CRAZY Game of BOTTLE FLIP! | Round 4

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um we got to change something hey check it out I switch it up now we're not twins ha ha practicin alright hey guys so it is time for another round of bottle flip against Sam because I'm gonna totally win this time and playing victory twice in a row yet once I guess who you mean okay yeah so this move my second one in a row so I think I'm gonna win I'm gonna say that whole time you're on I went that's a gap into rubber yep here we go let's do this and there's a river do you want to make it hard this time do you want to we only get one try all right let's do it yeah I've been saying we should do that for a long time let's I should do it all right we're gonna go hardcore mode and go one go bigger go so yeah that's the trick and one try and if you don't you suck cool going for oh yeah Rochambeau yes oh gosh did you see that bug no did the camera the baby bug like something just kill me that I pointed okay well I did rock I guess I mean I was gonna go to scissors so yeah I don't know i would actually what paper do you always pick i was cheese rock oh yeah you're right yeah little simple simple simple Oh watch me now get this one T is this your bright dark better go forth I'm gonna get ber first try I have a feeling oh not now you're not I'm not gonna give you a TV I'm upside down alright we're gonna do each one again you and difficult miss all right no we're not ah I'm just holding this bottle as little yeah why do you even have that I don't know alright so the goal for this one I think is to flip from here onto that one over there port one this one oh that one yeah okay see it's you know a new way all right Wow oh wow that counts that was lucky that's a County this is a count that it's accounting yeah I have a freaking B where whoa you be a ninja dude we can be a DJ looks like I'm going up it didn't what you're kidding me I didn't count that okay that's how I was going for all right all right one no you think you make it all the way I don't think so I don't think I got I'm not real okay nope I hit it you did hit it all right ready for this yeah yeah what is it ready for that's what I was going for hey you gotta do that ooh yes I got it look he hit his head I'm too big on it on a flip it from here through here what yeah yeah right oh wow that was almost the one that was almost the one I have a crazy one for you all right ready oh good you ready for this yeah cuz I'm not you're my suit doll okay none of that works I gotta do something today you know that's Oh now I'm gonna do it all right do it you didn't do my balance off yeah oh that almost landed actually oh my gosh guy this GT sore yeah we're trying too hard things too fast when I can't even lay on that did you eat your head high Adam do tall now yeah boom dude gonna get this all right go for it time to time I try not to hit my head I know there's Chris a wild Chris up here how's this good worked out for you guys go to the rock wall hey Chris husband rock wall now the reference is there from the last video ready yeah do yes that was good yes even those like really bright come on went there we go look at that you did oh gosh picture I want to mess up on the easiest one this is only one try - yep the only one dang it dude I only need one apparently rip yes - oh my are you kidding me you lucky that's right how's luck that's a man what did I just say I didn't that ice cream truck is really going I go for it what if you captain yeah be be bouncing oh so close get it flip it up there up there yeah wow there's a hole up there is there oh no there's not I'm just an idiot all right there's a stinkbug hey stinkbug this is for the sink book all right go for it no way dude it's like Bailey on that is insane hey it's like on a slant and everything now you gotta get it I can't put slam dunk oh that was too much Hercules I have a know you're about Val Timbo all right so stand with your ankles against the step thing and then just flip backwards those always work Oh were you trying to make it go down though no oh yo P don't touch see ya ready ready oh dear let's do that now oh man does that count yeah that counts cut it down okay okay I got I'm here yeah from there I got it I feel really bad I liked it though okay fine whatever whatever whoo ready for this yeah I'm gonna save you a trick okay I hope it hits you in the face I hate my life jeez I thought your trick a story Audrey so I get one try this sucks yeah you can call me a caveman why would you call me that does your body we didn't think about this we we threw it on the ground why not just hope we can land on the ground I'm gonna do a double onto the ground that was a sentence right there [Music] Wow kind of stealing your trick I'm sorry all right dang spinning bounce of win that almost landed on the thingy do it are you kidding I'm talking about Brougham Bruno Mars miss should we shoot Madonna I'm alright I'm not gonna go through you almost freakin capped it team am i no how do we not see this I don't know that's actually a good idea through this I don't even need to explain it here you ready dang it freakin no way dude I know I know you're about to say but it counts alright alright are you ready yeah I got one try give me a but to say that was boo it didn't go through it though I'll give you want to redo you went down I'll do a redo alright that was scared me oh my good dude that's do not enter that did you do bond yeah the bicep tanner oh it's lighter and when I do I give me that cool this I shut the trash don't litter I call this the the side slipper great no Sam you're over here do it one classic to classic oh hi three classic classic oh my gosh oh my gosh no you did it with an audience dude all right my turn this is all one try to that is all one try dang all right one try one mmm so up - yes yeah let's see about does it oh dude I sure Hank yeah what what just happened my foot cut what do you got you know you're awesome your swing you whoo dang that's great all righty backflip yeah hope you can do it look at all this stuff Ryan just put my pocket here record I'm too tall to swing I've been good on swinging like ears well now is your day all right one more [Music] yes al I got now he did are you kidding me I almost didn't film that cuz I wasn't ready did you film it yes this is gonna be this is gonna be this is e but it's like skate you get two tries on this one - all right you know if you win I'm gonna challenge you again oh yeah and you're gonna go your pick in the next place okay this place is okay but I'm going to choose a murder-mystery house is that is that a thing a murder mystery house haunted house that's what tried to say they'll be awesome we should do that let's go to Waverly Hills okay okay sorry okay bye land is my buyer power rate okay oh my gosh dude how did that happen I just got so hyped on that I lost my breath oh I'm gonna do some pull-ups I'm gonna steal yours what you're doing monk yeah you know I got a desk why did I heard that in my pocket what is that is that the pewter pot game yeah all right ah oh dude you must captive so are you sure it up yeah game time game time okay oh wow that almost good you could do it oh this one is all about precision yes it Bob look to the middle one yeah middle oh dude I'm now this really could be game yeah could you get two tries I uh the biggest wedgie right now ahead of time I challenge you if I lose rematch haunted house two drives right yep you get surprised cool huh yeah well I'm already got one more I don't know what I said Oh almost did it but you didn't do anything if I doing right now bad three tries nothing would have happened that would all still ding some of you guys enjoyed that video you can click on Rhines face to subscribe oh wait wrong haha yes thank you guys so much for watching this amazing episode I'd a lot of fun and we had someone try to mess up your bottle we did no I was kidding Oh Casey it came oh yeah Casey I'm just gonna Casey on camera did you maybe yeah thank you so much for watching this I hope you guys enjoyed this me si si round four make sure to leave a like down below as well as a say Sam in the comments saying just say say no you should we would just say Sam in the comments the same thing I did but uh yeah maybe next time I can get him to go to a haunted house everyone that came up with that idea I know I gotta get you to one I'll get them down okay me more him maybe it's Halloween my favorite time a year let's do that if you guys wanna check out Stan's channel and check out other awesome bottle flip videos video videos videos videos click on his face and then or you want to hit the card there or you want to link in the description so delink see ya what a horrible noise [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Ryan Bracken
Views: 8,360,949
Rating: 4.8163767 out of 5
Keywords: ryan bracken, sam tabor, bottle flip, bottle flip challenge, game of bottle, game of bottle flip, game of skate, skateboarding, bottle flipping, skate, skateboard, awesome, fun, revive skateboards, lol, epic, amazing, ryan bottle, dude bottle flipping
Id: f55moasV4O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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