Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 Is PROOF D&D Are The WORST WRITERS In History

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have you shot your final scenes yet and are you happy with how things ended bad season ever oh we're gonna have some fun today boys and girls [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to my series covering in depth all the remaining episodes of Game of Thrones season 8 and the slow-motion career car crash of dumb and [ __ ] dumber I know I still can't decide who is done between these two [ __ ] maybe I'll do a community poll or you can tell me in the comments let's play a little game anyway I have a short introduction to get through followed by a short rant concerning certain characters and then finally we shall Ramsay Bolton the [ __ ] out of episode 5 so if you'd like to skip to the episode 5 review go to the time on screen now ok so firstly regarding dumb and dumber I've gotten so many lovely comments from all of you telling me how much you like the name I have given them and how it was absolutely nailed honestly when I was angry at episode 3 of season 8 it just rolled so swiftly off the tongue I mean seriously what else would you associate these two jackasses with at this point maybe dingus and [ __ ] but I digress anyway it might actually surprise you to know that I wasn't the first to call them that I know right yeah no seriously it turns out this man blackguard of KOA qua war the Black Guard anyway he has been taking the fight to dumb and dumber since before my channel even started because as I said in an earlier video my channel started months after season 7 finished now we've had a chat me and Black Goat and everything's cool and I'm going to keep calling Dumb and Dumber well dumb and dumber because at this point it's factual and I'm nothing if not consistent but he's a great channel and he told me that the original founders of the meme are the channel called Order of the green hand a couple who run a very well-informed Song of Ice and Fire Channel now I will link these channels below for you definitely check them out since I'm still undecided of whether or not I'll be continuing very much Game of Thrones content after season 8 is finished one day I won't be here and I need you to carry on in my place you are part of the great I hope you find them well and also remember to check out the dragon demands excellent Channel probably the most well informed channel on how Stannis was butchered and why Benioff is a hack link will also be below now that includes the short introduction so let's get on to all the carried is that dumb and Dumberer have [ __ ] up now honestly there's too many to choose from so I'm just gonna go with these few let's get on to Rea Gauls [ __ ] death wait you're on no scopez that [ __ ] out of the sky three consecutive times without missing now talk a while for this to sink in for me but Rhaegar has been a character since season two and dumb and DOMA basically [ __ ] him off the show and ordered a nerf Daenerys his army so that she could have a balanced fight with Cersei and they couldn't be [ __ ] thinking of a clever way to take it out so they literally tried to pass off urines three consecutive one-in-a-million shots as clever [ __ ] subversion get [ __ ] now I'm sure you've all seen a wonderful little video called Danny forgot about the iron fleet with David I Road x-men origins Wolverine Benioff I really liked that video and thought it had a lot of insight now sadly I've had to reference a reaction to that video since as of writing this the original video has been taken down sadly can't imagine why now the original account is a guy called Clan Gaffney so Clan Gaffney if you're watching this send me a message on Twitter huge fan of your work and what HBO likely did to you wasn't right at all so thank you for that video now clean Gaffney goes through every reason why Daenerys shouldn't have forgotten everything that Euron had done to her but today we are going to look at the other side of that coin because it turns out that Daenerys has a very good [ __ ] memory indeed let's go through a short list she remembers events and people from decades ago so why would she forget about your own [ __ ] Greyjoy exactly I mean she remembers that Varys had a hand in her attempted assassination as a child he said my father didn't you know about I did and then you said the man whoever three minutes you did in the seven long you turned against well Danny kind of forgot about the iron fleet and Euron's forces they certainly haven't forgotten about her she remembers ginjuries [ __ ] name somehow a bastard she's never met formally a commoner who spends all his time in the Smiths where a queen would never [ __ ] go kendry that's right isn't it yes your grace you'll robert baratheon son you are aware he took my family's throne and tried to have me murdered well Danny kind of forgot about the iron fleet and Euron's forces they certainly haven't forgotten about her [Music] and she remembers Jaime [ __ ] Lannister killed her dad 20 years ago when I was a child my brother would tell me a bedtime story about the man who murdered our Father who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat who sat down on the Iron Throne and watched as his blood poured onto the floor he told me other stories as well about all the things we would do to that man well Danny kind of forgot about the iron fleet and Euron's forces they certainly haven't forgotten about her but a [ __ ] with large breasts you can use his mountains for your Matchbox cars or whatever it is grown-ups do with large breasts but not to mention in that very same scene with Jaime he says this she has Euron Greyjoy fleet and 20,000 fresh troops the golden company from Essos bought and paid for even if we defeat the dead she left more than enough to destroy the survivors so yeah I call [ __ ] but then again we all did but maybe Danny's sudden miraculous loss of memory was caused by your own [ __ ] Greyjoy himself since the man is pretty much a [ __ ] magician he's probably the biggest Gary stew in this entire show his only growth as a character is when he has to summon the patience to wait approximately 30 seconds for Circe's thighs to moisten since she's been deprived of brotherly love for all of about a month at this point he went to [ __ ] by one you want a queen and my heart is nearly broken [Music] now speaking of Euron's lack of nerf let's assess this [ __ ] his superpowers shall we he can teleport he has the greatest [ __ ] aim in all of fiction and he can build a thousand ships in awake build me a thousand ships and I will give you this world also this isn't really a superpower but it's been on my nerves ever since this [ __ ] showed up on screen why the hell does your on have wresting rape face oh well maybe it's explained in the books now you're on would be the worst written character in the entire show if he didn't kill those [ __ ] sand [ __ ] and saved us from that god-awful Dorn plot thank you you're on next up let's talk about bran I have to go now my planet needs me okay bye bran stay useless you bland piece of [ __ ] yeah that's pretty much all we gotta say about brand he speaks for himself by not speaking unless of course he has something to say when the time is right or when the writers needs something just chooses not to say anything in the middle of a [ __ ] battle that's gonna decide the fate of the world I guess and now we get on to John the latest in a series of butchered characters not only was his entire prophecy stolen from him when Arya bullshit's her way to the night king during the long night of dumbassery just didn't seem right to us for this for this moment if you could describe the season finale of Game of Thrones in one word how would you describe disappointing but he commits the cardinal sin of not farewelling his boy ghost who you know he's been pretty much inseparable from for at least a decade at this point oh I guess once you go dragon you never go back right Johnny boy at least that's the dumb and Dumberer philosophy because consistency is a [ __ ] fairy tale to them and then I think covers all of the character [ __ ] of season 8 that is if you don't count Sam being a little [ __ ] Oh Sam you dogged the boys mate Edie was right to leave you behind in the snow the walkers we left you you [ __ ] and you slow we didn't want to die can't believe he died for you right got that off my chest let's get on to episode five shall we now let me get the positives out of the way first this episode was definitely better than episode 3 of season 8 and what I mean by that is I could actually see what the [ __ ] was happening it was very well shot I'm a sucker for tracking shots just about every scene with Iowa's pulse-pounding in terms of how it was filmed Emilia Clarke's acting was once again really good she looked to be in real pain while grieving from a Sunday and when the sacking of King's Landing was taking place and when it pans to her face she looks to be drunk with power and full of vengeance now we are going to come back to that because it's the most [ __ ] subversion moment I've ever seen which officially surpasses the ryan johnson level of what the [ __ ] are you doing but as far as the acting goes Emilia Clarke continues to shine in this season it's just a shame that this is the only season the Jamie and Tyrion scene was probably one of my favorites in the entire series Peter Dinklage and Nikolaj coster-waldau were phenomenal these are two characters I was still very much invested in and this scene was consistent and true for both characters and one final scene that I liked as a moment between two characters was the farewell between aya and the Hound I can appreciate what they were going for in terms of the Hound wanting to save ire from her probable death and that she should turn away from her path of vengeance so as not to become like the Hound and then i ëcause in Sandor and finally acknowledges his goodness that was a satisfying conclusion for the arc of both of those characters towards one another but it comes at the cost of AI is true arc which is what the eight seasons were building to regardless of how you feel about aya killing the night king I agree as much as the next person that it was a very [ __ ] stupid decision made solely for subversion purposes but that's the fault of dumb and dumber not a astark aya was always set up to kill the Queen Queen Cersei and they couldn't even deliver that [ __ ] payoff it would have given some satisfaction to her eight years of buildup but it turns out no she killed an enemy who had nothing to do with her arc and then she says yeah na to someone she's wanted to kill for eight seasons someone whose name she's nailed off every night before she goes to bed for eight seasons but that decided to paint with a very broad stroke here the only and I mean the only good things about this episode had nothing to do with the riders it was to do with the director the cinematographer and the actors and that's it those are the only positives now it's time to bend these [ __ ] over and get to work let's start at the very beginning first of all to show just how much or rather just how little dumb and dumber and HBO give a [ __ ] about this episode they managed to somehow leak spoilers for the last three episodes of season eight of their prized flagship show ahead of time and 90% if not all of the leaks for this episode turned out to be correct the leaks didn't specify just how [ __ ] the execution would be however we start off at Dragonstone and predictably it begins with Vera's who is the first on the chopping block he's writing a message about the true heir to the Iron Throne that of course being Jon Snow this scene begins in the afternoon by the looks of it and it shows Varys be kind and compassionate to one of his little birds now even without the spoiler leaks red [ __ ] flag in the entire eight seasons we have never seen Varys interact with one of his child spies in classic Walking Dead and Dumb and Dumber fashion it's a last-minute attempt to make you care about Varys first off you [ __ ] we didn't need that Varys is probably the purest man in a position of power someone who always puts the greater good above his loyalties not to mention he saved Tyrion and Daenerys up to this point he was kind to Ned Stark in his final days and we have had eight seasons to flush him out we were already invested but no we got to see him be nice to a child in case you aren't some verted enough for later anyway he writes the letter for Jon Snow and then Jon Snow lands a dragon stone and Varys teleports to the beach to greet him and then he tells him pretty much as plainly as anyone could I know your king please be king come on Tom and dumber he's on Daenerys as [ __ ] Islands surrounded by her gods and he walks right up to John in plain view of everyone and breathes his secret Varys is one of the most cunning people alive wouldn't he get the [ __ ] out of Dragonstone before committing treason and John despite being raised by Ned [ __ ] Stark continues to be Daenerys his whipping boy with fewer testicles than Theon [ __ ] Greyjoy had and he's like she's my queen I love her why why do you love her she's a stubborn entitled [ __ ] and she has been from day one people always flocked unconditionally to Daenerys despite being one of the most unlikable characters on the show boy do I miss you grid at least she was down-to-earth and likable anyway Tyrion forgets that Varys saved his life and always thinks of the greater good instead of furthering his own interests and the interest of power-hungry dragon bimbos so he casually rats out his best friend to Daenerys saying that he committed treason Tyrion [ __ ] Tyrion one of the smartest people in all of Westeros still backs Daenerys despite in the previous episode assuring Cersei that the city will burn if she doesn't surrender and after Cersei killed Daenerys his best friend yeah beerus is a traitor but you're still gonna just rock up when your dragon and ask politely right remember he sided with Daenerys before she lied to Tyrion about allowing the city to live not to mention how is telling people of John's true birth treason exactly John is the true heir doesn't matter if he wants it or not it's not treason it's a fact let's pretend that Tyrion didn't rat Varys out and bury squealed the truth what the [ __ ] is the worst that could have happened best-case scenario John and Daenerys ruled together as husband and wife or John publicly steps down as king after the battle is won and Daenerys is queen how does everyone knowing John's lineage turn out bad for everyone exactly not to mention Varys has always known what's best for the greater good but not Varys is a traitor let's feed him to the dragons my queen get [ __ ] dumb and dumber as if as if Tyrion would do this Daenerys gave Tyrion a [ __ ] badge Varys saved his [ __ ] life and beerus has no selfish agenda way to further ruin who Tyrion is as a character so beerus is still writing the same letter about john's lineage on the same piece of paper despite it transitioning to night time now how slow does the spymaster of Westeros write a letter exactly and again what the [ __ ] is he still doing he's still there on Daenerys his Island writing a treasonous letter anyway grey worm shows up retrieves him for execution and Varys casually cooperates without trial without any reasoning and without any pleas of mercy from Tyrion on varus's behalf Varys is sentenced to death for again treason not only that but John being the whips little [ __ ] that he is it's just standing there and watches this all transpire with zero objection and Tyrion just walks up to Varys and tells him yeah sorry bro and then beerus is like yeah it's it's all good mate what the [ __ ] riders you're [ __ ] kidding me these two are being good friends ever since season two and this is the best you could do because that's pathetic and nonsensical crap and then it's pitch black and somehow [ __ ] drogon has just been standing behind in air as this whole time quiet as a [ __ ] mouse because they had to squeeze that last [ __ ] subversion in there but before varus's incredibly casual and disappointing death and then Danny wants John to reward her madness with incest and then John tells her I love you and then Daenerys tries to rape him and John tells her no means no and then Daenerys tells him to [ __ ] off then Daenerys asked for a worm to ready the men at the gates of King's Landing and that they will know when the signal is and then Tyrion tells her if they ring the bells they surrender please stop attacking if you hear the bells and Daenerys agrees before telling him that if Tyrion fails her again it will be for the last time okay so now the ripping off Empire Strikes Back for [ __ ] sake she also tells Tyrion that Jaime was trying to get back to Cersei and was captured and imprisoned now after watching this episode I want to ask those people who told me I was wrong about dumb and Dumberer ruining Jaime's character development by making him return to King's Landing for incest still think I was lying about that because this episode is proof that I was right because yeah he was going back there but not to kill her but to for lack of a better term [ __ ] his sister one more time despite one of Jaime's biggest moments of character development came at the end of season 7 when he freed himself from that monster for [ __ ] sake do Dumb and Dumber have [ __ ] Alzheimer's or something how the [ __ ] could you forget that Jaime's entire arc was about Redemption you [ __ ] odds and why the [ __ ] was he not killed on sight instead of being imprisoned a small scene would have been nice instead of hard cutting to Jaime in Chains anyway Tyrion tries to orchestrate one last mercy for his brother and sister telling Davos to smuggle a dinghy for Jaime and Cersei despite King's Landing being on high alert and prepping for a siege but not Davos as a magician so [ __ ] it he can do anything Tyrion has a very well executed goodbye with Jaime as previously discussed and he tells Jaime to save the citizens of King's Landing by ringing the bells first and foremost saving thousands of innocents is more important than saving one not so innocent dwarfed Tyrion says this knowing that he will likely be executed for treason after he goes through with this like I said the only good scene in the entire [ __ ] episode then it cuts to is stark in the Hound who walk straight up to King's Landing and announced their true identities and say we are going to kill the Queen what okay so how or why would the gods let them through if the city is meant to be locked down also even if it was bannermen of Daenerys or Jon why the [ __ ] would they be like yeah sure whatever this is so [ __ ] she is a young girl for goodness sake and the Hound for all I know it could be a traitor I don't care what excuse people come up with for this it's still [ __ ] after this dawn breaks on King's Landing and the troops outside the city gates the golden company and the unsullied dothraki and the northerners all rally and prepare for the battle waiting for the signal from generro's Circe perches herself on the balcony of the red cape for a perfect view of what's to come your own position to himself on his flagship waiting for the arrival of the dragon queen before the cries of Drogo on can be heard in the clouds and the wrath of Daenerys Targaryen falls down upon them then urine and his dozens of ships all fire scorpion bolts at drag on and they all miss every single one of them and then Daenerys single-handedly obliterates the iron fleet are you [ __ ] kidding me so once scorpion can kill Rhaegar miles away with three consecutive shots bran can knock drogue on out of the sky with one bolt as its flying towards him with a downgraded scorpion from the ones that these guys are using but dozens of scorpion bolts [ __ ] miss as she flies towards them this show is so [ __ ] stupid Daenerys his plot armor is thicker than the mountains dick not to mention one dragon to kill all of your own ships remind me again why she didn't circle the [ __ ] around at Dragonstone and do exactly [ __ ] this instead of just abandoning her fleet to slaughter yeah by the way Tyrion Daenerys almost let you die last episode when she flew away on her [ __ ] dragon did you forget that no it's Varys who's the traitor boy and you're unpredictable as [ __ ] just teleports away we will get back to him later but just one thing why wasn't your on the bow master of King's Landing Manning one of those scorpions would I be wrong in assuming if Iran was on the scorpion Daenerys would have been [ __ ] this [ __ ] can hit anything especially Queens but yeah Daenerys now using just one of her dragons is able to destroy the iron fleet before doing the same with the rest of the King's Landing defences and blowing up the gates of King's Landing obliterating much of the very much hyped golden company which is the signal for her ground troops to move into the city and kill all in their path before purging herself on the King's Landing wall and watching the battle ensue while Jon and the ground forces slaughter the rest of the golden company before beginning to fight the Lannisters now one would think that Danny would end this battle right now and just fly to the red cape and blow what up killing Cersei and liberating the people who have lived under a tyrant staying true to her title as the breaker of chains a title that Masson day wouldn't shut the [ __ ] up about from the past four [ __ ] seasons but we shall return to Dany in a moment John and grey worm fight through the main streets of King's Landing where the Lannisters are standing preparing for the imminent battle but it looks on their faces show that they know that they are outmatched there's no way that they are going to win and the Lannisters use a wonderful little concept that dumb and Dumberer are frankly oblivious to and it's called logic the Lannisters lay down their weapons and sound the bells issuing a formal surrender and plea of mercy they have lost no more wish to die and they don't want the city full of innocents to die as well Jon sheets his sword and the combined ground forces halt their attack the battle is won Cersei has lost and Daenerys has won the Iron Throne until the dumbest [ __ ] writing decision in the history of mankind was made for the record it was made by dumb and dumber on Game of Thrones episode 5 season 8 a decision that tells both longtime lovers of the show as well as casual Watchers and especially feminists who have defended Dany and her actions for the past decade and some who have even named their kids after her it tells them all to go [ __ ] themselves instead of having her forces take the Lannisters prison ions instead of sending her forces to the red cape to imprison or kill Cersei instead of flying to the red cape her [ __ ] self and blowing that cursed building the [ __ ] up Daenerys for no good reason other than [ __ ] subversion gets on her dragon and for shit's and gigs proceeds to Massacre hundreds of thousands of men women and children and babies little [ __ ] babies I don't even think this deserves to be called subversion this is just plain disgusting on the riders behalf and insulting to the audience I wholeheartedly think this is the worst writing decision in the history of television and film at least the ones that I've seen in recent years I used to think it was Iron Man 3 and then I wholeheartedly believed it was Luke Skywalker in the last Jedi but honestly I'm not even a fan of Daenerys and I still consider this to be the worst writing decision ever made let's go through how this could have been handled appropriately if Danny began her attack killing everything until the cities surrendered I could somewhat understand her actions she came there to conquer she came there for war and innocents died in war it's regrettable but in her eyes she did what was necessary to ascend to the throne in order to build a better future with the power of the throne but in this scenario the riders make the bad guys surrender and then tell Daenerys to start slaughtering innocents for absolutely no reason other than she can this gains her absolutely nothing it actually damages her claim to the throne even more since no Westerosi houses will want anything to do with her now it destroys everything she's worked so hard to save as the breaker of chains not to mention there's no more [ __ ] throne to sit on and sadly Daenerys was an icon and role model for many people in the world I personally didn't like her characters in season 3 but there are many people who did and honestly my heart goes out to those people apparently some people have gone as far as to name their children after her and now somehow the writers have completely butchered any redeemable qualities her character had left she's a self entitled mass murderer with a dragon that's it and with no motivation to do so whatsoever does exactly what her character wouldn't do all for the sake of two dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] writers who wanted to shock their audience and nothing more I've known both of these [ __ ] were hacks ever since season five but they exceeded my expectations with flying colors for just how [ __ ] bad at writing they truly are sadly there's more to discuss while Daenerys Targaryen the breaker of chains is burning thousands of people who have just surrendered instead of blowing up the red cape immediately grey worm resumes attacking the Lannisters John says no I don't think so mate and then after one soldier takes a swing at him he's like yeah ok [ __ ] it alright and then continues to slaughtered surrender soldiers by the way the riders wanted to show us the civilians perspective as the carnage ensued while Daenerys burn them all alive you want to know what I was like through every scene after Dumb and Dumber decided to ruin Daenerys it was this no [ __ ] way once he made dinero's do something so monumentally stupid as that all investment and immersion was gone you [ __ ] retards you can't make us care after you've spat in our faces anyway we cut back to Jamie who's approaching the red cape via a secret passageway and you're on [ __ ] greyjoy instant transmissions to his exact position at the exact time he's about to enter the tunnel so they can have a final [ __ ] battle this makes no [ __ ] sense how is your on even alive and why would he care about a confrontation with Jamie and how the [ __ ] did he even know about the passage in the first place your own struggles against one-armed Jamie after he decimated the sand snakes and was Opie as [ __ ] in season seven but Jamie is who he has trouble with he mortally wounds Jamie and doesn't finish him off allowing for Jamie to grab a sword and easily drive a killing blow into your own stomach and then you're on laughs himself to death shouting I killed Jamie Lannister no one's gonna know you [ __ ] Todd then we cut back to the red capers now finally Daenerys drew a [ __ ] brain and has decided to attack that instead of killing every single innocent person in the city the key begins to collapse as aya and the Hound approach like I said before the culmination of their arc was satisfying subjectively but it's written so nonsensically that it's hard to take seriously the Helen tells aya to go away and not to pursue the path of revenge and then I adjust does it despite the fact that she killed the entire Frey family killed Meryn Trant killed Raj killed Lannister soldiers killed Littlefinger the wife and the night king when it comes to the person who's highest on her list she's like yeah cool I'm at a front door but I'll just abandon my wife's work right here and now speaking of which why the [ __ ] does the Hound tell her this to go home once they've already made it to the red [ __ ] cape now the real reason behind this is because the show riders need to be in King's Landing as a POV character to watch the carnage hoping new smart minded viewers would actually give a [ __ ] I'm not even [ __ ] kidding that's the only reason they did it feels like you needed a perspective too carry you through this poorer like the reason we decided to follow aria out of King's Landing and to see the fall of King's Landing through her eyes is its sign that we talked about with an earlier episode you won't have much of an emotional impact but when you're there on the ground with Aria who's one of the people we care the most about then everything takes on that much more of an edge we and that is why it was so jarring I mean she's at the red cape and then she turns away from her destiny setting aside the fact that they ruined another payoff this is a stupid reason to force in this scene at that particular time now we finally get the cleganebowl first of all I'm docking points for it not taking place in a courtyard full of chickens and secondly this moment was so [ __ ] forced and we all know it like it's very clear that dumb and dumber were listening to the memes and wanted to [ __ ] profit off it this was simply a box that needed to be ticked not to mention to [ __ ] laugh out loud moments the first being quite burns death yes so the mountain is subservient until he sees the Hound and then he kills the guy who made him what the [ __ ] not to mention how [ __ ] the death looked the ride is actually one of us - gah spin terror and then we have the beautiful choreography Halland I have to ask you did you learn nothing from infinity war yeah that was dumb and Dumberer trying to build fake tension by making the Hound [ __ ] one positive I'd like to give the scene is the poetry of hound killing both himself and his brother in a death by fire his hatred of his brother Trump's his fear of fire fair enough except he didn't know he was gonna land in the fire not to mention the road to his brother had no fire to begin with now we are gonna go back to Jaime who has found his way to Cersei and tries to lead her out of the red cape and to safety / Tyrians instructions now again the acting is on point but since one of those characters is [ __ ] Cersei and given that Jaime disregarded his whole Redemption arc it was pretty hard for me to give a [ __ ] when they were staring into each other's eyes for the last time not to mention did no one find that to be anticlimactic poetic for sure but like I said I shock was all about killing the Queen but I guess it just didn't seem right - dumb and dumber as they've so lovingly said so in the past [ __ ] you hell even if Daenerys killed Cersei that would have been some kind of payoff it's like Daenerys literally went out of her way to kill only innocence because the one person she wanted to kill more than anything slipped through her grasp you could argue that Danny killed her by collapsing the red cape but still terrible execution in terms of making it satisfying for the viewer after another 20 or so minutes John only then decides to call back his bannermen in order to stop fighting and contributing to the violence ordering them to exit the city John it's a little late for that mate you've actively contributed to the sacking and Massacre of the city you should have attacked the unsullied or hell just stopped [ __ ] [ __ ] up with your men immediately we cut back to aya who's getting trampled by old ladies and then tries to save a mother and her child while Dumb and Dumber rip off The Hobbit Battle of the five armies by portraying Drogo and exactly how Peter Jackson betrayed Smaug in that movie seriously you couldn't even make the slaughter of King's Landing original seriously you [ __ ] hacks and yeah aya sees another child get burned alive and dumb and Dumberer expect us to care then she gets covered in flames but somehow does not die I forgot that this is aya Stark the woman who [ __ ] transcends dragons and White Walkers love the character hate her [ __ ] riders she wakes up covered in ash perfectly fine on the streets of King's Landing now lying in ruin as De Niro has realized the vibrator is a more sensible way to relieve stress and decided to fly away aya walks through the ruins to find a random horse just walking through the ruins streets completely unharmed and aya walked up to the Horsham pizza I have been told that this is the horse that belonged to the hound unfortunately the Hound is dead so who [ __ ] gives a [ __ ] and how did a horse a gigantic moving target stay alive during the slaughterhouse maybe there's a theme I'm missing that some dumb and Dumberer apologist will tell me I'm missing as they try to inevitably defend this abortion in the comments section and then aya exits King's Landing on horseback and the episode the second last episode in this almost decade-old series is over what an absolute [ __ ] disaster this episode was a horror show not from a visual standpoint but from a writing standpoint bad writing breaks in the so I didn't give a [ __ ] about the burning civilians because it was impossible to take seriously bad riding ruins characters not only did you ruin Daenerys Targaryen with what little there was left to ruin but you also ruined many other characters and doing so grey worm is now a murderer Jorah Mormont's l in love and died for a psychopath Barristan Selmy died serving a psychopath and a murderer Tyrion sided with a psychopath instead of his best friend Tyrion is responsible for enabling Daenerys and having the domino effect that destroyed King's Landing Jordan fell in love with a psychopath in the most forced television romance ever and bent the knee so easily to this psychopath and refused to acknowledge his birthright by instead serving this psychopath who committed mass murder Cersei as bad as she was he's now the lesser of two evils Daenerys liberated young Kai a stupor and marine saving hundreds of thousands of slaves only to kill just as many if not more for no good reason whatsoever you do realize Daenerys had this to say to Jon Snow in season seven right we both want to help people we can only help them from a position of strength she was the breaker of chains she was the killer of tyrants she wanted to bring about a new and better world she wanted to break the wheel and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity she knew who her father was and wanted not to become him and despite all of this she destroys the entirety of King's Landing for no good reason other than dumb and dumb as [ __ ] up reasoning of they'll never see it coming I'm not against Daenerys burning the city to the ground but there has to be a legitimate reason for it and it's like the riders went out of their way to make the idea of her burning the city to the ground absolutely ludicrous because it's the only way the audience wouldn't see it coming Danny had the battle won she did it without many casualties and achieved her life's work but dumb and dumber made her do something unforgivable and irredeemable that completely betrayed her character I don't see how anyone can defend this episode try by all means try but I can't imagine the droves of fans who still loved Daenerys Targaryen to have anything but burning contempt for this episode I've known since season 5 that Dumb and Dumber were two of the worst riders working today to complete and utter hacks who place shock value above storytelling every time but this proves that without a shadow of a doubt Dan Weiss and David Benioff dumb and [ __ ] dumber are two of the worst riders in the history of television I've known this longer than most but Star Wars despite being raped by Rian Johnson is about to get gang-raped repeatedly by these two other [ __ ] retards the idea that Disney and any other studio can reward these two for their bad riding is an extremely grim sign that the entertainment industry is only going to get worse [ __ ] Disney [ __ ] Dumb and Dumber and [ __ ] Game of Thrones just one more episode for this nightmare to be over thanks for watching everyone and I'll see you next time I have no right to ask this of any of you will you follow me [Music] one last time [Music]
Channel: Anomaly Inc
Views: 1,279,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game of thrones season 8 episode 5, game of thrones season 8 episode 5 spoilers, ganme of thrones season 8 episode 5 review, game of thrones season 8 episode 5 breakdown, game of thrones season 8, game of thrones, got, jon snow, daenerys, david benioff, dan weiss, george rr martin, daenerys mad queen, daenerys becomes mad queen, daenerys destroys king's landing, game of thrones season 8 episode 5 and 6 spoilers, game, thrones, arya, clegane bowl, the hound, game of thrones ruined
Id: ONrUvj0-bjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 24sec (2244 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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