50 Facts about Raccoon City

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ink ribbon in the resident evil universe raccoon city is now just a memory but the events that unfolded there still affect the series to this day so i thought it was time for us to take a trip back to raccoon city and try to dig up as much lore from the rubble as possible keep in mind that due to the remakes a few things have been changed depending on which canon you follow but for the most part it all remains intact from corrupt politicians to juicy raccoon soda here are 50 facts about raccoon city raccoon city began to rapidly grow in the late 1960s the same time umbrella moved into the area during this growth umbrella saw construction of the tram line leading to the arkley mountains the subway system establishment of the police department and the rpd building as well as continuing economic boom it's believed that umbrella invested in not only the town but the people running it who could work in their favor in 1991 raccoon city suffered from a recession but mayor michael warren devised a revival plan and thanks to the generous funding from umbrella was able to execute it building raccoon general hospital and umbrella also financed the creation of the stars unit which they specifically made sure was comprised of military veterans and scientific experts arkley county is home to not just raccoon city but also a small village called stoneville a suburb called rhodes hill and a small settlement called cedar as well as a few other locations raccoon city had its own football team the raccoon sharks the news on the tv in outbreak file 1 mentions a riot breaking out at one of their games there was a disruption earlier at today's football match between the raccoon sharks the statue where you get the battery in resident evil 3 is modeled after the mayor and is the closest we ever get to seeing his face also chief irons most likely lied about the mayor asking him to take care of his daughter when the virus began to overrun the city the mayor fled in panic leaving her behind once out of the city he placed himself in custody of the army and is possibly still alive one of the main roads going through the city is called enterdale street and is featured in resident evil 2 and 3. this is the street where leon and claire must pass through a crashed bus and also the street jill takes to get to the rpd front gates after the events of raccoon city there were what are referred to as the raccoon trials a five-year-long court battle umbrella specifically spencer hired the best legal team possible and they were fighting the long court case until someone presented umbrella's research as proof ending the case almost immediately and that person was none other than albert wesker in the resident evil 2 remake main menu you can see a shot of raccoon city but if the player moves the camera they will see that it's actually a series of flat images the skyline is also modeled after montreal quebec the raccoon city zoo was a big staple in the community and used to have an annual parade starring oscar the elephant dressed in christmas decor there is a conflict as to what type of bomb was used to destroy raccoon city most players recognize it as being a nuclear bomb but yasuhisa kawamura who worked on the script for the third game as well as being responsible for creating the mercenaries minigame cited that he wrote the bomb as thermobaric not nuclear this is why radiation is never mentioned to be in the remains of raccoon city in the second movie the bomb detonates in this part of raccoon city but in reality this is actually the city hall building in toronto canada and fun fact this scene was done by recreating the building as a miniature and then blowing it up with a timed explosion sequence emmy's diner is featured in the intro of the original resident evil 2 but after that is almost removed from the canon entirely not appearing in dark side chronicles operation raccoon city or the 2019 remake the first time we will be seeing it since its debut will be in the new film welcome to raccoon city the apple inn was a hotel that was frequented by several characters including ben clare and dario rosso who was currently staying at the hotel when the outbreak happened edawong also makes a stop at this hotel not as a guest but as a liaison where she delivers a virus sample to wesker raccoon university was completed in the 1940s and is the biggest college in the city and unsurprisingly houses an advanced laboratory for the umbrella corporation the university is connected to several characters including george who had several colleagues there as well as yoko and valerie who were both students there it's also worth noting that elsa walker was planned to have been a student here as well raccoon park was built as an attraction and was often used as a place where citizens would meet up in the original concept art the tram jill and carlos ride was supposed to crash here instead of the clock tower first built in 1908 and funded by donations st michael's clock tower was originally an elementary school and thanks to high enrollment rates was able to keep the building up to date and maintained but by the 70s it was deemed too old and dangerous and was closed off to everyone except the clergy that resided there as part of the mayor's plan to restore the city umbrella funded the renovation of the clock tower and it reopened in the mid-90s raccoon city has at least three different gas station companies within it including taxago stagla and misoil also in raccoon city are a few food businesses that are parodies of real companies including monmon hot dogs racco bell dairy fresh grocery store and burger kong in the outbreak scenario underbelly you start at the south raccoon street station and have to get the trains moving in order to escape depending on how you complete the scenario the characters end up in two different places if you take the train they end up stopping in the arclay mountains due to the tracks being blocked and this leads to the abandoned hospital in the flashback scenario if you fail to catch the train it leaves without you and then you have to climb a large ventilation duct and end up in an alley that leads directly to the rpd's desperate time scenario in the brady game strategy guide for outbreak it is stated that jack's bar is haunted this was most likely added to help provide context for the random events such as the screaming and the bottle falling throughout the scenario but it's unknown if this information is official or not in outbreak bob has one of the most clear depictions of what happens to someone who is infected with the t-virus when playing as mark only if you shoulder bob and wait at the door you'll see this bonus cutscene [Music] then if you board up the break room area there's yet another scene where you see bob get worse and finally once on the rooftop bob will take his own life unless you can get him up there in very hard mode which will cause him to turn into a the zombie raccoon city has so many of the same breed of dog is because most of them are actually clones being a test project since the 80s the dogs were also cheaper to prototype than hunters dobermans were chosen as the test dog since they were intended to be sold to the military but they all ended up escaping the labs after jill exits the rpd in the third game the time changes tonight and if you head back to the warehouse to check on dario you will see that he was attacked and eaten by zombies thankfully he leaves a diary and some gunpowder behind for jill the ecliptic express is a privately owned train operated by umbrella and used to transport students to their training school it's worth noting that all the people that were on the train who end up dying and becoming zombies were working for umbrella in some capacity the training facility in resident evil zero is specifically designed for child prodigies and is where several high-profile scientists for umbrella were taught including albert wesker and william birkin the training facility is also home to some disturbing experiments that marcus performed mainly on children this included tricking students into touching leeches to infect them and as they mutate test their survival capabilities by chaining them up drowning them removing their organs and even locking them in a gas chamber you can find their bones and skeletons in a few locations throughout the lower level areas in the audiophiles and darkseid chronicles we get to hear the phone call where annette tells sherry to go to the police station as well as another audiophile where she explains to sherry what will happen to the city i need you to leave school and go home right away tell your teacher it's got to do with mommy's job and that you have to leave right away can you be home in 30 minutes i suppose but why did something happen in outbreaks end of the road scenario you meet a scientist named linda she is actually a recycled version of ada who is originally a scientist named linda in resident evil 1.5 in the hive scenario and outbreak jim will drop a reference to street fighter referring to dr hirsch as that dolphin looking guy which is an obvious nod to dulsum in street fighter in operation raccoon city you can find portraits of the ashford family in the city hall building also in operation raqqan city you can see photos of chief irons including one that appears to show him with a wife and child the parking garage in resident evil 3 has an unused alternate version that is completely destroyed this was most likely intended to be used after the gravedigger causes the ground to collapse in the garage here are two early test renders left in the game data for resident evil 3 showing the clock tower fight and this one shows the nemesis on the bridge to the dead factory there are also several beta and unused backgrounds in resident evil 2 like this version of the passage to the factory where there's a big bloody hole in the wall rats were blamed for carrying the virus into the city but they actually infected the water supply near the lake which then made its way into the city and rapidly began infecting thousands of people there are several posters advertising a concert for the band big e throughout the city they were supposed to be performing on september 30th but the outbreak prevented them from entering the city however it seems that they had been there before indicated by the sp item big e's ring that can be found in the hellfire scenario and outbreak in the same scenario there's also a medal commemorating their previous visit to the apple inn the street that leon and claire crash and have to part ways in is called flower street it's also where several businesses are located including a tailoring business named arukis which is sakura spelled backwards a nod to the street fighter character of the same name speaking of street fighter there is another reference to a character in resident evil 3 on the sign for eagle's pet shop eagle was a street fighter character who debuted in the first game september 29th was a holiday known as michael miss celebrating the end of the agricultural year and is heavily celebrated by police officers since saint michael is the patron saint of police his original name pronunciation is mikhail which might also be where mikhail's name comes from but that's just my speculation in the opening monologue of resident evil 3 a street is shown with a large sign that reads grady's inn this is an edited photo of a real street in boston on the corner of north street and fleet street even though the city's downfall really began around september 28th following orders from the pentagon the army had already begun surrounding the city around september 25th joined shortly by the national guard any civilians that made it out were taken to a special quarantine zone the hunter gammas were ordered to be destroyed by umbrella citing them as useless due to them being docile and friendly to the researchers who were developing them one researcher who had grown attached to them defied these orders and decided to hide them in order to continue research on them they eventually began to escape and run rampant once raccoon city began to fall hunter betas on the other hand weren't supposed to be in raccoon city at all since they were being developed by umbrella in europe however once umbrellas saw what was happening in the city they ordered 20 of them to be shipped and released into the city in order to study their combat data the origins of the gravedigger are vague but it seems to have been created due to an excessive dumping of t-virus subjects from the nest lab contaminating soil this caused an arthropod to mutate into the giant monster this also led to side effects of extreme hunger causing it to head to the cemetery and eat buried bodies in desperation there are three main brands of soda in raccoon city one is chocha cola which was later removed after a cease and desist from coca-cola then there's a brand called juicy raccoon which can be seen in resident evil 3 outbreak and umbrella chronicles and finally is a brand called trish which is a reference to trish from devil may cry in the uptown sales office is a commercial for one of three types of drugs made by umbrella first is safsbrin which is a pill similar to aspirin and used for common colds and pain relief then there's adreville a topical ointment and lastly aquacure which is a physical fitness recovery supplement targeted to women and is also one of umbrella's most popular products the arclay mountains are native to various green red and blue herbs throughout the series once their healing properties were discovered they became very popular in raccoon city's community used in everything from medicine to cooking and most commonly for decoration umbrella ended up creating a species of these herbs that were able to thrive in other areas effectively being responsible for all the herbs found across different continents in the series while there is some speculation the most commonly agreed real world equivalent of raccoon city is springfield missouri among the committee that voted to bomb raccoon city were senator ron davis from degeneration and derek simmons from resident evil 6 who is mainly responsible for ordering the missile strike on october 1st 1998 the thermobaric missile was detonated in the heart of raccoon city instantly killing over a hundred thousand people and wiping the city off the map and that was the end of raccoon city [Music] and that is it for this list i hope you guys learned something new and if you did be sure to drop a thermobaric bomb on that like button and i invite you to subscribe for more content like this if i happen to miss anything please let me know down in the comments i've also got a ton of other facts videos on characters and locations on my channel for your viewing pleasure these videos take a really long time to research and edit so i want to thank you for watching i hope you're having a great day until next time i'm kai morgan and as always thanks for watching ink ribbon and a very special thank you to all of my patreon supporters and youtube members your extra support means the world to me and helps me keep making content for you guys
Channel: Ink Ribbon
Views: 494,666
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Keywords: ink ribbon, resident evil, resident evil welcome to raccoon city, easter eggs, welcome to raccoon city, raccoon city, resident evil welcome to raccoon city trailer, raccoon, welcome to raccoon city trailer, resident evil raccoon city, resident evil: operation raccoon city, easter egg, re2 remake easter eggs, resident evil 3 easter eggs, video game easter eggs, resident evil village easter eggs, resident evil 3 remake easter eggs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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