Game Theory: This is NOT Your Story! | The Deltarune Undertale Connection

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you know the great thing about multi-part theories they actually give me one of the rare opportunities I have to answer some of your biggest questions about earlier parts in the theory which is pretty exciting actually so last time we talked about how the mysterious dark nerd world that Chris and Susy explored during the most inefficient quest to find chalk ever is all just an imaginary role-playing game one dreamed up by Chris in an attempt to connect with Susy and work through their personal struggles you can tell based on the fact that the dark nerves are toys the weapons are school supplies and the story incorporates people from Chris's life but that of course led to a lot of questions and counterpoints so before we move forward with part two of this mega theory let me address some of those question one if everything was just the game then what about Susy why would she go along with Chris's game and then how do you explain her reaction asking whether everything was just a dream when they leave the classroom how could something imaginary have this level of emotional impact on her well the thing to remember here is that she doesn't just go for it at the beginning of the story notice how she starts metaphorically running away from Chris ignoring Rosie's prophecy saying things like let's just get this over with she is clearly not into the fantasy elements of the story and she's only won over once the fighting starts she likes fighting so much that you can't even control her she just attacks everything she's playing a game where Chris is giving her the choice to act out her violent fantasies in a safe environment with no consequences it is the paper role-playing world these types of characters even have a name they're called the murder-hobos the new or reluctant players who simply murder everything that they can find until they realize that heck they can solve problems presented to them in a number of different ways remember you don't have to take everything literally a dark scary closet can be symbolic of emotional vulnerability and at the end of the chapter her response is the response of someone coming out of a fantasy world someone who was super immersed in the game that they were playing haven't you ever felt that way after playing a video game not knowing how much time has passed you've let yourself get lost in the story your first and when you come out you're a changed person I used the comparison last time to the Wizard of Oz it doesn't actually matter whether or not Dorothy literally went to Oz she wakes up a changed person she looks at her friends and family in a different way just like Suzy coming out of this imaginary game question two isn't a theory that says everything is just a game simply a lazy explanation on par with dream theories yes yes it is hundred percent if there isn't any proof that that's the case and also if there isn't any narrative consequences to that theory but here we have both of those things we have enemies that are checkers with legs we Traverse checkerboards alongside playing cards and stuffed cats with characters who use pencils as weapons and random junk in their pockets as items and it's all to tell this story about a socially outcast kid who is working through their emotions via an imaginary game world it seems pretty solid to me but has more pieces of evidence notice everyone's fainting animations during the battle Chris and Susie both take a knee while they recover Rosie however the only dark nur in the party completely disappears leaving only his hat and cape he's not real while the other two are oh and that whole opening sequence in the purple bear in area it's just Chris's imagination getting warmed up again to tell this story she starts with what's immediately in her mind ha it's what elfies tells her to go get it's what she sees Susie eats and it's what she starts her story with noticed all those white piles at the beginning dust and look at that first save point it already has Chris's name in there this is a place that she's been to before and she reaches out quote like it's second nature this is a home away from home for Chris we're told early on that only eyes blinded by darkness can see the way that tells us everything we need to know we're not seeing with our eyes we're seeing with our imagination question 3 is theory we're still available and yes it is thanks for asking it ships internationally and it comes in all sizes and it is really high quality with all the patches and designs sewn into the fabric and it has been shown in the past to unite fellow theorists out in the wild and yes if you do order before December 10th you are guaranteed to get it before Christmas regardless of whether your international so um yeah thanks for asking and finally question number four what about the egg in the fridge what about the ending where Chris rips their heart out what about the gaster connections how does all of this connect to undertale well um how much time you got cuz that is where the theory for today begins [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello internet welcome sick game theory where I gotta say that was by far the longest intro to an episode ever I kind of liked it though being able to answer questions and a follow-up format I wish there was a way that we could do it more regularly without YouTube actively punishing the channel for an upload that is gonna get fewer clips anyway let's cut to the chase today we're starting to examine the one all-important question looming over all of Deltora how exactly is it connected to undertale on one hand you have characters out on the surface which seems to indicate it's happening after the events of undertale but then again you have details like undying having both arise meaning that this must have come before so it can't be a sequel to undertale but it also can't be a prequel not in the traditional sense at least so what is Delta rune to undertale if it is truly anything well with all those options discounted there seems to be just one possibility that this is a parallel world a more peaceful one where the monsters were never driven underground by the humans where Undine never lost nigh where bratty and catty never became friends where the dreamers never adopted a fallen child because there was nowhere for the child to fall into - anyone who's played undertale the idea of an alternate universe doesn't sound that far-fetched I mean after all the central premise of under tails entire story is that every time you as the player reload a save file or start a new game you're creating a new timeline of events in one reality everyone is freed from the underground live happily ever after in another Coryell is left to rule the underground after a scores tragic death and in yet another everyone dies and the world is destroyed and no matter how many times you reset no matter how long it's been since you last played the game they can't get away from the consequences of your decision or in my personal Canon universe all the boss monsters died leaving only the annoying dog to rule the underground with his fluffy little iron office every one of these parallel timelines exists in under Tales universe and from story elements right down to the game's mechanics there is a significant amount of evidence to suggest that the lightener world in Delta rune everything that's happening at the beginning and epilogue of chapter 1 is yet another iteration of the main undertale universe first look at this Delta rune has its own unique menu system but only when you're exploring and fighting in the dark world when chris is running around hometown the pause menu and inventory screens are totally different but just so happen to be totally identical to the menus that we saw in undertale that could just be chalked up to a minor design coincidence until you also notice this the text boxes all the boxes that we see in hometown use the traditional undertale UI with entirely black and white sprites talking all the inhabitants in the dark world meanwhile are represented by colored sprites coincidence maybe until you also notice that Suzy the only other person from your world has a black-and-white portrait even when she's down in the dark nor Toby Fox is clearly using the elements of game design to draw a connection between the overworld and the events of undertale we already know that the game mechanics of undertale form the very fabric of its reality as we see flowey actively exploit the save and load systems during his final fights with you and we know that those mechanical factors remain constant even as you jump between the different timelines to the fact that Delta runes hometown also has those same mechanics heavily implies that it exists in yet another version of that very same reality only this time it's a reality with one key difference the war between humans and monsters never actually happen the most obvious difference becomes apparent right at the start of the game the fact that as real dreamer they're not so imaginatively names son of a score and toriel can't believe it took me this long to finally put that one together is still live now as a refresher before the events of undertale as rail was tragically filled by humans after escaping the barrier to the underground with his adopted sibling Chara his death is the inciting incident for under hails entire story giving rise to every major conflict president game but in Delta rune that never happened he's still alive and he's off enjoying college life another change that really stands out is the difference in L fees and undines relationship their romance plays a key role in under Tales true pacifist ending but in Delta rune they don't even know each other remember those differences because we'll come back to him in a moment before we do that though let's look at some examples of what doesn't change between the games burger pan snack in undertale our favorite high-strung register jockey made it very clear that he hated the underground and that he longed to be on the surface where he would get a second chance at life and fulfill his dream of becoming an actor so I wanted to be an actor if a score gets just one morsel who finally get to go to the surface it'll be a brand new world there's got to be a second chance out there for me in Delta rune we see him on the surface with a new chance at life and where is he he still ends up working a minimum-wage job at a restaurant where he talks about eventually becoming an actor I can't be Blair there's no I yes there is you just took it out but it's okay little buddy you know get a degree become a famous actor girls roll in then there's the rest of the dreamer family despite living very different lives in Delta rune that they didn't undertale as gore still loves flowers toriel still loves kids she still bakes butterscotch pie they still adopt a child and they still wind up divorced now pop on over to the cemetery and you can find some gravestones there's Gerson the turtle but there are three other character names that you wouldn't immediately recognize so I started to ask myself what United a snowy gemstone mother with a leader of a pack of dogs and a brave teriyaki singer then it hit me they were all the amalgamates the twisted monsters that had died of natural causes and then had been experimented on with determination in the true lab of undertale snow Drake's mother and dodge knee the pack of dogs and lemon sirens sister the singer all dead in this timeline just like they were in the undertale timeline only this time they're not all melted together so why am i pointing all this out well at first glance these similarities and differences in these two games worlds might see one of them but there does appear to be a consistent logic behind them the things that stay consistent between undertale and Delta rune are the results of the characters personalities while the differences appear to be the direct result of the monster human war having never occurred burger pants ends up working at yet another restaurant because that's the kinda job he's suited for his ambitions as an actor means it's gonna be working fast food for a while toriel and özgür adopt a human child in both games because they're simply loving parents and they eventually get divorced in both games because they simply aren't romantically compatible in any timeline their divorce was inevitable and it had to do with them their personalities and not external events the monsters who became amalgamates and undertale all died of natural causes which could have happened whether they were in the underground or not but now look at all those difference as I mentioned the monsters are on the surface because the war never happened Ezreal is alive because his adopted sibling didn't die and asked to be brought to the surface which was a direct result of the war officer undyne never lost her eye because she wasn't a soldier and never need it to be because soldiers just aren't a thing in a war las' world in under Tales world she and elfies met because she was at the dump looking for cool swords but as a cop she just would never need to do that under Tales world was built around a repressed Society in the aftermath of a bloody war against the humans but in this alternate timeline a world that branched off before that war ever occurred the same personalities are left to find new paths the strong-willed Undine will still become an authority figure in her community but instead of being a soldier she become the cop just like burger pants will always be a struggling actor working the register living out the same story just in a different time light branch but back in undertale there were some characters like sans flowey and of course you who were able to travel between the separate universes and knew the alternate histories that were unfolding something that seems to be continuing in Delta rune travel north of the intersection where you meet Undine and you'll find your second favorite skeleton standing in front of a grocery store that is clearly grille B's from Snowden but sanz's name painted over the sign next door is Sam's and papyruses house also ripped straight from undertale and this is already pretty interesting on its own aside from naps double Luke's house further north these are the only other two buildings in hometown that are identical to buildings from undertale it's almost as if sam's took his two favorite places from snowden with them when he came to this world but it could just be a coincidence right maybe but what's a lot harder to wave off here is sanz's dialogue when you speak to him you have two options for greeting it great to see you again and who the heck are you if you choose the latter one nothing of note happens but if you choose the former sam says yeah it's real nice isn't it especially considering I've never met you before it's a line that seems to imply that this is indeed a view Sam's in a new world in a brand new game but notice that he delivers the line of the smile and the way the exact same response he gives an undertale every single time he's pretending that he doesn't know about the other timelines so Sam seems to know what's going on but that's expected at this point Sam's is an extra worldly character who seems to be a master of time and space it doesn't however explain how Chris knows him it makes zero sense for Chris to say great to meet you again to someone that they've never met before but it does make sense for the player to say it consider this during chapter ones epilogue while Chris is wandering around hometown several characters remark that they're acting differently than they normally do that Chris is more cheerful and outgoing and you could chalk that up to having a good day and making a new friend in Suzy but it seems to go deeper the nurse at the hospital tells us that Chris's beautiful piano playing often cheers her in the patient's up but when the player moves Chris to the piano and tries to play it all they can do is play a single horrid sour note having a good day would make krisily lose all their musical skills the difference is the players influence Chris and the player are not one of the same it's actually something that's established at the top of the game a mysterious voice calls out are you there are we connected then and only then slowly we are there we are the only thing that's there we are connected to this new game we are the soul that the game has been waiting for to connect to and thus move on the soul is us it's why when you speak to Undine you can bring up Alfie's or your past relationships with sands or why when Chris ribs their heart out at the end of chapter one and throws it into the cage the player is still able to move the heart around if only by a few pixels this implies that the character Chris and the player asks are two separate entities it's not just a last minute jumpscare with Chris pulling their best Chara impression it's Chris actively rejecting the players control over them and their story hence the evil look at the Camrys the fourth wall is breaking in an undertale game once again it's Chris saying the character you want me to be is not the character I want to be the decisions you want me to make are not the ones I'm going to make your choices player don't matter so what we're left with is a universe that's separate to undertale but clearly related and characters including ourselves who know that these bridges between worlds so then who's the one pulling the strings who is the voice speaking to us at the beginning of the game looking to connect to us and why why would they do that and most importantly of all what does any of this have to do with the plot of Deltora well the answer is that it's gaster who may just be Toby Fox but all of that in the finale of our trilogy of Delta rune episodes next week don't freak out there's gonna be a decoding the story mode of super smash brothers ultimate that'll happen just a few days before it because boy howdy that game needs some explaining anyway don't worry Delta rune is coming and it's gonna come out within the week these episodes just take a lot longer to edit so I'm able to talk about it a bit more in advance so make sure you ring that battle to get notified and in the meantime you might want to brush up on your gaster lore so here's a link to my previous theories on him before part 3 now if you'll excuse me I have a date to get my hair dyed green and red thanks to you all donating on the charity livestream thank you so much for that by the way your support was encrypted and in the meantime remember that's just a theory a game theory thanks for watching
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 5,157,253
Rating: 4.9161906 out of 5
Keywords: deltarune, undertale, delta rune, undertale 2, undertale sequel, deltarune undertale, deltarune ost, deltarune ending, new undertale game, deltarune genocide, deltarune pacifist, sans, deltarune toriel, deltarune sans, kris, frisk, papyrus, alphys, toby fox, chara, deltarune jevil, deltarune battle theme, gtlive, matpat, game theory, game theory undertale, matpat undertale, gtlive deltarune, undertale 2 trailer, undertale 2 deltarune, game theory delta rune, game theory deltarune
Id: 8n77pf3TY4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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