GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Resident Evil 2

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Oh raccoon city is overrun with a living dead and the nation is still at the level of only discussing in on late-night AM radio call-in shows this takes place during the late 90s people had phones email and cable news and it's been a week since it began the size of this burger is telling me that the Japanese are making a pointed cultural commentary on American food culture and this is a sin for the Japanese not the burger the guy calling in to the show is from Raccoon City which is currently in the States somewhere between Hell on Earth and nuke it from orbit yet he was somehow able to go out drinking tonight and be surprised by the shuffling corpse he discovered a tanker truck hitting a human body at that speed produces a chunky piece Meerut for a half a mile up the road not an intact body which can get up and bite you Leone puts the gas pump in his collar then leaves it to go look into the noise he heard inside the gas station and somehow his pump is back on the hook without him ever having put it back Austin you need help if zombies are already this far outside of Raccoon City the nuke that is later used there cleaning up would be ineffective since the infected are already outside the city these zombies must have all been high level vegans before dying because they are the most durable zombies ever encountered sometimes needing a dozen shots to the dome before they stay down hopefully they'll have some answers at the police station you could also try using the police radio in the car you took to contact the police station Leon never does though my brother I've always felt Clara needed a stronger back story than looking for her brother Chris it's basically a setup for a future game rather than one that drives her narrative in this one it's so weak they have to give her a little girl to take care of until code Veronica this citywide warning is comically late then again this outbreak makes no sense even if you are going with an umbrella cover-up Leon and Claire have no problem driving into the city so people would have had no problem driving out did no one think of evacuating let alone informing the outside world at no point did the idea turning around and going back the way they came cross their minds the trucker from earlier was bitten got back in his truck instead of going for medical help just kept driving into the city guy better have been hauling something really important that he never took the time to use a CB to call for assistance yes stay here it's not safe after being separated by the explosion Claire told Leon that she would meet him at the station so of course Leon decides to lock the front entrance Leon faces his greatest enemy yet Windows 3.1 Leon found a way out to coincidentally it was through the front door he just walked right in you're not exactly trapped in this police station yet they desperately sought another way out through secret tunnels that lead to the parking garage as if there would be no zombies at the back entrance zombies tear this come apart in seconds when they normally struggled to take a single bite out of Leon yes he was playing on hard mode they couldn't have used something other than a stock squish sound effect for that I'm pretty sure if I go looking I can find the exact sound file they used you know I'm supposed to start last week and I got a call this stay away this pandemic started a week ago and faced with an unknown infection instead of requesting outside help the city was telling police officers to stay away yes that's what matters no I will order you to leave and save yourself that officer you made earlier Elliott he thought this secret passageway might do the trick resident evil 2 tries to explain why a police station will use such an eccentric locking mechanism by stating that this is a renovated Museum now they just have to explain why a museum would have medallion locks and playing card based keys and they're good because I've been to museums and none of them have secret entrances unlocked by emblems embedded inside statues you'll need this you'll need this because I reused the duct-tape puzzle from Resident Evil 7 yeah names Claire I came into town with her Clara waits at the back gate for a long time for no reason it's locked with a padlock and no one is around to open it a normal person would try somewhere else but she stays there until Leon finally arrives even though she had no idea anyone was coming [Music] it was cheesy in their original when the cop accidentally shoots the helicopter and it crashes into the station but that at least explain why it crashed here the chopper just crashes into the police station for no reason any luck with your brother Leon is in the position to answer that question since he's been inside the stars office and read the letter Chris sent about being in Europe now yeah run but she's locked inside the courtyard where's she gonna run to Clara finds the key to open the door that separated them a minute after they finished speaking hadley unweighted they could have met up Clara's objective was to get inside the police station after getting inside the police station her goal becomes getting out using the same secret entrance Leon was trying to use but without anyone telling her that it's a secret entrance that leads out if Leon and Clara are inside the police station at the same time how come they never come across each other outside of that scene of the gate the two never interact again until the very end Capcom handled this way better in the original with the two coming across each other often and using radios to communicate which sold the premise of them each doing their own thing at the same time a lot better even some of the puzzles you solved in scenario a were carried over and affected Claire in scenario B in this remake it seems like the two are in separate dimensions it tried Leon but I couldn't stop it we can't let this thing spray it already seems to have spread zombies were at a gas station outside the city and no one ever quarantined this town Leon would be squeezed through that grating like play-doh before he ever broke through it when your main villain has a weak point this obvious it kind of kills all the suspense of fighting him huh what's going on here sorry that information is classified where you going do yourself a favor stop asking questions and get the hell out of here ADA we'll hang out in this parking garage for a long time she needs to open the game just like Leon does but in no way acts to find a way of opening it evening chief Ines is he still around who cares hopefully he's somebody's dinner by now what do you mean by that he's the bastard that locked me in here I'm sure he had a good reason he did how's about to blow the whistle on his dirty ass chief irons long been in the cell but didn't take the badge to the garage gate he was carrying or the tape recorder with his notes on it also why would a reporter have a key to the police station's garage bit of advice never back up against the wall in a horror scenario history suggests this is unwise no he was an informant had information of use to my investigation if bin was a Taz informant with the information she needed what was stopping her from coming here and getting it from him the cells are just to the right of the parking garage which is where ADA first appeared but then she left in the other direction without going to get the info from bin to unlock the cell and retrieve the garage key Leon has to fix his circuit box by tracking down the spare parts back in the police station if the cell only opens electronically and the circuits are busted how would she fire ng's have long been inside in the first place even though mr. X plays exactly like Jack did back in Resident Evil 7 he's so damn intimidating and so much more aggressive at pursuing you while following you across the entire police station that it makes him the best part of this game okay I took a cent off for how well realized mr. X is even if he is similar to Jack chasing you in Resident Evil 7 but using the same smashing to the wall jump-scare that Jack did is borrowing a bit too much this police station needs to be featured on our design this is how their circuit boxes work what exactly is ADA doing while Leon is running around first she walked off without meeting her informant even though she could have then after Ben died she's sent around in a SWAT van for no reason until something showed up that she could run over if her mission is to retrieve the g-virus she is not doing much to advance it hanging around in the parking garage my mission is to take down on brothers entire operation Leon may be a rookie but even he should suspect something is off with ADA story since when does the FBI send just one agent to take down an entire pharmaceutical company responsible for human experimentation and biological weapons what was a pretty intense boss fight is now just running towards the camera chew on that you overgrown son of a Leon's next job must have included one-liner training because his game is weak here corpses are just that flammable you didn't know didn't expect that from a scientist everything you told Leon about Annette paints a different picture you even sent a Ned was more dangerous than the giant alligator that tried to eat Leon Birkin was nowhere to be seen in this room until Shari started speaking cryptically and Birkin is a giant mass of eyeballs and cancer muscle so he can't exactly sneak up on you or hide in the shadows Shari even CML season before he's visible for all the crap I'm giving this game I honestly love it it's a nearly perfect remake that updates a classic with modern gameplay while keeping the spirit of the original my only major complaint is that they have asked the a and B scenarios in the original Leon and Claire each had their own nimis Asst Birkin for Leon and mr. Rex for Claire now they each share both of these monsters and encounter them in the same places how did Shari even get down here the police station is supposed to be surrounded and the door down here was locked and since Shari is down here looking for her mom she would have walked right past a tram that leads down to the nest not to mention she would have had to make her way past all the zombies and monsters down here you sure this is the way this is how my mom took me last time your mom works in an underground research facility that you reach by going through the sewers why would she ever need to go through the police station's garage brave little girl to leave her house in the middle of this mess Sherry's mom left her at home when this started it irons has been waiting around for days at the station believing she would finally end up here since chief irons only needs his pendant he should have just taken that instead of dragging Sherrie along well good to see you again Claire chief irons keeps a security camera in the back room of his office that's connected to his other office across town at the orphanage out of all the weird engineering in this game this one actually strikes me is the most unbelievable this is the only conceivable situation where it would ever be useful even had a phone installed in a useless room so we could call in and antagonize the intruder chief irons left Claire restrained inside the parking garage what possessed him to believe she would free herself and get into his office or that she had picked up Sherry's pendant in the neighborhood you'll find it you sort of need Claire in the pendant so maybe give her directions she is from out of town chief irons is really under estimating children if he thinks they can't get past the piece of cardboard duct tape over the hole in the wall in the room he locks them in granted Shari can't just rip the duct tape off so that makes two duct tape puzzles in one game evil listens to classical music Lachey I think there's an actual logical reason for why this is always the case and that's because it's much cheaper to use music that's in the public domain in peril little girl at a creepy house psychopathic fat guy who kills women slow pacing I can actually see the creeping influence of David Cage in today's games chief irons not only locked the front door of the orphanage with a key he then went out another entrance somewhere and locked it again with a chain and pen lock my shining reference well that came out of nowhere irons didn't even have an axe lying around to use I can only assume Birkin showed up here because he can sense her smell his daughter but then after killing irons he fails to find Cherie hiding by the table after tracking her across town chief irons had two different offices each with its own underground passage unless there are two mr. X is walking around Raccoon City it makes no sense why Leon has to continue running from one after Birkin ripped this one in half Birkin rode that elevator down with them so we should be right on top of them a pair of crashed I don't have time for 20 questions but you did have time to make several vague statements without context and even ask Claire a direct question about your husband but you can't answer Claire's one question about your daughter you should have called the police but nobody came Anette help make the virus that is running rampant inside Raccoon City and somehow figure leaving her daughter at home would keep her safe and that she would be able to call the police if needed Sherry's been implanted she yeah and that has to know that isn't true she helped make the g-virus and we know that there exists an antivirus down in the nest in fact considering she's hunting down her husband why didn't she bring any of the antivirus with her if the camera is this close to the radio the audio better come through this just makes me think even eight I can't hear what her superior is telling her and she's just agreeing regardless ADA went on a mission into a zombie filled city with only a single magazine of rounds for a gun I can buy this remote hack tool hacking a computer or something else with a chip in it but this is the 90s well before we started putting computers inside everything how do you hack a circulating fan and make it spin so fast it destroys itself a net sets a not one but two death traps freita the first one fails but the second trap actually does some damage and rather than finish a two off a net leaves her be if you put that much work into killing a doll already you might as well finish the job imagine being the city's mayor in deciding well I could go with the sewer company that promises reliability and tested design but oh this one uses chess pieces for the fuses and promises a sense of fun two sewers just what the city needs did someone edit this helmet camera footage down to this one part because it would have been recording the entire assault on Bergen but here it only shows the end of the massacre we have to get to the nest yes umbrellas lab right beneath us who wouldn't want to design a secret biological weapons lab right next to the filthy contaminated sewer it's not like a virus lab needs to be kept clean and airtight no better time to make out than when both of you smelling the sewer you've been waiting through please time there is nothing pressing you for time at this moment Claire reveals herself to be a lara croft cosplayer clara being in town for a cosplay convention would have been a much more convincing backstory the reason Birkin infected Cherie was because the g-virus was designed so that the infected host can only have proper offspring with another host that has similar DNA to their own which is the exact opposite of how nature selects mates DNA usually prefers something that's a bit different from itself umbrella created a virus that actually seeks out incest in weakened genetics let that sink in the plot amounts to incest porn at this point that's a pretty modern looking email application for 1998 I'm not sure how wave forms fix electrical problems even the game doesn't try to cover this one up with a note you find lying around to kill the mutant plants you have to spray bullying in the greenhouse which first requires you to mix the chemicals using the most imprecise apparatus imaginable then freeze the solution before administering it how is this stuff going to mix into the sprinklers when it's frozen solid lab security in the nest seemed a bit broken color coded chips weren't in bracelets determine what sections one can access the chip Leon and Claire start out with gets them into the tram and no further than the lobby which makes no sense when you think about it what employee would be allowed only into the lobby and nowhere else if they worked here the soldiers that rated Birkins lab and shot him were somehow recording on VHS and their helmet camps Sherry's pendant serves as the key to the container for the g-virus and antivirus they made the key that opens a potential world ending virus into a necklace and gave it to a little girl for no reason putting her in incredible danger from anyone who wanted the virus Claire opened this container for the antivirus this presents a problem since Leon doesn't have a pendant to unlock you like cleared us the container is just unlocked and he takes the virus I guess you could claim that it's canon that claire got here first and already unlocked it but there is no way that a Canon timeline exists because both Leon and Claire fight the same mutated Birkin right after this and want your net die in a different way your umbrella too you tell me you weren't involved in this yes actually you did you just never meant for this to happen to you you don't create a mutagenic virus if you don't intend for it to be used on someone the nest begins a self-destruct sequence due to an unauthorized removal of the g-virus but Claire open that case up using the key that was built for it how more authorized can you get and furthermore what's the point of myself is stuck to stop the virus from getting on if the nest doesn't lock itself down there's a train that leaves right outside the lab ada connect all the security terminals with her hack tool makes you wonder why she didn't give that to Leon instead of her ID bracelet when she sent me the g-virus for FBI you could wait until you were outside before confronting ADA with what Annette told you there is a self-destruct countdown going on I'd be real interested to know how an ED came through that door leading to the virus lab when she collapsed back in the lobby after curing Sheri also annette pulled off an impossible shot leon was standing between her and ada ada surmise falling from this height and the preceding explosion and manages to climb out all while having an injured leg and shoulder there is no forward facing camera on these security monitors for these two to have this conversation still there that was a signal breaking up this isn't a radio broadcast this would be a direct hard-line connection it needs mentioning that in the original mr. x chase sherry and Claire around because they were carrying the pendant in this game he spends most of his time going after Leon who has nothing he wants in fact they never even spell out what mr. X is after in this game ada slides a rocket-launcher down the incline a turtle Leon I don't think she even knew he was at the bottom of it or in trouble since you certainly can't see anything from up here yeah we just keep a mini gun in our tram office in case you know stuff happens I don't know mourn my dead family you stay here with sherry I'm gonna go check it out hold on we already tried co-op boss fights in other Resident Evil games no need to relive the failed past I'm taking a sin off because no one can make a wall of flesh better than Capcom these days probably because they've used it as a boss fight so often but I'm not about to send practice and good execution just because I fought this exact same final boss and Resident Evil 7 where's that trucker headed the only thing in that direction is a city that has been or will be shortly Newt is it over I don't know but if it's not we'll stop it after surviving a horrific biological warfare incident it becomes your new career path to stop future ones post-traumatic stress be damned you guys can adopt me we can get a puppy sherry got over that dead parents thing in no time [Music] not only this game said in 1998 the ending credits are set to the sound of it
Channel: Dartigan
Views: 938,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resident evil 2, remake, everything wrong with resident evil 2, game sins, gaming sins, cinema sins, ending, secret ending, scenario A, scenario B, survivor, tofu, leon, claire, mr. x, trailer, review, movie, cutscenes, final boss, game sins everything wrong with resident evil 2, capcom, resident evil 7, resident evil 4
Id: egm1k9H4spc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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