Game of BOTTLE FLIP! | Sam Tabor VS Ryan Bracken

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sandpaper instead of a game of skates we're gonna do bottle so basically be OTL yeah so here are the rules of bottle so we each get a Gatorade bottle like so I don't know but I want the blue one I'll take red okay I don't explain this form yeah the person that's setting the bottle flip trick gets one try but if they land it the defensive human kids five tries apart if you wanna flip something else you can't yeah so the cone that's there you can put that down that you're a great talker today Rochambeau all right on three one two three okay first flip that sucks first look is just a single to the floor well how are you get that okay now you get five tries I get five trusted it with one it's fine that's be happy maybe I need to India ha what a loser a double-double are all right just a double he'll go oh my gosh so close yeah oh that was amazing ha ha what what yes dude is that three those for you that's for last try hitting house yes you have be b2b b2b ah [Music] this devil sucks yes it does alright this is your cheers on a hard thing does just he said that's amazing I'm gonna flip the five set okay it's good don't don't worry your ankle that's ticket oh my gosh does that count oh my gosh dude you're on your way to becoming a champion I am a champion so sit on the side and then a turtle still and know this is a new rail buddy getting a little easier what the heck rail kind of not slip adiru to happen there okay that was almost insane amazing it sucks let's try this one oh my gosh oh that almost in your face this is this is my last round that's right if the rail doesn't want to happen a foot amount put this can't do it oh you know up the three stare it's sprayed it no see that's good thanks [Music] nice dang it dude stop from this line hold on top we're good crap one full rotation that was perfect are you kidding see she gets it all I almost did it really yeah oh no I don't know what I said great [Music] oh my gosh are you kidding alright so since we're really good and you know we're both matching each other let's make it a little more interesting three tries I like that part Russ is too easy let's just get dressed we just you make it more intense it would call a intense look bottle game yes you got this nice oh is that too oh my gosh you have to double or just flip it I don't care whatever dude that's a that's a go one two three that's T number one first team oh nothing [Music] no way dude that's insane [Music] Wow it's like it's like grinding oh you get you you you wow I'm poised to get a letter oh yeah we are tied again yes we are that was perfect damn said I've never done this before tried it oh my gosh mean alright Oh second T darn why are you not gonna be don't let me know I'll get you all right Syd I'm gonna bow your bowl and we're gonna do don't yesterday oh my gosh I was so good yes good job Oh watch this decent flip you loser ha ha is that second T yeah TT flip down flip flip and slide down but it doesn't roll off right yeah oh yeah okay Oh one you know you just screwed yourself up told you you have L don't have that right here that was actually really close was that it that's when you had to do a double flip into the dry skin from the line just like double flip the cone okay no freakin way yeah whoa keep muscles give it a good flip let's come out of face I wouldn't have it any more yeah are you serious oh [Music] my gosh you're kidding me I'm sorry that's is stupid we're still friends no ears do that time thank you so soon oh my gosh are you kidding if I go to the side of the work good job yeah I mean you're the opponent but good good job I just double flip it into it oh my gosh matter I got wet all right you got it no way first tee I'm gonna drop your camera in this do it just for the heck of it I'm gonna throw it from here and make it on that ladder hopefully doesn't explode we're good [Music] oh you know karate yes little ones cried chop not another flu okay no all right oh one more great yes at least want to get the karate chop all right I'll let you get to the car okay that was impressive I'm gonna go to the wall and bottle flip it says here it can slide it you do whatever as long as it lean on this all right also since it's the last letter we're doing five tries just like a game of skate where you do two tribes we're doing five okay ten good wrap yeah great our guest accounts right oh it's on its side all the way up there [Music] nice if that happened I would have freaked out oh my gosh are you kidding first try where you're really bright I can't believe that half there we go I can't believe that happened good job that's how I just touch your own bit do it now you gotta stay on all the way up my butt was touching the wall I think pretty sure it was one too last try Ryan yeah how did mine work and yours didn't you going home yes Brent [Music] thank you mind just for fun cool so I thought I was really good at bottle flipping and I'm not Sam Turk I don't know how open I did I know that's good thanks he cheated he's a cheater bottle yeah I think so because I I did it with yours first right but if you guys spun check out Sam Shannon with all of our other bowel flipping videos that we've done that got really weird yes if you guys like the game of bottle idea make sure to leave a like down below and tell us what you guys thought in the comments or Jo what you should or say your favorite dog yeah sorry there we go nice thank you welcome [Music] oh that one liked it did you feel much
Channel: Ryan Bracken
Views: 4,560,028
Rating: 4.8217659 out of 5
Keywords: ryan bracken, sam tabor, bottle flip, bottle flip challenge, game of bottle, game of bottle flip, game of skate, skateboarding, bottle flipping, skate, skateboard, awesome, fun, revive skateboards, lol, dude bottle flip
Id: oGawyfnM55U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2016
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