine but he definitely suffers a setback so it's going to be in the hands of nikola to do a bit of a carrying over here but with the power spike of malay that might be possible i'm just trying to find where is nico's army i just think this keeps happening like like ideally what should be happening is when like nico should be confident enough to move out and attack kira right i think the problem is like nikob's being too passive in the early game and we're just seeing um hero and larry just double mbr um like what what what nikob really should be doing is moving out with um two archers and two spearmen and just harassing hero right like forcing hero to stay back but like here is under no pressure so like he can just send all of his units to mbr and already at this point like they've done a lot of damage to nba yeah like this is a big setback um it is it is a massive setback mbl is still off from gold nikkov getting close to castle h over here but mbl he had to just make a lot of scouts as well maybe mpl didn't even want to make this many scouts and behind this one there is bozo coming in for hera scaleboarding even for mbr something that he probably didn't want to research before going up to castle here well yeah maybe maybe not but uh yeah it's it's tricky right i think they just have to try and retake the map control okay they are at least doing a decent job of that now and now we have to consider that hero invested a lot into his scouts and uh well they did some damage to ambia but they didn't actually kill a lot of villagers so here also spent a lot of food on that and for mbl what is he doing with all those villagers oh my goodness look at that gold mine oh my god he's going for that one wow i mean at least berber those two walk faster it's quicker together yeah and one thing is sure larry and herrera won't be raiding him there because no one on this planet would ever imagine you mining gold there in castle age niko yeah exactly with the malay power spike he is up already leary is still one minute away but as you said nico's army sort of had to chase lyric here so nikov's army isn't in position to attack immediately yeah and the problem now is the um here is clicked costly and uh mbo hasn't clicked yet well he's close he's relatively close yeah that's true so that's fine although nbl doesn't have a single eco upgrade this so that's something that's worth considering ecos are slightly better for her and leary but in exchange lyrics bases wide open so those scouts could cause some problems or alternatively they could just go and deny the gold income for hera yeah that's a good point dude i don't see there's one backward for hero i don't know if he scouts it but it's quite a part of the back um so that could be a real pain for heroes he's got to wait till castle age and he's gonna have to be bailed out by larry but i think when larry does get caught stage i think they can hold here as gold yeah they should be able to kneecaps crossbows are coming in to reinforce they're trying to take some shots before crossbows would come in for leary and mbr scouts are just here to divert the arrow fire gilnets on the way for leery as well as crossbowmen are in as well and as you said the gold income of hera should now be safe 16 crossbows versus only 11. yeah i think nicole just struggled with production a little bit he went for a really fast car stage time but hasn't really achieved the whole lot with it um not been not really able to get any damage on hira and obviously that car stage time was at the expense of mbl so really he needed to do some kind of counter damage yeah let's see cannibal castle h coming in here for hera he's going to try playing triple stables which might feel a little ambitious especially because he only has five on gold right now he needs to get cavalier as well something that he just now clicked but maybe yeah maybe berber's magic with the knight flood can turn this around they really need that berber's magic here for mbl they do i i'm struggling to see this does embryo have any upgrades now um he does have uh horse collar and uh double bit axe but he's about to lose a couple of bushes on his woodland and he just replaced his paw's sides of the police side gate making his base a lot weaker yeah and those crossbows are going to be a nightmare to deal with um i i just think mbl is already so far set back that it's going to be really hard despite even being berbers to to compete um with the night numbers but we'll see these night knights pop out he's gotta be careful i think the best thing he can do is try to surround that army and take it down nikov is going to the middle here for the berries as uh he does have ballistics now looks like they just want to clean up larry's crossbow blob over here but that just allows hera to get cavalier and just start massing them like crazy uh exactly and yeah again it's just being so reactive right this should be a really nice thing but oh it larry doesn't even notice yeah so this is a really nice cleanup maybe they can start something on the back of this yeah that's actually beautiful cleanup despite the fact that mbr doesn't have plus two defense and considerate clear is still open you could use the mobility of that cavalry to get some raiding damage in yeah and i guess you know this starts becoming more possible now like all you need is that one snowball really and then at least mbo is berber's right so he can you can just go one tc or then and it doesn't really matter that you're so far back economically i mean obviously like they need to end the game relatively quickly for that to work but it's still possible there's still there's still potential there mbr should go triple stable one pc all in though and uh just let nikov use his power spike because that's what really you get with malay well that's what he's doing yeah yeah click into imperial you are exposed to your opponent a little bit but not as much as you would beat other sieves and then malay our blasts here would shred everything knights are not killing the world's herald not being said sorry but lyrius just clicked imperial age himself oh my god yeah yeah how he did have a lot of fishing eco that's for sure but that's brutal that's a brutal play from leery and again like with lyria with obs that early is going to be really difficult to deal with they need to jump on the army as quickly as possible but it's so hard to know that lou is taking him yeah it's probably like no one would probably expect it's 60 wheels so it's technically possible this is the domain where you pretty much call as fast imp and lyra doesn't have ballistics here so he might end up losing his numbers here just before him yeah this is actually better for heron or for and beyond leakoff to be honest yeah because the thing is like this this damn time is good but it's so committed right like he's not got anything else behind this and when those fish run out as well his eco is not going to be amazing yeah he's he's down to nine crossbows and sure enough nikov also lost his crossbows but at this point raiding those crossbows is perfectly fine and harry's struggling for gold you see the ping on the right side leery telling him there is a gold there so hero has problems protecting that gold mine over there second dc coming in here for mbl though nikov still needs to find a way into imperial but if lyra just gets raided like this one his eco is going to fall apart he won't be able to mess a lot of orbs yeah and the problem is being raided on your wood as well when your fish is running out means that those all those fishing boats will become essentially useless right um because you might be able to build fish traps so like that's another 10 redundant villages he's about to lose some of his crossbows in the middle and now he is mixing in some camos because he realizes that there is not a lot of archers on the field and while those camels don't perform particularly good against the archers they can hold off the cavalier for some time and the thing is that the beauty of malay is that you can catch up to imperial age really easily if you get beaten yeah exactly you can just uh click imp and it's so quick to to get actually gets the imperial edge they're still trying i just think hero has done a really good job with the engagements he's been taking so like he's his number of cavaliers actually really high and what that kind of means is that um he can always take like finding he has his army together like he's always gonna take a good fight just because of the nature of like engagements um the promise um mbo really needs to get a big enough mass to be able to compete one thing i want to know is where where have niko's crossbows going um they got pretty much cleaned up by the cavalier he's waiting for uh the chance to remast them but now it's arps for larry he doesn't have a lot but guess what that's enough to push into the base of mbl at least for a moment larry does have a spearman that's just chilling on the gold mine of mbl and currently it's 21 cavaliers there's only five nights from mbl that's the problem that uh mb and nikov are facing it's mostly camos but orbs will just chew through those camels like butter oh yeah those orbs are going to be so effective against those camos are blessed is coming in here for nico but despite the fact he has a decisive eco lead his arm numbers are going to be much much weaker right now as i said fishing eco is running out in a couple of moments for larry here though so lyric can't really sustain this one for long yeah i think i mean the eco i mean mbo and and niko actually had economically um yeah they are only enough although that will soon change with those voltages potentially getting massacred uh although the cavalier don't really care and ambia could easily jump on those arps here especially if niko absorbs arrives so and i think he's just waiting for the support here is going completely all in by the way oh but there's such a nice raid on nico's base by hero and really at this point the lack of mobility is hurting uh ambi on nikov here they just don't have the arms to keep track of all those cavalier and nico wasn't really bored for the majority of the time so he's got 25 idols now he should be able to clean this one up though and it's not going to be cost efficient for uh hera though that's something that we need to consider that this cavalier will go down quite easily and when the dust i settles it's still i think oh it's so hard this is so tricky because i think uh here and there you're still in the credits but yeah yeah if you look at the amount of our numbers for larry yeah it doesn't really matter that he has no economy just because of how cheap they are right so we can just always get those numbers rolling and niko is just doesn't have enough military right now yeah um that's the problem that they're facing and nikov will lose his tc in the middle which means that he's going to lose like 15 wheels here his eco is still going to be better than lyrics one but as you said there are they are blasts there's nowhere nikov doesn't have food income here that's actually good yeah he's got and he's going to teach him good now but yeah um i just think the approach the the here and there you had kind of just going like all in one tc i think maybe lyrism time was a bit ambitious but it kind of managed to work out in the end right yeah i think part of this is mbr taking that damage in feudal yeah yeah and she just was never able to match the cavalry numbers of hera hera has 31 cavalier mbs 15 knights i can maybe see this one working for embia nikov if those cavalry hit the probably leery now it could also work with heroes eco but they need to destroy a lot of eco now yeah i think that's kind of exactly right it just kind of felt like um from that atacama game they kind of noticed the weakness of nico being a little bit too passive in in in feudal age and they've really punished it by doubling mbr in in these really open games yeah and now that's that's not the fight that you want for mbl's knights there he's up against orbs that do have chemistry and plus for defense in a choke point he needs to use that mobility really well just like hera is using oh and yeah a huge raid from hero with the cavalier and an mbo's base i just don't see how they're going to hold that especially with their military that's exactly what mbl did in the arabia game with bulgarians just dive in with a bunch of cavalry and just destroy the opponent's eco yep and with the rbls support the camels won't be able to do much mbr zico is going to fall apart and nikov doesn't really have the numbers to win this alone yep nico yeah i mean i think i think larry even has more up numbers than him right nbl's down to 67 villagers less than leery and nikov is trying to help but she just can't catch up with the mobility of those cavalier and by the time he arrives mbl zico is going to be dead yeah yeah i think there's not a whole lot embryo can do and obviously they're gonna keep playing because this is uh this is their tournament life on the line but yeah just a pretty pretty dominant uh victory from uh from lyrium here yeah they were the favorites of this tournament and we see dubai and even if heron lee or even if ambi and nikov find a way to somehow win this they would have to go to the whole map of the opponents but it very much seems like now the ecos are even but the key thing is that the cavalry player has a much better economy so they will have the advantage of mobility yeah exactly um i think well i guess we could just have a hundred villages yeah but uh again what a 100 is going to give you if you don't really have that army mass yeah and then be alpha was it wishing good luck next to their teammates actually as after that arabia defeat hara and leary come back strong and uh take down mbl nikov here a wonderful set i have to say it was very very back and forth but in the end we see why here and larry are still the favorites to win this tournament yeah absolutely um fair play to uh nico van nambiere um they took some games close i definitely feel like they could have taken that forest pawn game um yeah just you know here and there you're just so good fundamentally that uh um it's very hard to win a series against them and especially empire wars i think that school gap and empire was a little bit a little bit higher yeah definitely a great series all right so here and leary are in the semi-finals over here uh do you feel like there is any team that can actually challenge them uh it's hard to say because of how volatile age can be but i think they are the clear favorites um maybe if they have a bad day you know but without the game legion having viper so i don't know if he's actually going to play in the later rounds uh nope i won't yeah without yeah without game engine having viper i think it will be tricky um yeah i think they should should be the clear favorites but you never know you know swami are great as well like there are so many good teams that on that day could upset them
Channel: Lidakor - Age of Empires Caster
Views: 1,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, full series, e-sport, Empire Wars, Empire, Wars, tournament, competition, 2v2, Duo, Empire Wars Duo, EWD, EWD2, Group, Stage, First, round, winners, MbL, MbL40C, Aftermath, aM, After, Math, Nicov, aM.Nicov, aM.MbL, TheMbL, Hera, Liereyy, Tempo, Storm, Quarter, Finals, Quarterfinals
Id: Tjs-b8OtQZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 3sec (6123 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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