Game of Thrones - Season 1 Highlights

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in the name of Robert of the house Baratheon the first of his name don't look away king of the Andals in the first father will know if you do Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm I Eddard of the House Stark Lord of Winterfell and warden of the North sentence you to die is it well Oh grace you've got fat hey they call him the IMP I hear he hates that nickname but the little climber aren't you how old are you boy 10 10 the things I do for love I'm always been looking for him she ride for King's Landing today before you go you will call the Lord and Lady stark and offer your sympathies well good all my sympathies you then none but it is expected of you your absence has already been noted what means nothing to me I can't stand the wailing of women one word and I hit you again I'm telling mother go tell her but first you will get to Lord and Lady stark and you will fall on your knees in front of them and tell them how very sorry you are that you are at their service and that all your prayers are with them do you understand you can't do you understand this great honor serving in the Nights Watch the Starks have manned the wall for thousands of years you are a stark you might not have my name behind my blood is my mother alive does she know about me where I am where I'm going does she care the next time we see each other we'll talk about your mother hmm I promise oh yeah Oh what are you doing here go away your sister and who are you born why care for me Lord he's the butcher's boy he's my friend butcher's boy who wants to be an idea pick up your sword butchers boy let's see how good you are she asked me to my lord she asked me to I'm your prince not your Lord and I said pick up your song it's not sword my prince it's only a stage you're not a knight only a butcher's boy that was my lady's sister you were hitting do you know that stop it Arya stay out of this I won't hurt him much got you you little [ __ ] no no it's done are you leaving below huh theory they say it's impregnable give me 10 good men and some climbing spikes I'll impregnate the [ __ ] my brother lives doc wanting back turn-key back Iquitos how would you like to be rich dwarf and still making noise my family is rich we have gold lots of gold I'm prepared to give you lots of gold that gap well I don't have it here now God oh no you cannot touch me I am the dragon I'm a dragon I won my crown ah look away Kelly see ya Danny don't tell them make you come honey please crown for king he was an air travel fire cannot kill when you play the game of Thrones you win will you die your son has no claim to the throne liar you condemn yourself with your own mouth Lord Stark sir Barristan seize this traitor Samaritan is a good man a loyal man do him no harm you think he stands alone kill him chill all that they might command it commander take the Queen and her children into custody escort the back to the Royal Apartments and keep them there under guard men of the watch I want no bloodshed tell your men to lay down their swords no one needs to die now I did warn you not to trust me so long as I am your king treason shall never go unpunished sir Ilyn bring me his head don't look it sounds your mouth Oh Oh the proper course is clear pledge fealty to King Renly and move south to join our forces with his Renly is not the king you cannot mean to hold to Joffrey my lord he put your father to death and doesn't make Renly King he's Roberts youngest brother the bran can't be Lord of Winterfell before me Renly can't be king before Stannis do you mean to declare us for stannis really is that right my Lords I know here is what I'd say to these two kings plainly Baratheon is nothing to me nor Stannis neither why should they rule over me and mine from some flowery seat in the south what do they know of the war on the wolfswood when their gods are wrong why shouldn't we rule ourselves again it was the Dragons we bowed to and now the dragons a date there sits the only King I mean to bend my needle the king in the north I'll have peace on those terms they can keep their red castle and their iron chair to the king in the north am I your brother now and always know and always my sword is yours in victory and defeat from this day until my last day the king of the north
Channel: LRZN
Views: 438,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game of Thrones, Best of, Highlights, Tyrion, Lannister, Stark, Eddard, Jon Snow, Joffrey, Kings Landing, Winterfell
Id: jUAMdqocJl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2013
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