Game of FOAMS - DIY Dragon Egg made EASY! + FREE Blueprints

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I win hey there fellow maker welcome to the shop another season of Game of Thrones is upon us and I want to make something from the series and I wanted to make something that'd be a good beginner project for new foam Smith's out there so we're making a dragon egg not a whole lot more introduction needed why don't we head over to the computer so I can make a pattern there are a variety of ways you can make your template but we're gonna use some 3d software to make the template of our egg this is blender 3d modeling and animation software it's totally free this is going to be super duper simple blender launches with cube gonna hit delete I don't need that I'm gonna over to over here and create a UV sphere and this isn't the correct orientation I want fewer segments though these segments here I can change to six is going to be super low poly there's a good reason for that it looks really low poly but this trust me this is exactly what we want now that my sphere is created I'm gonna use the numpad here to hit five to go to orthographic and then four no three there we go so I have a nice side profile and I'm just gonna tweak this a tiny bit and I have a picture of a dragon egg that I can use to kind of get the proportions correct to edit this I can change object mode to edit mode and then I can grab fur disease or edges or faces if I want to or I can get a to none or all of them when you use all of them hit s for scale so I can scale it and then it Z to scale it in the Z direction so I'm just trying to get this profile to match kind of this profile here it's just getting it close we're gonna do tons of foam work on top of this but that I think looks pretty good I'm gonna go back to object mode and now I have my very rough egg shape and I can export this as an obj file so I'm go to file export it'll be Jane and then I can go save that file wherever I want so now we're gonna take that 3d file and dump it into peppercorn designer this is a paid program but it's 30 bucks and if you do any kind of epic or o work it's well worth it I'm going to open that file my egg mesh in this case this should be grey so I'm gonna hit flip and it'll make it all grey turns it inside out for me then this is in fact the front so I'm gonna say good and then the scale this is where we can decide how big our egg should be and I have a ruler and I'm gonna guess my egg should be about yay tall maybe that seems about right for a dragon thing so let's say 220 millimeters tall like so I can hit OK and that is our egg all I have to do now is unfold it and pepper card designer will try and make the best combination for us but we can tweak it a little bit by modifying the edges so I can cut apart a good chunk like that and then I can use the Move tool to move all of these out of the way because I really only need the one because they are all the same I can rotate this around and I have one page of my pattern right there now I could just print this out and use it to make my pattern yeah we can turn the gray off like that we can turn the tabs off or the flaps you don't need the tabs that's okay and this is the rough pattern you're just gonna print it out and we can get to work with the foam I'm just darkening these lines to make them a little easier to see my printer printed this quite light the other thing these horizontal lines can be used as registration for when I glue this whole thing together so that's gonna help us out I've also got some packing tape here so I can cover this piece of paper to make it a little more durable because we're gonna use this six times and we'll do another registration there then let's do up here that's our pattern just try and cut this out nice and evenly the place is where I added registration lines I'm going to notch out with my handy pattern not sure this will help us later when we're gluing this whole thing together like I said I'm making this out of foam and this gives me your perfect excuse to try out some of this HD foam that our buddy sks left here buddy Steve got new foam that he's selling at his web site this is six millimeters thick and I think it'll do very well for our egg I'm gonna make six of these and I can just go over this with a ballpoint pen I like to put a weight on my patterns to keep them from sliding around while I do this work you could pin it but frequently that little pinhole will come back to haunt you later let me try to make a nice smooth surface so I tend to prefer to just use a weight and I'm definitely going in and making sure that I marked these notches where I'm going to register these parts together time to cut out our foam this template is patterned along with the dragon scales I'll make those available for free to download if you'd like to follow along but for now I need to liberate all of this foam so I can cut out all of my egg parts like so let's get the cutting the most important thing here two important things 1 keep your blade perpendicular you don't want it tilting left or right and then cut as close to that line as you can and if you can get this in one pass the better that's really really nice I'm trying out this ceramic blade seems to work really well although I did find it is about 40 times more expensive than the cheap steel blades but it does cut foam oh so nicely just like so all right all I have to do is cut out to get our egg a little more rounded we're going to preform this with a little bit of heat in my evil Ted Smith branded foam anvil this will help it get to that rounded egg shape a lot better than just gluing it together you can see how this is starting to create more of a domed shape in our piece there there's a fresh one and this is the pre rounded one there we go next thing we're doing is putting glue on all the edges I'm using contact cement for this so I'll put a layer on everything and let it dry for five minutes then I can stick everything together I like to brush from the inside to the outside so that the outer edge gets glue all the way to the edge if I miss a spot on the inside and there's a tiny gap there we'll never see it so I'm not worried about that so what I'll usually do is brush a good layer on and then kind of kind of clean it up a little bit like that so that's one down when I go brush the rest of them while this one dries up those touched as I brushed on my glue the first pieces have dried and I think one layer of glue will be enough so I can start putting them together lining up on my registration lines you know this egg pattern obviously perfect for my dragon egg here but I bet there are plenty of other props that are egg-shaped that this pattern would be good for if you can think of one like another prop that this template would work for let me know in the comments I'd love to see some brainstorming down there you can see as I'm pressing this together it's starting to make more of that dome shape that we want and that pre-heat forming that we did really helps it along the way I'm also gonna put this together in two halves I'm not gonna just keep adding one piece on to another on to another I'm gonna make half of it and then I'm gonna make the other half and then I'll stick those two halves together just laying a piece of masking tape in here to keep this side from touching before I'm ready there we go that way I can press this side together without worry of the other side getting glued in some weird way you know what I think I need to brush on more glue see how that's coming apart I'm gonna brush another layer of glue on these if Bart sits for too long it will stop sticking so I'm gonna just hedge my bets here and add another layer of glue oh that really stuck down on the barge didn't it bad stuck to the barge all right let me get some more glue it's been another five minutes and our second layer a barge is dry so I can stick it together instead of putting tape on this side I just have a piece of paper towel tacked down there we go so now it won't stick together on that side and it also won't get taped to the glue Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka there we go press that together that looks pretty alright and hopefully I can pull this out no problem I'll keep this crazy train rolling right I can go around and press all my seams together but I just made myself a nerf football touchdown just like that but a few minutes later and we have ourselves the base for our dragon egg and I'm pretty happy with it the next thing I need to do is figure out all the scales that are gonna come down over the top this is a photo reference of I think an officially licensed dragon egg and Game of Thrones and I printed it out about the same scale so I can take a pattern off of them and they should be the right size to do that I'm gonna put down more packing tape over the area that I want a pattern so that when I lay down my masking tape it'll peel off without wrecking the printout and then I'm gonna take this thin masking tape it's good enough to kind of see through and I'm gonna put it over that part now I can kind of see through that but if I hold this up to a window I should be able to see it even better the windows didn't work it's there's no sign out in Seattle today but I have this crazy bright LED panel so I'm gonna use that now these are irregular and they go around the surface so I want to kind of figure out how they go I may have to straighten these out later but this is a good start for this to get the scale correct make sure that they're the right size and then I'm also gonna do is connect them along the top and make sure that the next layer of scales here will overlap that line so that we don't see the gap this way instead of cutting out individual scales I'll cut out a whole strip of them hopefully that will work out this should peel off easily yeah it also seems like the scales on top are a little smaller so what I might do is use this to make sort of a standard set of these dragon scales and then I'll probably dump them in the computer and trace them trace a vector of them and make a bunch of different ones and a bunch of different sizes because I don't want these all to look identical and they're kind of rounded they don't really have that fine of a point on them and then the top needs to be up in here you know what I'll do is I'll take my cellphone snap a photo of that so I can throw it into Inkscape and I'll make a vector of it Boop there we go I quickly trace everything in Inkscape just to be able to repeat the pattern a bit and I also made three different sizes I figure it as we go up the egg it'll get smaller but I'm gonna cut one of these out first to test and make sure that it looks right before I commit to cutting out a whole bunch of these there we go and use my pattern to make a bunch of scales in fact I can reuse this pattern over and over to get a repeating pattern I'm just gonna trace it on here and then move it down and trace it some more this is 2 millimeter foam super easy to cut with just an exacto knife so I'm just gonna go down the whole length of this here and cut out all my dragon scales not too bad if that were to be cut here and we overlap them we could do that okay so here's getting getting the points to line up so that they're splitting the difference may be a little tricky but we can take these longer strips of foam that we've cut out and cut them and slide them apart a little bit the intersection will be hidden so I think that'll work did a quick test and I think I know the next order of operations thing I want to avoid is the scales laying too flat I don't want them to be perfect perfectly flat I want them to have a little bit of dimension and I also don't want the edges to be perfectly sharp so I have a plan when you use the stone bit on my rotary tool to kind of round over all the edges on here and then I'm gonna heat these up and curve them a little bit on my foam anvil I've got a couple different bits to work with here this is really good for sort of polishing foam getting rid of the fuzzies but I needed to be a little bit more aggressive so I've got this 220 grit sanding drum in there I'm going to use that to round over all of the edges just on the one side to give our scales a little more dimension I'm going to heat form them and this heat gun it's not a crazy expensive one I just got it from Harbor Freight but it's got a stand on it so I can leave it there running and then I can do this and then I can eat form it then the next one and so on and so on this line is where I'm going to put my glue but when I place the scales on for reals I'll do a zoom in a little bit more of a haphazard pattern but at least now I know generally where the glue should go speaking of glue just putting glue on the top back portion of our scales here our barge is dry on both sides so it's time to start sticking it down and like I said I can be a little bit irregular or random with where this goes and this will help mix up the arrangement of scales so it doesn't look like we're just repeating the same like what six of them over and over again you can also stretch the foam quite a bit so if you need to stretch or compress it you've got some options one of the many reasons why I love foam do this we'll have another scale overlapping that so we don't know where you need to worry about that mess now these are loose and I'm ATAC them down with a little bit of glue but again I don't want to lay them to lay flat so I don't want to just put glue on the back of these and squish it flat so I'm gonna maybe deal with that later but let's get another row on there and see how it looks I was about to trace out and cut a whole nother set of these but then Brittany said why don't you just use the one you already cut and I said that's why I married you because you're a smart lady so I'm just gonna kind of mark how thick this ought to be and then cut it out and there's another row of dragon scales that work smarter not harder at this point it makes a lot of sense to use something to hold your egg in this case my tape worked perfectly and now I'm gonna lay down the next layer of scales well really I'm just gonna kind of figure out where they ought to go so it's got to go low enough so that you don't see that gap and so that the tip will cover up that layer and we can do the same thing now this next won't be a little bit different cuz I'm gonna have to cut this into pieces to get it to stretch or compress but again that's fine that cuts will be here where they will eventually be hidden like that one the glue is ready to go and my real only real concern here is just making sure that I get this to bridge the gap between the two below it so I can stretch a little bit if I have to which is really helpful a little bit of a line we'll see how that goes once we put the next layer on it that overtime will sort of fix itself I need to hey did you just sharpen this plate that looks pretty okay so the next layer will go or the top of it like that where this layer is overlapping that layer the the rear edge of it is creating this sort of Ridge now I don't think it's gonna be too much of a problem once we layer more pieces on top but just to save myself the heartache of it potentially not working I'm going to come in and just bevel this edge down just sort of smooth it over a little bit [Music] just like that so that when another layer goes on top of it it's not gonna have that really hard crease right there there's the edge I beveled so now when I lay this down the next layer it's a little bit more of a smoother transition right there now this needs to go further that way so I could stretch it or cut it just move it over a little bit that gap is fine we'll we'll bevel it just like we did before and then the next row of scales will cover it [Music] I've done let's see one two three four rows of the larger scales and now I'm moving to the mediums cows they're just a little bit smaller but same thing I've got a whole strip of them ready to go and I'm just gonna glue them down and cover up the previous layer [Music] [Music] so this is the sixth layer of medium-sized scales and I think this will be the last I think I'll go to the smaller ones after this it's definitely going a lot quicker now that as we approach the dome I have swapped over to the smaller scales I think I did four rows of the large ones six of the medium and then however many of the smalls were gonna need so I'm just gluing on the first layer here figured I could take this opportunity to remind you that I have books about making costumes and props out of foam the foam Smith 1 and foam Smith - whoops look at that both available at our website or on Amazon especially if you are out of the country or out of America we have it available in Canada and Amazon and in the UK so if you want to get some more foam costume and prop knowledge in your brain foam so this books are the best place for it I think we're having a sale this week in fact today starting today over at punish props calm we're having a sale so if you have been waiting for a good time to get your hands on these books now is the best time to do it or even better if you're looking for something to give that special cosplayer in your life head on over to punish props calm and grab yourself a copy of the foam Smith book today available in both print and digital forms as we get closer to the top I'm having to bend this around it more so I'm getting some of these wrinkles some of them I can just kind of press into the foam and then when I Dremel that I'll make it nice and smooth but some of them are a bit much so I'll just do that and then do that and again I'll come back with the Dremel and clean that up as we approach the top of our egg I took one of the strips of scales I had and I cut it into smaller pieces I'll have to trim these even more but I figured having the control of one at a time will be handy cause I'm gonna have to do a little jigsaw puzzle at the top of this thing whoo it's getting tricky to do this kind of trace the top layer onto a piece of tape and then I'm gonna draw sort of a flattened version of that that'll go in between them the next couple of layers I'm gonna cut out like this out of one piece of 2 millimeter foam until I end up with like a hat got a nice fresh piece of 2 millimeter foam I'm gonna stick that down there we go I'll round all the edges on that but that's gonna go kind of like that or kind of wish I had remembered which way this goes now I can stick this thing on making sure I cover all of the lines maybe just one more of those and then a little cap and we'll be good this last one here I'm gonna use super glue to tack it down that way I don't end up beating the entire thing and contact cement and I am just kind of winging it up here and I'm not sure what's the put what it's supposed to look like in the actual prop from the TV show souls are playing it kind of fast and loose that's okay nope you stay down there we go I made five more little two millimeter film scales to cap everything off I have no idea if that's what the one in the show looked like but I'm rolling with it carefully place each one one at a time that is one handsome looking dragon egg a few more things to do before we get on to sealing and painting these scales can still sort of flip up a little bit I'm gonna seal this whole thing which should keep them in place but I'm gonna go over with my super glue and tack any of the ones that down that looked like they wouldn't want to get away I don't want to grab this thing and have a dragon scale fold up like that so that guy in particular I'll just put a little dab of super glue on there and then stick him down I'm just gonna go over the whole thing and tack down any of the ones that I'm worried might be a problem the next phase of operation dragon egg will be to add a texture to the bottom part there's this heavily textured part here we're gonna both carve some in with a rotary tool and then we'll go in when we seal it and add some more texture then but for now I'm going to use this round stone bit to kind of give it a little bit of a hammered texture that'll also help me go in and grind out the seam lines there so we won't see those anymore just saying in a way some of the fuzzies I'll hit this with a torch that'll really get rid of them of it smoothing that out that seem to do a pretty good job of concealing that scene for us now this isn't exactly the right texture but it does help sell it a little bit better it's time to seal this fella and to hold it I'm gonna hang it and I've got a piece of wire here I'm gonna just poke a hole in the top and then hopefully poke a hole somewhere near the bottom kind of near the bottom I can just bend that over like that so it won't come out and now I can hang it which means I can hit it with a torch I can spray it if I have to or I can brush things on it if I have to all the sanding and especially the grinding that I did left us with some little fuzzy bits on there and to get rid of those I'm just gonna hit it very quickly with a blowtorch Oh protip blowtorch was not necessary on the scales in fact it made a whole bunch of them curl up I really only needed it down here so now I'm gluing some more scales back down for the ceiling I'm using Mod Podge brushing it everywhere now I'll do several layers this first one is really just to make sure I get everything covered and I'll use a lot of it then we'll let it dry and then we'll do a couple more and we'll try and use it to add more texture down here but this first layer is really just to get everything covered try to force glue or the the Mod Podge down into even in between all the scales I don't want there to be any gaps if I can get that to fill those gaps a little bit that'd be great I've added a second layer of Mod Podge in here and let it dry mostly I'm trying something to get more irregular texture down here this is quick seal we usually use it to fill in seams on foam but it's really thick and I want to use it to kind of add another layer of texture to our egg here and because it's so thick it's it's leaving a relief anyway I've got a wet sponge here to sort of knock the peaks down a little bit I don't want it to be pokey but I do want it to be a little bit a little bit weird and regular yeah I think that's pretty good that looks kind of cool so I'm just gonna go over the whole thing like that just add a little bit more texture and then we can let it dry that looks alright I think it'll work for us I got to let that dry though then then we can start painting here's our beautiful egg I hit it with a coat of primer all I had was white primer so that's what I went with gave it a little time to dry now it's time to start painting and I've just had to go with the red dragon egg so I'm gonna do a base coat of a dark red but I've also got these pearl powder pigments that I want to put in there to give it a little bit hopefully of a metallic sheen Boop there we go nice dark red that'll be a nice base coat and then we're gonna put a bunch of this powder in there this is probably gonna thicken it I may have to add a little bit of airbrush medium to thin this out again again oh this will thin thin it down a little bit those powders definitely thicken it that looks pretty good though I love that mayor brush into our base coat our base coat is mostly dry gave it about an hour to dry enough that I can handle and it's time to add the rest of the layers of paint I printed out a reference this is kind of what I'm going for here and I'm going to start by layering some paint down on the bottom now this is mostly yellow but I'm gonna do a base coat of brown and then when I go over that with some yellow and gold it'll give it some nice contrast so I've got my have you body acrylic paints and my paint brushes and I'm gonna get to work I'm gonna thin it with a little bit of water just sort of scrubbing this into the surface it doesn't need to be a fully covered layer if some of that Reds peeking through that's fine like I said we're gonna add yellow and gold on top of this so we just want to darken this layer and it's okay if I don't get it perfect up here cuz there's gonna be some more layers on top of it so it doesn't need to perfectly line up with the edge of the scales there also a nice thin layer like this that's been watered down should dry really fast [Applause] I think I want to do another pass like that because there's still quite a lot of red sneaking through there's also a brush hair get out of there there we go going for a little more coverage this time with the hairdryer I was able to dry this enough to be able to touch it so that I can hold it while I paint the rest of it and set it in my holder now I have to mix up the color that's gonna kind of go from the top to the bottom here which is a very dark red so when it mix red in with my brown paint that I already have in there I'm gonna throw some of this pearl powder in there to give it a little bit of a shine just like we did with the base coat just a little bit of that black not a ton I don't want to destroy this color we're just kind of scrubbing this surface and getting the highlights one of the weird things about this egg is that the low spots between these scales are brighter that's why when I added the brown it was almost like dry brushing I was trying not to fill the crevices which normally if you are weathering something you'd want to fill those so I'm gonna actually do that on the top here it looks like the crevices are all filled in so I've got just some black paint that I watered down and I'm gonna go do a wash so you add a little bit more water to that just do a thin wash to fill in the cracks and crevices on the top of this like I would normally whether you know a space gun or something and then go in and clean it up a little bit the paper towel I kind of want a little bit more of a black wash over the whole thing and this may be enough for that if it's not I can go back over it with another like dry brush pass with a little bit of black it's also gonna fall off I only want this wash on kind of the top up here time to do the yellow down here I want it to be a little bit golden so I've got some gold got my yellow and a little bit of white to make this a little bit more pastel looks pretty close just hitting the highlights and what's interesting is that the spots that are still red on here from my wash are the highlights and those we'll get covered by the yellow shoe it's my best Bob Ross and this this kind of creeps up into the the scales a little bit so don't feel bad if you end up getting some up there I think I might come back with a little bit of gold and just highlight a couple spots later this looks pretty close I like how it looks anyway the last thing I want to do the very last touch I got just some gold all by itself and then we're gonna go over some of this yellow just to give it a little bit more of a shine just highlighting it so it's got a nice bit of shine here and there and I'm just grazing the highlights this should be the very last step [Music] [Music] hmmm it's kind of warm weird there is our dragon egg all made out of EBA foam should be able to tackle it in just one day the templates that I made for this will be linked down below for free if you want to give it a try along with all of the tools and materials that I use including this sweet foam that I got from my buddy Steven K Smith over it s KS props calm thanks for the foam Steve this is a wonderful beginner project if you're looking to get into foam smithing for the first time not a lot of materials and you can modify it to be a variety of different egg-shaped things or of course for Game of Thrones you could paint it one of the three colors of dragon eggs that they have or go crazy and make all three I like to thank our supporters both on patreon and you can support us down in YouTube there's the membership button if you want to join both of those options give you access to all of our behind the scenes content all of our extra credit content in fact we're gonna call that all together now the extra credit Club so if you want to join the extra credit Club whether it's on patreon or YouTube or any future crowdfunding thing we have a website for that links down below or you can hit the button down below on YouTube or of course head on over to our patreon page thank you for the support you literally helped make all of this happen we'll see you in the next build I win [Laughter] shoulders whoops nope oh there goes nailed it nice thumbnail there it is thumbnail [Laughter]
Channel: Punished Props Academy
Views: 684,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragon, dragon egg, game of thrones, blueprint, pattern, how to, foam, foamsmith, tutorial, guide, how to make, foam egg, foam pattern, eva foam, punished props, punished props academy, easy, DIY, chinbeard, painting, airbrush, props, cosplay, dragon eggs, cosplay tutorial, beginner cosplay, learn to cosplay, cosplay props, game of thrones dragon eggs diy, game of thrones dragon egg tutorial, dragon eggs game of thrones, got dragon eggs diy, daenerys dragon eggs diy, dragon eggs got diy
Id: ja0QTmt6tfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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